Papers by Sergio Mazzanti

Литературный факт, 2021
Аннотация: В статье предпринимается попытка проанализировать группу малоизученных текстов, связан... more Аннотация: В статье предпринимается попытка проанализировать группу малоизученных текстов, связанных с именем А.Н. Веселовского (1838–1906). Литографированные курсы Веселовского, составленные в период с 1879 по 1888 гг., рассматриваются в контексте гибридного жанра студенческих записей и в сравнении с полноценными авторскими произведениями этого известного филолога XIX в. В центральной части статьи дается обзор всех 16 литографированных изданий курсов Веселовского: их основные внешние и текстовые характеристики, краткое содержание, типологизация. Особое внимание уделяется проблеме авторства этих изданий, на которые современные исследователи смотрят как на тексты, мало отражающие собственные концепции ученого. Несмотря на то что сам Веселовский не раз высказывался скептически по поводу значения литографированных записей своих курсов, подробный текстологический анализ и привлечение других косвенных и прямых фактов позволяет прийти к заключению, что участие профессора в создании этих изданий и, следовательно, доля его авторства, все-таки довольно значительные. Для реконструкции наследия ученого его литографированные курсы представляют собой важнейший источник, особенно в случае с лекциями, посвященными обзору главных европейских литератур (французской, немецкой, итальянской и английской), где Веселовский формулирует более ясные и последовательные обобщения, чем в своих опубликованных трудах.
Ключевые слова: история литературоведения, А.Н. Веселовский, историческая поэтика, студенческие записи, проблема авторства
Для цитирования: Маццанти С. Неизвестные литографированные курсы А.Н. Веселовского: типологизация и проблема авторства // Литературный факт. 2021. № 4 (22). С. 302–336.
Solovʹëvskie issledovaniâ, Mar 30, 2024

Solov’evskie issledovaniya
This article presents the results of the publication project of A.N. Veselovsky’s last surviving ... more This article presents the results of the publication project of A.N. Veselovsky’s last surviving lithographic course: “An Introduction to Dante’s Divine Comedy”. It is well-known that critics paid insufficient attention to such texts: on the one hand, because of Veselovsky’s negative statements about them and, on the other, because different compilers took part in their creation. However, the research that was made for this publication revealed how Veselovsky’s lithographic courses and, in particular, the course on Dante occupy an important place in his legacy. In particular, it was demonstrated that he makes extensive use of fragments of his own and of others’ texts to give a convincing picture of the historical and social environment, as well as of the development of literary traditions that underlie the Divine Comedy. In this course Dante is presented as the real founder of the Renaissance and of humanism as he summed up almost the entire Medieval tradition, consisting of a mixtu...
Solov’evskie issledovaniya
Studi Slavistici, Apr 11, 2019
This article discusses the use of lyrical, musical and visual self-quotations in the works of DDT... more This article discusses the use of lyrical, musical and visual self-quotations in the works of DDT, one of the most important Russian rock bands. After the collapse of the USSR, the legacy of the Soviet rock movement has been the object of a nostalgic approach, both by its protagonists as individuals and by the society as a whole. Supported by different methodological approaches (
Systematische Musikwissenschaft, 2019
Alexander Veselovsky, the father of formal methods and semiotics, defined “historical poetics” as... more Alexander Veselovsky, the father of formal methods and semiotics, defined “historical poetics” as the study of the role of tradition in individual creativity; this can be applied to music studies, in order to explain the relationship between repetition and originality and better define popular music, in its differences with; folk and classical music, respectively. The theory of “primitive syncretism” can show how new musical genres and styles often arise from older ones through the separation of their secondary features. The distinction between motif and plot, with its explanation of complex elements as composition of smaller ones, provides parallels with many popular music structures (riffs; chorus/bridge/verse; chord progression, etc.).

Literary Fact
The article examines a hitherto understudied group of texts associated with the name of A.N. Vese... more The article examines a hitherto understudied group of texts associated with the name of A.N. Veselovsky (1838 –1906). The author of the article discusses Veselovsky's litographed courses, compiled in the period from 1879 to 1888, in the context of the hybrid genre of student recordings and in comparison with the works of famous philologist. The central part of the article provides an overview of all 16 lithographic editions of Veselovsky's courses, namely their main external and textual characteristics, summary, typologization. The author pays special attention to the problem of authorship of these publications, which are viewed by modern researchers as texts that do not reflect the scientist's own concepts. Despite the fact that Veselovsky himself expressed skepticism about the significance of the lithographic recordings of his courses, a detailed textological analysis and other indirect and direct facts allow us to conclude that the professor's participation in the...
Muzikologija, 2014
The analysis of live albums can clarify the dialectic between studio recordings and live performa... more The analysis of live albums can clarify the dialectic between studio recordings and live performances. After discussing key concepts such as authenticity, space, time and place, and documentation, the author gives a preliminary definition of live albums, combining available descriptions and comparing them with different typologies and functions of these recordings. The article aims to give a new definition of the concept of live albums, gathering their primary elements: ?A live album is an officially released extended recording of popular music representing one or more actually occurred public performances?.
Contemporary Popular Music Studies, 2019
Alexander Veselovsky, the father of formal methods and semiotics, defined “historical poetics” as... more Alexander Veselovsky, the father of formal methods and semiotics, defined “historical poetics” as the study of the role of tradition in individual creativity; this can be applied to music studies, in order to explain the relationship between repetition and originality and better define popular music, in its differences with; folk and classical music, respectively. The theory of “primitive syncretism” can show how new musical genres and styles often arise from older ones through the separation of their secondary features. The distinction between motif and plot, with its explanation of complex elements as composition of smaller ones, provides parallels with many popular music structures (riffs; chorus/bridge/verse; chord progression, etc.).
This article discusses the use of lyrical, musical and visual self-quotations in the works of DDT... more This article discusses the use of lyrical, musical and visual self-quotations in the works of DDT, one of the most important Russian rock bands. After the collapse of the USSR, the legacy of the Soviet rock movement has been the object of a nostalgic approach, both by its protagonists as individuals and by the society as a whole. Supported by different methodological approaches (Genette 1997; Yurchak 2003, 2005; Boym 2001; Chion 2016;, Veselovsky 2006), the author examines how Yury Shevchuk, DDT’s leader, uses self-quotation as an artistic tool to re-interpret the past: his own past, and at the same time the past of the country. Self-quotations can also act as a kind of dialogue between the author and society, helping us to understand the role of intertextuality in popular music, and to position it in the cultural field between the individual and the social.

In the last few decades both in Russia and abroad the interest in Aleksandr Veselovskij, the ‘fat... more In the last few decades both in Russia and abroad the interest in Aleksandr Veselovskij, the ‘father of historical poetics’, has been increasing. In 2016 alone the Russian editorial series “Rossijskie Propilei” dedicated four publications to this important 19 th century Russian scholar, one monograph and three collections of works, articles and book excerpts. The four books deal with, respectively: Vasilij Žukovskij, the most important Russian poet before Puskin, discussing his role between Sentimentalism and Romanticism; the Renaissance, focusing especially on the peculiarity of the Italian context; methodology of the humanities, on the basis of carefully selected reviews; and the Holy Grail, proposing many interesting and still useful theories on the origins and development of this legend. Despite some flaws (inaccurate form and questionable statements), “Rossijskie Propilei” has provided new tools to better understand the legacy of one of the most important figures in literary st...
Scritti in onore di Claudia Lasorsa, a cura di Valentina Benigni e Alessandro Salacone, 2011
Ha un qualcosa di profetico il destino di Nikolaj Aleksandrovič Berdjaev, uno dei più grandi filo... more Ha un qualcosa di profetico il destino di Nikolaj Aleksandrovič Berdjaev, uno dei più grandi filosofi russi del XIXXX secolo, apprezzato e studiato in tutto il mondo, ma esiliato e a lungo dimenticato nel proprio paese.

Ricerche slavistiche, 2019
The article proposes a new periodization of the studies on Slavs’ ancient religion from the first... more The article proposes a new periodization of the studies on Slavs’ ancient religion from the first scientific researches to the present day, structured in four phases. The period of the birth of Slavic philology (Dobrovský, Šafarik) was followed by the phase of comparative mythology, marked by romantic trends and in particular by the reworking of Grimm's conceptions (Buslaev, Afanas'ev, Potebnja). The subsequent period, which constitutes the synthesis of the previous ones and at the same time the reaction to the excesses of the mythological school, is in turn divided into three parts: the first presents the internationalization of the debate that took place after the 1960s (important especially the figures of Jagiç and Veselovskij); the second describes the formation of the history of religions as a science, which led to the most important studies on the subject (Niederle, Brückner, Mansikka, Gal'kovskij, Aničkov); the third part is dedicated to the decline of the studies in the second quarter of the twentieth century, due to the change in European political and cultural conditions (particular attention is dedicated to Propp and Jakobson). The fourth period focuses on the trends of the second half of the twentieth century, including the return to mythology (Gieysztor, Ivanov and Toporov), ethnolinguistics (Tolstoj) and others (Rybakov, Łowmiański, Gasparini).
Despite the interest of some of the more recent theories, the author suggests to overcome the current crisis in the studies on this subject by recovering the results of the third period, unfairly underestimated by the majority of recent scholars.

Studi Slavistici, 2019
Veselovskiana 2016. The Contribution of “Rossijskie Propilei”
In the last few decades both in Ru... more Veselovskiana 2016. The Contribution of “Rossijskie Propilei”
In the last few decades both in Russia and abroad the interest in Aleksandr Veselovskij, the ‘father of historical poetics’, has been increasing. In 2016 alone the Russian editorial series “Rossijskie Propilei” dedicated four publications to this important 19th century Russian scholar, one monograph and three collections of works, articles and book excerpts. The four books deal with, respectively: Vasilij Žukovskij, the most important Russian poet before Puškin, discussing his role
between Sentimentalism and Romanticism; the Renaissance, focusing especially on the peculiarity of the Italian context; methodology of the humanities, on the basis of carefully selected reviews; and
the Holy Grail, proposing many interesting and still useful theories on the origins and development of this legend. Despite some flaws (inaccurate form and questionable statements), “Rossijskie Propilei” has provided new tools to better understand the legacy of one of the most important figures in literary studies.

Contemporary Popular Music Studies, 2019
Alexander Veselovsky, the father of formal methods and semiotics, defined “historical poetics” as... more Alexander Veselovsky, the father of formal methods and semiotics, defined “historical poetics” as the study of the role of tradition in individual creativity; this can be applied to music studies, in order to explain the relationship between repetition and originality and better define popular music, in its differences with; folk and classical music, respectively. The theory of “primitive syncretism” can show how new musical genres and styles often arise from older ones through the
separation of their secondary features. The distinction between motif and plot, with its explanation of complex elements as composition of smaller ones, provides parallels with many popular music structures (riffs; chorus/bridge/verse; chord progression, etc.). The concept of cultural borrowing as “counter-flows”, according to which the receiving culture actively selects and readapts the received elements, fits, inter alia, with non-Anglo-American versions of rock. Therefore, historical poetics provides a good ground for a dynamic, non-normative theory of popular music, both as a whole and in its parts.
Atti del XXVIII Congresso internazionale di linguistica e filologia romanza (Roma, 18-23 luglio 2016), 2018
Antonio Pucci alla luce della Poetica storica dello studioso russo Aleksandr N. Veselovskij
“La 'svolta' della nuova cultura sovietica nelle canzoni rock della perestrojka”, in D'Amico T. (... more “La 'svolta' della nuova cultura sovietica nelle canzoni rock della perestrojka”, in D'Amico T. (a cura di), A vent'anni dalla caduta del muro di Berlino, Napoli 2011: 37-51

В статье сопоставляется монография
А.Н. Веселовского «В.А. Жуковский. Поэзия чувства и “сер-
дечн... more В статье сопоставляется монография
А.Н. Веселовского «В.А. Жуковский. Поэзия чувства и “сер-
дечного воображения”» с концепцией исторической поэти-
ки самого автора. Творчество Жуковского рассматривается
как «хронологический момент» исторической поэтики, т.е.
как промежуточный этап, с одной стороны, между сенти-
ментальной поэзией карамзинской эпохи и романтизмом, с
другой стороны, в процессе формирования личного начала,
между автоматическим, безжизненным повторением чужих
формул и подлинным переживанием тех же формул для вы-
ражения чувств. В то же время монография о Жуковском по-
зволяет дополнить и уточнить неоконченную из-за смерти
автора часть книги «Историческая поэтика» и показывает
перспективность учения Веселовского не только в области
фольклористики и традиционной анонимной литературы,
но и для изучения более современных авторов.
Zhukovsky’s poetry and his «socio-psychological type»
of Veselovsky’s historical poetics
Abstract. The article compares Alexander Veselovsky’s
monograph «V. A. Zhukovsky. Poetry of feeling and “heart fan-
tasy”» with the concept of the same author in its historical poet-
ics. Zhukovsky’s works are seen as a «chronological moment»
of historical poetics, e. g. as a traditional phase, by one hand,
between Karamzinian sentimentalist poetry and romanticism,
by the other hand, in the process of formation of the individual
principle, between automatic, lifeless repetition of others’ for-
mulas and authentic experience of the same formulas, in order to
express feelings. At the same time, the book allows to complete and define the part of the book «Historical poetics», not finished
by the author because of his death; it also shows the potential of
Veselovsky’s studies, not only in the field of folklore and tradi-
tional, anonymous literature, but also for the research on more
contemporary writers.
“Il concetto di ‘russkij rok’ tra storia e mito”, in A. Cifariello, C. Cadeddu (a cura di), Perco... more “Il concetto di ‘russkij rok’ tra storia e mito”, in A. Cifariello, C. Cadeddu (a cura di), Percorsi della memoria (testo arti metodologia ricerca). Atti del convegno interdisciplinare 14-15-16 marzo 2007, Roma 2007: 281-300
Papers by Sergio Mazzanti
Ключевые слова: история литературоведения, А.Н. Веселовский, историческая поэтика, студенческие записи, проблема авторства
Для цитирования: Маццанти С. Неизвестные литографированные курсы А.Н. Веселовского: типологизация и проблема авторства // Литературный факт. 2021. № 4 (22). С. 302–336.
Despite the interest of some of the more recent theories, the author suggests to overcome the current crisis in the studies on this subject by recovering the results of the third period, unfairly underestimated by the majority of recent scholars.
In the last few decades both in Russia and abroad the interest in Aleksandr Veselovskij, the ‘father of historical poetics’, has been increasing. In 2016 alone the Russian editorial series “Rossijskie Propilei” dedicated four publications to this important 19th century Russian scholar, one monograph and three collections of works, articles and book excerpts. The four books deal with, respectively: Vasilij Žukovskij, the most important Russian poet before Puškin, discussing his role
between Sentimentalism and Romanticism; the Renaissance, focusing especially on the peculiarity of the Italian context; methodology of the humanities, on the basis of carefully selected reviews; and
the Holy Grail, proposing many interesting and still useful theories on the origins and development of this legend. Despite some flaws (inaccurate form and questionable statements), “Rossijskie Propilei” has provided new tools to better understand the legacy of one of the most important figures in literary studies.
separation of their secondary features. The distinction between motif and plot, with its explanation of complex elements as composition of smaller ones, provides parallels with many popular music structures (riffs; chorus/bridge/verse; chord progression, etc.). The concept of cultural borrowing as “counter-flows”, according to which the receiving culture actively selects and readapts the received elements, fits, inter alia, with non-Anglo-American versions of rock. Therefore, historical poetics provides a good ground for a dynamic, non-normative theory of popular music, both as a whole and in its parts.
А.Н. Веселовского «В.А. Жуковский. Поэзия чувства и “сер-
дечного воображения”» с концепцией исторической поэти-
ки самого автора. Творчество Жуковского рассматривается
как «хронологический момент» исторической поэтики, т.е.
как промежуточный этап, с одной стороны, между сенти-
ментальной поэзией карамзинской эпохи и романтизмом, с
другой стороны, в процессе формирования личного начала,
между автоматическим, безжизненным повторением чужих
формул и подлинным переживанием тех же формул для вы-
ражения чувств. В то же время монография о Жуковском по-
зволяет дополнить и уточнить неоконченную из-за смерти
автора часть книги «Историческая поэтика» и показывает
перспективность учения Веселовского не только в области
фольклористики и традиционной анонимной литературы,
но и для изучения более современных авторов.
Zhukovsky’s poetry and his «socio-psychological type»
of Veselovsky’s historical poetics
Abstract. The article compares Alexander Veselovsky’s
monograph «V. A. Zhukovsky. Poetry of feeling and “heart fan-
tasy”» with the concept of the same author in its historical poet-
ics. Zhukovsky’s works are seen as a «chronological moment»
of historical poetics, e. g. as a traditional phase, by one hand,
between Karamzinian sentimentalist poetry and romanticism,
by the other hand, in the process of formation of the individual
principle, between automatic, lifeless repetition of others’ for-
mulas and authentic experience of the same formulas, in order to
express feelings. At the same time, the book allows to complete and define the part of the book «Historical poetics», not finished
by the author because of his death; it also shows the potential of
Veselovsky’s studies, not only in the field of folklore and tradi-
tional, anonymous literature, but also for the research on more
contemporary writers.
Ключевые слова: история литературоведения, А.Н. Веселовский, историческая поэтика, студенческие записи, проблема авторства
Для цитирования: Маццанти С. Неизвестные литографированные курсы А.Н. Веселовского: типологизация и проблема авторства // Литературный факт. 2021. № 4 (22). С. 302–336.
Despite the interest of some of the more recent theories, the author suggests to overcome the current crisis in the studies on this subject by recovering the results of the third period, unfairly underestimated by the majority of recent scholars.
In the last few decades both in Russia and abroad the interest in Aleksandr Veselovskij, the ‘father of historical poetics’, has been increasing. In 2016 alone the Russian editorial series “Rossijskie Propilei” dedicated four publications to this important 19th century Russian scholar, one monograph and three collections of works, articles and book excerpts. The four books deal with, respectively: Vasilij Žukovskij, the most important Russian poet before Puškin, discussing his role
between Sentimentalism and Romanticism; the Renaissance, focusing especially on the peculiarity of the Italian context; methodology of the humanities, on the basis of carefully selected reviews; and
the Holy Grail, proposing many interesting and still useful theories on the origins and development of this legend. Despite some flaws (inaccurate form and questionable statements), “Rossijskie Propilei” has provided new tools to better understand the legacy of one of the most important figures in literary studies.
separation of their secondary features. The distinction between motif and plot, with its explanation of complex elements as composition of smaller ones, provides parallels with many popular music structures (riffs; chorus/bridge/verse; chord progression, etc.). The concept of cultural borrowing as “counter-flows”, according to which the receiving culture actively selects and readapts the received elements, fits, inter alia, with non-Anglo-American versions of rock. Therefore, historical poetics provides a good ground for a dynamic, non-normative theory of popular music, both as a whole and in its parts.
А.Н. Веселовского «В.А. Жуковский. Поэзия чувства и “сер-
дечного воображения”» с концепцией исторической поэти-
ки самого автора. Творчество Жуковского рассматривается
как «хронологический момент» исторической поэтики, т.е.
как промежуточный этап, с одной стороны, между сенти-
ментальной поэзией карамзинской эпохи и романтизмом, с
другой стороны, в процессе формирования личного начала,
между автоматическим, безжизненным повторением чужих
формул и подлинным переживанием тех же формул для вы-
ражения чувств. В то же время монография о Жуковском по-
зволяет дополнить и уточнить неоконченную из-за смерти
автора часть книги «Историческая поэтика» и показывает
перспективность учения Веселовского не только в области
фольклористики и традиционной анонимной литературы,
но и для изучения более современных авторов.
Zhukovsky’s poetry and his «socio-psychological type»
of Veselovsky’s historical poetics
Abstract. The article compares Alexander Veselovsky’s
monograph «V. A. Zhukovsky. Poetry of feeling and “heart fan-
tasy”» with the concept of the same author in its historical poet-
ics. Zhukovsky’s works are seen as a «chronological moment»
of historical poetics, e. g. as a traditional phase, by one hand,
between Karamzinian sentimentalist poetry and romanticism,
by the other hand, in the process of formation of the individual
principle, between automatic, lifeless repetition of others’ for-
mulas and authentic experience of the same formulas, in order to
express feelings. At the same time, the book allows to complete and define the part of the book «Historical poetics», not finished
by the author because of his death; it also shows the potential of
Veselovsky’s studies, not only in the field of folklore and tradi-
tional, anonymous literature, but also for the research on more
contemporary writers.