Papers by Sayed A El-Mongy
Sayed theory in quantum mechanics , 2024
Allah (God) is the creater of everything. Innovative approach in quantum mechanics. Sayed theory ... more Allah (God) is the creater of everything. Innovative approach in quantum mechanics. Sayed theory for solution of the measurement problem of wave function. The wave function is a measurable value in unit of second. Sayed quantum wave length was introduced. Sayed time independent wave equation was derived as a rectification and correction of Schrodinger equations to be used for all atoms rather than one electron Hydrogen atom
A new neutron activation system design for nuclear material verification is being established. Th... more A new neutron activation system design for nuclear material verification is being established. The model included detailed geometrical representation of the new neutron activation system. The MCNP5 model was applied to determine the best location for the irradiation positions. A 252 Cf neutron source with 12µCi of activity was used in the calculations. The MCNP5 estimated neutron fluxes were compared with physical measurements using activation foils method. A good agreement between calculated and experimental results was observed and discussed.
In the aim to design a neutron activation system to verify the nuclear material using neutron sou... more In the aim to design a neutron activation system to verify the nuclear material using neutron source ( 252 Cf isotopic neutron source) Monte Carlo simulations were carried out. Several Monte Carlo calculations were carried out using MCNP5 code to estimate the paraffin wax thickness required to shield a 252 Cf isotopic neutron source. Firstly, a point-like source was modeled without shield and the neutron dose rate was estimated. Secondly, the source was shielded in paraffin wax and the simulations were repeated including various thicknesses of paraffin wax cylinders. The calculations performed by means of the Monte Carlo radiation transport code MCNP5 are compared with that optioned experimentally by Wide Energy Neutron Detector Instrument (WENDI). The results obtained were used for design the neutron activation system.

Journal of advances in physics, Apr 12, 2024
Allah (God) is the Creator of the wonderful accelerated expansion universe. The nature of Dark en... more Allah (God) is the Creator of the wonderful accelerated expansion universe. The nature of Dark energy (DE) and matter (DM) is enigmatic mystery of the modern astrophysics. This article is a theory establishes the nature and laws of DE and DM forces. They are among the forces controlling the universe harmony and homogeneity. The derived equations were based on the published Sayed quantum gravity force formula. The Sayed`s Dark energy force (SDEF) formulas indicate that they are function in quantum gravity force (F QG), energy density(ρ), cosmological (Ʌ), Hubble (H), and Planck (h) constants. The formulas were verified and validated. For Planck and cosmos scales, the Dark energy force, energy density, and Ʌ were calculated and found to be 2.538x10 84 N, 10-26 Kg/m 3, and 10-52 m-2 respectively. These values are in high concordance with the declared values. The results obtained show that the DE force represents more than ¾ of the universe forces as the observations. The disputed Hubble constant was also calculated and found to be in the range; 2.2 x10-18 s-1. It can also be stated and emphasized that the light speed violation (E≠mc 2) is a must to solve the DE nature and many other universe mysteries.

Kerntechnik, Apr 27, 2023
Mobile Robots (MR) are currently used across a variety of different sectors and have military, nu... more Mobile Robots (MR) are currently used across a variety of different sectors and have military, nuclear and industrial applications among others. In unmanned systems, teleoperation sensors, navigation instruments, control systems and radiation sensors can be fixed on the MR to perform required tasks such as radiological scanning, identifying, and surveying the contaminated environment that has been exposed to radiation. In this work, an estimation of the mobile robot location and the optimum path for time-delay compensation for MR teleoperation are investigated. As the MR teleoperation has a stochastic nature, the kinematics equations are modeled using stochastic differential equations (SDEs). Afterwards, these SDEs are solved using Numerical algorithms such as Euler–Maruyama algorithm which is used to approximate SDEs solution with the aid of MATLAB. Additionally, the results are discussed and depicted in tables and figures. Finally, the simulated results for the solution are performed and are found to highly agree with the ideal path of the simulated MR. This result is of great importance to be used in the case of nuclear emergency response and mitigation.

Radiation Measurements, Feb 1, 2006
Some ancient Egyptian tombs in Saqqara are closed for visit to undergo fixation processes. The wo... more Some ancient Egyptian tombs in Saqqara are closed for visit to undergo fixation processes. The workers inside these tombs exposed to natural radiations from natural Gamma emitters (external exposure) and inhale unknown radon doses (internal exposure) for long periods. The external exposure in all studied tombs is lower than the maximum recommended action level. The internal exposure in terms of annual effective dose in the south tomb is equal to 28.83 mSv/year which highly exceed the recommended level (3-10 mSv/year). In this tomb, the external exposure is equal to 21.43 Sv/year. This reflects the hazards of radon over the other natural radiations in the closed area. Among the workers inside the studied tombs, the expected morality is equal to 0.0033%, 0.0199% and 0.0724% for the south entrance of Zoser pyramid, the Serapeum tomb, and the south tomb respectively.

Radiochemistry, Oct 1, 2021
The activity ratio of uranium in unknown samples and materials is a crucial signature tool for ve... more The activity ratio of uranium in unknown samples and materials is a crucial signature tool for verification, assay, and tracking of their origin. This paper deals with using γ-ray spectrometric analysis and a new derived formula to calculate the 235U/238U activity ratio. Reference IAEA materials and a highly efficient calibrated HPGe spectrometer were used for the verification and validation of this equation and the results of assay. The calculated specific activities and 235U/238U activity ratios show very good agreement with the declared reference values, 0.046, with differences less than 2%. Natural origin samples were also investigated and assayed with the maximum deviation in the range 1.3–2.9%. Any potential deviation from the reference natural value, 0.046, in uranium samples could be precisely detected, identified, assessed, and quantified using the suggested system and equation.

The International Conference on Chemical and Environmental Engineering (Print), Apr 1, 2016
The first natural nuclear reactor of 1.9 billion year ago-OKLO (West Africa), was discovered in 1... more The first natural nuclear reactor of 1.9 billion year ago-OKLO (West Africa), was discovered in 1972. Its fuel was depleted uranium ore of 0.6-0.44% 235 U. It was cooled and moderated by natural water. The first man-made reactor of Fermi design coded as CP-1 ,was operated in 2 dec. 1942. It had no cooling system of any kind. Recently, after Chernobyl 1986 and Fukushima 2011 accidents ,an evolution in the nuclear reactor safety concepts has been established and integrated.Generation III and III+ of high redundant and diversified passive and active safety systems are currently in operation and under construction. Inherent Safety Concept, the features used in reactor design and material selection which can make the NPP immune to potential hazards like core meltdown or release of radioactivityis a reality in the time being. Thesefeatures rely on choice of design concept, laws of nature, properties of materials andinternal stored energy with no reliance on engineering mechanisms or operator actions to prevent accidents. These features are inbuilt in reactor which avoid unwarranted power excursions and help to mitigate effects of accident sequence. Some Important Inherent Safety Characteristics of advanced reactors are: • Negative reactivity coefficients • Negative void & temperature coefficient of reactivity • Low power density • No hydrogen generation by metal water reaction and oxidation; Nowadays, Over 16,000 Cumulative Reactor-Years of Commercial Nuclear Power Operation in 33 Countries are recorded as shown in the following figure. The defense in depth (DID) with its multiple barriers and 5 levels are objective and strategy of NPPs from design, operation to decommissioning phase. A presidential strategic decision has been taken in last Nov. 2015 for our home Egypt to construct 4 VVER1200 units at Al-Dabaa site. Focus on passive and active safety systems of the VVER1200 will be given in this paper.
Phosphogypsum (phph) is a by-product in the manufacture of phosphoric acid for the artificial fer... more Phosphogypsum (phph) is a by-product in the manufacture of phosphoric acid for the artificial fertilizer industry, In the present work, qualitative and quantitative radioactive analysis are carried out for phph from the National Company of Abuzabal for chemical fertilizers. Gamma ray spectroscopy techniques are applied. The present study reveals that the radioactivity resulting from these wastes is above international standards,
Optical and Quantum Electronics, Jul 27, 2022

Allah, the Creator, is the only Singular Super Force. A unified theory for the major forces gravi... more Allah, the Creator, is the only Singular Super Force. A unified theory for the major forces gravity, weak, electromagnetic and strong nuclear forces is an intractable challenge to the scientists. This article is an innovative theory for unification of all forces in the universe; S-TOE. My published theory on quantum gravity was the first step. The main parameters and equations of the starting spherical singularity bubble of the early universe; acceleration, wavelength, radius, pressure and speed, were simply derived; named Sayed`s unified forces formula (SUFF). The violation of light speed at the early beginning of universe was dramatically found; 3.93 x 1027 m/s. The wavelength (λ) was also calculated and found to be 1.321 x 10-15 m. The difference, between the calculated force (9.29x1024 N) using SUFF and the Planck force (1.2103 x 1044 N) is might be due to contribution of other predicted forces. The calculated acceleration matches with Planck acceleration. Uniquely in this theor...

Radiochemistry, 2021
Nondestructive method has been used to determine the age, activity, isotopic composition of urani... more Nondestructive method has been used to determine the age, activity, isotopic composition of uranium, and total uranium ore concentration (UOC) for the El-Sella site at the Egyptian Eastern Desert. This method is based on measuring gamma rays emitted from different uranium isotopes using a highly sensitive hyperpure germanium detector (HP-Ge) with 50% relative efficiency. In the framework of forensic analysis to study the radioactivity level, there are essential factors that have been determined: identification of the present radioactive isotopes, calculation of their specific activities, enrichment percentage of 235U, and uranium age dating. Therefore, this study provides all information that is important to illustrate the environmental radioactivity in the selected site; in addition, the enrichment percentage and age of uranium isotopes are presented. The results show that El-Sella site has low lifetime age values, high radioactivity levels, high uranium concentration, and is naturally enriched in 235U. These results are tabulated, discussed, and compared to the finding from the recently published national and international research with respect to the radioactivity levels and limits.

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
Any comprehensive radioactivity surveillance for a specific site should be carried out by a sensi... more Any comprehensive radioactivity surveillance for a specific site should be carried out by a sensitive airborne system (e.g. carried on aircraft) together with terrestrial sampling and analysis. In the framework of ore, environmental and nuclear materials monitoring and investigation, the activity and isotopic compositions signature are considered crucial factors that must be considered, determined and evaluated. In this work and based on previous aerial monitoring, a very sensitive hyper pure germanium detector (Hp-Ge) of 50% efficiency with the Genie 2000 software has been used for spectroscopic non-destructive assay (NDA) of radioactivity content for samples collected from the Egyptian eastern desert (El-Sella Site). The identification of specific signature isotopes through their characteristic gamma lines and a calculation of their specific activities, activity ratios of 235U/238U and 234U/238U and mathematically estimation of the natural enrichment percentage are very vital and ...

Assessment and Management of Environmental Risks, 2001
The Chernobyl accident in 1986 arose much concern throughout the world regarding the detection of... more The Chernobyl accident in 1986 arose much concern throughout the world regarding the detection of contamination, control of contaminated food, related legislation and environmental monitoring. In Egypt, the environmental radioactivity monitoring program involves the establishment of a radiation monitoring network of stations for continuous monitoring of ambient gamma radiation levels in the air, water, aerosols, dust particles and conventional gas pollutants. The network consists of 42 field stations for gamma monitoring of air, 13 stations for monitoring of water, 14 stations for beta aerosols and 15 stations for conventional pollutants. Soil samples adjacent to the stations distributed all over the Egyptian territories have been collected and analyzed by gamma spectrometry. The natural radionuclides K-40, U-238 series Th-232 series and the global fallout Cs-137 are found in all the collected samples. The absorbed dose rates are calculated and presented.
Proceedings of the Sixteenth National Radio Science Conference. NRSC'99 (IEEE Cat. No.99EX249)
This work aims at measurement of Pu-239 for nuclear materials safeguards verification purposes. T... more This work aims at measurement of Pu-239 for nuclear materials safeguards verification purposes. The work was carried out at Los-Alamos National Lab, (USA). Due to the strategic nature of the element, few samples were available to be assayed. The gamma spectrometric non-destructive assay technique was used for determining amount of Pu in the samples. A correction factor for self-attenuation due

Radiochimica Acta, 2001
The monitoring and evaluation of the radioactivity levels around the Egyptian nuclear facilities ... more The monitoring and evaluation of the radioactivity levels around the Egyptian nuclear facilities located at Inshas, near Cairo, namely, two research reactors, an R & D fuel fabrication laboratory and a fuel fabrication pilot plant, were carried out. Soil, water and plant samples were collected from locations near and around the facilities and analyzed by using gamma, laser and alpha spectrometry. A preoperational radiological map for the new reactor site was established. The results of the postoperational monitoring around the first reactor show that the 38year operation of this reactor did not increase the radioactivity level around the facility. The observed man-made 137Cs was found to be (0.3-9.2 Bq/kg) and 239+240Pu 0.096-0.158 Bq/kg. The observed tritium was found to be in the range 0.6-1.48 Bq/L. The absorbed dose rate and radium equivalent are calculated and presented.
Radiochimica Acta, 2000
This work aims at analysis of radioactivity levels in the water of spent fuel pool and reactor co... more This work aims at analysis of radioactivity levels in the water of spent fuel pool and reactor core of the Egyptian 2MW research reactor (ET-RR.1 at Inshas). Gamma spectrometric and laser fluorimetric analysis have been used for carrying out this study. The fission product 137Cs and activation product 60Co are found with very high concentration in the spent fuel storage pool water. Thirteen isotopes; La-140, Cr-51, Ba-140, I-131, Cs-137, Ce-144, Nb-95, Ce-141, Zr-95, Ru-103, Cs-134, Nd-147 and Zn-65 are identified in the reactor core water. However no radiological hazard resulted because the fission products are contained within the shielded reactor pool. The radioactivity released into the reactor coolant water is mainly controlled by the diffusion mechanism.

Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 1999
Chelating ®lter papers with chemically bonded amidoxime groups were synthesized by radiation-indu... more Chelating ®lter papers with chemically bonded amidoxime groups were synthesized by radiation-induced grafting of acrylonitrile onto ®lter paper (W3) followed by chemical treatment with hydroxylamine. The eect of grafting conditions such as absorbed dose, dose rate, monomer concentration and ®lter paper thickness on the grafting yield was studied. It was found that the degree of grafting increases with increasing absorbed dose and dose rate, and then tends to level o at high doses. The order of the dependence of the initial grafting rate on the dose is found to be of 0.33. An increasing monomer concentration was accompanied by a signi®cant increase in grafting. At high monomer concentration the initial rate of grafting is fast followed by a slow rate. The rate of grafting is controlled by the ®lter paper thickness and the diusion of monomer into the interior of the ®lter paper. Mechanical properties of the prepared ®lter paper were improved over the ungrafted paper. The amidoxime ®lter papers were examined for adsorption of uranium concentration ranging between 10±100 ppm.
International Congress Series, 2005
This work aims at developing a simple and reliable empirical equation to distinguish between coun... more This work aims at developing a simple and reliable empirical equation to distinguish between counting rate contributions from both 235 U and 226 Ra to the 186 keV energy region. The method has set primarily two assumptions. First was the existence of secular equilibrium between the 238 U and the 226 Ra in the samples. The calculations showed that in the total count rate of the 186 keV peak consists of 58.3% of 226 Ra and 41.7% of 235 U at a radioactive equilibrium. Second was the absence of equilibrium, this condition needed another treatment of the obtained data. Finally, simple equations have been developed to calculate 226 Ra and 235 U in unenriched samples. D 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, 1999
Papers by Sayed A El-Mongy