Papers by Christina Schües
transcript Verlag eBooks, Dec 31, 2016

Supportive Care in Cancer, Jun 9, 2023
Purpose Clinical communication and facilitating informed and sound medical decisions become chall... more Purpose Clinical communication and facilitating informed and sound medical decisions become challenging as patients age and suffer from age-associated impairments. Family caregivers are perceived as essential actors in addressing these challenges. Here, we explore physicians' perspectives on family caregivers' roles and their involvement in consultations and therapy decision-making situations of elderly cancer patients. Methods We examined 38 semi-structured interviews with physicians from different specialities (oncologists, non-oncology specialists, and general practitioners) in Germany who treated elderly cancer patients. Data were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. Results We identified five general and distinct perspectives on the involvement of family caregivers in the therapy process. Family caregivers are seen as (1) translators of medical information; (2) providers of support for the patient; (3) providers of information about the patient; (4) stakeholders with relevant points of view regarding the treatment decision; or (5) individuals who have a disruptive influence on the consultation. The interviewed physicians rarely involved family caregivers closely in consultations. Conclusions Although physicians frequently attribute supportive roles to family caregivers, they rarely include them in consultations. Previous studies have found that a triadic setting is often better suited to agreeing upon a patient-centered and needs-based treatment decision for older cancer patients. We infer that physicians too rarely recognize the potential importance of family caregivers. Educators should further integrate family caregiver involvement and its implications in general medical education and professional training.
Wer fragt, ob die Aufforderung, fur den gerechten Frieden zu sorgen, die in der Denkschrift des R... more Wer fragt, ob die Aufforderung, fur den gerechten Frieden zu sorgen, die in der Denkschrift des Rates der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland verfasst wurde, der Orientierung bedarf, wird sogleich auch fragen, welcher Art der Orientierung der Begriff des gerechten Friedens selbst sein konnte.
Routledge eBooks, Mar 29, 2023

Philosophy and medicine, 2022
Questions concerning the ethical status of children, and their position and their relationships w... more Questions concerning the ethical status of children, and their position and their relationships within families, have been widely debated in recent moral philosophy and biomedical ethics, as well as in pedagogic sciences and sociology. This volume is intended to contribute to these interdisciplinary debates from a very specific angle. Combining philosophical, ethical and qualitative empirical research, it focuses on a medical practice that brings out a particularly challenging and complex social and familial situation, thus illuminating family responsibilities and their conflicts, children's dependency, the child's body with all its meanings, and the specific roles of family members in a transformative situation. The practice concerned is the transplantation of bone marrow between siblings who are children at the time of transplant. These renewable haematopoietic stem cells, derived from the marrow of the hip bone, can serve as a medical therapy for the sick brother or sister. Keywords Children as donor • Stem cell transplantation • Responsibility • Family • Ethics Questions concerning the ethical status of children, and their position and their relationships within families, have been widely debated in recent moral philosophy and biomedical ethics, as well as in pedagogic sciences and sociology. This volume is intended to contribute to these interdisciplinary debates from a very specific angle. Combining philosophical, ethical and qualitative empirical research, it focuses on a medical practice that brings out a particularly challenging and complex social and familial situation, thus illuminating family responsibilities and their conflicts,
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter, Dec 31, 2008
The laughter of the Thracian handmaid. About the ›unworldliness‹ of philosophy. Interpreting Plat... more The laughter of the Thracian handmaid. About the ›unworldliness‹ of philosophy. Interpreting Plato’s story of the Thracian handmaid, this essay focuses on questions concerning the supposition of an opposition between common sense and philosophical thinking. Taking the laughter of the maid seriously the author discusses the role of laughter for Plato’s approach. By reevaluating the function of laughter she argues for its strength in revealing ideological thinking or an undisclosed hypothesis, and in enabling philosophical thinking. Thus, the author argues that the alliance of laughter and thinking unsettles the state of being enclosed in ideology, everydayness or thoughtlessness, and both distances and unsettles human beings. And hence, it may free us to pose again the question as to how we are thinking what.
Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 2007
Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to crimina... more Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.
Peter Lang D eBooks, May 10, 2016

Springer eBooks, 2022
When a transplant is given to another person, the body material and its importance are at the cen... more When a transplant is given to another person, the body material and its importance are at the centre of attention. Yet the meanings of the body, the body material, and the bodily relationship between the donor and recipient are unclear. This essay tackles the understanding of the body with regard to the practice of stem cell transplantation between siblings. The concept of intercorporeality embraces the "family body" and a singular body, the sense of bodily belonging and bodily ownership, and a relationship that inheres within a transplant. The intercorporeal relationship is basic and primary. Thematizing it may show a reality of body transformation that is more than just the distribution of body parts. It is a material approach to the human who has a body in the sense of a living substance that can be defined biotechnologically and made available. This essay shows that even though the transplant is body material, it is always more than that: a ground for personal traits, symbols, and a particular bond between the siblings.
transcript Verlag eBooks, Dec 31, 2022
Hannaharendt Net, Apr 1, 1999
Phaenomenologica, 1998
Guided by problems of misperception, perceptual doubt, change and modification in a perceptual pr... more Guided by problems of misperception, perceptual doubt, change and modification in a perceptual process, I ask in this essay whether there is a sensual base which may accomodate two different, even conflicting apprehensions I might have of — so it seems — the ‘same’ object. I will start by laying out the context of the question and by explicating the question itself. Then I will investigate this question by considering Husserl’s later works, in particular Die Analysen zur passiven Synthesis in which he not only advances a genetic analysis but also opens a way to discuss concepts which lie beyond such subjective achievements as sensorial complexes, affects, associations and motivations.
Raumbildung Bildungsräume, 1997
Erziehen tun wir im Grunde immer fur eine aus den Fugen geratene oder geratende Welt, denn dies i... more Erziehen tun wir im Grunde immer fur eine aus den Fugen geratene oder geratende Welt, denn dies ist die menschliche Grundsituation, in welcher die Welt von sterblichen Handen geschaffen ist, um Sterblichen fur eine begrenzte Zeit als Heimat zu dienen. (Arendt 1994, 273)
Der Andere in der Geschichte - Sozialphilosophie im Zeichen der Gewalt

The Ethics of Care: the State of the Art, 2020
Which is worse: to be betrayed by a friend or by a stranger? Most people will answer this questio... more Which is worse: to be betrayed by a friend or by a stranger? Most people will answer this question with: "Oh, it is worse to be betrayed by a friend, of course!" Why do they say this? Why is it worse to be betrayed by a friend than by a stranger? Domestic violence takes place within a relationship of (seeming) intimacy and trust. One report describes the following scene: "After Rick and Janet had been married a week, Janet commented that they made a very nice-looking couple. Rick's jaw tightened, and without saying anything, he turned and began hitting her in the jaw with his fists, working down her body. Janet was trapped in a corner. She eventually fell to the floor. Rick kicked her until she lost consciousness" (Browne, 1987, as cited and reported in Selden, 2001). 1 Domestic violence is also an experience of ordinary life. Friendship and domestic violence are both parts of our daily world. We all know of close relationships that are happy and supportive, and others that are violent and destructive. The friend, the loved one, the close relation is the one we trust and who is entrusted to us. Most of us experience a good relationship with trust, confidence, good communications, and caring for one another. The experience of care for and from the close and loved one is one element of a good relationship. Letting oneself be vulnerable to the other can enhance the strength of the relationship by manifesting trust. Some relationships turn into the horrible scenario of violence and loss of trust in the other, and even loss of the relationship to the world. How are vulnerability and trust intertwined in human relationships?
Armin Grundwald (Hg.): Wer bist du, Mensch? Transformationen menschlicher Selbstverständnisse im wissenchaftlich-technischen Fortschritt, 2021
transcript Verlag eBooks, Nov 7, 2022
Focusing on the question of whether not wanting to know can be responsible, this chapter combines... more Focusing on the question of whether not wanting to know can be responsible, this chapter combines a philosophical approach of not-knowing with an empirical analysis of different understandings of the meaning of not-knowing and not wanting to know in the context of prenatal genetic diagnosis. The first part sheds light on the conceptual meaning of not-knowing and the right not to know. The chapter then turns to an analysis of qualitative interviews with women who did not want to know the genetic disposition of the foetus. The reasoning of saying »no« to a genetic test illuminate different existential, social and cultural settings in Germany and Israel.
Papers by Christina Schües