Papers by Setiawan Assegaff
Perceived benefit of knowledge sharing: Adapting TAM model

Analisis Dan Perancangan Clustering Siswa Baru Menggunakan Metode K-Means Pada SMK Negeri 1 Kota Jambi
Jurnal manajemen sistem informasi, Dec 16, 2019
Every year there will be students who continue education to the next stage, including at SMK Nege... more Every year there will be students who continue education to the next stage, including at SMK Negeri 1Kota Jambi, Event admission of new students is done every 1 year, in the selection process and receptionrequires the application of more efficient is to use the application, change the system Manual into thesystem computerized and perform a new grouping students by majors at SMK Negeri 1 Kota Jambinamely Computer Engineering and Networks, Accounting, Office Administration and Marketing.Therefore Final report with the title " Analysis and design of Clustering New Students Using the K-MeansMethod at SMK Negeri 1 Kota Jambi ". The purpose of writing this thesis report is to determine the newadmissions system and a new grouping students by majors at SMK Negeri 1 Kota Jambi. In writing thisreport require student data, the data value of national examination results, majors available, and studentadmission quotas. The results obtained by the registrant data reports, reports on the screening of newstudents by quotas, and the results of grouping students who have been in the selection. Results beobtained as a function of weight for admission of new students each school year and make an efficientwork system for the school.

The Role of Benefit and Cost in Acceptance Knowledge Management System: Knowledge Contributor Perspectives
ABSTRACT This study explores and identifies the factors associated with benefit and cost that pot... more ABSTRACT This study explores and identifies the factors associated with benefit and cost that potentially impact the willingness of people in accepts KMS. We examine some factors such as: perceived benefit, ex-trinsic benefit, intrinsic benefit, as part of benefit and perceived cost, actual cost, opportunity cost, and ease of use as part of the cost would be influences people in using KMS. A survey method applied in this study and two hundred and thirty six respondents from three financial services organizations were participated in this study. Data from survey was analyzed with Smart PLS, measurement and structural model were asses to en-sure the validity and reliability of the model, moreover we conduct hypotheses testing and model fit. We re-veal that intrinsic benefit, extrinsic benefit as part from benefit and ease of use as part of cost influences peo-ple in KMS acceptance. However, this study not found any relationship between usefulness, actual cost and opportunity cost to KMS acceptance.
Non-technological problem has been identified as main barriers in knowledge management implementa... more Non-technological problem has been identified as main barriers in knowledge management implementation. Culture and people have been identified as main barriers. Lack of understanding the benefit of using knowledge management system (KMS) makes people unaware about KMS. There are two types of knowledge workers which have different belief in KMS benefit. Benefit from the knowledge seekers perspective will be different with knowledge contributors. Current KMS acceptance model focus in evaluate and understand the user acceptance from knowledge seeker perspective. There is a lack of models that can be used to evaluate and understand user from both knowledge seeker and contributor perspective. Thus, this study proposes a modified model to understand both knowledge worker acceptances of KMS.

Knowledge Management Systems as socio-technical system perspectives has recognized for decades. P... more Knowledge Management Systems as socio-technical system perspectives has recognized for decades. Practitioners and scholars belief Knowledge Management is best carried out throught the optimization both technological and social-aspect. Lacking of understand and consider both aspects could lead organizations in misinterpretation while developing and implementing Knowledge Management System. There is a need for practical guidance how Knowledge Management System should implement in organizations. We propose a framework that could use by practitioner and manager as guidance in developing and implementing Knowledge Management System as Socio-Technical Systems. The framework developed base on Pan and Scarborough view of Knowledge Management as Socio-Technical system. Our framework consists of: Infrastructure (technology), Info structure (organizational structure) and Info culture (organizational culture). This concept would lead practitioners get clear understand aspect contribute to Knowledge Management System success as Socio-Technical System.
This study contributes to enrich our understanding of knowledge workers' behavior in continuing k... more This study contributes to enrich our understanding of knowledge workers' behavior in continuing knowledge sharing through Knowledge Management System (KMS). We extended Xu and Quaddus post-adoption model by proposing a new perspective on how to understand knowledge workers' behavior by considering different belief and expectation of them. Existing KMS adoption have not thoroughly explored the different belief and expectation of knowledge workers in knowledge sharing (KS). Most of previous model provides limited information in understanding on how knowledge worker sharing their knowledge through KMS. This study will provides a model to understand knowledge workers' behavior in sharing their knowledge through KMS.

arXiv (Cornell University), Dec 3, 2012
Knowledge Management Systems as socio-technical system perspectives has recognized for decades. P... more Knowledge Management Systems as socio-technical system perspectives has recognized for decades. Practitioners and scholars belief Knowledge Management is best carried out throught the optimization both technological and social-aspect. Lacking of understand and consider both aspects could lead organizations in misinterpretation while developing and implementing Knowledge Management System. There is a need for practical guidance how Knowledge Management System should implement in organizations. We propose a framework that could use by practitioner and manager as guidance in developing and implementing Knowledge Management System as Socio-Technical Systems. The framework developed base on Pan and Scarborough view of Knowledge Management as Socio-Technical system. Our framework consists of: Infrastructure (technology), Info structure (organizational structure) and Info culture (organizational culture). This concept would lead practitioners get clear understand aspect contribute to Knowledge Management System success as Socio-Technical System.
Improving the User Generated Content (UGC) for Product Review Videos In Social Commerce

Media Sistem Informasi, Apr 30, 2020
PT. Sinar Sentosa Primatama in operational activities was implementing information system. The cu... more PT. Sinar Sentosa Primatama in operational activities was implementing information system. The current Information system has do good data processing but there is still no integration and good coordination in every department. PT Sinar Sentosa Primatama have to do evaluation on information system to know effective and efficient impact provided by the relevant of information system. The evaluation in PT. Sinar Sentosa Primatama Jambi using framework COBIT 5 with a domain DSS (Deliver, Service and Support). In this research there are three stage of analysis is determine the current and expected capability level, gap analysis, and provide recommendations for improvement. In this research for data collection process using tools in the form of a questionnaire. The research result is the current capability level with value 2.02 which mean at level 2 managed process is information technology process in PT. Sinar Sentosa Primatama Jambi has been done, achieved and managed well. While the expected capability level at level 3 establihed process that means information technology process in PT. Sinar Sentosa Primatama has been managed well must have standards for example service, security and continuity management, service support for users, and operational facilities which are enforces throughout the entire scope of the organization.

Knowledge Management System was recognized as one of the key enablers in a Knowledge Management i... more Knowledge Management System was recognized as one of the key enablers in a Knowledge Management initiative. This is because KMS have been prove bring value for Knowledge Management initiatives such as eliminate distance and time barriers. Furthermore KMS also made KM more effective for the organization. As general KMS have two main functions, first managing people interaction and managing information/knowledge. Because knowledge creates from the interaction of the people, than KMS has a vital function in knowledge creation with managing people interaction. In KM on an organization, they conduct interaction by developing some activities such as: Communities of Practices, Communities of Interest, Peer Assist and Share Learning as a method to create and leverage the knowledge. The activities could be conducted manually or virtually. In support that activities done in virtual, using IT could bring potential value. In this study we would like to propose the framework for organizations on how to implement KMS as a powerful enabler for KM in virtual communities.

Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi
PT Perkebunan Nusantara VI is one of the companies operating in the plantation sector that is tra... more PT Perkebunan Nusantara VI is one of the companies operating in the plantation sector that is transforming the development of information technology to help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the company. PT Perkebunan Nusantara VI has an ERP section that is implementing changes to business processes, initially all transactions were recorded manually and now all transactions are recorded through the SAP application system which makes all parts of PT Perkebunan Nusantara VI integrated in real time. In the implementation of the SAP application at PT Perkebunan Nusantara VI it did not go well where many human resources did not understand SAP technology and there were many data input errors that made errors in transactions and errors in the SAP application system, based on these conditions, a system is needed that can assist in handling of every problem that exists in every part of PT Perkebunan Nusantara VI so that the handling is more well structured and also helps in the rep...

Jurnal Informatika Dan Rekayasa Komputer(JAKAKOM)
Edmodo merupakan Platfrom media social untuk pembelajaran bebrasis Learning Management System (LM... more Edmodo merupakan Platfrom media social untuk pembelajaran bebrasis Learning Management System (LMS). Edmodo memberi fasilitas bagi dosen dan mahasiswa tempat yang aman untuk berkomunikasi, kolaborasi, berbagai konten dan aplikasi pembelajaran. Namun tidak banyak yang mengenal Edmodo dengan berbagai alasan dan tidak banyak mahasiswa STIKOM Dinamika Bangsa Jambi yang tau tentang Edmodo. Hal ini menimbulkan pertanyaan mendasar tentang Edmodo yaitu apakah kehadiran Edmodo dapat diterima konsumen sebagai sebuah kemajuan teknologi dalam bidang pendidikan dalam era modern ini. Penelitian ini dibuat untuk menganalisis tingkat kepuasan pengguna Edmodo menggunakan Metode WebQual dengan di landaskan 3 dimensi yaitu : Dimensi Kegunaan (Usability), Dimensi Kualitas Informasi (Information quality), Dimensi Kualitas Interaksi (Interaction quality). Penelitian ini memperoleh 100 orang responden yang pernah menggunakan Edmodo. Di pengolahan data menggunakan Software IBM SPSS 25.0 . Hasil dari peneli...

Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi
Bank BTPN is one of the private conventional banks in Indonesia. In carrying out business process... more Bank BTPN is one of the private conventional banks in Indonesia. In carrying out business processes, Bank BTPN has developed the Jenius mobile banking application system where the application can make it easier for Bank BTPN customers to conduct financial transactions. However, in the development of the application, there are still many shortcomings and the level of doubt for Bank BTPN customers to use the application is still high. Therefore, a study was conducted to determine the level of trust of Bank BTPN customers in using the application. In this study, behavioral analysis theory was used, namely the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory which was assisted by the Smart PLS application for the analysis process. The results of this study consist of 4 variables including Complexity Of Use, Perceived Usefullness, Perceived Of Use and Intention To Use. The results of the study explain that customers are quite good at accepting the Jenius mobile banking application and the level ...

Jurnal Ilmiah Media Sisfo
PT. Sinar Sentosa Primatama Jambi dalam kegiatan opersionalnya sudah mengimplementasikan sistem i... more PT. Sinar Sentosa Primatama Jambi dalam kegiatan opersionalnya sudah mengimplementasikan sistem informasi untuk melakukan proses pengolahan data dengan cukup baik, tetapi masih belum adanya integrasi dan koordinasi yang baik dari masing-masing departemen. PT. Sinar Sentosa Primatama perlu melakukan sebuah evaluasi atas sistem informasi yang ada guna mengetahui seberapa efektif dan efisien dampak yang diberikan oleh sistem informasi terkait. Evaluasi yang dilakukan pada PT. Sinar Sentosa Primatama jambi menggunakan framework COBIT 5 dengan domain DSS (Deliver, Service, and Support). Dilakukan 3 tahapan analisis dalam penelitian yaitu menentukan tingkat kapabilitas saat ini dan yang diharapkan, melakukan analisis gap, dan memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan. Proses pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan alat bantu berupa kuesioner. Hasil penelitian berupa tingkat kapabilitas saat ini dengan nilai 2.02 yang berarti pada level 2 managed process artinya proses-proses TI pa...

Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi, 2017
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk megevaluasi pemanfaatan aplikasi media sosial yang digunakan sebag... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk megevaluasi pemanfaatan aplikasi media sosial yang digunakan sebagai sarana berbagi pengetahuan oleh dosen di Indonesia dalam sebuah grup virtual di facebook. Model Kesuksesaan Sistem Informasi oleh Delone dan McLean digunakan sebagai teori dasar dengan mempertimbangkan faktor karaterisktik individu. Sebuah model penelitian dan dua belas buah hipoteses dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini. Model dan hipoteses kemudian diuji dan divalidasi menggunakan data yang diperoleh dari sebuah survey yang dilaksanakan secara online. Survey secara online dilakukan pada sebuah grup dosen di Indonesia. Sebanyak 160 kuesioner diisi oleh anggota komunitas online tersebut dan dinyatakan valid dan digunakan untuk analisis lebih lanjut. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS) memanfaatkan perangkat lunak Smart PLS V2. Pengujian meliputi "measurement model" dan "structural model". Hasil dari pengolahan data mengindikasikan bahwa pemanfaatan media sosial (facebook) telah berhasil menjadi sarana bagi para akademisi di Indonesia dalam berbagi informasi dan pengetahuan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa faktor "system use" dan "user satisfaction" adalah faktor utama yang mempengaruhi "individual impact", sementara itu faktor lain seperti karateristik individu mempengaruhi system quality dan information quality. Sedangkan Information quality mempengaruhi system use, dan system use mempengaruhi user satisfaction..

Perancangan Dan Penerapan Arsitektur Cloud Storage Pada Iain STS Jambi
Cloud storage memiliki keunggulan dalam hal skalabilitas atau penggunan storage dapat disesuaikan... more Cloud storage memiliki keunggulan dalam hal skalabilitas atau penggunan storage dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dari sisi pengguna itu sendiri, selain itu dari sisi administasi IT dikarenakan semua aktivitas terpusat pada server, penambahan kapasitas penyimpanan dapat secara cepat, perbaikan sistem dapat dilakukan dengan mudah serta biaya yang jauh lebih kecil dibadingkan dengan mengganti resources hardware pada banyak tempat. sebuah layanan yang mampu menangi kebutuhan akan cloud storage di IAIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi secara efektif dan efesien. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan tipe cloud storage relational database system untuk merancangan arsitektur cloud storage pada IAIN STS Jambi. Perancangan yang dilakukan didapatkan bahwa arsitektur cloud storage menggunakan WSDL dalam membuat relational database system memberikan hasil yang baik dan sesuai untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut Kata kunci : cloud storage, relational database system, arsitektur cloud storage.
Improving the User Generated Content (UGC) for Product Review Videos In Social Commerce
2021 7th International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems (ICRIIS), 2021

Perencanaan Arsitektur Sistem Informasi Pada Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Jambi Menggunakan Togaf Adm
The application of information technology in the organization or company is not easy to do. Requi... more The application of information technology in the organization or company is not easy to do. Requires good planning, co-operation between the elements are compact, strong desire to change and in accordance with the vision and mission of the organization to be applied. Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Jambi is an institution of service for the community. At the Port Health Office use the computer information technology as tools still work, and use multiple systems are not integrated among units that can not share data or use data together between the units part of the existing work in the Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Jambi .Therefore we need a plan that can describe an enterprise architecture . To do enterpise architectur e design required a complete methodology and easy to use, TOGAF ADM as one of the methods that can be used to perform the design of enterprise architecture. Each stage of the TOGAF ADM can be carried out correctly if the existing business processes within the organization r...

Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Teller Terbaik Dengan Menggunakan Metode Profile Matching Pada Pt. Bank Central Asia, TBK
In an effort to develop tellers, PT. Bank Central Asia chooses the best teller every year as a fo... more In an effort to develop tellers, PT. Bank Central Asia chooses the best teller every year as a form toprovide work motivation to tellers. The best teller selection system at PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk theJambi has been carried out manually by direct observation from the section head and knowledge testwhich requires a long time and is not objective, and has not been well documented so that it requires aninformation system that can help in the selection process of the teller in the selection process anddocumentation process. In this case, the appropriate information system is a decision support systemusing the Profile Matching method. Profile Matching method is very appropriate to use because thismethod measures the ability of the teller according to the target profile that has been. The systemmodeling tool used is UML (Unified Modeling Language). This study produced a prototype decisionsupport system for selecting the best tellers that can be implemented in accordance with existing n...

Analisis Dan Perancangan Clustering Siswa Baru Menggunakan Metode K-Means Pada SMK Negeri 1 Kota Jambi
Every year there will be students who continue education to the next stage, including at SMK Nege... more Every year there will be students who continue education to the next stage, including at SMK Negeri 1Kota Jambi, Event admission of new students is done every 1 year, in the selection process and receptionrequires the application of more efficient is to use the application, change the system Manual into thesystem computerized and perform a new grouping students by majors at SMK Negeri 1 Kota Jambinamely Computer Engineering and Networks, Accounting, Office Administration and Marketing.Therefore Final report with the title " Analysis and design of Clustering New Students Using the K-MeansMethod at SMK Negeri 1 Kota Jambi ". The purpose of writing this thesis report is to determine the newadmissions system and a new grouping students by majors at SMK Negeri 1 Kota Jambi. In writing thisreport require student data, the data value of national examination results, majors available, and studentadmission quotas. The results obtained by the registrant data reports, reports on the ...
Papers by Setiawan Assegaff