Books by Sebastiano Triulzi

The essay was inspired by the publication of the book Lezioni americane di Giorgio Bassani, edite... more The essay was inspired by the publication of the book Lezioni americane di Giorgio Bassani, edited by Valerio Cappozzo, and focuses in particular on two aspects: the strong heritage Abstract: Fabio Vander recognizes the founding of the «relative» in Croce at the expense of Heidegger's ontology and welcomes the idea that liberalism is inherently revolutionary. But he acknowledges the «Croce problem» − the aristocratic habitand extends it to the whole tradition of the pre-fascist liberalism. La libertà come filosofia di vita: intervista a Corrado Ocone, di Francesco Postorino ………………………………………………………………………………...…. p. 26 Abstract: Croce's philosophical view, according to Corrado Ocone, is a thoughtful tribute to human creativity and freedom. In his opinion, it deals with a «philosophy of life» higher than both the Communist approach and the Liberal doctrine, and should be read carefully in a relation of fruitful tension with Oakeshott, Popper, Hayek, Berlin and Collingwood's theories. Abstract: According to Rosalia Peluso, the debate of crocean studies today is the comparison with different points of view. At a recent conference about Croce, occurred in Russia, the Italian scholar underlined that the new post-Soviet conditions have favoured an interesting penetration of this philosopher in the country. But Russian culture has yet to face Marxism. The liberal pages written and lived by Croce can be of great help.

There have been done several tries to define the "genre" of Dante's Vita nova. Yet, the "booklet"... more There have been done several tries to define the "genre" of Dante's Vita nova. Yet, the "booklet" resists to the possibility to be precisely defined. Perhaps, its hybrid characteristic may be showed through the consideration of the form of autobiography. The relation between the self-writing (the construction of a work through the re-utilization and re-adaptation of author's previous writings), the diverse communicative forms that contribute to the making of the Vita nova, and the relation that this work establishes with the working progress of all Dante's work. This article inquires the textual and extra-textual role that the writing of the self assumes in Vita Nova. How the "booklet" reacts to the previous forms of lyrical poetry (texts and macro-texts of Romance lyrical poetry) and how Vita nova influences Petrarch's Rerum vulgarium fragmenta -both in terms of continuity and contrast with the "booklet".
This article is the result of the will to reconstruct the editorial history of the book Sghiribiz... more This article is the result of the will to reconstruct the editorial history of the book Sghiribizzi, the only translation of Gesualdo Bufalino from Spanish and the selection of Ramón Gómez de la Serna's greguerías. By researching articles, declarations and correspondence preceding the publication of the book it has been tried to recreate the steps that lead the translator its publication; furthermore, in a second moment, the study of the typewritten document has allowed to follow and evaluate the book evolution through a never-ending succession of variations in the different elaboration phases. The abundance of the rediscovered variations, that are classified according to the contemporary author philology, has allowed to contemplate the complexity of the endless work through which Bufalino has introduced himself in Sghiribizzi as a translator and writer at the same time.
Il volume (il secondo della collana "Medea") raccoglie i più significativi libri per bambini degl... more Il volume (il secondo della collana "Medea") raccoglie i più significativi libri per bambini degli anni 1960-1979, descrivendoli e suddividendoli in cinque raggruppamenti ideati dagli autori. Il libro è corredato da immagini a colori delle copertine e delle illustrazioni più rappresentative dei volumi trattati.
The beginning of the Italian novel I Promessi sposi, by Alessandro Manzoni, seems of Virgilian me... more The beginning of the Italian novel I Promessi sposi, by Alessandro Manzoni, seems of Virgilian memory and the adventures of Renzo and Lucia are characterized by a sense of Romanity as well; in particular, the story starts the same day of Catilina's conspiracy; Catilina is compared to Don Rodrigo: they both, in fact, try a shot against the Res publica (Catilina) and Lucia (Rodrigo), being both (Lucia and the Res publica) each other allegory. Abstract: This essay focuses about the themes of blasphemy and atheism in the Italian lyric of the twentieth century, focusing mainly on the poetry of Giosue Carducci, Abstract: The author draws a parallel between Guido Morselli and Primo Levi, highlighting some affinities in their consideration of the character of biblical Job (Giobbe) in his tragic relationship with God.

The essay was inspired by the publication of the book Lezioni americane di Giorgio Bassani, edite... more The essay was inspired by the publication of the book Lezioni americane di Giorgio Bassani, edited by Valerio Cappozzo, and focuses in particular on two aspects: the strong heritage Abstract: Fabio Vander recognizes the founding of the «relative» in Croce at the expense of Heidegger's ontology and welcomes the idea that liberalism is inherently revolutionary. But he acknowledges the «Croce problem» − the aristocratic habitand extends it to the whole tradition of the pre-fascist liberalism. La libertà come filosofia di vita: intervista a Corrado Ocone, di Francesco Postorino …………………………………………………………………………….…...…. p. 26 Abstract: Croce's philosophical view, according to Corrado Ocone, is a thoughtful tribute to human creativity and freedom. In his opinion, it deals with a «philosophy of life» higher than both the Communist approach and the Liberal doctrine, and should be read carefully in a relation of fruitful tension with Oakeshott, Popper, Hayek, Berlin and Collingwood's theories. Abstract: According to Rosalia Peluso, the debate of crocean studies today is the comparison with different points of view. At a recent conference about Croce, occurred in Russia, the Italian scholar underlined that the new post-Soviet conditions have favoured an interesting penetration of this philosopher in the country. But Russian culture has yet to face Marxism. The liberal pages written and lived by Croce can be of great help.
This article shows the fortune of the biographical voice "Giovan Paolo Mattia Castrucciˮ, known a... more This article shows the fortune of the biographical voice "Giovan Paolo Mattia Castrucciˮ, known as the author of the book Descrittione del ducato di Alvito, published for the first time in 1633. According to tradition, he was born in Alvito (in a small duchy in the Kingdom of Naples) between XVI and XVII centuries and he was from a family related to a Luccan warlord Castruccio Castracani, to whom Machiavelli dedicated a short biographical novel. However, Castrucci never existed, despite the reprints of "hisˮ work (1686, 1863 and 1978) and many biographical notes that were dedicated to him. His case is the result of an editorial strategy of the XVII century.
Papers by Sebastiano Triulzi
Books by Sebastiano Triulzi
Papers by Sebastiano Triulzi