Papers by Leopoldo Serrano Cervantes

In October 1989, microscopic specimens of (acaros) with symptoms of browning and plant mortality ... more In October 1989, microscopic specimens of (acaros) with symptoms of browning and plant mortality in young and older tomato plants from various locations in El Salvador were sent tó the entomologist Ing. Ronald Ochoa from Costa Rica. lng. Ronald Ochoa is associated with the Diagnostics Network of the Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigation y Enseñanza (CATlE) based in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Microscopic examination of this material confirmed the taxonomic identification as Aculops lycopersici (Acariformes: Eriophyidae), suspected since May 1988 with the first observation and collection of samples. A brief review of literature and a phone conversation with the specialist who identified the material, permits reporting for the first time of the presence of this species in El Salvador. This finding is a warning about this pest which could be a potential problem in the tropics of Central America. This paper discusses personal observations of some of the characteristics, habits and appe...

In October 1989, microscopic specimens of (acaros) with symptoms of browning and plant mortality ... more In October 1989, microscopic specimens of (acaros) with symptoms of browning and plant mortality in young and older tomato plants from various locations in El Salvador were sent tó the entomologist Ing. Ronald Ochoa from Costa Rica. lng. Ronald Ochoa is associated with the Diagnostics Network of the Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigation y Enseñanza (CATlE) based in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Microscopic examination of this material confirmed the taxonomic identification as Aculops lycopersici (Acariformes: Eriophyidae), suspected since May 1988 with the first observation and collection of samples. A brief review of literature and a phone conversation with the specialist who identified the material, permits reporting for the first time of the presence of this species in El Salvador. This finding is a warning about this pest which could be a potential problem in the tropics of Central America. This paper discusses personal observations of some of the characteristics, habits and appe...

Environmental Entomology, 2022
Bess beetle species tend to be endemic and are useful indicators for the designation of conservat... more Bess beetle species tend to be endemic and are useful indicators for the designation of conservation areas. However, little is known about the diversity and distribution of these beetles in El Salvador. Here, we present results from a study testing if species segregated along the altitudinal gradient of Montecristo National Park, El Salvador. The survey was done between September and December 2015. Beetles were collected at nine transects from three ecosystems, which included cloud, mixed-pine, and dry forests that occur along the altitudinal gradient of Montecristo. We sampled a total of 696 trees, finding 79 galleries of bess beetles, belonging to 13 species, which included: Arrox agassizi (Kaup), Chondrocephalus granulifrons (Bates), Chondrocephalus sp., Chondrocephalus salvadorae (Schuster), Heliscus eclipticus (Truqui), Odontotaenius striatopunctatus (Percheron), Ogyges politus (Hincks), Oileus sargi (Kaup), Passalus punctatostriatus Percheron, Passalus punctiger Lepeletier & A...

Ecology and Evolution, 2016
Diatraea lineolata and Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) are moths with stemboring la... more Diatraea lineolata and Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) are moths with stemboring larvae that feed and develop on economically important grasses. This study investigated whether these moths have diverged from a native host plant, corn, onto introduced crop plants including sorghum, sugarcane, and rice. Diatraea larvae were collected from these four host plants throughout the year in El Salvador and were reared on artificial diet until moths or parasitoids emerged. Adult moths were subsequently identified to species. Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) and mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I (COI) were used to examine whether or not there was genetic divergence of D. lineolata or D. saccharalis populations on the four host plants. Percent parasitism was also determined for each moth on its host plants. D. lineolata was collected from corn in the rainy season and sorghum in the dry season. D. saccharalis was most abundant on sugarcane in the rainy season and sorghum in the dry season. The AFLP analysis found two genetically divergent populations of both D. lineolata and D. saccharalis. Both moths had high levels of parasitism on their dominant host plant in the rainy season, yet had low levels of parasitism on sorghum in the dry season. The presence of two genotypes of both Diatraea spp. on sorghum suggest that host-associated differentiation is occurring on this novel introduced crop plant.

Revista CIATEC-UPF, 2015
Este estudo objetiva realizar uma avaliação da logística reversa de lâmpadas fluorescentes inserv... more Este estudo objetiva realizar uma avaliação da logística reversa de lâmpadas fluorescentes inservíveis no município de Santa Cruz do Sul/RS, tendo em vista a avaliação ambiental de diferentes modelos de gerenciamento. Para tal, foi realizado um levantamento da situação existente na região de estudo, ao nível das quantidades e modelos de logística reversa viáveis. O estudo foi realizado considerando três cenários de gerenciamento das lâmpadas fluorescentes inservíveis. A análise ambiental dos referidos cenários foi realizada com a aplicação do software Umberto 5.5. O inventário de emissões para o ambiente e o cálculo dos impactos ambientais associados a cada cenário foram realizados utilizando o método ReCiPe 2008. No que se refere à avaliação global dos impactos ambientais, pode-se concluir que o cenário 1 apresenta os resultados com maiores níveis de toxicidade. Em relação aos impactos ambientais das emissões atmosféricas, o cenário 2 apresenta-se como o mais impactante.
La medición de la calidad ambiental del agua de los ríos se ha realizado tradicionalmente a travé... more La medición de la calidad ambiental del agua de los ríos se ha realizado tradicionalmente a través de parámetros físico-químicos y microbiológicos, los cuales son muy precisos, aunque también onerosos. Aquí, los referidos parámetros actúan como una "fotografía" del momento en el que se toma la muestra, entregando características inmediatas sobre las aguas de los ríos; sin embargo, no permiten una visión de las variaciones de las características en el tiempo. Una alternativa complementaria a este método tradicional, es por medio de indicadores biológicos (también llamados bioindicadores), el cual es relativamente poco costoso. Este método biológico presenta amplias ventajas y nos permite una visión más integral y además retrospectiva de las cualidades del medio en el cual se desarrollan los organismos acuáticos.

El trabajo de investigacion fue desarrollado en cacaotales de El Salvador, identificando en el es... more El trabajo de investigacion fue desarrollado en cacaotales de El Salvador, identificando en el estudio mas de 250 especies de artropodos de los cuales pocas especies de insectos se pueden convertir en plagas del cacao (Theobroma cacao L.), cuando se hace un uso inadecuado de agroquimicos sinteticos y mal manejo del cultivo, suelo y ambiente. En este articulo se describen y se proporcionan fotografias tomadas en campo y laboratorio de los insectos que pueden convertirse en plagas del cultivo de cacao en El Salvador. The research was carried out in cocoa trees in El Salvador, identifying in the study more than 250 species of arthropods of which few insect species can become cocoa pests (Theobroma cacao L.), when inappropriate use of synthetic agrochemicals is made and poor management of the crop, soil and environment. This article describes and provides photographs taken in the field and laboratory of insects that can become pests of the cocoa crop in El Salvador.
II. Resultados obtenidos en la calidad del agua y el comportamiento de las poblaciones de inverte... more II. Resultados obtenidos en la calidad del agua y el comportamiento de las poblaciones de invertebrados acuáticos en cada uno de los ríos .

In October 1989, microscopic specimens of (acaros) with symptoms of browning and plant mortality ... more In October 1989, microscopic specimens of (acaros) with symptoms of browning and plant mortality in young and older tomato plants from various locations in El Salvador were sent to the entomologist Ing. Ronald Ochoa from Costa Rica. lng. Ronald Ochoa is associated with the Diagnostics Network of the Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigation y Ensenanza (CATlE) based in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Microscopic examination of this material confirmed the taxonomic identification as Aculops lycopersici (Acariformes: Eriophyidae), suspected since May 1988 with the first observation and collection of samples. Abrief review of literature and a phone conversation with the specialist who identified the material, permits reporting for the first time of the presence of this species in El Salvador. This finding is a warning about this pest which could be apotential problem in the tropics of Central America. This paper discusses personal observations of some of the characteristics, habits and appear...
tabaci, en seis cultivos (Zapotitán (febreromayo 2003).

In October 1989, microscopic specimens of (acaros) with symptoms of browning and plant mortality ... more In October 1989, microscopic specimens of (acaros) with symptoms of browning and plant mortality in young and older tomato plants from various locations in El Salvador were sent to the entomologist Ing. Ronald Ochoa from Costa Rica. lng. Ronald Ochoa is associated with the Diagnostics Network of the Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigation y Ensenanza (CATlE) based in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Microscopic examination of this material confirmed the taxonomic identification as Aculops lycopersici (Acariformes: Eriophyidae), suspected since May 1988 with the first observation and collection of samples. Abrief review of literature and a phone conversation with the specialist who identified the material, permits reporting for the first time of the presence of this species in El Salvador. This finding is a warning about this pest which could be apotential problem in the tropics of Central America. This paper discusses personal observations of some of the characteristics, habits and appear...

Florida Entomologist, 2016
As in many other parts of the world, in El Salvador, few sea turtle (Testudines: Cheloniidae) egg... more As in many other parts of the world, in El Salvador, few sea turtle (Testudines: Cheloniidae) eggs develop and hatch in situ on nesting beaches. Instead, conservationists relocate most sea turtle eggs to hatcheries for protection. Hatchery managers incubate the eggs in artificial nests within protected enclosures and then release the hatchling sea turtles into the ocean. We surveyed ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on 2 sea turtle nesting beaches and at 14 sea turtle hatchery sites in El Salvador to evaluate the potential threat of predaceous ant species to sea turtle eggs and hatchlings. Of the ant species we found, only the tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata (F.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), is a known threat to sea turtle hatchlings. We found S. geminata at 5 of 7 (71%) and 7 of 30 (23%) baits along sea turtle nesting beaches at Las Bocanitas and Las Isletas, respectively, and within the nest enclosures at 7 of 14 (50%) hatchery sites. Given the widespread use of hatcheries for protecting sea turtle eggs worldwide, we believe it is important for hatchery managers to recognize the potential threat that predaceous ants pose to hatchling sea turtles. Hatchery managers may be unknowingly releasing apparently healthy but stung hatchlings to the ocean, only to have the hatchlings soon die from sting-related impairment. Fortunately, because of the small size of the incubation enclosures, controlling ants at hatcheries by using chemicals that have low toxicity to vertebrates and that degrade quickly (e.g., hydramethylnon) should be safe, simple, and relatively inexpensive.

As in many other parts of the world, in El Salvador, few sea turtle (Testudines: Cheloniidae) egg... more As in many other parts of the world, in El Salvador, few sea turtle (Testudines: Cheloniidae) eggs develop and hatch in situ on nesting beaches. Instead, conservationists relocate most sea turtle eggs to hatcheries for protection. Hatchery managers incubate the eggs in artificial nests within protected enclosures and then release the hatchling sea turtles into the ocean. We surveyed ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on 2 sea turtle nesting beaches and at 14 sea turtle hatchery sites in El Salvador to evaluate the potential threat of predaceous ant species to sea turtle eggs and hatchlings. Of the ant species we found, only the tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata (F.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), is a known threat to sea turtle hatchlings. We found S. geminata at 5 of 7 (71%) and 7 of 30 (23%) baits along sea turtle nesting beaches at Las Bocanitas and Las Isletas, respectively, and within the nest enclosures at 7 of 14 (50%) hatchery sites. Given the widespread use of hatcheries for protecting sea turtle eggs worldwide, we believe it is important for hatchery managers to recognize the potential threat that predaceous ants pose to hatchling sea turtles. Hatchery managers may be unknowingly releasing apparently healthy but stung hatchlings to the ocean, only to have the hatchlings soon die from sting-related impairment. Fortunately, because of the small size of the incubation enclosures, controlling ants at hatcheries by using chemicals that have low toxicity to vertebrates and that degrade quickly (e.g., hydramethylnon) should be safe, simple, and relatively inexpensive.
Papers by Leopoldo Serrano Cervantes