Libros by Sergio Ríos González
Artículos by Sergio Ríos González
Fortificaciones del norte peninsular y su proyección atlántica. Congreso internacional REFORTE, del 7 al 12 de noviembre. Oviedo., 2023
Veleia 41, 2024
A new Roman Funerary epigraph from the site of San Félix (Paredes, Siero, Asturias) is presented.... more A new Roman Funerary epigraph from the site of San Félix (Paredes, Siero, Asturias) is presented. it was discovered during the survey carried out to update the Archaeological Inventory of the Municipality of Siero (Asturias, Spain). The proximity to the late Roman graveyard of Paredes and the fact that it was made on a fragment of an architectural element allow us to approximate its date, between the 4th and 5th centuries AD.

Small Tows, una realidad urbana en la Hispania romana. Mytra. Monografías y Trabajos de Arqueología 10, 2022
The urban archeology developed in the city of Gijón (Asturias) since 1982 has produced a huge amo... more The urban archeology developed in the city of Gijón (Asturias) since 1982 has produced a huge amount of archaeological information. The image transmitted to scientific and popular opinion is that Gijón, since its beginning as a settlement in the Flavian period, served as the regional capital of Transmontana Asturia. Based on this premise, excavated archaeological structures, such as the Wall, the Campo Valdés roman baths, the salting factory in Plaza del Marqués, the hydraulic installations of the Tobacco Factory and any other remains inside the historic quartier of Cimavilla, have been understood.
However, the unbiased examination of the large recorded area and the obtained results allows other conclusions to be drawn. In our opinion, the true nature and historical dimensions of the Roman settlement of Gijón were different: it is a villa a mare, of which the thermal baths were part and on which the industrial installation depended. There is no reason or archaeological basis for arguing the existence of a Roman city in Gijón.

Nailos , 2021
The paper analyses, first, the portuary potential of the Gijón environment, concluding, from the ... more The paper analyses, first, the portuary potential of the Gijón environment, concluding, from the available geographical and documentary data, that the characteristics of the city bay do not conform to the places chosen as port locations during Antiquity; while, on the other hand, the now completely filled estuary of Aboño, located westwards of the promontory which closes the harbour in the west, did offer a natural
framework suitable for docking and mooring. Secondly, it shows that it was precisely on the right bank of this estuary where a well-known dedicatory inscription to Augustus - taken for centuries as one of the arae sestianae - had its original location. So, it lacks absolutely the documentary and archaeological basis both for arguing its hypothetical transfer from Cape Torres, secularly defended by the bibliography, and for supporting the most recent hypothesis referring it to a missing lighthouse
Portugalia, Nova Série, 43, 2022
The second part of our study starts with a review of the current state of knowledge about pre-Rom... more The second part of our study starts with a review of the current state of knowledge about pre-Roman sculpture out of the Greco-Italic area, confirming the lack of any relationship between Castro sculpture in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula and the local sculpture tradition during the Bronze Age or the Iberian and Barbarian European sculpture. Next, we deal a formal analysis of the standing warriors, paying attention to both the arms depicted (there are similar examples at the end of the first century BC) and the inherited techno-stylistic solutions from Greco-Italic tradition. Finally, we propose a functional interpretation for these warrior statues as a Roman artistic creation in order to promote the recruitment of auxiliary troops during Cantabrian Wars.

Portugalia, Nova Série, 2021
The statues of warriors are one of the most prominent examples of the Castro cultur... more The statues of warriors are one of the most prominent examples of the Castro culture in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. Notable in this category is a series of sculptures depicting the same iconographic motif: standing male, looking straight ahead, carrying a shield on the front. This paper, which is the first part of an integral research about this sculptures, studies their distribution
and location as well as the inscriptions that are carved in some of them. Our analysis shows that these sculptural pieces are not found everywhere but in some specific sites within the old conventus bracarensis territory. Most of those locations are associated to heterogeneous settlements, but some others cannot be associated to inhabited areas. In this latter case, the sculptures could have been linked to key points in the territory (crossroads, hills, relevant piks, etc). Finally, engraved inscriptions seem concurrent with their corresponding sculptures, so this is a significant clue for the chronology of this unique statues of warriors.
Excavaciones Arqueológicas en Asturias. 2017-2020, 2022
Fotografías de cubierta: De izquierda a derecha y de arriba a abajo: • Proyectiles realizados en ... more Fotografías de cubierta: De izquierda a derecha y de arriba a abajo: • Proyectiles realizados en hueso de ballena, abrigo de La Viña (Oviedo).
Cultura Castreja: identidade e transições, 2020
En esta comunicación se aporta un balance del estado actual de conocimientos sobre el hábitat dom... more En esta comunicación se aporta un balance del estado actual de conocimientos sobre el hábitat doméstico de los poblados fortifcados del sector occidental de Asturias.
El enfoque del análisis es diacrónico, abarcando desde las primeras cabañas de madera y barro de la Edad del Hierro a las transformaciones e innovaciones introducidas con la entrada del territorio bajo el dominio de Roma y el inicio de la explotación a gran escala de sus minas de oro.
This paper aims to stablish an up-to-date status of the issue of the knowledge on the domestic hillforts habitat of western Asturias. Our analytical perspective is diachronic, from the first Iron Age wood and clay built huts to the innovations and transformations due to the entry of the country under the Roman control and the beginning of the great-scale work on the gold mines.
Portugalia, Nova Série, 2019
This paper deals with the analysis of the architectural evidence linked to the earliest defined o... more This paper deals with the analysis of the architectural evidence linked to the earliest defined occupation phases in western asturian hillforts. We realise that there is no known parallelisms to the period's most representative archaeological structures, and are equally aware of the difficulty to assign the whole recovered evidence to the 9 th-8 th centuries BC. Therefore, and waiting for future new data which would help to solve the question, we propose to locate the emergence of the hillforts settlement in this area within a more expanded and later time, between the 8 th and the 5 th centuries BC.

1300 Aniversario del origen del Reino de Asturias. Congreso Internacional. Del fin de la Antigüedad Tardía a la Alta Edad Media en la península ibérica (650-900) (Anejos de Nailos 5), 2019
En el año 2006, con ocasión de la realización de sondeos geotécnicos previos a la redacción del a... more En el año 2006, con ocasión de la realización de sondeos geotécnicos previos a la redacción del anteproyecto de reordenación urbanística del entorno del templo parroquial de Santullano (Oviedo), se ejecutaron varios sondeos arqueológicos en las inmediaciones de este edificio. En 2015, la renovación de parte del pavimento existente en la nave
septentrional y el sector correspondiente del inmediato transepto exigió la ejecución previa de un sondeo arqueológico, aprovechando la alteración de los presumibles depósitos funerarios acaecida con la instalación de la calefacción en el inmueble en la segunda mitad del siglo XX.
Los resultados de ambas intervenciones revisten particular interés, dada la total ignorancia que se poseía hasta la fecha sobre este aspecto de la realidad del edificio, nunca objeto de excavación arqueológica hasta las fechas. En el exterior, además de poder calibrar la entidad arqueológica del subsuelo inmediato al templo y evaluar el alcance de las obras de construcción de la autopista A-66, se localizó un muro de considerable
sección al NO, inequívocamente altomedieval por su fábrica. En el interior se pudieron estudiar la cimentación y el sistema constructivo, revelando la comunidad de técnicas con otros yacimientos estudiados por los autores en el centro de la ciudad, a la vez que permitió apreciar la naturaleza del depósito funerario que subyace a la mayor parte del
pavimento.El análisis de estos datos permite comentar la nueva propuesta de datación del edificio, aportando nuevos elementos al debate.
Libros by Sergio Ríos González
Artículos by Sergio Ríos González
However, the unbiased examination of the large recorded area and the obtained results allows other conclusions to be drawn. In our opinion, the true nature and historical dimensions of the Roman settlement of Gijón were different: it is a villa a mare, of which the thermal baths were part and on which the industrial installation depended. There is no reason or archaeological basis for arguing the existence of a Roman city in Gijón.
framework suitable for docking and mooring. Secondly, it shows that it was precisely on the right bank of this estuary where a well-known dedicatory inscription to Augustus - taken for centuries as one of the arae sestianae - had its original location. So, it lacks absolutely the documentary and archaeological basis both for arguing its hypothetical transfer from Cape Torres, secularly defended by the bibliography, and for supporting the most recent hypothesis referring it to a missing lighthouse
and location as well as the inscriptions that are carved in some of them. Our analysis shows that these sculptural pieces are not found everywhere but in some specific sites within the old conventus bracarensis territory. Most of those locations are associated to heterogeneous settlements, but some others cannot be associated to inhabited areas. In this latter case, the sculptures could have been linked to key points in the territory (crossroads, hills, relevant piks, etc). Finally, engraved inscriptions seem concurrent with their corresponding sculptures, so this is a significant clue for the chronology of this unique statues of warriors.
El enfoque del análisis es diacrónico, abarcando desde las primeras cabañas de madera y barro de la Edad del Hierro a las transformaciones e innovaciones introducidas con la entrada del territorio bajo el dominio de Roma y el inicio de la explotación a gran escala de sus minas de oro.
This paper aims to stablish an up-to-date status of the issue of the knowledge on the domestic hillforts habitat of western Asturias. Our analytical perspective is diachronic, from the first Iron Age wood and clay built huts to the innovations and transformations due to the entry of the country under the Roman control and the beginning of the great-scale work on the gold mines.
septentrional y el sector correspondiente del inmediato transepto exigió la ejecución previa de un sondeo arqueológico, aprovechando la alteración de los presumibles depósitos funerarios acaecida con la instalación de la calefacción en el inmueble en la segunda mitad del siglo XX.
Los resultados de ambas intervenciones revisten particular interés, dada la total ignorancia que se poseía hasta la fecha sobre este aspecto de la realidad del edificio, nunca objeto de excavación arqueológica hasta las fechas. En el exterior, además de poder calibrar la entidad arqueológica del subsuelo inmediato al templo y evaluar el alcance de las obras de construcción de la autopista A-66, se localizó un muro de considerable
sección al NO, inequívocamente altomedieval por su fábrica. En el interior se pudieron estudiar la cimentación y el sistema constructivo, revelando la comunidad de técnicas con otros yacimientos estudiados por los autores en el centro de la ciudad, a la vez que permitió apreciar la naturaleza del depósito funerario que subyace a la mayor parte del
pavimento.El análisis de estos datos permite comentar la nueva propuesta de datación del edificio, aportando nuevos elementos al debate.
However, the unbiased examination of the large recorded area and the obtained results allows other conclusions to be drawn. In our opinion, the true nature and historical dimensions of the Roman settlement of Gijón were different: it is a villa a mare, of which the thermal baths were part and on which the industrial installation depended. There is no reason or archaeological basis for arguing the existence of a Roman city in Gijón.
framework suitable for docking and mooring. Secondly, it shows that it was precisely on the right bank of this estuary where a well-known dedicatory inscription to Augustus - taken for centuries as one of the arae sestianae - had its original location. So, it lacks absolutely the documentary and archaeological basis both for arguing its hypothetical transfer from Cape Torres, secularly defended by the bibliography, and for supporting the most recent hypothesis referring it to a missing lighthouse
and location as well as the inscriptions that are carved in some of them. Our analysis shows that these sculptural pieces are not found everywhere but in some specific sites within the old conventus bracarensis territory. Most of those locations are associated to heterogeneous settlements, but some others cannot be associated to inhabited areas. In this latter case, the sculptures could have been linked to key points in the territory (crossroads, hills, relevant piks, etc). Finally, engraved inscriptions seem concurrent with their corresponding sculptures, so this is a significant clue for the chronology of this unique statues of warriors.
El enfoque del análisis es diacrónico, abarcando desde las primeras cabañas de madera y barro de la Edad del Hierro a las transformaciones e innovaciones introducidas con la entrada del territorio bajo el dominio de Roma y el inicio de la explotación a gran escala de sus minas de oro.
This paper aims to stablish an up-to-date status of the issue of the knowledge on the domestic hillforts habitat of western Asturias. Our analytical perspective is diachronic, from the first Iron Age wood and clay built huts to the innovations and transformations due to the entry of the country under the Roman control and the beginning of the great-scale work on the gold mines.
septentrional y el sector correspondiente del inmediato transepto exigió la ejecución previa de un sondeo arqueológico, aprovechando la alteración de los presumibles depósitos funerarios acaecida con la instalación de la calefacción en el inmueble en la segunda mitad del siglo XX.
Los resultados de ambas intervenciones revisten particular interés, dada la total ignorancia que se poseía hasta la fecha sobre este aspecto de la realidad del edificio, nunca objeto de excavación arqueológica hasta las fechas. En el exterior, además de poder calibrar la entidad arqueológica del subsuelo inmediato al templo y evaluar el alcance de las obras de construcción de la autopista A-66, se localizó un muro de considerable
sección al NO, inequívocamente altomedieval por su fábrica. En el interior se pudieron estudiar la cimentación y el sistema constructivo, revelando la comunidad de técnicas con otros yacimientos estudiados por los autores en el centro de la ciudad, a la vez que permitió apreciar la naturaleza del depósito funerario que subyace a la mayor parte del
pavimento.El análisis de estos datos permite comentar la nueva propuesta de datación del edificio, aportando nuevos elementos al debate.
The aim of this article is to study the hillfort thermalism from an archaeological point of view. Material remains are considered as a main source in order to draw historical knowledge, making use of a critical and objectifiable analysis. We have pursued three objectives: to establish a general balance of the current state of knowledge of the material remains of this thermalism, to submit to critique the arguments that support a pre-Roman dating for this phenomenon and to make an overall assessment of their alleged links with a thermal tradition of recent Prehistory, associated with religious or initiatory practices. We conclude that hillfort thermalism is a phenomenon limited to certain territories in the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, that it must be necessarily interpreted as a product of the roman influence in the region, and finally, that we have no evidence to infer that it has been marked by a certain transcendence.