Carbon Footprint (CF) calculations have recently drawn considerable attention in order to limit g... more Carbon Footprint (CF) calculations have recently drawn considerable attention in order to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Adapting to environmental consequences of climate change will require collaborative action, which involves every stakeholder, particularly libraries. CF calculators are digital tools for revealing and reducing CF. This paper introduces the concepts of “carbon footprint” and “carbon footprint calculator” by reviewing relevant library and information science literature.
This study addresses the current problems with cataloging and classification of Karamanli (Karama... more This study addresses the current problems with cataloging and classification of Karamanli (Karamanlidika) works, and seeks to provide guidance on how to improve existing bibliographic records of these unique works, which are already in many academic libraries all over the world. The Karamanli works, also known as Karamanlidika, refer to those works written in Turkish language but printed in Greek characters according to the usage of Karamanli language or Karamania in Asia Minor (Anatoli) during the Ottoman Empire. Qualitative analysis through academic library online catalogs and the OCLC's WorldCat indicates that there is no consistency among bibliographic descriptions of Karamanlidika works due to lack of standards relating to the description of these special works. In order to provide seamless access to this indigenous literature: (1) one should use new subject headings and a Library of Congress call number, (2) assign a new ISO639-2 language code for Karamanli language, and (...
This paper introduces the concept of “net zero energy,” presents some historical milestones throu... more This paper introduces the concept of “net zero energy,” presents some historical milestones through the idea of sustainability by reviewing the relevant literature, and highlights some case studies to strengthen the viewpoints on moving towards a sustainable future with net zero energy buildings. Many net zero energy buildings are being developed around the world, as well as in the United States’ communities, college campuses, and individual buildings. Libraries have also been supporting this initiative. For the next library renovation, librarians are encouraged to continue to leverage the net zero energy concept by developing net zero energy library buildings that produce their own renewable energy to meet the consumed energy demand, to safeguard a budget and energy-sustainable future.
Kısa bir süre öncesine kadar yararlanılabilecek bilgi kaynakları basılı materyallerle (kitap, der... more Kısa bir süre öncesine kadar yararlanılabilecek bilgi kaynakları basılı materyallerle (kitap, dergi, rapor, vb. gibi) sınırlıydı; ancak bilgi teknolojilerindeki gelişmelerle kaynak çeşidinde de hızlı bir artış yaşandı. CD-ROM, elektronik kitap, elektronik dergi ve Web sitesi gibi elektronik bilgi kaynakları sadece günlük yaşamımızda değil akademik araştırmalarda da kullanılmaya başlandı. Araştırma raporlarında elektronik ortamda bulunan kaynaklara nasıl atıf yapılacağı konusunda farklı görüşler öne sürülmeye başlandı ve farklı atıf stilleri (APA, MLA, vd.) geliştirildi. Bu çalışmada elektronik ortamda bulunan elektronik kitap, elektronik dergi, web sayfası vb. gibi yayınlara nasıl atıf yapılacağı Amerikan Psikoloji Demeği'nin (APA) yayın kurallarından uyarlanarak örneklerle açıklanmaktadır.
ABSTRACT This article reviews the research literature of three major journals in reference librar... more ABSTRACT This article reviews the research literature of three major journals in reference librarianship. The texts of 494 articles were analyzed and classified as research versus nonresearch. Articles such as news, commentary, book reviews, editorials, meeting announcements, and opinion pieces were excluded from the analysis. A total number of 162 (30.49%) articles were determined to be research articles and were examined to collect data on numerous variables including but not limited to authorship, affiliation, topic, type of research, data collection, and data analysis techniques.
This research paper reviews published library science literature from 2008 through 2012 using a p... more This research paper reviews published library science literature from 2008 through 2012 using a purposive sample of 13 Library and Information Science (LIS) journals. The texts of 1,778 LIS articles were analyzed and classified as research versus non-research. Of these articles, 769 (43.1%) determined as research were examined in order to collect data on numerous variables including authorship, topic, type of research, data collection, and data analysis techniques. The selected LIS journals draw a representative sample of practitioner research with 438 (57%) research articles solely written by practitioners, 110 (14.3%) research articles written collaboratively by at least one practitioner and one academic. The overall authorship pattern was widely multi-authored with 64.5% of the research articles written by two or more authors. It is hoped that the results of this investigation will provide insight for more extensive collaborative librarianship research in the future.
IFLA’s demands to be co-custodian of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development provides tremendou... more IFLA’s demands to be co-custodian of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development provides tremendous opportunity for libraries’ transformation into the future, but it comes with a huge obligation. The 2030 UN Agenda includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 specific targets addressing the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. There is no doubt that we are in the phase where transformative change is necessary for libraries regarding sustainable development. However, most libraries have insufficient data to assess whether they are on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore, this paper presents a “Library Environment Sustainability Progress Index” (LESPI) which can be used as a benchmarking tool for any library to assess their compliance with the goals. In order to compile the Index, the 169 concrete targets were carefully examined and 46 of them selected for inclusion in the LESPI. The proposed measure has been pilot tes...
The Karamanlides, also known as Karamanli people, are those who spoke Ottoman Turkish and wrote i... more The Karamanlides, also known as Karamanli people, are those who spoke Ottoman Turkish and wrote in Greek characters in Asia Minor during the rule of the Ottoman Empire. The Karamanli Turkish community has been forced to leave the country in accord with the 1923 Mubadele. There are also evidences of records of Karamanlides found in rare book libraries and archives in Cyprus, Greece, Istanbul, and Anatoli. The first step of the research was to identify available digital Karamanlides cultural artifacts via social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube and pinpoint the useful metadata. The next step focused on the analysis of these user generated metadata. Findings suggested that these unique cultural artifacts have been scattered all over the WWW and lack descriptive metadata. The aim of this project is not just the discovery of Karamanlides artifacts, but also the reconnecting of people to their cultural heritage and lost memories via a digital platform. It is hoped that i...
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 2007
Every few years library and information science (LIS) scholars report on the state of research in... more Every few years library and information science (LIS) scholars report on the state of research in librarianship in general and practitioner research in particular. These reviews, some more extensive in journal coverage than others, focus on topics addressed, methodologies used, and quality of the research. At the January 2003 Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) conference, we presented the findings of our review of the 1998-2002 published librarianship research. We decided to update that analytical review for two reasons: to look at more recent literature (2003-2005), and to use refined methodological criteria to evaluate these studies. From a purposive sample of 23 LIS journals we have mined 401 research articles; 206 articles were randomly selected for this in-depth analysis. A checklist of 35 factors was applied in our analysis of these research articles. These project and report factors include authorship, topic, location and setting, type of resear...
Academic librarians are encountering a growing number of English Language Learners (ELLs) every d... more Academic librarians are encountering a growing number of English Language Learners (ELLs) every day, as our classrooms have become more linguistically diverse every year. In this dramatically changing environment, academic librarians are expected to meet the needs of increasingly diverse students speaking multiple languages. The purpose of this paper is to present widely used teaching strategies to support ELLs based on an exhaustive literature review. Study also suggests collaboration among ESL or classroom instructors and librarians to enhance semester-long learning experience.
Millions of people are displaced every year inAfrican countries such as Burundi, Democratic Repub... more Millions of people are displaced every year inAfrican countries such as Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, and Somalia due to increasing number of conflicts and lack of fundamental human rights such as food and safety. There are many research studies focused on the African refugee crisis with a special emphasize on physical and psychological consequences of migration. The purpose of this current study is to examine the scientific literature indexed in Scopus from 2001 and 2015 in order to present the trends on African refugees. Bibliometric data extracted from 826 documents and analyzed to present data on various variables including but not limited to type and annual distribution of documents, country of origins, affiliations of authors, most productive authors, subject domains, and the top journals publishing research on African refugees. It is hoped that the results of this study will expose the depth of research on this specific refugee population and therefore wi...
∗ Tel.: +90-212-286 2961; fax: +90-212-285 2874. E-mail address: [email protected] This resea... more ∗ Tel.: +90-212-286 2961; fax: +90-212-285 2874. E-mail address: [email protected] This research aims to study the effectiveness of Total Quality Management (TQM) principles, especially a user-centered design for a digital library of Ottoman manuscripts. In this study, the requirements for achieving a user-centered digital library by means of multilingual and multicultural web interfaces and information services are examined.
Carbon Footprint (CF) calculations have recently drawn considerable attention in order to limit g... more Carbon Footprint (CF) calculations have recently drawn considerable attention in order to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Adapting to environmental consequences of climate change will require collaborative action, which involves every stakeholder, particularly libraries. CF calculators are digital tools for revealing and reducing CF. This paper introduces the concepts of “carbon footprint” and “carbon footprint calculator” by reviewing relevant library and information science literature.
This study addresses the current problems with cataloging and classification of Karamanli (Karama... more This study addresses the current problems with cataloging and classification of Karamanli (Karamanlidika) works, and seeks to provide guidance on how to improve existing bibliographic records of these unique works, which are already in many academic libraries all over the world. The Karamanli works, also known as Karamanlidika, refer to those works written in Turkish language but printed in Greek characters according to the usage of Karamanli language or Karamania in Asia Minor (Anatoli) during the Ottoman Empire. Qualitative analysis through academic library online catalogs and the OCLC's WorldCat indicates that there is no consistency among bibliographic descriptions of Karamanlidika works due to lack of standards relating to the description of these special works. In order to provide seamless access to this indigenous literature: (1) one should use new subject headings and a Library of Congress call number, (2) assign a new ISO639-2 language code for Karamanli language, and (...
This paper introduces the concept of “net zero energy,” presents some historical milestones throu... more This paper introduces the concept of “net zero energy,” presents some historical milestones through the idea of sustainability by reviewing the relevant literature, and highlights some case studies to strengthen the viewpoints on moving towards a sustainable future with net zero energy buildings. Many net zero energy buildings are being developed around the world, as well as in the United States’ communities, college campuses, and individual buildings. Libraries have also been supporting this initiative. For the next library renovation, librarians are encouraged to continue to leverage the net zero energy concept by developing net zero energy library buildings that produce their own renewable energy to meet the consumed energy demand, to safeguard a budget and energy-sustainable future.
Kısa bir süre öncesine kadar yararlanılabilecek bilgi kaynakları basılı materyallerle (kitap, der... more Kısa bir süre öncesine kadar yararlanılabilecek bilgi kaynakları basılı materyallerle (kitap, dergi, rapor, vb. gibi) sınırlıydı; ancak bilgi teknolojilerindeki gelişmelerle kaynak çeşidinde de hızlı bir artış yaşandı. CD-ROM, elektronik kitap, elektronik dergi ve Web sitesi gibi elektronik bilgi kaynakları sadece günlük yaşamımızda değil akademik araştırmalarda da kullanılmaya başlandı. Araştırma raporlarında elektronik ortamda bulunan kaynaklara nasıl atıf yapılacağı konusunda farklı görüşler öne sürülmeye başlandı ve farklı atıf stilleri (APA, MLA, vd.) geliştirildi. Bu çalışmada elektronik ortamda bulunan elektronik kitap, elektronik dergi, web sayfası vb. gibi yayınlara nasıl atıf yapılacağı Amerikan Psikoloji Demeği'nin (APA) yayın kurallarından uyarlanarak örneklerle açıklanmaktadır.
ABSTRACT This article reviews the research literature of three major journals in reference librar... more ABSTRACT This article reviews the research literature of three major journals in reference librarianship. The texts of 494 articles were analyzed and classified as research versus nonresearch. Articles such as news, commentary, book reviews, editorials, meeting announcements, and opinion pieces were excluded from the analysis. A total number of 162 (30.49%) articles were determined to be research articles and were examined to collect data on numerous variables including but not limited to authorship, affiliation, topic, type of research, data collection, and data analysis techniques.
This research paper reviews published library science literature from 2008 through 2012 using a p... more This research paper reviews published library science literature from 2008 through 2012 using a purposive sample of 13 Library and Information Science (LIS) journals. The texts of 1,778 LIS articles were analyzed and classified as research versus non-research. Of these articles, 769 (43.1%) determined as research were examined in order to collect data on numerous variables including authorship, topic, type of research, data collection, and data analysis techniques. The selected LIS journals draw a representative sample of practitioner research with 438 (57%) research articles solely written by practitioners, 110 (14.3%) research articles written collaboratively by at least one practitioner and one academic. The overall authorship pattern was widely multi-authored with 64.5% of the research articles written by two or more authors. It is hoped that the results of this investigation will provide insight for more extensive collaborative librarianship research in the future.
IFLA’s demands to be co-custodian of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development provides tremendou... more IFLA’s demands to be co-custodian of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development provides tremendous opportunity for libraries’ transformation into the future, but it comes with a huge obligation. The 2030 UN Agenda includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 specific targets addressing the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. There is no doubt that we are in the phase where transformative change is necessary for libraries regarding sustainable development. However, most libraries have insufficient data to assess whether they are on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore, this paper presents a “Library Environment Sustainability Progress Index” (LESPI) which can be used as a benchmarking tool for any library to assess their compliance with the goals. In order to compile the Index, the 169 concrete targets were carefully examined and 46 of them selected for inclusion in the LESPI. The proposed measure has been pilot tes...
The Karamanlides, also known as Karamanli people, are those who spoke Ottoman Turkish and wrote i... more The Karamanlides, also known as Karamanli people, are those who spoke Ottoman Turkish and wrote in Greek characters in Asia Minor during the rule of the Ottoman Empire. The Karamanli Turkish community has been forced to leave the country in accord with the 1923 Mubadele. There are also evidences of records of Karamanlides found in rare book libraries and archives in Cyprus, Greece, Istanbul, and Anatoli. The first step of the research was to identify available digital Karamanlides cultural artifacts via social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube and pinpoint the useful metadata. The next step focused on the analysis of these user generated metadata. Findings suggested that these unique cultural artifacts have been scattered all over the WWW and lack descriptive metadata. The aim of this project is not just the discovery of Karamanlides artifacts, but also the reconnecting of people to their cultural heritage and lost memories via a digital platform. It is hoped that i...
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 2007
Every few years library and information science (LIS) scholars report on the state of research in... more Every few years library and information science (LIS) scholars report on the state of research in librarianship in general and practitioner research in particular. These reviews, some more extensive in journal coverage than others, focus on topics addressed, methodologies used, and quality of the research. At the January 2003 Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) conference, we presented the findings of our review of the 1998-2002 published librarianship research. We decided to update that analytical review for two reasons: to look at more recent literature (2003-2005), and to use refined methodological criteria to evaluate these studies. From a purposive sample of 23 LIS journals we have mined 401 research articles; 206 articles were randomly selected for this in-depth analysis. A checklist of 35 factors was applied in our analysis of these research articles. These project and report factors include authorship, topic, location and setting, type of resear...
Academic librarians are encountering a growing number of English Language Learners (ELLs) every d... more Academic librarians are encountering a growing number of English Language Learners (ELLs) every day, as our classrooms have become more linguistically diverse every year. In this dramatically changing environment, academic librarians are expected to meet the needs of increasingly diverse students speaking multiple languages. The purpose of this paper is to present widely used teaching strategies to support ELLs based on an exhaustive literature review. Study also suggests collaboration among ESL or classroom instructors and librarians to enhance semester-long learning experience.
Millions of people are displaced every year inAfrican countries such as Burundi, Democratic Repub... more Millions of people are displaced every year inAfrican countries such as Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, and Somalia due to increasing number of conflicts and lack of fundamental human rights such as food and safety. There are many research studies focused on the African refugee crisis with a special emphasize on physical and psychological consequences of migration. The purpose of this current study is to examine the scientific literature indexed in Scopus from 2001 and 2015 in order to present the trends on African refugees. Bibliometric data extracted from 826 documents and analyzed to present data on various variables including but not limited to type and annual distribution of documents, country of origins, affiliations of authors, most productive authors, subject domains, and the top journals publishing research on African refugees. It is hoped that the results of this study will expose the depth of research on this specific refugee population and therefore wi...
∗ Tel.: +90-212-286 2961; fax: +90-212-285 2874. E-mail address: [email protected] This resea... more ∗ Tel.: +90-212-286 2961; fax: +90-212-285 2874. E-mail address: [email protected] This research aims to study the effectiveness of Total Quality Management (TQM) principles, especially a user-centered design for a digital library of Ottoman manuscripts. In this study, the requirements for achieving a user-centered digital library by means of multilingual and multicultural web interfaces and information services are examined.
Papers by Selenay Aytac