Papers by Sebastian Kaufmann
Nietzsche, das ›Barbarische‹ und die ›Rasse‹, 2021
Lyric and lyric theory in Nietzsche's works. The article provides a general overview of Nietzsche... more Lyric and lyric theory in Nietzsche's works. The article provides a general overview of Nietzsche's lyrical work and his reflections on lyric theory. Aspects of the history of editions and the history of receptions are taken into account as well as main issues such as the relation between Nietzsche's poetry and his philosophical writings, his lyric's different phases (from the adolescent poetry to the late creative period), forms (song, sentence, dithyramb) and models (e. g. Archilochus, Heine).

Bei den Idyllen aus Messina (1882) und den zum Teil aus ihnen hervorgegangenen Liedern des Prinze... more Bei den Idyllen aus Messina (1882) und den zum Teil aus ihnen hervorgegangenen Liedern des Prinzen Vogelfrei (1887) handelt es sich um Gedichtzyklen, denen ein besonderer Stellenwert in Nietzsches lyrischem Schaffen zukommt. So sind die Idyllen das einzige rein lyrische Werk, das Nietzsche selbst zur Veroffentlichung brachte (die Publikation eines weiteren Gedichtzyklus, der Dionysos-Dithyramben, wurde von ihm zwar seit Herbst 1888 vorbereitet, aufgrund des Zusammenbruchs im Januar 1889 jedoch nicht mehr selbst zu Ende gefuhrt). Und die Lieder des Prinzen Vogelfrei, die der zweiten Ausgabe der Frohlichen Wissenschaft als Anhang beigefugt wurden, stellen neben dem bereits in der ersten Ausgabe diese Schrift eroffnenden »Vorspiel in deutschen Reimen« mit dem Goethe entliehenen Titel »›Scherz, List und Rache.‹« die umfangreichste Gedichtsammlung dar, die Nietzsche je in eine Prosaschrift integrierte.
Cadernos Nietzsche, 2020
Resumo A partir da concepção de que filosofia, para Nietzsche, é a arte da transfiguração, o text... more Resumo A partir da concepção de que filosofia, para Nietzsche, é a arte da transfiguração, o texto analisa como Nietzsche incorpora e transfigura Os deuses no exílio, de Heinrich Heine. Nietzsche teria invertido a perspectiva do problema posto por Heine, bem como o seu procedimento expositivo: se o poeta traz o que seria uma humanização e aburguesamento dos antigos deuses como ato de degradação cósmica pelo qual a ascensão do cristianismo seria culpada, Nietzsche analisa a equivocada autodivinização do homem por meio da moral como megalomania trágica, cuja consequência seria a invocação do sofrimento da existência terrena e a esperança numa vida melhor, supraterrena.
Nietzsche als Dichter, 2017

Nietzsche-Studien, 2018
Will to Power, Eternal Recurrence, and the Being of Entities. Heidegger’s “Aus-einander-setzung” ... more Will to Power, Eternal Recurrence, and the Being of Entities. Heidegger’s “Aus-einander-setzung” with Nietzsche. The article examines the internal dynamics of Heidegger’s influential interpretation of Nietzsche, focusing on his lectures written between 1936 and 1942, which form the basis for Heidegger’s two-volume book Nietzsche, first published in 1961. Speaking of Heidegger’s interpretation of Nietzsche is potentially misleading, however, since Heidegger gave a series of different interpretations that contradict one another in some essential points. In the first two lectures from 1936/37, we can still observe a far-reaching identification with Nietzsche as the mastermind of a ‘new beginning’ in the ‘history of being’. Nevertheless, shortly afterwards, Heidegger makes Nietzsche’s metaphysics responsible for the domination of modern technology and thus for the last stage of the ‘forgetting of being’. As such, Heidegger no longer views Nietzsche as a thinker of ‘transition’, but mere...
Georg Büchner Jahrbuch (2013–2015)
Vorwort 459 Faksimile des handschriftlichen Druckmanuskripts der Idyllen aus Messina 461 I Überbl... more Vorwort 459 Faksimile des handschriftlichen Druckmanuskripts der Idyllen aus Messina 461 I Überblickskommentar 467 1 Lyrik und Lyriktheorie im Werk Nietzsches 467 2 Entstehung und Druck der Idyllen aus Messina 480 3 Konzeption, Leitmotive und Stil 483 3.1 Die Tradition der Idylle und Nietzsches Konzepte des Idyllischen 483 3.2 Hauptmotive 491 3.3 Form und Stil 494 II Stellenkommentar 500 Prinz Vogelfrei. 500 Die kleine Brigg, genannt "das Engelchen". 510 Lied des Ziegenhirten. (An meinen Nachbar Theokrit von Syrakusă.) 517 Die kleine Hexe.

Goethe Yearbook, 2014
Sebastian Kaufmann, "Schopft des Dichters reine Hand . . Studien zu Goethes poetologischer L... more Sebastian Kaufmann, "Schopft des Dichters reine Hand . . Studien zu Goethes poetologischer Lyrik. Heidelberg: Winter, 2011.525 pp.Kaufmann's meticulously researched volume is a lightly edited dissertation, and the genre is perhaps to blame for the relatively minor flaws in his otherwiseconvincing and wide-ranging study of Goethe's poetological poetry. By "poeto logical poetry," Kaufmann understands poetry that undertakes reflection (in Goethe's case, more individual than universal and more descriptive than normative) on the role or identity of the poet, the process of writing poetry, or the nature of poetry in general (14-15). Kaufmann advances the claim that, contra the scholarship's divisions of Goethe's work into Sturm und Drang, classical, and postclassical periods, Goethe's poetological poetry exhibits a striking thematic consistency in treating poetry as a genre concerned with the symbolic representation of the divine or absolute. Kaufmann argues that Goethe's conception of the divine remains pantheistic throughout his career; poetry's primary task is thus the uncovering of the "offenbarles] Geheimnis" (342) of the divine in nature. While Kaufmann supports this thesis fully in its most abstract form, the volume underdifferentiates between the periods of Goethe's work with regard to the role of the subject in the constellation of Kunst/Gott/Natur: there are significant differences between, say, the oscillations between ecstatic dissolution into nature and depressive isolation from it in Goethe's works from the 1770s and the self-observing observation matched by poetic self-reflection in, say, the West-ostlicher Divan. Two other, more minor flaws somewhat obscure but do not detract significantly from the book's argumentation: first, Kaufmann's own claims are frequently hidden by the long engagements with scholarly controversies that begin each reading, and second, the majority of the poems treated are not reproduced in full anywhere in the volume. For anyone reading the volume in a research library, this is a small inconvenience, but it reads as somewhat disingenuous to include only the lines or strophes of each work that advance Kaufmann's argument.The positive contributions of the volume are far more significant: in addition to tracing a convincing continuity across Goethe's career, Kaufmann provides succinct and powerful discussions of the cultural import of lyric forms, in particular the ode (treated in chapter 2, on "Wandrers Sturmlied") and the elegy (in chapter 5, on Romische Elegien), although he does not always follow his insights into the material features of individual poems. He likewise does a masterful job of connecting the poetologies worked out in specific poems to Goethe's more discursive texts (principally essays, letters, and maxims) from each period. Perhaps even more impressively, his conclusion takes on the question of why Goethe's discursive work fits better with the poetologies of the lyric texts than it does with his novels or plays and suggests convincingly that this fit derives from Goethe's treatment of the lyric as a paradigmatic genre for literary production as such (476). The volume acknowledges that this valuation of poetry over prose is somewhat anachronistic even by Goethe's own lights, but it suggests that although Goethe recognizes the modern era as prosaic and even (in Kaufmann's view) anticipates Hegel's thesis of the end of art (484), his poetological poetry insists on the "Dominanz des Asthetischen" (485). …
Der ganze Mensch - die ganze Menschheit, 2014
Papers by Sebastian Kaufmann