Papers by Sergio A. Quintero Cabello
Pyrenae, 2023
El estudio de las fortificaciones de la segunda Edad del Hierro del oppidum de Numancia (Garray, ... more El estudio de las fortificaciones de la segunda Edad del Hierro del oppidum de Numancia (Garray, Soria) ha estado enormemente influido por la percepción mítica de la ciudad debido al papel que jugó en los enfrentamientos contra Roma durante la segunda Guerra Celtibérica (154-133 a.n.e.). Este trabajo sintetiza los testimonios de los autores grecorromanos y las excavaciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo durante el siglo xx para caracterizar, analizar y reflexionar sobre los sistemas defensivos de esta ciudad celtibérica.

SPAL. Revista de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Sevilla
Conocer el uso de las plantas es crucial para entender la economía y la dieta de las comunidades ... more Conocer el uso de las plantas es crucial para entender la economía y la dieta de las comunidades del pasado. Para avanzar en el conocimiento sobre la agricultura y el uso de recursos vegetales en sitios arqueológicos, este artículo propone el análisis de almidones como una metodología que permite ampliar los datos arqueobotánicos procedentes de sitios arqueológicos. Se presentan los resultados del análisis de almidones realizados con muestras obtenidas de 6 artefactos de molienda y 14 recipientes cerámicos procedentes del yacimiento de Numancia (Garray, Soria) durante el final de la Edad del Hierro y la romanización. A través de esta metodología, se ha logrado identificar almidones de Triticeae (Triticum spp. y Hordeum vulgare), avena (Avena spp.), bellota (Quercus ilex) y leguminosas (Fabaceae). Estos datos corroboran el consumo de cereales y recursos de los bosques adyacentes a Numancia, en una estrategia mixta de cultivo y recolección estacional. Además de la identificación taxon...
espanolEl hallazgo de la parte media de un asta de ciervo (Cervus elaphus), en el nivel celtiberi... more espanolEl hallazgo de la parte media de un asta de ciervo (Cervus elaphus), en el nivel celtiberico de Numancia, (Fig.1) ha permitido estudiar la tecnica de despiece y fragmentacion del asta principal, asi como de los candiles, atendiendo a las huellas dejadas por sierras o hachas. En este articulo intentaremos averiguar, los utiles resultantes de las diferentes extracciones, bien sea del asta principal o de los candiles, y como se han realizado estas. EnglishThe finding of the middle part of a red deer antler (Cervus elaphus), in the celtiberian level of Numancia, has allowed to study the technique of cutting and fragmentation of the main antler, as well crown tines, based on the traces left by saws or axes. The main aim of this paper is determining the resulting utilities extracted from the deer antler and the crown-tine and the way there were produced.
Where a licence is displayed above, please note the terms and conditions of the licence govern yo... more Where a licence is displayed above, please note the terms and conditions of the licence govern your use of this document. When citing, please reference the published version. While the University of Birmingham exercises care and attention in making items available there are rare occasions when an item has been uploaded in error or has been deemed to be commercially or otherwise sensitive.
The work carried out in Numantia has supplied new stratigraphical information, revealing the supe... more The work carried out in Numantia has supplied new stratigraphical information, revealing the superposition of the different cities. After the city was destroyed by Scipio Aemilianus in 133 BCE, it was rebuilt and destroyed again during the Sertorian War (75-72 BCE). During the times of Augustus it was populated again as a pilgrimage city on Roman Road XXVII of the Antonine Itinerary, maintaining its indigenous urban planning. During the Flavian period, the city obtained the ius latii and the municipium titles, which entailed demographical growth and a monumentalising process of the public buildings, while maintaining its indigenous urban planning and domestic structures to a large extent.
[ES]: Se analiza una nueva representacion iconografica con cabeza de caballo y cuerpo serpentifor... more [ES]: Se analiza una nueva representacion iconografica con cabeza de caballo y cuerpo serpentiforme, realizada sobre una gran vasija de contencion de alimentos, bien contextualizada arqueologicamente, que viene a enriquecer la singular iconografia de la ciudad celtiberica de Numancia. [EN]: It is analyzed a new iconographic representation with horse head and serpentine body, executed on a food containing vessel, well contextualized archaeologically, that enriches the unique iconography of the Celtiberian city of Numantia.

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2013
ABSTRACT A small amber fragment from the period of roman occupation of Numantia (Garray, Spain) w... more ABSTRACT A small amber fragment from the period of roman occupation of Numantia (Garray, Spain) was characterised by FTIR spectroscopy and optical microscopy. The material was found to be a polystyrene-like material, which is a very rare fossil resin known as Siegburgite or class III amber. Until now, this material was found in Europe only at two sites, both localised in Germany and it is the first time that this type of amber was identified in wrought archaeological artefacts. The discussion includes the applicability of the method to distinguish false from true and amber of different origin, its use and trading as well as a hypothesis for a transport route. The study highlights the need for a more systematic study of archaeological amber remains. The finding also proves the exploitation and trading of local, non-Baltic amber deposits throughout the Roman Empire.
Complutum, 2012
Alfredo jimeNo, Antonio chAíN, Sergio quiNtero, Raquel licerAs, Ángel sANtos equipo arqueológico ... more Alfredo jimeNo, Antonio chAíN, Sergio quiNtero, Raquel licerAs, Ángel sANtos equipo arqueológico de Numancia, departamento de prehistoria, universidad Complutense.
In A. Jimeno (ed.), Numancia eterna. Junta de Castilla y León, Salamanca: 13-27., 2017
In A. Jimeno (ed.), Numancia eterna. Junta de Castilla y León, Salamanca: 51-67., 2017
Complutum, 2012
Este artículo aborda la cuestión estratigráfica de Numancia, tratando de resolver el número de ci... more Este artículo aborda la cuestión estratigráfica de Numancia, tratando de resolver el número de ciudades superpuestas y, en relación con este tema, el de la ordenación de sus cerámicas, que están sin solucionar desde los inicios de su investigación hace más de doscientos años, y que han condicionado en gran medida la cronología y ordenación de los yacimientos celtibéricos. Se analizan las aportaciones de los investigadores anteriores, teniendo en cuenta las nuevas claves propiciadas por las excavaciones recientes, que permiten abrir nuevas perspectivas interpretativas.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2013
In Bendala Galán, M. (coord.), Los Escipiones: Roma conquista Hispania. Museo Arqueológico Regional. p. 259-273, 2015
VII Simposio sobre los celtíberos. Nuevos hallazgos, nuevas interpretaciones, 2014
It is studied a metalworker cast, found in a room in the Celtiberian city of Numantia, designed ... more It is studied a metalworker cast, found in a room in the Celtiberian city of Numantia, designed to make an unknown and singular type of ring fibula, confirming the importance of metalworking in this city, as was pointed in different works, and the frequently demonstrated creativity of people from Numantia, not only in their rich and special ceramics, but also in metal creations.
A small amber fragment from the period of roman occupation of Numantia (Garray, Spain) was
charac... more A small amber fragment from the period of roman occupation of Numantia (Garray, Spain) was
characterised by FTIR spectroscopy and optical microscopy. The material was found to be a
polystyrene-like material, which is a very rare fossil resin known as Siegburgite or class III
amber. Until now, this material was found in Europe only at two sites, both localised in Germany
and it is the first time that similar archaeological amber was identified. The discussion includes
the applicability of the method to distinguish false from true and amber of different origin, it’s use
and trading as well as a hypothesis for a transport route. The study highlights the need for a
more systematic study of archaeological amber remains. The finding also proves the
exploitation and trading of local, non-Baltic amber deposits throughout the Roman Empire.
Papers by Sergio A. Quintero Cabello
characterised by FTIR spectroscopy and optical microscopy. The material was found to be a
polystyrene-like material, which is a very rare fossil resin known as Siegburgite or class III
amber. Until now, this material was found in Europe only at two sites, both localised in Germany
and it is the first time that similar archaeological amber was identified. The discussion includes
the applicability of the method to distinguish false from true and amber of different origin, it’s use
and trading as well as a hypothesis for a transport route. The study highlights the need for a
more systematic study of archaeological amber remains. The finding also proves the
exploitation and trading of local, non-Baltic amber deposits throughout the Roman Empire.
characterised by FTIR spectroscopy and optical microscopy. The material was found to be a
polystyrene-like material, which is a very rare fossil resin known as Siegburgite or class III
amber. Until now, this material was found in Europe only at two sites, both localised in Germany
and it is the first time that similar archaeological amber was identified. The discussion includes
the applicability of the method to distinguish false from true and amber of different origin, it’s use
and trading as well as a hypothesis for a transport route. The study highlights the need for a
more systematic study of archaeological amber remains. The finding also proves the
exploitation and trading of local, non-Baltic amber deposits throughout the Roman Empire.