Papers by Ahmad Agus Setiawan

Daerah Desa Purwodadi di Kecamatan Tepus merupakan area perbukitan dengan tanah karst yang kurang... more Daerah Desa Purwodadi di Kecamatan Tepus merupakan area perbukitan dengan tanah karst yang kurang mampu menyimpan air. Tanki penampung air hujan (PAH) dibuat masyarakat digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air sehari-hari. Saat kemarau dan persediaan pada tanki PAH telah habis, maka air harus dibeli dari distributor seharga Rp 100.000,- per Tangki dengan volume 4000 liter. Bagi yang tidak mampu, mereka harus mengambil dari sumber air Sureng yang berjarak 2 km. Sistem pengangkatan air tenaga surya dalam penelitian ini dirancang untuk menggantikan peran kedua pompa yang telah ada pada sistem pemipaan di Sureng (saat ini digerakan oleh mesin genset) yakni memompa air dari sumber air sampai ke Penampung Air Umum dengan debit 0,9 L/s dengan memanfaatkan jaringan pipa yang telah ada. Sistem menggunakan 2 kali pemompaan, pemompaan pertama berfungsi untuk memompa air dari sumber ke reservoir atas bukit dengan head total 105,79 m. Pompa yang dipilih adalah Lorentz PS4000 C-SJ5-25 dengan daya m...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The interest in small modular reactors worldwide has been increasing due to flexibility in the po... more The interest in small modular reactors worldwide has been increasing due to flexibility in the power generation for more comprehensive users and applications. Small Modular Reactors or SMRs can be the primary choice for Indonesia provided with the geographical condition, which consists of many islands and is more flexible in construction compared to the conventional nuclear power plant. The main objective of this paper is to provide an overview projection of demand and energy mix of electrical in Indonesia 2030 with SMRs NPP in the energy mix referring to RUPTL or General Plan of Electricity Supply Indonesia. Using the end-use model, which is total electricity consumption for each electricity sector, it can be calculated how much electricity demand is from these sectors. The scenario uses RUPTL, roadmap from Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry references, and policy of no coal power plant added from 2020 onwards. The results show in 2030, Indonesia needs 577,016.2 GWh of electrici...

Journal of systems engineering, 2015
Include the provision of energy management, utilization and enterprise shall be done justice, sus... more Include the provision of energy management, utilization and enterprise shall be done justice, sustainability and so can not give optimal benefits for the greater welfare of the people. Sumbawa has a variety of potential sources of renewable energy such as; water energy, solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy and biomass. From a variety of renewable energy potential can be made a model of hybrid power system design for the electrical system in Sumbawa is based on renewable energy in the region. The purpose of this study was to determine the magnitude of the potential of renewable energy for power generation, knowing large share of renewable energy to the electrical energy needs and design a model of hybrid power system for electrical system in Sumbawa by using HOMER (Hybrid Optimisation Model for Electric Renewables). The results of this study recommend a model of hybrid power system that is optimum for a total net present cost (NPC) US $ 144,954,400, operating cost of US $ 1,8...

Menurut Undang-Undang No. 30 tahun 2009 tentang ketenagalistrikan diatur bahwa Pemerintah Daerah ... more Menurut Undang-Undang No. 30 tahun 2009 tentang ketenagalistrikan diatur bahwa Pemerintah Daerah termasuk Kabupaten/Kota memiliki wewenang dalam dalam perencanaan dan pengelolaan energi listrik daerah. Namun, perencanaan energi khususnya di bidang ketenagalistrikan yang dituangkan dalam Dokumen Rencana Umum Ketenagalistrikan Daerah (RUKD) masih bersifat makro pada tataran sektoral pengguna listrik, khususnya sektor rumah tangga. Data BPS tahun 2009 menunjukkan bahwa baik secara komposisi sektor pelanggan maupun satuan energi listrik yang terjual, sektor rumah tangga menempati urutan teratas dengan persentase masing-masing 87,99% dan 43,90% dibandingkan dengan sektor pelanggan listrik lainnya di Kota Yogyakarta. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini akan difokuskan pada kajian kebutuhan energi listrik pada sektor rumah tangga dalam sudut pandang mikro dengan mempertimbangkan penggunaan teknologi peralatan listrik. Penelitian ini menggunakan perangkat lunak LEAP (Long-range Energy Alternati...

Journal of systems engineering, 2020
Central Bangka is a developing regency in Bangka Belitung Island Province. Geographically Bangka ... more Central Bangka is a developing regency in Bangka Belitung Island Province. Geographically Bangka Belitung Islands is not far from the equator. The development of human resources and infrastructure for the energy sector is an integral part of regional development efforts. To fulfill the district's energy, we need to look at the potential of renewable energy such as wind power and solar power within the district. This research also provides the potential renewable energy capacity configuration through a simulation. This research used the simulation approach method to map the energy demand over the district and renewable energy available in the region. Energy demand data received from the National Electrical Company (PLN) of Bangka Belitung Province, and potential renewable energy data were obtained from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of The Republic of Indonesia and the NASA website. Software HOMER is used to analyze electrical energy potential from renewable energy ...

Sistem suplai air bersih tenaga listrik yang dibangun di Desa Mangunan belum pernah dilakukan eva... more Sistem suplai air bersih tenaga listrik yang dibangun di Desa Mangunan belum pernah dilakukan evaluasi, sementara sistem ini diharapkan berkelanjutan. Di sisi lain, belum adanya kajian tentang kelebihan dan kekurangan sistem suplai air bersih tenaga listrik maupun surya menyebabkan beberapa kalangan ragu dalam menentukan sistem ketenagaan suplai air bersih bagi suatu kondisi tertentu. Sistem suplai air bersih di Desa Mangunan ditujukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air 102 orang. Debit air Goa Jamberomo adalah 87230,7 l/hari. Rata-rata konsumsi dengan data primer adalah 7691,9 l/hari dan perhitungan dengan asumsi minimal 30 liter adalah 4398,7 l/hari. Dari hasil itu dapat disimpulkan air sumber layak diangkat. Sistem ini menggunakan pompa submersible Shimizu SP-413 BIT. Titik operasi pompa pada debit 0,9 l/s dan head 40,4 m. Pipa yang digunakan dari sumber ke HU utama adalah HDPE 1,5” PN 16. Jika diumpamakan tenaga sistem tersebut diganti dengan surya, pompa yang sesuai adalah Lorentz PS...

Energi listrik merupakan salah satu elemen penting dalam menunjang pertumbuhan ekonomi. Kebutuha... more Energi listrik merupakan salah satu elemen penting dalam menunjang pertumbuhan ekonomi. Kebutuhan energi listrik yang semakin besar dapat meningkatkan gas rumah kaca yang berakibat pada perubahan iklim secara global. Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan sistem tenaga listrik yang dapat menekan emisi CO 2 . sistem tenaga listrik yang baik selain memperhatikan sektor ekonomis dan keandalan, juga harus memperhatikan dampak lingkungan..Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan sistem tenaga listrik 500 kV Jawa-Bali lebih ekonomis, andal dan berwawasan lingkungan. Dengan melakukan proses optimasi penjadwalan pembangkit akan diperoleh sistem tenaga listrik 500 kV Jawa-Bali yang ekonomis, andal dan rendah emisi CO 2 . Faktor ekonomis, andal dan rendah emisi CO 2 dapat diperoleh dari karakteristik biaya operasional, faktor penalti dan emisi CO 2 tiap pembangkit listrik. Simulasi ini akan dimodelkan dengan menggunakan software Matpower 5.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa simulasi optimal si...

How much energy prediction can be produced very important in electric energy markets. Electrical ... more How much energy prediction can be produced very important in electric energy markets. Electrical energy was sold before the actual energy produced is very important for the economic balance a power companies. Thus require analysis of wind speed as a potential source of energy. Analysis of wind speed were calculated using Sugeno's fuzzy with wind speed data based on the 24-year period data. An analysis of wind energy, the output value is based an analysis with assumes a constant density atmosphere, where is density of the air has a fixed value from sea surface level to top atmosphere. The model of Sugeno's fuzzy wind prediction system designed for first order, second order, third order, fourth order, twelfth order and twelfth order modified. Overall models can not follow pattern of data test. Then selected models Sugeno's fuzzy twelfth order, because have a small RMSE values. Furthermore, the wind speed prediction system and analysis of wind energy are designed using Grap...

Fokus kebijakan energi selama ini hanya memperhatikan sektor Supply Side Management (SSM), sedang... more Fokus kebijakan energi selama ini hanya memperhatikan sektor Supply Side Management (SSM), sedangkan penerapan konservasi energi Demand Side Management (DSM) belum dilakukan secara maksimal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui proyeksi permintaan energi listrik rumah tangga di Yogyakarta tahun 2010 hingga 2025 berdasarkan penggunaan peralatan listrik, pertumbuhan rumah tangga, serta penerapan konservasi pada peralatan listrik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yang disebut BUENAS (Bottom Up Energy Analysis System) dengan mengambil sampel 269 rumah tangga di Yogyakarta secara cluster random sampling. Data konsumsi peralatan listrik kemudian digunakan untuk memprediksi kebutuhan listrik kota Yogyakarta tahun 2010 hingga 2025 menggunakan perangkat lunak LEAP (Long range Energy Alternatives Planning System). Proyeksi yang dilakukan berdasarkan pendekatan end-use dan pendekatan trend dengan kecenderungan pertumbuhan jumlah rumah tangga.

pemerintah kabupaten bantul dan kemenristek membuat pembangkit listrik tenaga angin 60 kW dan pem... more pemerintah kabupaten bantul dan kemenristek membuat pembangkit listrik tenaga angin 60 kW dan pembangkit listrik tenaga matahari 27 kW di kawasan pantai Baru Pandansimo, pemanfaatan pembangkit listrik tersebut digunakan diantaranya untuk penrangan jalan, pembuatan es, dan warung kuliner. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang model sistem pembangkit listrik tenaga hibrid dengan menggunakan software Homer dan Tora, menganalisa hasil simulasi dengan membandingkan prosentase kontribusi pembangkit listrik tenaga angin dan pembangkit listrik tenaga matahari, dan menganalisa keekonomian dari embangkit listrik tenaga hibrid. model pembangkit listrik yang optimal untuk software Homer adalah kapasitas 2,5 kW dengan jumlah 24 unit untuk turbin angin dan 27 kW untuk solar sel, sedangkan untuk software Tora didapatkan model yang optimal dengan kapasitas masing-masing 1 kW, 2.5 kW dan 10 kW untuk turbin angin dan solar sel masing-masing berkapasitas 100 WP, 180 WP dan 220 WP. Hasil prosenta...

Penelitian ini sudah dilakukan tentang manajemen kebutuhan energi listrik di kawasan Provinsi DKI... more Penelitian ini sudah dilakukan tentang manajemen kebutuhan energi listrik di kawasan Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui permintaan dan kebutuhan energi listrik di kawasan Provinsi DKI Jakarta untuk proyeksi tahun 2015 – 2050, sehingga ketahanan energi di suatu kawasan Ibu Kota negara Indonesia akan selalu terjaga setiap tahunnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengumpulkan data-data sekunder dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Rencana Usaha Penyedeia Tenaga Listrik – Perusahaan Listrik Negara (RUPTL-PLN), dan statistika ketenagalistrikan. Data tersebut diolah untuk didapatkan hasil proyeksi dan digunakan kembali untuk inputan pada aplikasi LEAP (Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning system). Data yang digunakan berupa pertumbuhan penduduk, pertumbuhan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB), jumlah pelanggan lsitrik, dan jumlah kapasitas pembangkit. Tahun dasar yang digunakan dalam peramalam permintaan dan kebutuhan energi adalah tahun 201...

The application of solar pumping systemis still constrained by the enviroment condition which is ... more The application of solar pumping systemis still constrained by the enviroment condition which is varied from one region to another, so that the information is needed to measure whether or not the solar pumping in the same specification (input solar panel, the using of battery, and pumps) can be used in the different condition. The most different condition is the differentiation of elevation, the water source and the intensity of solar radiation. The specific objective of this research is to get the optimal component configuration of the solar-powered water pumping system. The reasearch was conducted based on a system model by using two type test pumps, that are type C-SJ5-12 and HR-14-2 and six solar panels (PV) input configuration, that are 800 Wp, 1200 Wp, 1600 Wp without battery, 800 Wp, 1200 Wp, 1600 Wpby battery. In the end of the testing, there is an additional configuration 2000 Wp without battery for the data validation. The result of the research is the pump type C-SJ5-12 r...

JPSE (Journal of Physical Science and Engineering), 2020
Light Duty Vehicle (LDV) for road transportation in Indonesia is the biggest energy consumption w... more Light Duty Vehicle (LDV) for road transportation in Indonesia is the biggest energy consumption with most of the energy carriers from refined fuel oil with high CO2 emission. Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) is one of the alternatives to reduce oil consumption and CO2 emission on the road transportation sector. This research is carried to analyse impact on BEV on energy demand and carbon emission. Modified Mobility Model (MoMo) with PUCE methods was developed to projecting road transportation demand in Indonesia. This research shows that road transportation will reach 519 MBoe in 2040 with 83.6% from refined fuel oil. With moderate EV, energy will be reduced by 31 MBoe (6%), and refined fuel oil reduced by 8.5%. With a high EV scenario, energy will be reduced by 57 MBoe (14%) and refined fuel oil reduced by 16%. CO2 emission will be reduced up to 4.8 to 8.8% in 2040.

E3S Web of Conferences, 2018
Indonesia is one of the major countries composed of many islands; directly adjacent to several ne... more Indonesia is one of the major countries composed of many islands; directly adjacent to several neighboring countries; and is also a country with a large population in the world. The security and resilience of the state of threats coming from abroad and within the country would have been anticipated by a government agency namely the Indonesian National Army (TNI). The TNI in performing its duties must be supported by means of supporting facilities for operations at headquarters. Supporting facilities for operations at the TNI Headquarters should have enough energy, especially on the need for electrical energy. The need for electrical energy at the TNI Headquarters is fully supported by the State Electricity Company (PLN). In this research will take into account the needs of Tower A and underground at TNI Headquarters which will be built with low voltage building planning. Analysis using LEAP to estimate demand and energy needs lsitrik at TNI Headquarters in order to experience the en...

E3S Web of Conferences, 2018
Clean water or fresh water, food and energy are basic human needs. The three basic needs are depe... more Clean water or fresh water, food and energy are basic human needs. The three basic needs are dependent to one another. The relationship between the three is called the "The nexus of Water, Energy, and Food". It requires good governance on watershed which will be implemented for example to manage water resources to fulfil demand of clean or drinking water, irrigation in food area and energy sources in hydro power plant. This study conducted analysis and simulation to prepare projection of electricity produced by Micro hydro Power Plant (MHP) It integrates a climate change scenarios to forecast its influence on electricity demand and response of river. In addition, the study also presented projections of influence on irrigated food production scenario in irrigation for rice paddy fields. Projection of The MHP electricity and the water demand including for the food sector is conducted by using the WEAP (Water Evaluation and Planning) software, while electricity demand forecas...
Angkasa: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi, 2017
Aceh Tamiang is the province o f Aceh. The use of electrical energy is still not resolved in this... more Aceh Tamiang is the province o f Aceh. The use of electrical energy is still not resolved in this case because of the lack of appropriate policies that can be taken because there is still no research how the amount of electrical energy consumption in Aceh Tamiang. the research method used is a model based approach to End Use of data population and households, the data GDP at constant prices, and consumption of electrical energy. All data is sourced from related agencies such as Bappeda Aceh Tamiang Data PLN Kuala Simpang branch. Forecasting electric energy consumption in Aceh on five sectors is the year 2013 was 48.8 GWh, while, in 2030 total energy consumption reached 76.5 GWh, this is an increase of 63.7 percent. The household sector accounted for the largest increase in consumption compared with other sectors for each year.

KnE Energy, 2015
HOMER, the software for micro-power applicable as renewable energy optimization, was used to anal... more HOMER, the software for micro-power applicable as renewable energy optimization, was used to analyze solar water pumping system based on deferrable-load and primary-load methods at Giricahyo. The 12 kWp solar PV and 30 kW generator were used to power the standing-aline system.. Unfortunately, the system has been idle since 2010. Research to redesign and analyse solar water pumping system has been conducted by Ministry of Public Works together with the Department of Physics Engineering UGM to bring it into normally. Furthermore, this study was aimed to obtain recommendation and to conduct analysis on system performance using HOMER. As a result in deferrable-load method, generator is inappropriate to be implemented because fossil fuel will be very expensive and rare. Besides, the 12 kWp Solar PV could meet 31.4 % of demand load. In primary-load method, capacity shortage of 1.5 kW pump is at 3.2 % and 3 kW pump is at 9.9 % which means that to deal with fluctuation of solar radiation th...
KnE Energy, 2015
Photovoltaic and diesel generator are two types of small generator often used in remote areas in ... more Photovoltaic and diesel generator are two types of small generator often used in remote areas in Indonesia. One of remote area in Indonesia that has ever used both systems in water pumping system is Purwodadi Village, Tepus district located at karsts area of Gunungkidul. The economical comparison between both technologies will be analyzed using lifecycle cost calculation and HOMER simulation. The analysis shows that using photovoltaic for water pumping system only spend 3/4 times of diesel generator cost. On the other hand, HOMER analysis shows that the cost of energy value for photovoltaic usage is 0.
Energy Procedia, 2015
This study aimed to investigate climate change impacts on micro hydro power generation in Bayang ... more This study aimed to investigate climate change impacts on micro hydro power generation in Bayang catchment, Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatra. There are three micro hydro power systems in operation today, namely Pancuang Taba (40 kW); Muaro Air (30 kW); and Koto Ranah (30 kW). The Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) system was applied to simulate hydrological model and micro hydro power projection under different scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions (A2 and B2) from IPCC reports. The model was performed for the 2013-2025 period. Results demonstrated that climate change will reduce micro hydro power production. Changes in power generation were varying up to 7.6 % under B2 scenario and up to 15.7 % under A2 scenario at the last projection year.
Energy Procedia, 2014
This paper present stages of development solar water pumping system (SWPS) as renewable energy ap... more This paper present stages of development solar water pumping system (SWPS) as renewable energy application to solve water supply problem in Purwodadi Village, Tepus district located at karsts area of Gunungkidul. This SWPS has been able to lift water as far as 1,400 metres horizontally with total head 218.34 metres. This system uses32 solar panels to produce 3,200 Wp maximum power then used to operate 2 submersible pumps with total head of 250 meters. The flow rate of water produced is about 0,4-0,9 litres/second.
Papers by Ahmad Agus Setiawan