Book chapters by Savia Hasanova

The Routledge International Handbook on Femicide and Feminicide, 2023
Collectif Féminicides Par Compagnons ou Ex, Feminizidmap, Kathomi Gatwiri, Savia Hasanova, Anna K... more Collectif Féminicides Par Compagnons ou Ex, Feminizidmap, Kathomi Gatwiri, Savia Hasanova, Anna Kapushenko, Lyubava Malysheva, Saide Mobayed Vega, Audrey Mugeni, Rosalind Page, Ivonne Ramírez, Helena Suárez Val, Dawn Wilcox, and Aimee Zambrano Ortiz
This chapter weaves together, as nodes in a network of care, the experiences of activists collecting feminicide data in France, Germany, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Russia, the United States, and Venezuela. In our work, we draw from a long genealogy of feminist research and activism on femicide/feminicide and gender-related violence. To contextualise our practices, we draw on data activism and data feminism as theoretical lenses. Methodologically, we inhabited each other’s experiences through an iterative conversation and co-writing session where we reflected on questions related to the context of our work, our data-making process, the mental and emotional toll, and the challenges and opportunities of generating feminicide data. The experiences of producing feminicide data we share here, together with others around the world, are valuable because they show how women organise to fight against the inequalities that affect us every day.
Book chapters by Savia Hasanova
This chapter weaves together, as nodes in a network of care, the experiences of activists collecting feminicide data in France, Germany, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Russia, the United States, and Venezuela. In our work, we draw from a long genealogy of feminist research and activism on femicide/feminicide and gender-related violence. To contextualise our practices, we draw on data activism and data feminism as theoretical lenses. Methodologically, we inhabited each other’s experiences through an iterative conversation and co-writing session where we reflected on questions related to the context of our work, our data-making process, the mental and emotional toll, and the challenges and opportunities of generating feminicide data. The experiences of producing feminicide data we share here, together with others around the world, are valuable because they show how women organise to fight against the inequalities that affect us every day.
This chapter weaves together, as nodes in a network of care, the experiences of activists collecting feminicide data in France, Germany, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Russia, the United States, and Venezuela. In our work, we draw from a long genealogy of feminist research and activism on femicide/feminicide and gender-related violence. To contextualise our practices, we draw on data activism and data feminism as theoretical lenses. Methodologically, we inhabited each other’s experiences through an iterative conversation and co-writing session where we reflected on questions related to the context of our work, our data-making process, the mental and emotional toll, and the challenges and opportunities of generating feminicide data. The experiences of producing feminicide data we share here, together with others around the world, are valuable because they show how women organise to fight against the inequalities that affect us every day.