Rezumat. Pregătirea tipografilor specializați în tiparul flexo necesită timp îndelungat de practi... more Rezumat. Pregătirea tipografilor specializați în tiparul flexo necesită timp îndelungat de practică la utilaj, cu costuri ridicate. Studiul a avut ca obiectiv principal reducerea timpului de pregătire prin câștigarea rapidă a informațiilor practice. Aplicarea lor corectă în procesul de tipărire conduce la obținerea unui produs de calitate. În cadrul lucrării au fost analizate următoarele aspecte: probleme în tipar-neconformități și defecte; calitatea tiparului-privită ca o obișnuință de a lucra corect și ordonat; calitatea în modul de lucru cu ștanțele; calitatea în procesul pre-press. Abstract. Training printing workers in the use of flexography requires extensive time, as they are expected to gain knowledge on-site, through hands-on practice, resulting in high costs for the employer. This paper addresses the issue by providing practical information up front. Applying this information correctly during the printing process leads to a quality product. The study was created to analyse...
It is known that food itself reflects the identity and culture of a region; becoming an important... more It is known that food itself reflects the identity and culture of a region; becoming an important component of local heritage. Baba Neagra is an iconic dessert for Republic of Moldova, which has been passed down from generation to generation to Moldovan housewives, but forgotten by many, especially restaurants. In this sense, the aim of the current study is to emphasize some technological and cultural aspects attached to Baba Neagra in Republic of Moldova. The paper presents the full preparation of the Baba Neagra as it is traditionally carried out in north of Moldova and lists the main ingredients.
This experimental research was conducted on the printing machines manufactured between 1995 and 2... more This experimental research was conducted on the printing machines manufactured between 1995 and 2015, owned by CNI CORESI SA, Bucharest and it aimed at a comparative analysis of some constructive solutions of sheet-fed presses parts, the influence of these solutions over the print quality, the productivity level, costs, materials consumption and ergonomics of operation. The time needed for each machine setting was clocked, technological paper loses and ink consumption and working speed for each printing press were measured. We also analysed the way in which the integration into printing press of some operations, initially executed off-line, can shorten production cycles and bring added-value to the printed items. The results of the research have contributed to the optimisation of the production flows in line with the most advantageous use of the available human resources.
Studiul Artelor şi Culturologie: Istorie, Teorie, Practică, 2016
This article considers the practice of online systemic-modular contemplation courses specifi c to... more This article considers the practice of online systemic-modular contemplation courses specifi c to e-learning (eLearning) programs in higher education, and the involvement of learning units operating as a didactic model for teaching, learning and assessment and presents eLearning systemic-modular components specifi c to profi le disciplines and examples of teaching practice. Special emphasis is laid on the application of interactive methods through eLearning techniques and tools, using the Moodle platform. In this context, a set of interactive methods are proposed that can be applied in teaching technical or artistic disciplines in online education, depending on the specifi c skills.
The fast pace evolves surrounding world reflects on achievement technologies and decorating cloth... more The fast pace evolves surrounding world reflects on achievement technologies and decorating clothes. The most common, by far, the technique of personalization and printing of textiles and clothes is screen printing technology. Nevertheless, screen printing method limits the printing area and the number of printed colors. Screen printing technology is a traditional method to obtain surface images of textiles and since it involves a lengthy process of transition from one model to another great time to adjust equipment it is necessary modernization. Modernization implies the gradual replacement of screen printing technology with digital printing. Digital printing technology is directly applicable on computer to textile raw or cut the selected image using only a special printer using special inks. This new technique provides designers almost unlimited creative freedom and an advantage for all industrial and commercial process in the production system. The purpose of this study aims to a...
This paper presents the study results regarding the analysis of the screen printing quality on di... more This paper presents the study results regarding the analysis of the screen printing quality on different types of materials. The quality of the screen printing is determined by several particularities of the screen printing process such as: the type of mesh, screen ruling, ink viscosity, raster spacing, etc. The material which is supposed to be printed is as important as the particularities of the screen printing process itself. The composition, structure and features of the printed items as well as the composition, viscosity and other ink properties, all together determine the quality of the screen printed matter.
Rezumat. Pregătirea tipografilor specializați în tiparul flexo necesită timp îndelungat de practi... more Rezumat. Pregătirea tipografilor specializați în tiparul flexo necesită timp îndelungat de practică la utilaj, cu costuri ridicate. Studiul a avut ca obiectiv principal reducerea timpului de pregătire prin câștigarea rapidă a informațiilor practice. Aplicarea lor corectă în procesul de tipărire conduce la obținerea unui produs de calitate. În cadrul lucrării au fost analizate următoarele aspecte: probleme în tipar-neconformități și defecte; calitatea tiparului-privită ca o obișnuință de a lucra corect și ordonat; calitatea în modul de lucru cu ștanțele; calitatea în procesul pre-press. Abstract. Training printing workers in the use of flexography requires extensive time, as they are expected to gain knowledge on-site, through hands-on practice, resulting in high costs for the employer. This paper addresses the issue by providing practical information up front. Applying this information correctly during the printing process leads to a quality product. The study was created to analyse...
It is known that food itself reflects the identity and culture of a region; becoming an important... more It is known that food itself reflects the identity and culture of a region; becoming an important component of local heritage. Baba Neagra is an iconic dessert for Republic of Moldova, which has been passed down from generation to generation to Moldovan housewives, but forgotten by many, especially restaurants. In this sense, the aim of the current study is to emphasize some technological and cultural aspects attached to Baba Neagra in Republic of Moldova. The paper presents the full preparation of the Baba Neagra as it is traditionally carried out in north of Moldova and lists the main ingredients.
This experimental research was conducted on the printing machines manufactured between 1995 and 2... more This experimental research was conducted on the printing machines manufactured between 1995 and 2015, owned by CNI CORESI SA, Bucharest and it aimed at a comparative analysis of some constructive solutions of sheet-fed presses parts, the influence of these solutions over the print quality, the productivity level, costs, materials consumption and ergonomics of operation. The time needed for each machine setting was clocked, technological paper loses and ink consumption and working speed for each printing press were measured. We also analysed the way in which the integration into printing press of some operations, initially executed off-line, can shorten production cycles and bring added-value to the printed items. The results of the research have contributed to the optimisation of the production flows in line with the most advantageous use of the available human resources.
Studiul Artelor şi Culturologie: Istorie, Teorie, Practică, 2016
This article considers the practice of online systemic-modular contemplation courses specifi c to... more This article considers the practice of online systemic-modular contemplation courses specifi c to e-learning (eLearning) programs in higher education, and the involvement of learning units operating as a didactic model for teaching, learning and assessment and presents eLearning systemic-modular components specifi c to profi le disciplines and examples of teaching practice. Special emphasis is laid on the application of interactive methods through eLearning techniques and tools, using the Moodle platform. In this context, a set of interactive methods are proposed that can be applied in teaching technical or artistic disciplines in online education, depending on the specifi c skills.
The fast pace evolves surrounding world reflects on achievement technologies and decorating cloth... more The fast pace evolves surrounding world reflects on achievement technologies and decorating clothes. The most common, by far, the technique of personalization and printing of textiles and clothes is screen printing technology. Nevertheless, screen printing method limits the printing area and the number of printed colors. Screen printing technology is a traditional method to obtain surface images of textiles and since it involves a lengthy process of transition from one model to another great time to adjust equipment it is necessary modernization. Modernization implies the gradual replacement of screen printing technology with digital printing. Digital printing technology is directly applicable on computer to textile raw or cut the selected image using only a special printer using special inks. This new technique provides designers almost unlimited creative freedom and an advantage for all industrial and commercial process in the production system. The purpose of this study aims to a...
This paper presents the study results regarding the analysis of the screen printing quality on di... more This paper presents the study results regarding the analysis of the screen printing quality on different types of materials. The quality of the screen printing is determined by several particularities of the screen printing process such as: the type of mesh, screen ruling, ink viscosity, raster spacing, etc. The material which is supposed to be printed is as important as the particularities of the screen printing process itself. The composition, structure and features of the printed items as well as the composition, viscosity and other ink properties, all together determine the quality of the screen printed matter.
Papers by Cazac Viorica