Papers by Sefa Yiğit Kurt

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
Liken skleroz(LS), kaşıntı ve ağrı semptomlarının eşlik ettiği, belirgin enflamasyon, epitelyal i... more Liken skleroz(LS), kaşıntı ve ağrı semptomlarının eşlik ettiği, belirgin enflamasyon, epitelyal incelme, dermal değişikliklerle karakterize benign, kronik, progressif bir dermatolojik hastalıktır. Her yaş döneminde görülebilir, ancak pik yaptığı yaş dönemleri; prepubertal, peri-postmenapozal dönemlerdir (1). Genel jinekoloji pratiğinde görülme prevelansı % 1,7 olarak bildirilmektedir. Etiyolojisi tam bilinmemekle birlikte; genetik yatkınlık, otoimmunite, kronik lokal irritasyon, enfeksiyon ve hormonal değişiklikler etkenler arasında sayılabilir (2). ÖZ Liken skleroz, kadınlarda daha sık görülen, otoimmun bozuklukların ve dermal değişikliklerin eşlik ettiği, kronik enflamatuar, progressif bir hastalıktır. Liken sklerozlu hastalarının % 85-98'in de anogenital tutulum izlenir. Genital tutulumlu liken skleroz uygun şekilde tedavi edilmez ise, özellikle premenarş ve postmenopozal dönemde vulvada fonksiyonel ve yapısal bozukluklara neden olabilir. Bu makalede, 94 yaşında idrar yapmada güçlük, idrar yapamama yakınmalarıyla başvuran kadın hastada, liken sklerozun vulvar tutulumuna bağlı gelişen, bir vulvar fimozis olgusunun başarılı tıbbi tedavisi literatür eşliğinde sunuldu Anahtar sözcükler: anogenital liken skleroz; topikal östrojen tedavisi; vulvar fimozis ABSTRACT Lichen sclerosus is a progressive, chronic inflammatory disease, which is accompanied with dermal alterations and autoimmune disorders and more common among women. Anogenital lesions are present in 85-98% of lichen sclerosus patients. If lichen sclerosus, which is located in genitalia, is not treated properly, may cause functional and structural disorders in vulva especially during premenarchal and postmenopausal period. In this article, the successful treatment of a vulvar phimosis in a 94-year-old woman, who presented to our clinic with difficulty of urinating is presented with literature.
Istanbul University - DergiPark, May 1, 1998

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
This paper reports the measures taken to manage the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on O&G se... more This paper reports the measures taken to manage the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on O&G services in a tertiary referal centre and their outcomes. All the patients included in this study received inpatient treatment and underwent surgery between March 10 2020 and end of June 2020, including obstetric or gynaecologic cases combined. Data including age, diagnosis, operation, duration of preoperative and postoperative hospital stay, COVID-19 status were recorded. COVID-19 status of the patients was diagnosed with a nasopharyngeal swab test. Thirty-seven (20%) of 177 operations were performed because of gynaecologic reasons. The rest of them were caesarean sections (C/S). In gynaecologic cases, 22 (59%) of 37 were emergent operations, nine (24%) cases were oncologic and six (16%) cases were elective gynaecological surgeries. On the other hand, 43 (30%) of 140 patients, who underwent caesarean sections, were urgent surgeries. The rest were elective and planned caesarean sections. Only five patients (2.8%) who had undergone caesarean sections were tested positive for COVID-19. No COVID-19 transmission to staff was recorded in this period. Measures against the COVID-19 pandemic must be multidisciplinary and is crucial to prevent the spread of the disease to staff in close contact.Impact StatementWhat is already known on this subject? COVID-19 pandemic has been a crucial health problem worldwide. Healthcare workers work intensely to protect people from the pandemic. It is especially important to protect healthcare professionals and hospitalized patients from virus transmission. Therefore, utilization of personal protective equipment such as masks, gloves and goggles is obligatory, and hygiene rules such as sanitization of hands are strictly followed.What the results of this study add? This study adds the experience and success of a tertiary centre regarding the measure against COVID-19 to the literature. No viral transmission was detected to healthcare workers and other patients from COVID-19 patients. Hence, measures that mentioned in the present study should be an example to other centres for protection against pandemic.What the implications are of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? As mentioned above, measures that are explained in the present study should be an example to other centres for protection against the pandemic. Further larger size clinical studies are needed to prove the beneficial effect of the measures that still used against pandemic.
Journal of Surgery and Medicine
The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Dokuz Eylul University (protocol number: 3686-G... more The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Dokuz Eylul University (protocol number: 3686-GOA, 07.12.2017). All procedures in this study involving human participants were performed in accordance with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments.

The significant contribution of the male partner to infertility is no longer in doubt. There is h... more The significant contribution of the male partner to infertility is no longer in doubt. There is however little disagreement regarding the frustrating experience with medical management of male infertility. The effect of infection as a contributor to abnormalities in semen parameters has been reviewed. The study was aimed at identifying male factor contribution to infertility and the influence of bacterial infection on seminal parameters.All 202 patients were spouses of infertile women who presented to the Gynaecological clinic of the FederalMedicalCentreGombe over a one-year period, fromJanuary toDecember 2001 inclusive. The density of spermatozoa ranged from 0-844x10 /ml with a mean of 44.588.5 x10 /ml. Only 94 (46.5%) of the patients had the reference lower limit normal density of 20 million spermatozoa/ml or more. However, 111 (55%) were normozoospermic for total count with 64 (31.7%) being oligozoospermic. There were bacterial isolates from the seminal fluid of 134 (66.3%) patie...

Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2014
ABSTRACT It is a well known fact that endometriosis is linked with apoptosis, extracellular matri... more ABSTRACT It is a well known fact that endometriosis is linked with apoptosis, extracellular matrix formation, and angiogenesis. In this study, the authors aim to investigate the relation between the extent of endometriosis and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Twenty-one patients who received laparoscopic intervention due to endometriosis constituted the patient group, whereas 19 patients who were operated due to extra-endometrial benign cyst were included in the control group. Following the laparoscopic pelvic assessment, peripheral blood samples and two cc of free peritoneal fluid from the Douglas pouch were obtained simultaneously. The samples were studied with regards to VEGF level via solid phase sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. In the patient group, eight cases were diagnosed with Stages I and II endometriosis, while 13 cases were diagnosed with Stages III and IV endometriosis. Among the Stage I and II cases, serum VEGF levels were statistically significantly higher, as compared to the Stage III and IV cases, as well as the control group. Discussion: In conclusion, the authors found a relationship between elevated serum VEGF levels and early stage endometriosis.

International Urogynecology Journal, 2022
Various positions for pelvic floor muscle (PFM) relaxation are recommended during PFM training in... more Various positions for pelvic floor muscle (PFM) relaxation are recommended during PFM training in physiotherapy clinics. To our knowledge, there is no study addressing the most effective position for PFM and abdominal muscle relaxation. Therefore, the current study aimed to investigate the effect of different relaxation positions on PFM and abdominal muscle functions in women with urinary incontinence (UI). Sixty-seven women diagnosed with UI were enrolled in the study. The type, frequency, and amount of UI were assessed with the International Incontinence Questionnaire-Short Form and bladder diary. Superficial electromyography was used to assess PFM and abdominal muscle functions during three relaxation positions: modified butterfly pose (P1), modified child pose (P2), and modified deep squat with block (P3). Friedman variance analyses and Wilcoxon signed rank test with Bonferroni corrections were used to evaluate the difference between positions. The most efficient position for PFM relaxation was P1 and followed by P3 and P2, respectively. The order was also the same for abdominal muscles (p < 0.001), P1 > P3 > P2. The rectus abdominis (RA) was the most affected muscle during PFM relaxation. The extent of relaxation of RA muscle increased as the extent of PFM relaxation increased (r = 0.298, p = 0.016). No difference was found between different types of UI during the same position in terms of PFM relaxation extents (p > 0.05). Efficient PFM relaxation is maintained during positions recommended in physiotherapy clinics. The extent of PFM and abdominal muscle relaxation varies according to the positions.

Granüloza hücreli tümörler (GHT) overin seks kord stromal tümörleridir ve tüm over malignitelerin... more Granüloza hücreli tümörler (GHT) overin seks kord stromal tümörleridir ve tüm over malignitelerinin %2-3'ünü oluşturur. Bu tümörler tipik olarak düşük malign potansiyelli, yavaş büyüme hızı ve östrojen gibi seks steroidleri salgılayabilen hormon aktif seks kord stromal tümörlerdir. Serum tümör belirteci olarak inhibin ve östrodiol tanıda kullanılabilir. Postmenopozal dönemde, düşük FSH düzeylerinden de tanısal belirteç olarak yararlanılabilir. Hastaların tümör tarafından uzun süre östrojen salgılanmasına maruz kalması sonucu olarak uterin kanser ve endometrial hiperplazi gelişebilir ve vaginal kanama görülebilir. Bu çalışmada operasyon öncesi atipisiz endometrial hiperplazisi ve sağ ovarian ağrısız kitlesi olan bir olgu sunulmuştur. Operasyon esnasında sağ ovarian kitlenin frozene gönderilmesi sonucu granüloza hücreli over tümörü tanısı konulmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Granüloza hücreli tümör, over, postmenopozal vaginal kanama. Granulosa cell tumours (GCT) are uncommon sex cord-...
Copyright © 2013 Sefa Kurt et al.This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Co... more Copyright © 2013 Sefa Kurt et al.This is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Objective. To introduce an alternative surgical approach for the optimal treatment of pelvic organ prolapse (POP).Methods. Twenty symptomatic women with grades 2–4 POP diagnosis who opted to choose this alternative surgery were retrospectively analyzed. Results. A total of 22 cases were included. The mean age of the patients was 50.6 ± 13.2 years (29–72 years) with a mean gravid and parity of 5.5 ± 2.66 and 3.4 ± 2.06, respectively. The mean body-mass index of the patients was 24.25 ± 2.43. Nine (45%) patients were premenopausal and 11 (55%) patients were postmenopausal. Uterine descensus was present in all patients, and additionally

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 2020
Our aim in this study was to investigate the value of lower gastrointestinal system (GIS) endosco... more Our aim in this study was to investigate the value of lower gastrointestinal system (GIS) endoscopy regarding the detection of colon invasion and its importance in recognizing primary and secondary ovarian cancers in cases clinically prediagnosed as advanced stage ovarian cancers. Materials and Methods: Records of patients, who were operated due to adnexal mass suspicious for malignancy at our clinic between September 2012 and May 2017, were examined. One hundred thirteen cases of advanced stage (Stage III-IV) malignant adnexal masses were detected. Results: Cases that underwent laparotomy because of a prediagnosis of malignant adnexal mass (mostly ovarian), and had stage III and IV disease, were compared regarding clinical characteristics and foreseeing bowel resection (51 patients had undergone lower GIS endoscopy, 62 had not). Six of the 51 patients, who underwent endoscopy, were diagnosed with colon involvement during endoscopy while 4 other patients were diagnosed intraoperatively. Among the 62 patients, without preoperative endoscopy, 10 patients underwent intraoperative bowel resection. The mean age of the patients with bowel resection was 57.35±13.53y; the mean age of the remaining patients was 55.8±12.54y. Rectosigmoid region was the most common area of resection (17/20). The positive predictive value of colonoscopy for predicting bowel resection was 100%, while the negative predictive value was 91%. Conclusion: Bowel resection is a pivotal component of the surgical approach to advanced stage malignant adnexal masses. The detection of tumor spread in lower GIS endoscopy is very important while planning the surgery, dealing with postoperative stoma problems and emotional issues and during the differential diagnosis of metastatic tumors.

Minerva ginecologica, 2016
BACKGROUND Although various laboratory tests have been studied with an intended use in the diagno... more BACKGROUND Although various laboratory tests have been studied with an intended use in the diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and the assessment of treatment response, the neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) has not been investigated in PID. We aimed to explore the value of blood NLR in diagnosis of PID and assessment of the treatment response. METHODS Sixty-five patients followed-up and treated with the diagnosis of PID in Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital were retrospectively reviewed. The NLR measured before treatment and after clinical remission in the patients diagnosed with PID were assessed and compared with controls (N.=65). RESULTS In the patient group, the NLR measured before treatment was statistically significantly higher than the NLR measured after clinical remission (6.9±6.4 vs. 2.03±0.8, P<0.001). Similarly, comparison of the NLR measured in the patient group before treatment with the control group showed that this ratio was statistically signi...

Amac : Bu calismayi endometriyozis ile ovaryum kanseri arasindaki iliskiyi arastirmak icin planla... more Amac : Bu calismayi endometriyozis ile ovaryum kanseri arasindaki iliskiyi arastirmak icin planladik. Buldugumuz sonuclarla birlikte benign bir hastalik olarak kabul edilen endometriozise yaklasimimizi yeniden degerlendirmeyi amacladik. Gerec - Yontem : Ocak 1998 - Aralik 2003 tarihleri arasinda hastanemiz onkoloji bolumunde ovaryum karsinomu nedeni ile ameliyat edilen 322 hastanin dosyalari retrospektif olarak incelendi. Postoperatif patoloji raporunda malign ovaryum tumoru ile birlikte endometriozis saptanan 13 olgu calismaya alindi. Istatistiksel analiz icin SPSS for Windows 10.0 bilgisayar programi kullanildi. Calismanin verileri t testi kullanilarak degerlendirildi ve sag kalim analizi icin kaplan-maier yontemi secildi. Bulgular : Hastalarin ortalama yasi 47.53±7.57 (38 – 68) olup, 3 olgu menopozdaydi.5 hastada berrak hucreli tumor, 4 hastada endometrioid tumor, 2 si borderline olmak uzere 3 hastada seroz tumor, 1 hastada granuloza hucreli tumor endometriozis ile birlikteydi. H...
Rudimentary uterin horn accompanied unicorn is a rare developmental anomaly of the female genital... more Rudimentary uterin horn accompanied unicorn is a rare developmental anomaly of the female genital system. The incidence in the general population is 1/100.000. This anomaly is 5-10% of all forms of uterine anomalies. With urinary tract anomalies, especially ipselateral renal anomalies are observed frequently. In this study, we aimed to present the treatment of phenomenon of noncommunican rudimentary horn, 25 years old, 5 years married, with complaints of chronic pelvic pain and infertility, accompanied by ipselateral renal agenesis, incidentally detected.
Liken skleroz, kadinlarda daha sik gorulen, otoimmun bozukluklarin ve dermal degisikliklerin esli... more Liken skleroz, kadinlarda daha sik gorulen, otoimmun bozukluklarin ve dermal degisikliklerin eslik ettigi, kronik enflamatuar, progressif bir hastaliktir. Liken sklerozlu hastalarinin % 85-98’in de anogenital tutulum izlenir. Genital tutulumlu liken skleroz uygun sekilde tedavi edilmez ise, ozellikle premenars ve postmenopozal donemde vulvada fonksiyonel ve yapisal bozukluklara neden olabilir. Bu makalede, 94 yasinda idrar yapmada gucluk, idrar yapamama yakinmalariyla basvuran kadin hastada, liken sklerozun vulvar tutulumuna bagli gelisen, bir vulvar fimozis olgusunun basarili tibbi tedavisi literatur esliginde sunuldu
28 Bu çalışmada; 36 yaşında modifiye radikal mastektomi sonrası adjuvan kemoterapiye bağlı geçici... more 28 Bu çalışmada; 36 yaşında modifiye radikal mastektomi sonrası adjuvan kemoterapiye bağlı geçici over fonksiyon kaybı esnasında oluşan bir gebelik olgusu ile kemoterapiye maruziyeti ile 33 yaşında lumpektomi, adjuvan kemoterapi ve radyoterapi sonrası hastalıksız geçen 4 yılın ardından sağlıklı bir doğumla sonuçlanan ikinci bir gebelik olgusu sunuldu. Gebelikte meme kitlelerinin değerlendirilmesi, gebelikle ilişkili meme kanseri tanısı, gebe kadında ilk antenatal meme muayenesinin önemi, meme kanserli hastada kontrasepsiyon, meme kanseri tedavisi sonrası gebelik tartışıldı.

Integrative Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021
Burns are serious life-threatening health problems. This study was performed to determine the eff... more Burns are serious life-threatening health problems. This study was performed to determine the effect of educated platelets on burn wound healing process. 28 female wistar albino 200-220 gr rats were randomly divided into four groups. Group A1 rats(n:7) were the first-line burnt group from which blood samples are extracted to develop platelet-rich plasma(PRP) with the educated platelets that have a response to burn injury. Group B1 rats(n:7) were the unburnt group with ordinary platelets. Group A2 rats(n:8) were the second-line burnt group which was given PRP with educated platelets. Group B2 rats(n:6), as control group, were the second-line burnt group which was given PRP with ordinary platelets. Photos of rats' dorsum were taken by digital camera on the first day and 21st day of the study. Wound healing was determined by scar surface area. In the study group (Group A2) mean wound area was 53±37 mm², in the control group (Group B2) mean wound area was 114±55 mm² on the last day...
Turkish Journal of Surgery, 2020

Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 2018
Objective: The present study evaluates the preventable risk factors in symptomatic women with pre... more Objective: The present study evaluates the preventable risk factors in symptomatic women with previous surgery for pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and/or stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Methods: Four hundred and one women previously operated were divided into two groups as; women operated for POP (325 cases) and women operated for SUI (76 cases). The control group consisted of 233 age and body mass index (BMI)-matched subject operated for benign gynecologic reasons and exhibited no evidence of POP or SUI. These groups were compared in terms of age, BMI, gravida, parity, mode of delivery, smoking status, menopause status and chronic diseases. Results: Grand_multiparity (parity ≥5) increased the risk of POP/SUI surgery and POP surgery 2.71 and 2.94 times, respectively (p=0.0003 and p=0.0001, respectively). Vaginal birth increased the risk of POP/ SUI surgery 2.33 times (p=0.03). Conclusion: Grand_multiparity increased the risk of POP/SUI surgery and POP surgery while vaginal birth increased the risk of POP/SUI surgery. Among them, particularly, grand_multiparity seem to be the only preventable risk factors.
Papers by Sefa Yiğit Kurt