Books by Sergej Perevalov
Reviews of my Book(s) by Sergej Perevalov
Papers by Sergej Perevalov
Восточная Европа в древности и средневековье (ВЕДС), 2022
Greco-barbarian dialogues from the epilogue to the poem "Theogony" by John Tzetz (1140s).

Казань: Изд-во Казанского университета, 2017
Some notes on the structure of Arrian’s Parthica
S. M. Perevalov
The Parthica (or History of th... more Some notes on the structure of Arrian’s Parthica
S. M. Perevalov
The Parthica (or History of the Parthians) was the largest work of Flavius Arrian of Nicomedia (ca. 86 – after 161 AD), consisting of 17 books (for comparison The Events after Alexander had 10, Bithyniaca 8 and Anabasis 7). Parthica dealt with relations between Rome and Parthia, especially Roman-Parthian wars. According to Ph. Stadter, “Arrian is by far the best preserved of any author of Parthica”.
The full text of Arrian’s Parthica is lost, but some disparate fragments have
remained in the writings of late authors. There are two main collections: F. Jacoby
(FGrH. II B No. 156, with comments), and A. Roos–G. Wirth (Flavii Arriani quae
extant omnia. II. Leipzig, 1968). F. Jacoby distributes the material among the authors
who quoted Arrian; A. Roos assigns the fragments to individual books (if possible),
and also inserts in the collection anonymous, and controversial fragments.
The main problem with using Arrian’s Parthica as a historical source is the
distribution of fragments to the books of the lost original text. Links to individual
books of Parthica are given by Stephanus of Byzantium (V sec.) and John Lydus
(V sec.). Patriarch Photius (IX sec.) in his Library (Cod. 93) gives a brief description
of the lost works of Arrian, including Parthica, some excerpts from this work are
contained in the Extracts of Embassies by Сonstantine Porphyrogenitus (X sec.), and
some of the fragments are preserved in the Suda “Lexicon”. Cassius Dio (III sec.) and
John Malalas (VI sec.) used Arrian’s Parthica, when recounting the events of Tra-
jan’s Parthian war (113–117 AD), but without mentioning his name.
The present report deals with the following issues: the date of Arrian’s Parthi-
ca (after 136 AD), the genre of the work, and the principles governing allocation of
fragments to Parthica and to its individual books.

The author offers an overvi... more Abstract.
The author offers an overview of the terms existing in historiography for the no-madic societies of the Eurasian steppes in the Antiquity and the Middle Ages. According to the author, the definition of “militarized” communities does not apply to nomads whose combat skills were not the result of militarization conducted by the authorities, but grew out of the lifestyle itself. The author uses the comparative method by means of comparing the main institutions of European civilization, on the one hand, and ones of the nomadic world of Eurasia, on the other. The important role of linguistics of the 18th–19th centuries in the establishment of scientific criteria for the ethnic classification of humankind is not-ed. The author pays attention to the interference of politics in modern disputes about the historical heritage of the nomadic Iranian-speaking tribes (Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans) using the example of litigation around the fate of “Scythian gold” (Crimean museums). The humanitarian character of historical research, the connection with the literary form of presentation is emphasized. The author consistently rejects insufficient terms and con-cepts that use analogies with European feudal society (“chivalry”), are based on linguistic or ethnic unity (Scythians, Alans), forms of political organization (“empire”) or level of social development (“barbarism”). The term “nomads” still remains the most acceptable.

В статье рассматривается духовное и философское течение в Древней Греции. Наиболее ха... more Аннотация.
В статье рассматривается духовное и философское течение в Древней Греции. Наиболее характерная черта софистики – утверждение относительности всех человеческих понятий, этических норм и оценок. В отличие от предшествующих философских школ (милетская, пифагорейцы, элеаты), софисты занимались не проблемами космического бытия, а познающего субъекта, признавая его критерием истины. Автор отмечает, что главное значение софистики состояло в том, что она перенесла центр тяжести греческой мысли с
Натурфилософии на изучение человека.
Ключевые слова:
софистика, человек, риторика.
The spiritual and philosophical knowledge in the Ancient Greece is considered in the ar
ticle. The most typical threat of Sophistry – is the statement of human notions, ethical regulations relativity. Unlike earlier philosophical doctrines (Miletus, Pythagorean) sophists weren’t interested in the cosmic problems. Their main interest was – epistemology, and the subject as the criterion of truth.
Keywords: sophistry, person, rhetoric.

Казус Марии Всеволожей: осетинская версия происхождения русской княгини // Цивилизация и варварство: человек варварского мира и варварский мир человека (Часть 2). В.П. Буданова (Ред.). М.: Аквилон, 2017. Вып. VII. С. 108–141., 2017
S.M. Perevalov
The article deals with the origins of Maria Shvarnovna († 1206), the first wife of Vsevolod III «Big Nest». Her origins are disputed. On the XVIII World Russian People's Council she has been identified as Ossetian (Alan), Maria Jassynja. Some scholars say she was Czech or Moravian. In the author’s opinion, Maria’s father was Kievan boyar Shvarn, who was not Ossetin (Alan, Jas). Nickname jassynja was applied only to the younger Maria’s sister, the wife of Mstislav Svjatoslavich, her place of residence was Vladimir-on-Klyazma. The sisters are belonged to the Russian princes’ circle and had no contact with Caucasian Alania.
Maria Shvarnovna, XVIII World Russian People's Council, Ossetian historiography, Russian-Alanic marital ties
PEREVALOV Sergej Michailovich
— Candidate of Historical Sciences, Inde-pendent Researcher, Russian Federation, Vladikavkaz. — [email protected]
Roman Stretegy on the Caucasus during the Cappadocian legateship of Flavius Arrian (131-137 A.D.).

S.M. Perevalov
S.M. Perevalov
The article deals with the use of Greek military handbooks in preparing Roman generals. The Romans had no formal education nor training for the commanders. Candidates for the posts of generals and staff officers had to learn for the duties of army command through instructions from books, among them theoretical treatises of Greek military writers. There were following categories of the military handbooks or manuals: 1) stratagems (collections of military tricks); 2) technical treatises on artillery and machines; 3) precepts on strategy («the art of generalship») and 4) on tactics. In spite of antiquarian trends of the manuals, these books might be useful to prospective generals as a source of stimulating ideas about tactics in real battles. Flavius Arrian, the author of the «Tactica» and the «Ektaxis contra Alanos», is a good example of the commander, who adapted the modified Hellenistic phalanx for use in practice.
Sergej M. Perevalov
Greek Tactics, Chinese Strategy and Eurasian “hybrid warfare”: product and pr... more Sergej M. Perevalov
Greek Tactics, Chinese Strategy and Eurasian “hybrid warfare”: product and product Heritage of the “Axial Age”
The article deals with the origins of three types of ancient warfare during the so-named “Axial Age” (800–200 B.C.). In Greece (1) and China (2) military theory is emerged: the tactical theory – in the first case, and the strategic one – in the latter. For the Greeks and the Chinese regular warfare was military service to their states. The military art of the nomads (3) of the Eurasian Steppes was connected to their way of life. Their upbringing in a pastoral setting, training in riding and shooting skills for seasonal migrations and hunting, made the nomads into natural warriors and horsemen. In the author’s opinion, nomadic mode of warfare was the forerunner of the modern “hybrid warfare” tactics.
S.M. Perevalov
Scythians as nomads and nomads as barbarians: the origins of the concept of “barba... more S.M. Perevalov
Scythians as nomads and nomads as barbarians: the origins of the concept of “barbarian nomadism”
In the standard opposition “Hellenes-Barbarians” the place of barbarians traditionally is occupied by the Persians. The author proposes to treat as an alternative to Hellenism not Persians, but Scythians. The article deals with a nomadic way of life, Scythian warfare, their hard anthropological type, an attitude to freedom and submission, the postmodern concept of Nomadology.
Keywords: barbarians, Scythians, nomadism, pastoral economics, nomadology
Aristotle's historical method.
Books by Sergej Perevalov
Reviews of my Book(s) by Sergej Perevalov
Papers by Sergej Perevalov
S. M. Perevalov
The Parthica (or History of the Parthians) was the largest work of Flavius Arrian of Nicomedia (ca. 86 – after 161 AD), consisting of 17 books (for comparison The Events after Alexander had 10, Bithyniaca 8 and Anabasis 7). Parthica dealt with relations between Rome and Parthia, especially Roman-Parthian wars. According to Ph. Stadter, “Arrian is by far the best preserved of any author of Parthica”.
The full text of Arrian’s Parthica is lost, but some disparate fragments have
remained in the writings of late authors. There are two main collections: F. Jacoby
(FGrH. II B No. 156, with comments), and A. Roos–G. Wirth (Flavii Arriani quae
extant omnia. II. Leipzig, 1968). F. Jacoby distributes the material among the authors
who quoted Arrian; A. Roos assigns the fragments to individual books (if possible),
and also inserts in the collection anonymous, and controversial fragments.
The main problem with using Arrian’s Parthica as a historical source is the
distribution of fragments to the books of the lost original text. Links to individual
books of Parthica are given by Stephanus of Byzantium (V sec.) and John Lydus
(V sec.). Patriarch Photius (IX sec.) in his Library (Cod. 93) gives a brief description
of the lost works of Arrian, including Parthica, some excerpts from this work are
contained in the Extracts of Embassies by Сonstantine Porphyrogenitus (X sec.), and
some of the fragments are preserved in the Suda “Lexicon”. Cassius Dio (III sec.) and
John Malalas (VI sec.) used Arrian’s Parthica, when recounting the events of Tra-
jan’s Parthian war (113–117 AD), but without mentioning his name.
The present report deals with the following issues: the date of Arrian’s Parthi-
ca (after 136 AD), the genre of the work, and the principles governing allocation of
fragments to Parthica and to its individual books.
The author offers an overview of the terms existing in historiography for the no-madic societies of the Eurasian steppes in the Antiquity and the Middle Ages. According to the author, the definition of “militarized” communities does not apply to nomads whose combat skills were not the result of militarization conducted by the authorities, but grew out of the lifestyle itself. The author uses the comparative method by means of comparing the main institutions of European civilization, on the one hand, and ones of the nomadic world of Eurasia, on the other. The important role of linguistics of the 18th–19th centuries in the establishment of scientific criteria for the ethnic classification of humankind is not-ed. The author pays attention to the interference of politics in modern disputes about the historical heritage of the nomadic Iranian-speaking tribes (Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans) using the example of litigation around the fate of “Scythian gold” (Crimean museums). The humanitarian character of historical research, the connection with the literary form of presentation is emphasized. The author consistently rejects insufficient terms and con-cepts that use analogies with European feudal society (“chivalry”), are based on linguistic or ethnic unity (Scythians, Alans), forms of political organization (“empire”) or level of social development (“barbarism”). The term “nomads” still remains the most acceptable.
В статье рассматривается духовное и философское течение в Древней Греции. Наиболее характерная черта софистики – утверждение относительности всех человеческих понятий, этических норм и оценок. В отличие от предшествующих философских школ (милетская, пифагорейцы, элеаты), софисты занимались не проблемами космического бытия, а познающего субъекта, признавая его критерием истины. Автор отмечает, что главное значение софистики состояло в том, что она перенесла центр тяжести греческой мысли с
Натурфилософии на изучение человека.
Ключевые слова:
софистика, человек, риторика.
The spiritual and philosophical knowledge in the Ancient Greece is considered in the ar
ticle. The most typical threat of Sophistry – is the statement of human notions, ethical regulations relativity. Unlike earlier philosophical doctrines (Miletus, Pythagorean) sophists weren’t interested in the cosmic problems. Their main interest was – epistemology, and the subject as the criterion of truth.
Keywords: sophistry, person, rhetoric.
The article deals with the origins of Maria Shvarnovna († 1206), the first wife of Vsevolod III «Big Nest». Her origins are disputed. On the XVIII World Russian People's Council she has been identified as Ossetian (Alan), Maria Jassynja. Some scholars say she was Czech or Moravian. In the author’s opinion, Maria’s father was Kievan boyar Shvarn, who was not Ossetin (Alan, Jas). Nickname jassynja was applied only to the younger Maria’s sister, the wife of Mstislav Svjatoslavich, her place of residence was Vladimir-on-Klyazma. The sisters are belonged to the Russian princes’ circle and had no contact with Caucasian Alania.
Maria Shvarnovna, XVIII World Russian People's Council, Ossetian historiography, Russian-Alanic marital ties
PEREVALOV Sergej Michailovich
— Candidate of Historical Sciences, Inde-pendent Researcher, Russian Federation, Vladikavkaz. — [email protected]
S.M. Perevalov
The article deals with the use of Greek military handbooks in preparing Roman generals. The Romans had no formal education nor training for the commanders. Candidates for the posts of generals and staff officers had to learn for the duties of army command through instructions from books, among them theoretical treatises of Greek military writers. There were following categories of the military handbooks or manuals: 1) stratagems (collections of military tricks); 2) technical treatises on artillery and machines; 3) precepts on strategy («the art of generalship») and 4) on tactics. In spite of antiquarian trends of the manuals, these books might be useful to prospective generals as a source of stimulating ideas about tactics in real battles. Flavius Arrian, the author of the «Tactica» and the «Ektaxis contra Alanos», is a good example of the commander, who adapted the modified Hellenistic phalanx for use in practice.
Greek Tactics, Chinese Strategy and Eurasian “hybrid warfare”: product and product Heritage of the “Axial Age”
The article deals with the origins of three types of ancient warfare during the so-named “Axial Age” (800–200 B.C.). In Greece (1) and China (2) military theory is emerged: the tactical theory – in the first case, and the strategic one – in the latter. For the Greeks and the Chinese regular warfare was military service to their states. The military art of the nomads (3) of the Eurasian Steppes was connected to their way of life. Their upbringing in a pastoral setting, training in riding and shooting skills for seasonal migrations and hunting, made the nomads into natural warriors and horsemen. In the author’s opinion, nomadic mode of warfare was the forerunner of the modern “hybrid warfare” tactics.
Scythians as nomads and nomads as barbarians: the origins of the concept of “barbarian nomadism”
In the standard opposition “Hellenes-Barbarians” the place of barbarians traditionally is occupied by the Persians. The author proposes to treat as an alternative to Hellenism not Persians, but Scythians. The article deals with a nomadic way of life, Scythian warfare, their hard anthropological type, an attitude to freedom and submission, the postmodern concept of Nomadology.
Keywords: barbarians, Scythians, nomadism, pastoral economics, nomadology
S. M. Perevalov
The Parthica (or History of the Parthians) was the largest work of Flavius Arrian of Nicomedia (ca. 86 – after 161 AD), consisting of 17 books (for comparison The Events after Alexander had 10, Bithyniaca 8 and Anabasis 7). Parthica dealt with relations between Rome and Parthia, especially Roman-Parthian wars. According to Ph. Stadter, “Arrian is by far the best preserved of any author of Parthica”.
The full text of Arrian’s Parthica is lost, but some disparate fragments have
remained in the writings of late authors. There are two main collections: F. Jacoby
(FGrH. II B No. 156, with comments), and A. Roos–G. Wirth (Flavii Arriani quae
extant omnia. II. Leipzig, 1968). F. Jacoby distributes the material among the authors
who quoted Arrian; A. Roos assigns the fragments to individual books (if possible),
and also inserts in the collection anonymous, and controversial fragments.
The main problem with using Arrian’s Parthica as a historical source is the
distribution of fragments to the books of the lost original text. Links to individual
books of Parthica are given by Stephanus of Byzantium (V sec.) and John Lydus
(V sec.). Patriarch Photius (IX sec.) in his Library (Cod. 93) gives a brief description
of the lost works of Arrian, including Parthica, some excerpts from this work are
contained in the Extracts of Embassies by Сonstantine Porphyrogenitus (X sec.), and
some of the fragments are preserved in the Suda “Lexicon”. Cassius Dio (III sec.) and
John Malalas (VI sec.) used Arrian’s Parthica, when recounting the events of Tra-
jan’s Parthian war (113–117 AD), but without mentioning his name.
The present report deals with the following issues: the date of Arrian’s Parthi-
ca (after 136 AD), the genre of the work, and the principles governing allocation of
fragments to Parthica and to its individual books.
The author offers an overview of the terms existing in historiography for the no-madic societies of the Eurasian steppes in the Antiquity and the Middle Ages. According to the author, the definition of “militarized” communities does not apply to nomads whose combat skills were not the result of militarization conducted by the authorities, but grew out of the lifestyle itself. The author uses the comparative method by means of comparing the main institutions of European civilization, on the one hand, and ones of the nomadic world of Eurasia, on the other. The important role of linguistics of the 18th–19th centuries in the establishment of scientific criteria for the ethnic classification of humankind is not-ed. The author pays attention to the interference of politics in modern disputes about the historical heritage of the nomadic Iranian-speaking tribes (Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans) using the example of litigation around the fate of “Scythian gold” (Crimean museums). The humanitarian character of historical research, the connection with the literary form of presentation is emphasized. The author consistently rejects insufficient terms and con-cepts that use analogies with European feudal society (“chivalry”), are based on linguistic or ethnic unity (Scythians, Alans), forms of political organization (“empire”) or level of social development (“barbarism”). The term “nomads” still remains the most acceptable.
В статье рассматривается духовное и философское течение в Древней Греции. Наиболее характерная черта софистики – утверждение относительности всех человеческих понятий, этических норм и оценок. В отличие от предшествующих философских школ (милетская, пифагорейцы, элеаты), софисты занимались не проблемами космического бытия, а познающего субъекта, признавая его критерием истины. Автор отмечает, что главное значение софистики состояло в том, что она перенесла центр тяжести греческой мысли с
Натурфилософии на изучение человека.
Ключевые слова:
софистика, человек, риторика.
The spiritual and philosophical knowledge in the Ancient Greece is considered in the ar
ticle. The most typical threat of Sophistry – is the statement of human notions, ethical regulations relativity. Unlike earlier philosophical doctrines (Miletus, Pythagorean) sophists weren’t interested in the cosmic problems. Their main interest was – epistemology, and the subject as the criterion of truth.
Keywords: sophistry, person, rhetoric.
The article deals with the origins of Maria Shvarnovna († 1206), the first wife of Vsevolod III «Big Nest». Her origins are disputed. On the XVIII World Russian People's Council she has been identified as Ossetian (Alan), Maria Jassynja. Some scholars say she was Czech or Moravian. In the author’s opinion, Maria’s father was Kievan boyar Shvarn, who was not Ossetin (Alan, Jas). Nickname jassynja was applied only to the younger Maria’s sister, the wife of Mstislav Svjatoslavich, her place of residence was Vladimir-on-Klyazma. The sisters are belonged to the Russian princes’ circle and had no contact with Caucasian Alania.
Maria Shvarnovna, XVIII World Russian People's Council, Ossetian historiography, Russian-Alanic marital ties
PEREVALOV Sergej Michailovich
— Candidate of Historical Sciences, Inde-pendent Researcher, Russian Federation, Vladikavkaz. — [email protected]
S.M. Perevalov
The article deals with the use of Greek military handbooks in preparing Roman generals. The Romans had no formal education nor training for the commanders. Candidates for the posts of generals and staff officers had to learn for the duties of army command through instructions from books, among them theoretical treatises of Greek military writers. There were following categories of the military handbooks or manuals: 1) stratagems (collections of military tricks); 2) technical treatises on artillery and machines; 3) precepts on strategy («the art of generalship») and 4) on tactics. In spite of antiquarian trends of the manuals, these books might be useful to prospective generals as a source of stimulating ideas about tactics in real battles. Flavius Arrian, the author of the «Tactica» and the «Ektaxis contra Alanos», is a good example of the commander, who adapted the modified Hellenistic phalanx for use in practice.
Greek Tactics, Chinese Strategy and Eurasian “hybrid warfare”: product and product Heritage of the “Axial Age”
The article deals with the origins of three types of ancient warfare during the so-named “Axial Age” (800–200 B.C.). In Greece (1) and China (2) military theory is emerged: the tactical theory – in the first case, and the strategic one – in the latter. For the Greeks and the Chinese regular warfare was military service to their states. The military art of the nomads (3) of the Eurasian Steppes was connected to their way of life. Their upbringing in a pastoral setting, training in riding and shooting skills for seasonal migrations and hunting, made the nomads into natural warriors and horsemen. In the author’s opinion, nomadic mode of warfare was the forerunner of the modern “hybrid warfare” tactics.
Scythians as nomads and nomads as barbarians: the origins of the concept of “barbarian nomadism”
In the standard opposition “Hellenes-Barbarians” the place of barbarians traditionally is occupied by the Persians. The author proposes to treat as an alternative to Hellenism not Persians, but Scythians. The article deals with a nomadic way of life, Scythian warfare, their hard anthropological type, an attitude to freedom and submission, the postmodern concept of Nomadology.
Keywords: barbarians, Scythians, nomadism, pastoral economics, nomadology
The article deals with Flavius Arrian’s visit to the so-called Caspian Gate, now the Darial Pass in the central Caucasus. The main sources are John Lydus (De mag. 3.53), Themistius (Or. 34.8) and Dio Cassius (69.15.1). The author argues, that Arrian had been at the Caspian Gate in the course of his campaign against the Alani in A.D. 135, and consider some details of the event.
Scientist from Vladikavkaz, at the last place of work – senior researcher of the North Ossetian Institute of humanitarian and social research name V. I. Abaev, candidate of historical Sciences Sergey Perevalov unvarnished talks about his life and scientific way, expresses opinions on the issues of the past.
and present.
Казус «Марии-Ясыни» как симптом наступления «нового средневековья».
Дискуссия последних лет о происхождении Марии Всеволожей с попыткой навязать владимирской княгине не встречающееся в источниках прозвище Ясыня, предоставляет нам свежий материал для понимания тех процессов в современной России, которые социологами и гуманитариями осмысляются в категориях «нового средневековья».