Papers by Sebastian Rodriguez
Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agents Systems, May 4, 2015
Open J. Cloud Comput., 2017
Cloud computing is a business paradigm where two important roles must be defined: provider and co... more Cloud computing is a business paradigm where two important roles must be defined: provider and consumer. Providers offer services (e.g. web application, web services, and databases) and consumers pay for using them. The goal of this research is to focus on security and compliance aspects of cloud service. An ontology is introduced, which is the conceptualization of cloud domain, for analyzing different compliance aspects of cloud agreements. The terms, properties and relations are shown in a diagram. The proposed ontology can help service consumers to extract relevant data from service level agreements, to interpret compliance regulations, and to compare different contractual terms. Finally, some recommendations are presented for cloud consumers to adopt services and evaluate security risks.
2017 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), 2017
This paper reports on an ultra-wideband (UWB) Schottky diode based balanced envelope detector for... more This paper reports on an ultra-wideband (UWB) Schottky diode based balanced envelope detector for the L-, S-, C-and X-bands. The proposed circuit consists of a balun that splits the input signal into two 180º out of phase signals, a balanced detector, that demodulates the two signals, a low pass filter that rejects the second harmonic spurious from the Schottky diode and a bias tee that selects the optimum rectification point. The manufactured prototype is able to demodulate error free a 4 Gbps amplitude shift keying (ASK) signal at 4 GHz carrier frequency, leading to a record bitrate to frequency carrier ratio (b) of 100%. Besides this, the detector achieves error free demodulation for carrier frequencies between 4 and 8 GHz, while keeping the bitrate at 4 Gbps.

Multiagent Model for Distributed Peak Shaving System with Demand-Side Management Approach
2017 First IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), 2017
Energy management is one of the most important problems in the world today, due among other reaso... more Energy management is one of the most important problems in the world today, due among other reasons to the increase in clients electricity demand which generates the Peak Load problem. The rise of Smart Grids as a new paradigm, developed mainly to address those requirements, allows the design and implementation of more complex management and monitoring systems. In this paper, we propose a modelization based on Organizational Multiagent System (MAS) for a distributed control system. Its main aims consist into address the Peak Load problem with Cyber-Physical Systems using the Demand-Side Management approach. The control decision process of the system implements an Artificial Immune Network algorithm to determine the state of consumption of any controlled device connected to the Smart Grid. The first stage of the ASPECS methodology was adopted in order to develop the proposed models. The simulation results show a reduction of about 20% in energy consumption. We conclude that the MAS approach adopted fits the requirements to model the proposed AIN-Peak Shaving System.
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2017
h i g h l i g h t s • We presents the fundamentals of the SARL agent-programming language. • We d... more h i g h l i g h t s • We presents the fundamentals of the SARL agent-programming language. • We define the features that should be supported by a run-time environment for any SARL program. • We propose to adapt the Janus agent framework for becoming a SARL run-time environment. • We propose a service-based architecture for the Janus framework. • We evaluates the performances of the Janus framework when it is running a SARL program.

Revue d'intelligence artificielle, 2016
L'environnement, en tant qu'espace partagé entre agents, est un élément essentiel des systèmes mu... more L'environnement, en tant qu'espace partagé entre agents, est un élément essentiel des systèmes multiagents (SMA). Selon les systèmes, il réponds à différents points de vue. Il est qualifié de physique ou communicationnel selon que les agents interagissent par des actions situées ou des échanges de messages mais également de social si un modèle social régit les interactions. Chacun de ces points de vue est déclinable en dimensions dotées chacune de son propre modèle. Pour un système complexe dans lequel différentes dimensions doivent être combinées, il n'existe que des solutions ad hoc pour obtenir un modèle d'environnement global. La conséquence est une réutilisabilité et modularité limitée de l'utilisation des modèles d'environnement. Une alternative est de considérer l'environnement comme la juxtaposition de ses dimensions et faire de l'agent le lieu de jonction et de combinaison des informations véhiculées dans ces dimensions. Ce choix de conception accentue la complexité des agents et rend dépendante de ces derniers la gestion des interactions entre dimensions. Enfin, la mise en oeuvre d'interactions contextuelles, i.e. contraintes par des règles du SMA, imposent une gestion des interactions indépendante des agents. Dans cet article, nous proposons un modèle unifié assurant la combinaison de dimensions pour la mise en oeuvre d'interactions contextualisées entre Revue d'intelligence artificielle-n o 1/2016, 1-25

Analyzing Requirements Engineering for Cloud Computing
Requirements Engineering for Service and Cloud Computing, 2017
Cloud computing is a business paradigm, where cloud providers offer resources (e.g., storage, com... more Cloud computing is a business paradigm, where cloud providers offer resources (e.g., storage, computing, network) and cloud consumers use them after accepting a specific service level agreement. Cloud requirements can rapidly change over time, so organizations need to count with rapid methods to elicit, analyze, specify, verify, and manage dynamic requirements in a systematic and repeatable way. The existing works of this field are generally focused in a limited number of requirements and capabilities for cloud services. This chapter aims to provide a comprehensive and systematic literature review of academic researches done in requirements engineering for cloud computing area. During this study, some approaches for cloud computing were found that considered a limited number of characteristics (e.g., security, privacy, performance) and few activities involving diverse stakeholders. Generally, cloud stakeholders have got neither guidelines nor standards to manage multiple aspects of services in cloud environments. Thus, a literature review was first conducted and five dimensions are discussed (i.e., Contractual, Compliance, Financial, Operational, and Technical) in order to classify cloud characteristics, specify requirements, and support cloud contracts. Different specialists and experts may be requested to evaluate particular dimensions in the service level agreement and cloud service adoption. Finally, a simple sample is given to illustrate how to identify the cloud dimensions.
2016 46th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2016
Evaluation and Performance Analysis of 3D Printing Technique for Ka-Band Antenna Production This ... more Evaluation and Performance Analysis of 3D Printing Technique for Ka-Band Antenna Production This paper presents the design and fabrication of 3D printed WR-28 waveguide horn antennas operating in the Ka-band frequency range between 26.5GHz and 40GHz. Three antennas are fabricated from polylactide acid filaments in conductive and non-conductive variants; the latter is covered with conductive paint. The gain and voltage standing wave ratio performance of the fabricated horn antennas is measured, showing promising performance. Antenna gain values between 5dBi and 14 dBi are found, comparable to the performance of metal milled horn antennas.
Ciencia y Tecnología, 2014
Over the last decades, agent-oriented technology has become one of the main approaches to model c... more Over the last decades, agent-oriented technology has become one of the main approaches to model complex, open and distributed systems. Among the main approaches for Multiagent Systems, Organizational modeling promotes a new way of tackling complex problems based on the social metaphor. In this context, CASE tools are a key component for a proper adaption of new technologies by the industry. These tools assist the designer throughout the design process. In this article we present an automatic syntax validation approach for MAS models based on the CRIO Metamodel.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2016
This letter proposes a W-band hybrid photonic wireless link based on a commercial SFP+ module and... more This letter proposes a W-band hybrid photonic wireless link based on a commercial SFP+ module and experimentally demonstrates its performance. Using a free running laser as local oscillator and heterodyne photonic upconversion, good frequency stability is achieved. Outdoor wireless transmission over 225m with a BER below 10-6 is demonstrated and the maximum reach of the system with typical RF components is calculated, finding wireless distances above 2km to be feasible. Being based on a commercial SFP+ the proposed hybrid photonic wireless link offers seamless integration with existing distribution networks and PONs and thus paves the way for future mobile front-and backhaul architectures. Index Terms-Radio-over-fiber, millimeter-wave communications, W-band wireless, microwave photonics, small form factor pluggables.
Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2016
On the capacity of radio-over-fiber links at the W-band In this work we discuss on the channel ca... more On the capacity of radio-over-fiber links at the W-band In this work we discuss on the channel capacity of mm-wave Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) experimental transmissions at the Wband (75-110 GHz) over distances up to 300 m and bandwidth up to 20 GHz. In addition to an updated state-of-the-art on RoF demonstrations at such a promising frequency range, we provide a set of trade-off maps in terms of crucial resources on the design of W-band RoF links. The proposed framework offers a unified view for answering how fundamental spectrum resources can be optimally utilized, and how far we are from overcoming the challenge of offering seamless convergence between optical-fibers and wireless links.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015
A change of state in a dimension can cause a change in another or several dimensions. How to mode... more A change of state in a dimension can cause a change in another or several dimensions. How to model interactions between the dimensions? Communication dimension Agent Physical dimension Environment ! Solution 2: interactions between dimensions ! Solution 1: agent as a propagation vector « SARL : a general-purpose agent-oriented programming language.
Procedia Computer Science, 2015
The environment is now considered as a first class abstraction in multiagent systems. However, th... more The environment is now considered as a first class abstraction in multiagent systems. However, the boundary between real and simulated environment and the application logic is not so well defined. Depending on applications, the environment as a space shared between agents may integrate physical, communication or social dimensions where agents interact. In this paper, authors introduce an agent environment model supporting the intrasic distributed and hierarchical natures of the environment. It is defined using the fundamental concepts provided by metamodel related to the SARL programming language.
Janus: Another yet general-purpose multiagent platform
Janus is a multiagent platform that was specifically designed to deal with the implementation and... more Janus is a multiagent platform that was specifically designed to deal with the implementation and deployment of holonic and multiagent systems. It is written in Java 1.6 and based on the CRIO organizational metamodel. Its key focus is that it supports the implementation of the concepts of role and organisation as first- class entities. Janus provides a comprehensive set of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Multi-Agent Based Simulations (MABS) for real-world problems may require a large number of agents... more Multi-Agent Based Simulations (MABS) for real-world problems may require a large number of agents. A possible solution is to distribute the simulation in multiple machines. Thus, we are forced to consider how Large Scale MABS can be deployed in order to have an efficient system. Even more, we need to consider how to cluster those agents in the different execution servers. In this paper we propose an approach based on a holonic model for the construction and update of clusters of agents. We also present two modules to facilitate the deployment and control of distributed simulations.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Holonic Multi-Agent Systems (HMAS) are a convenient way to engineer complex and open systems. HMA... more Holonic Multi-Agent Systems (HMAS) are a convenient way to engineer complex and open systems. HMAS are based upon selfsimilar entities, called holons, which define an organizational structure called holarchy. An open issue of HMAS is to give holons means of selforganization to satisfy their goals. Our works focus on modeling and engineering of complex systems using a holonic organizational approach. This paper introduces the concept of capacity as the description of agents know-how. This concept allows the representation and reasoning about agents know-hows. Even more, it encourages a reusable modeling and provides agents with means to self-organize.
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2007
In complex systems, multiple aspects interact and influence each other. A vast number of entities... more In complex systems, multiple aspects interact and influence each other. A vast number of entities are present in the system. Traditional modeling and simulation techniques fail to capture interactions between loosely coupled aspects of a complex system. In this work, we describe a generic framework for modeling and analysis of naturally distributed and complex systems based on Holonic Multi-Agent paradigm. We illustrate the suitability of our generic model by applying it to the modeling and simulation of an important industrial plant in the east of france.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006
In a Multi-Agent Based Simulation (MABS) special attention must go to the analysis, modeling and ... more In a Multi-Agent Based Simulation (MABS) special attention must go to the analysis, modeling and implementation of the environment. Environments for simulation of real world problems may be complex. Seeing the environment as a monolithic structure only reduces our capacity to handle large scale, real-wold environments. In order to support this type of environments, we propose the use of an holonic perspective to represent the environment and the agents. In our approach, agents and environment are represented by holons. The environment defines an holarchy. Agents belong to a specific holon in this holarchy following their needs.
Holonic Multi-Agent Systems
Natural Computing Series, 2011
ABSTRACT Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) stand out as a paradigm for the design of Complex Systems. Its... more ABSTRACT Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) stand out as a paradigm for the design of Complex Systems. Its elementary constituents are called ’agents’, i.e. software entities which exhibit autonomous and flexible behaviours. However, most widely used models still consider agents as atomic entities. This may be a problem for MAS dedicated to the study, simulation of complex systems which frequently exhibit hierarchical structures. Indeed, almost all the proposals for agent architectures have not addressed the general problem of how to treat collections of

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2010
The natural immune system is a subject of great research interests because it provides powerful a... more The natural immune system is a subject of great research interests because it provides powerful and flexible information processing capability as a decentralized intelligent system. The immune system constitutes an excellent model of adaptive cooperation at the local level and of emergent behaviour at the global level. These concepts can be applied in the Multi-Agent Systems field where autonomous agents interact in order to solve a common goal. There exists several theories to explain immunological phenomena and software models to simulate various components in the immune system. This paper presents a formal specification of the idiotypic network theory viewed as an agent architecture. The specification gives a precise and non ambiguous description of this architecture which is validated through the automatic generation of traces and interesting properties are proven. This specification constitutes a starting point for understanding, reuse and implementations of this architecture. The approach is illustrated with the robot soccer simulation example.
Papers by Sebastian Rodriguez