Papers by Saumendra Mohanty
Journal of Computational Electronics

Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Formerly Recent Patents on Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Background: Antennas size reduction with good performance characteristics is the most essential p... more Background: Antennas size reduction with good performance characteristics is the most essential part in designing a microstrip patch antenna (MPA) with the selection of a suitable dielectric substrate. Methods: A conventional MPA is designed at 10GHz frequency and later Minkowski fractal (1st iteration) defected ground structure (DGS) technique is applied for its size reduction. The design is made keeping the radiation and reflection characteristics in contention. Results: Results: A miniaturized MPA with 11% size reduction has been simulated using HFSS. The simulation results shows the realization and selection of the substrate materials in the design process. Here, five different substrates are judiciously implemented and later compared. The comparison is made on the basis of return loss, bandwidth, impedance, gain and efficiency. Conclusion: We found a miniaturized MPA using the proposed first iteration Minkowski fractal DGS. This MPA is suitable for X-band satellite communicatio...

International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 2020
The increment of economic affairs of any country is determined by their education system and by t... more The increment of economic affairs of any country is determined by their education system and by the intensity of them, education is nation's strength. An educated nation is always counted as developed one. Indian education system is the 3rd largest system after U.S. and China. We have an Independent education system which is enhancing day by day and also there are certain challenges and opportunity that make our system more viable. Literature review is constructed upon websites and research papers. This study is based on quantitative research design which allows us to do a systematic analysis of variables or find the association between them, study tests certain hypothesis based of the objective of study. Study is based on 5 point Likert questionnaire for testing hypothesis; used Google Forms for data collection with sample size 60 students of Rudrapur and Grater Noida in Uttar Pradesh & has used stratified sampling techniques to test various constructs via Hypothesis examining impact of Online courses on Higher Education in India .
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 2020

International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 2020
INTRODUCTION Entrepreneurship refers to a planning and practical execution of a business plan whi... more INTRODUCTION Entrepreneurship refers to a planning and practical execution of a business plan which is profitable though with margin of risk involved. Entrepreneurship makes people think out of box driven by ambition and fuelled by opportunities to remould risk into productive opportunities helpful to boost economy. In many countries it provides major share in job provision (Fölster, 2000, Heyman et al., 2018). Entrepreneurship is main factor in development of a country's economy as it's a leading source of revenue, foreign exchange and jobs for people. Necessary policies are mandatory to ensure successful execution of new ventures to ensure sustainable economic growth (McMullan et al., 1986; Tunali and Sener 2019). Based upon type, extent and urgency of various problems, entrepreneurship offers sustainable, exclusive and ground applicable solutions matching market needs and wants using information-technology. Technology based ventures are dominant in this regard as they offer number of solutions based upon latest information technology models (Kummitha, 2018). People world over are frequently facing new and diverse issues which needs creativity and innovations to resolve for which technology can play vital role (Macke et al., 2018). New business models involving innovation, IT and having problem solving attitude is more likely to get sustainable sooner compared to other ventures as entrepreneurship works on intentions to actions (Souitaris et al., 2007). Various issues regarding primary success of entrepreneurship are of various types involving technology and non-technology issues. Among non-IT, capital constraints (Evans and Jovanovic, 1989), founding experience of project/business leads (Cumming et al., 2016) and previous successful completed projects of entrepreneur (Hsu, 2007) are major constructs as experienced leads can help succeed business (Hsu, 2007; Gompers et al., 2010). Work conducted by Hsu, 2007 has shown that experienced serial entrepreneurs have ability to gain funds, construct a skilled lead but pre-exposure experience (preferable in same field) is also key factor in success of venture (Eggers and Song, 2015; Lafontaine and Shaw 2016). Involvement of experienced staff in business venture thus can decrease its failure risk as well as increase chances of success. Question arises that whether only serial entrepreneurs having diverse experiences have leverage to negotiate better terms? Probably not! as habitual entrepreneurs are more likely to succeed MacMillan (1986). Success in business ventures is very important but failure also provides needful experience which can be leveraged in next business plan and model (Nahata 2019). Besides these non-technology factors, tech-based factors are also involved in success of entrepreneurial ventures. Entrepreneurs which have close insight of market situations tend to introduce products as per available opportunities and gaps which tend to be catchy for customers, this type is called innovative entrepreneurship and involved technology for survey and need determination (Collinson & Shaw, 2001). Innovations in market has a leverage over conventional entrepreneurs who prefer to traditional norms of market. Technology, logistics and innovation-based market purchase and business/product set up is key in business success in modern day (Fairlie & Fossen, 2018). Business ideas and entrepreneurship is a source of wealth, stimulate economies and generate economic stability thus a lot of individuals (476,000 to be exact) annually in US according to Kauffman Foundation (Fairlie, 2014). From the same sources its reported that, 64 million people worldwide and millennials/generation Y/echo-boomers/Generation nest (Weber, 2017) having high affinity in innovative entrepreneurship. In technology boom of entrepreneurship, internet is main factor involved worldwide providing various opportunities and can act as a card out of poverty (Williams, 2018). Web development, ecommerce and affiliate marketing on internet involving millions of online devices has contributed heavily in booming entrepreneurial ventures. For such work to be done effectively, business environment, resources (financial and technical) and skilled team are required (Timmons and Spinelli (2007). The US is considered as hub of string entrepreneurial ecosystem having related people, resources and events (Regele & Neck, 2012; Roundy, 2017). Literature has shown that entrepreneurial education, legal framework, and country polices are also key factors in business support and start-up booming (Hechavarria & Ingram, 2014; Regele & Neck, 2012). Involvement of and expert person which has keen knowledge of complex network development is crucial for sustainability of entrepreneurial ventures as technology based complex frameworks are difficult to interpret (Alvarez & Busenitz, 2001; Barney, 1991). Skills sets needed for launch of successful bossiness venture involve
2013 IEEE International Conference ON Emerging Trends in Computing, Communication and Nanotechnology (ICECCN), 2013

Multiple-input and multiple-output, or MIMO, is the use of multiple antennas at both the transmit... more Multiple-input and multiple-output, or MIMO, is the use of multiple antennas at both the transmitter and receiver to improve communication performance. MIMO technology has attracted attention in wireless communications, because it offers significant increases in data throughput and link range without additional bandwidth or transmit power. In this paper, multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) systems with reduced complexity is considered. The space–time block coding, for communication over Rayleigh fading channels using multiple transmit antennas is considered. Also the Alamouti code is tested for the performance. Data is encoded using a space–time block code and the encoded data is split into n streams which are simultaneously transmitted using n transmit antennas. The received signal at each receive antenna is a linear superposition of the n transmitted signals perturbed by noise. In current research, high data rate wireless communications, transmission rates, is of major interest....

The desired performance parameters of a specific linear antenna array (LAA) are a highly nonlinea... more The desired performance parameters of a specific linear antenna array (LAA) are a highly nonlinear function of input parameters such as antenna length (l) and spacing (d) among the antenna elements and need to be optimized to get all the desired performance parameters. This paper presents popular bio-motivated global optimization techniques such as particle swarm optimization (PSO) and cuckoo search (CS), which are being applied to LAA design to enhance directivity and low sidelobe level. A comparison between two optimization techniques has also been made. To analyze the antenna structure, a numerical method called method of moments has been used, and mutual coupling is taken into account between antenna elements. MATLAB is used for the design and optimization of LAA, and CST microwave studio is used to validate the results obtained. Finally, a graphical user interface-based toolbox is developed for the design and optimization of LAA in MATLAB and to reduce the complexity for a begi...
Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2018

In this paper, a new Si0.6Ge0.4/Si heterostructure tunneling field-effect transistor with segment... more In this paper, a new Si0.6Ge0.4/Si heterostructure tunneling field-effect transistor with segmented drain (SiGe/Si SD TFET) is proposed and simulated by Silvaco ATLAS simulator. The drain segmentation increases the tunneling barrier width at the drain/channel interface and hence reduces ambipolar current (Iamb) considerably. Moreover, the amalgam of Si0.6Ge0.4 source and silicon channel allows much improved On-state current (Ion) with lower Off-state leakage current (Ioff). The presence of high bandgap silicon material keeps the lower recombination rate of the carriers in the channel region, thus provides a much higher Ion/Ioff ratio of 5.64 × 1011. The segmented drain exhibits more than 4-decades improvement in Iamb without affecting Ion and Ioff. The thickness and doping profile of the segmented drain region are calibrated to achieve a higher Ion/Iamb ratio of 3.29 × 109 with an average subthreshold swing (SS) of 42 mV/decade. The investigation is further extended by considering the interface trap charges (ITCs) at the HfO2/Si interface for different positive and negative density values.
IETE Journal of Research
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a disturbing neuro-developmental disorder affecting the behavio... more Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a disturbing neuro-developmental disorder affecting the behavioural ability and communication skills of an individual. Early detection of such prevalent abnormalit...

International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology IJRASET, 2020
The increment of economic affairs of any country is determined by their education system and by t... more The increment of economic affairs of any country is determined by their education system and by the intensity of them, education is nation's strength. An educated nation is always counted as developed one. Indian education system is the 3rd largest system after U.S. and China. We have an Independent education system which is enhancing day by day and also there are certain challenges and opportunity that make our system more viable. Literature review is constructed upon websites and research papers. This study is based on quantitative research design which allows us to do a systematic analysis of variables or find the association between them, study tests certain hypothesis based of the objective of study. Study is based on 5 point Likert questionnaire for testing hypothesis; used Google Forms for data collection with sample size 60 students of Rudrapur and Grater Noida in Uttar Pradesh & has used stratified sampling techniques to test various constructs via Hypothesis examining ...
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology IJRASET, 2020
Online Courses have over the last 5 years has been making steady progress in the mainstream Highe... more Online Courses have over the last 5 years has been making steady progress in the mainstream Higher Education System in India. This has further been accelerated recently by Covid 19 considered one of the most pathetic pandemic situation for the whole world. The COVID 19 has resulted in school’s colleges and educational institutions shut all across the world as result educational system has changed dramatically with the distinctive rise of E –learning whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. The government has taken commendable measures by introducing the concept of E-learning.These nationwide closures are impacting over 91% of the worlds' student population.

International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology IJRASET, 2020
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)ISSN: 232... more International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429Volume 8 Issue VIII Aug 2020-Available at©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved663Study of Role of Technology in Entrepreneurial Venture SuccessSaumendra MohantyPhD Research ScholarI.INTRODUCTIONEntrepreneurship refers to a planning and practical execution of a business plan which is profitable though with margin of risk involved.Entrepreneurship makes people think out of box drivenby ambition and fuelledby opportunities to remould risk into productive opportunities helpful to boost economy.In many countries it provides major share in job provision (Fölster, 2000, Heyman et al., 2018). Entrepreneurship is main factor in development of a country’s economy as it’s a leading source of revenue, foreign exchange and jobs for people. Necessary policies are mandatoryto ensure successful execution of new ventures to ensure sustainable ec...

International Journal of Information and Communication Technology
The desired multiple performance parameters such as directivity, half power beam width, relative ... more The desired multiple performance parameters such as directivity, half power beam width, relative side lobe level, etc. of a specific planar antenna array are highly nonlinear function of its input parameters such as antenna length (l), radius (α), spacing (d) among the antenna elements. These output parameters are optimised using popular PSO and recently developed cuckoo search. These bio-motivated optimising algorithms optimise multiple design and performance parameters of a nonlinear problem like 3 × 5 planar arrays with the concept of ground reflection to improve the performance of the array. In addition, a comparative study is made between two optimisation techniques in terms of their antenna output characteristics and time taken for convergence. While analysing the planar array, mutual coupling is taken into account for numerical analysis using method of moment. MATLAB is used for design and optimisation of antenna array. MININEC MOM analyser is used to validate results obtained.
International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control

Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal
Two popular antennas such as the Yagi-Uda Array (YUA) and the Log Periodic Dipole Array (LPDA) wi... more Two popular antennas such as the Yagi-Uda Array (YUA) and the Log Periodic Dipole Array (LPDA) with the same number of dipole elements are optimally designed using Bacteria Foraging Algorithm (BFA). BFA being one of the successful optimization algorithms, used to optimize many design parameters of these two antennas to get a number of desired performance parameters. A YUA is designed here, mainly to realize high directivity, input-impedance (Z in) close to 50 X, high Front To Back Ratio (FTBR), high Front-tomaximum-Side-Lobe-Level (FSLL), low Half Power Beam Width (HPBW), and appreciable bandwidth, whereas a LPDA is designed here, mainly to achieve high bandwidth, average Z in close to 50 X, high average FTBR, high average FSLL, low average HPBW, and appreciable average directivity. The successful design approaches, application and comparative study of these two antennas presented here can also be extended to other antennas.

2016 2nd International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics (AEEICB), 2016
This paper presents an application of nature inspired population based algorithm namely Gravitati... more This paper presents an application of nature inspired population based algorithm namely Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) to Linear Dipole Antenna Array (LDAA) optimization. The design parameters of the LDAA to be optimized are the length of the dipole antenna elements and spacings out of each of the group of two neighbor elements. The self developed GSA using MATLAB is used to optimize the design parameters of the LDAA to determine a set of performance parameters of LDAA such as directivity and side lobe level. The major goal of antenna design is to achieve narrow beamwidth (high directive gain) and low side lobe level. The optimized radiation patterns indicate that the application of the GSA to our optimization problem is found to be a promising one for obtaining a higher directivity and lower side lobe level.
Papers by Saumendra Mohanty