Papers by Marguerite Schneider
Journal of Business Research
Academy of Management Proceedings
Academy of Management Proceedings
Abstract: The newly private corporation challenges scholars to re-examine corporate social respon... more Abstract: The newly private corporation challenges scholars to re-examine corporate social responsibility under a markedly different governance system. We theorize regarding the implications of public corporations going private through use of private equity. The new governance system includes few owners and an expert, involved board of directors; combined with a greatly reduced public presence, public-to-private firms are proposed to place greater emphasis on financial performance and lesser emphasis on social performance. Several variables are proposed to moderate ...
Academy of Management Proceedings, Aug 1, 2003
Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014
Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013
Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014
Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society, 2013
Administrative Issues Journal, 2012
The AIJ editorial board constantly looks for ways to keep the journal professionally relevant. Wi... more The AIJ editorial board constantly looks for ways to keep the journal professionally relevant. With this in mind, we approached Dr. Michael Williams, Associate Dean of the MBA Program for the School of Business and Technology at Thomas Edison State College, about writing an introduction to our 2012 conference theme, Seizing Opportunities. Dr. Williams is a scholar-practitioner who offers a unique philosophical insight into the import of seizing opportunities in our professional and personal lives. He was excited about exploring the theme for this issue through the lens of change as a nexus of opportunity. We hope you find this special invitation section both useful and inspiring.
Encyclopedia of Management Theory, 2013
International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, 2008
Encyclopedia of Management Theory, 2013
Review of Public Personnel Administration, 2005
The pension plans of U.S. state, county, and municipal employees play a large role in capital mar... more The pension plans of U.S. state, county, and municipal employees play a large role in capital markets and corporate governance debates. Recent studies have investigated the governance, management, and performance of these plans, as well as their role in corporate governance. Informed by the findings of its integrative literature review, the article outlines several key considerations regarding the plans, including ones regarding the bearing of investment risk, public and private plan differentials, the presence and responsibilities of boards of trustees, and investment policy. The outlined considerations favor an appropriate balance between political and economic controls of the plans and recognize that the activism of public pension plans as institutional investors might improve the corporate governance system for all investors.
Public Performance & Management Review, 2007
This study examines whether particular attributes of innovative administrative practices associat... more This study examines whether particular attributes of innovative administrative practices associated with the new public management/reinventing government reform movement affect their adoption. The study uses three commonly cited attributes of innovation—cost, complexity, and relative advantage—and introduces a new one: ideological alignment. Using expert-panel and International City/County Management Association survey data, the role of the four attributes for 25 administrative innovations is analyzed across 725 US local ...
Public Management Review, 2001
Public pension plans are a major type of institutional owner during the new era of investor capit... more Public pension plans are a major type of institutional owner during the new era of investor capitalism, yet little is known about them. Based upon fund value maximization (FVM) and public choice theory (PCT), we develop hypotheses on the determinants of plan performance as measured by plan annual investment return. FVM espouses that the plan's fund or investment portfolio will be invested to maximize return for a given level of risk, while PCT holds that agency costs are significant in the public sector, and will have a negative effect on plan return. Using biennial pension plan data for 199296 for several hundred plans, we found that fund value maximization has a much greater influence on plan performance, but that plan performance is also subject to agency costs associated with public choice theory.
Public Administration Review, 2010

Organization Science, 2002
Organizations are evolving from the bureaucratic form based upon hierarchy to the new-form or rad... more Organizations are evolving from the bureaucratic form based upon hierarchy to the new-form or radix organization that has the value chain as its relatively fluid foundation. This article explores the relationship between the radix organization and leadership, viewed through an organization-environment coevolution framework. It explicates the changes in the leader's role-sets and relationships brought about with the evolution from bureaucracy to the radix organization, developing a model of leadership that is referred to as the stakeholder model of organizational leadership. Stakeholder theory provides the appropriate theoretical basis for this model, as it offers the flexibility to accommodate various leader relationships. The stakeholder model of organizational leadership helps to predict leader effectiveness in organizations characterized by fuzzy organizational boundaries, flattened hierarchies, and work relationships sometimes brought about through contracts instead of employment.
Organization Management Journal, 2012
When it comes to curriculum change, faculty members can be both part of the problem as well as pa... more When it comes to curriculum change, faculty members can be both part of the problem as well as part of the solution. First, inertia and infighting often rule when curriculum change is mentioned, which is a highly unpleasant experience for those of us who don't enjoy such activities. The end result is that curriculum change, which “should be” initiated by faculty, is instead often initiated by new deans and other new administrators. Sometimes administrators succeed, sometimes they fail, but most frequently they succeed in a very ...
Organization Management Journal, 2013
Papers by Marguerite Schneider