Papers by Satheesh Naik S J
![Research paper thumbnail of Effect of male sterility inducing cytoplasm on hybrid mean performance for bioenergy traits in sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]](
International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2012
Influence of male sterility inducing cytoplasm on mean performance with respect to ethanol yield ... more Influence of male sterility inducing cytoplasm on mean performance with respect to ethanol yield and its attributing traits in sweet sorghum was studied in 48 hybrids developed by crossing six A-lines viz., ICSA 631, ICSA 731, ICSA 324, ICSA 500, ICSA 38 and ICSA 84 and their corresponding B-lines with four R-lines viz., SEREDO, ICSV-700, ICSV 111 and E 36-1 in a line × tester mating design. The 16 parents and their 48 hybrids were grown separately in contiguous blocks in single row of 3m length with 0.15 m × 0.60 m spacing in simple lattice design with two replications at the experimental plots of Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra (GKVK), University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), and Bangalore. Presence of significant cytoplasmic differences in hybrid means performance for mean cane height, mean cane weight, juice yield, juice extraction per cent and ethanol yield. No definite trend favouring any particular cytoplasm was observed.

Indian journal of pulses research/Indian Journal of Pulses Research, May 15, 2024
The constantly increasing gap in the demand to supply for pigeon pea has been a matter of concern... more The constantly increasing gap in the demand to supply for pigeon pea has been a matter of concern to pigeon pea researchers in India to increase productivity and production. The entomophily abet cross-pollination behavior of pigeon pea is a desirable crop to develop and establish the hybrid system to exploit the commercial heterosis. Keeping this in view, pigeon pea research was directed towards a new initiative on hybrid pigeon pea breeding at ICRISAT, Hyderabad immediately after the identification of a male sterile line in 1974. Which in turn led to the development of a new GMS hybrid called ICPH 8 in 1991 for cultivation in the central zone. Then five GMS hybrids (PPH 4, CoPH 1, CoPH 2, AKPH 4101, and AKPH 2022) in the early maturing group were released by the state and central varietal release committee. Nevertheless, the GMS-based hybrids did not yield much success due to difficulty in the production of commercial F 1 seed. Trifurcation of All India Coordinated Pulses Improvement (AICPIP) and further strengthening of AICPRP on pigeon pea led to the development of national level strategic and basic research vis-àvis provided testing platform for varieties and hybrids. The advertent GMS system led to the development of a stable and economically viable CGMS system in pigeon pea after 26 years of its first GMS initiative. The first CGMS line GT 288A and its maintainer B line was registered by Pulse Research Station, SDAU, GAU, SK Nagar, Gujarat in 2000. Consequently, in 2006 the first CMS hybrid GTH 1 was developed by SDAU, Gujarat, and released by CVRC for cultivation in the central zone. Thirty-nine CGMS lines have been registered with ICAR-NBPGR and four CMS-based hybrids (ICPH 2671, ICPH 2740, IPH 15-03, and IPH 09-5) are released for cultivation. It is to endorse that the joint efforts of the ICAR-NARS and ICRISAT led to the establishment of the hybrid system in pigeon pea by sharing the materials and technology. Nonetheless, supplying quality hybrid seed is a mammoth task to reap the true potential of hybrid technology in pigeon pea.
Indian phytopathology, Sep 2, 2022
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology
Plant Male Sterility Systems for Accelerating Crop Improvement, 2022
Plant Male Sterility Systems for Accelerating Crop Improvement, 2022

Occurrence of physical dormancy in the form of hard seed coat prevents proper utilisation and con... more Occurrence of physical dormancy in the form of hard seed coat prevents proper utilisation and conservation of wild species of pigeonpea, which offers a source of many useful traits. Hence, in the present investigation attempt has been made to understand the variability in hardseededness and the pre-treatments to overcome it in 44 accessions comprising of 10 wild pigeonpea species (Cajanus scarabaeoides, C. crassus, C. platycarpus, C. cajanifolius, C. lineatus, Rynchosia minima, R. bracteata, R rothii, R rufescens and R. aurea). The level of hardseededness varied from 36–100%, with an average of 76.5%. Likewise, the time to initiate germination (T1), achieve 50% germination (T50) and mean germination time (MGT) varied between 16.18-249.9h, 94.7-607.7h and 37.5-153.2h, respectively. Overall, all the treatments reduced hardseededness and improved germination over the control, with partial incision on seed coat (PSCI) being the best treatment for all the species recording 70–98% germina...

Indian journal of pulses research/Indian Journal of Pulses Research, Apr 1, 2024
Yield improvement is the prime objective of any varietal development programs. Therefore, stabili... more Yield improvement is the prime objective of any varietal development programs. Therefore, stability of the yield becomes an important criterion in pigeon pea because it is cultivated in rainfed conditions. For the varietal development program, multi-environment trials are conducted to advance the entries at different stages of the trial and in turn to release as varieties. Multi-environmental trials have generally significant genotype and genotype × environment interactions effect, and different univariate and multi-variate stability methods have been used to study the genotype × environment interactions. The present study comprises fourteen pigeon pea entries of the initial varietal trial that were evaluated at five locations viz. Varanasi, Dholi, Ranchi, Kanpur, and Araul representing the North East Plain Zone of All India Coordinated Research Project on pigeon pea program during Kharif 2020-21. The AMMI model is used for genotype × environment interactions investigation. The combined index Model-I and II were used based on the weighted average for stability and yield components at 50:50 in model-I and 20:80 in model-II respectively. Based on both the combined indices the entries IPA18-33 and IPA203 were recorded as highly stable high-yielding entries for future use.
Journal of Food Legumes, 2021

Frontiers in Plant Science
Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is one of the most important and productive cool season pulse crops grown ... more Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is one of the most important and productive cool season pulse crops grown throughout the world. Biotic stresses are the crucial constraints in harnessing the potential productivity of pea and warrant dedicated research and developmental efforts to utilize omics resources and advanced breeding techniques to assist rapid and timely development of high-yielding multiple stress-tolerant–resistant varieties. Recently, the pea researcher’s community has made notable achievements in conventional and molecular breeding to accelerate its genetic gain. Several quantitative trait loci (QTLs) or markers associated with genes controlling resistance for fusarium wilt, fusarium root rot, powdery mildew, ascochyta blight, rust, common root rot, broomrape, pea enation, and pea seed borne mosaic virus are available for the marker-assisted breeding. The advanced genomic tools such as the availability of comprehensive genetic maps and linked reliable DNA markers hold great promis...
![Research paper thumbnail of Identification of tolerant genotypes against pulse beetle as a source to reduce post harvest losses in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millisp.]](
Legume Research An International Journal, Jul 17, 2019
The present study intends to screen 52 pigeonpea genotypes for bruchid infestation under controll... more The present study intends to screen 52 pigeonpea genotypes for bruchid infestation under controlled conditions using nochoice assay. The results revealed significant differences among the genotypes considering parameters like growth index (GI), egg numbers and adult emergence. The genotypes viz., ICP 89049, IPA 37 and Dholi dwarf DB had low average values for GI (0.45, 0.48 and 0.48 respectively), number of eggs after 20 days (14.5, 21.5 and 28), and adults emerged after 30 days of oviposition (9.0, 7.0 and 4.5, respectively) when compared to the genotypes Asha (higher GI: 1.10), and IPA 7-6 (having 98.0 eggs after 20 days of incubation). Concerning associations among different traits, the GI had significant positive correlations with number of eggs laid (0.484), and number of adults emerged at 15-30 days (0.638). The GI showed a negative relationship with proportion of seed coat (-0.162) and seed hardness (-0.197). The traits that are less preferred by the bruchids include hard seed with less seed diameter and high proportion of seed coat. The tolerant genotypes viz. ICP 89049, IPA 37 and Dholi dwarf DB identified here could be deployed in breeding programs for reducing post harvest losses in pigeonpea.

Legume Research, 2017
Field studies were conducted at IIPR, Kanpur, India to estimate the intensity of field infestatio... more Field studies were conducted at IIPR, Kanpur, India to estimate the intensity of field infestation on pigeonpea by pod fly and bruchids, and whether or not the phenotypic characters of the pigeonpea related to infestation caused by these insects. A total 32 long duration pigeonpea cultivars and advanced breeding lines were planted in augmented design along with check ‘Bahar’ and evaluated on the basis of exit holes and windows per pod, seed damage (%) by pod fly maggot and bruchid grub, 100 damaged seeds weight and relative resistant rating. Breeding line IPA-92 and a cultivar MA-3 were found to be highly resistant against pod fly, preventing them from crafting exit holes on pods and seed damage (%). Bruchid (C. chinensis and C. maculatus) was vulnerable to make windows on pods damaging the seeds of cultivars viz., IPA-15-1, IPA-15-5, IPA-15-7, IPA-15-10, IPA-15-12, IPA-15-14, MA-3, IPA-92, AZAD, IPA-234, BSMR-736, IPA-13-1 and IPA-37. Correlation studies revealed that pod fly infes...

Legume Research, 2020
Background: Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.], an important grain legume crop that is predom... more Background: Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.], an important grain legume crop that is predominantly cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world (Nene and Sheila, 1990). Crop wild relatives (CWR) are valuable source of novel alleles for economic traits which when transferred to cultivated species adapt well to changing biotic stresses, farming practices, market demands and climatic conditions. Under proposed study the detailed symptomatology, cultural, morphological and pathogenic characteristics of the causal agent and molecular identification of the pathogen were identified. Methods: Of the total 79 accession of wild relatives of pigeonpea (Cjanus cajan) planted in the experimental fields of ICAR- Indian Institute of Pulses Research (IIPR), Kanpur during 2017-18, one accession (ICP-817) of Rhynchosia bracteata was found to be affected by a disease characterized by leaf and stem blight symptoms. Disease symptoms appeared in January–February, 2017 and 2018. Pres...

Rice Research for Quality Improvement: Genomics and Genetic Engineering
Male sterility has been an important trait for heterosis-based breeding programs. Harnessing hybr... more Male sterility has been an important trait for heterosis-based breeding programs. Harnessing hybrid vigor has been a promising approach to tackle the current challenges of increased population and climate change. Recent advancements in understanding the molecular basis of male sterility phenomenon have helped breeders develop desired varieties. The molecular approaches for the generation of male-sterile lines through regulation of phytohormonal biosynthesis in reproductive organs are also under way. The era of omics have enriched the understanding of genes cytoplasm and nuclear communication, and further molecular tools such as DNA markers implicated in hybrid breeding have facilitated further understanding of their interactions. Bioengineering is the application of engineering principles to the fields of biology and health care. Bioengineering of crop plants for improved tetrahydrofolate production is one such example. There are three types of male sterilities, viz., nuclear male sterility (NM), cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS), and the other cytoplasmic genetic male sterility (CGMS). CMS genes may be formed during evolution through gene duplication and multi-recombination, and the corresponding nuclear Rf genes appear to have undergone coevolution. The mitochondrion being a semiautonomous organelle with its own genome encodes genes that control TCA cycle and ATP generation. Until now 28 CMS genes have been identified from 13 crop species. The knowledge obtained about the molecular mechanisms of these nuclear and cytoplasmic genes can be used in hybrid development using bioengineering. Bioengineering in plants such as development of golden rice has been successful as a technology, but it has been facing challenges with respect to its acceptance among the public due to safety issues that need to be resolved at the earliest.
Breeding for Enhanced Nutrition and Bio-Active Compounds in Food Legumes
![Research paper thumbnail of Botanical Description of Pigeonpea [Cajanus Cajan (L.) Millsp.]](
The Pigeonpea Genome
Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh] is an important legume crop of the papilionaceae family... more Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh] is an important legume crop of the papilionaceae family. It is an often cross-pollinated crop, and breeding principles of both self and cross-pollinated crops are highly effective in its genetic enhancement. Pigeonpea is a hard woody shrub, extensively adaptable to a range of soil types, temperature, and rainfall. It has a deep taproot system extending up to two meters and can grow to a height of four meters. Pigeonpea roots form a symbiotic association with Brady rhizobium spp. and perform biological nitrogen fixation. The branching pattern of stem may vary from bush type to compact upright type and is of determinate, semi-determinate, and non-determinate type based on the flowering pattern. The primary leaves are simple, opposite, and caduceus, while the latter ones are pinnately trifoliate with lanceolate to elliptical leaflets. Pigeonpea flowers are zygomorphic, borne on terminal or auxiliary racemes and are normally yellow in color with some variations. It has ten stamens in diadelphous condition with light or dark yellow anthers. The ovary is superior with a long style attached to a thickened, incurved, and swollen stigma. Pigeonpea is an often cross-pollinated crop with an average of 20% cross-pollination. The fruit of pigeonpea is called pod, which is of various colors, with and without deep constrictions. Seeds (with 20-22% proteins and amino acids) can be round or lens shaped, in shades of white and brown color with yellow color cotyledon. Pigeonpea is a widely consumed multi-utility pulse crop, thus the knowledge about the crop botany is vital for modifying it according to future challenges and goals.

Journal of Food Legumes, 2016
The present studies were undertaken at Research Farm, ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research, K... more The present studies were undertaken at Research Farm, ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh during kharif seasons of 2013–16, to identify the potential donor(s) for wilt. Thirty pigeonpea promising lines were evaluated for resistance against Fusarium wilt in the sick field and the same set of genotypes were subjected to rigorous screening under greenhouse conditions using standard technique. Among 30 lines, 18 genotypes showed resistant reaction, 7 were moderately resistant and 5 were susceptible under sick plot conditions at 180 days after sowing (DAS). When the same set of pigeonpea genotypes were subjected to greenhouse screening in pot conditions by standard technique, 17, 7 and 6 genotypes showed resistant, moderately resistant and susceptible respectively at 60 DAS. The resistance lines identified in this study have immense potential as donor for wilt resistance in further pigeonpea disease resistance breeding programme.

Journal of Food Legumes, 2017
The mode of inheritance of resistance to mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV) in intra and inter-s... more The mode of inheritance of resistance to mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV) in intra and inter-specific crosses of mungbean has been studied in the present investigation. An infector row technique was used for evaluating parents, F1 and F2 plants for MYMV resistance. No insecticide was sprayed in order to maintain the natural whitefly population in experimental field. In the field condition, only after 80% of plants showed MYMV incidence and the scoring of the test materials was done by MYMV disease reaction scale. According to the mean disease score, the mungbean genotypes were categorized into five groups resistant (R), moderately resistant (MR), moderately susceptible (MS), susceptible (S) and highly susceptible (HS). The results showed that in all the three intraspecific F2 population segregated in 1: 3 (Resistance: Susceptible) ratio indicating single recessive gene whereas in case of all Interspecific crosses between mungbean and ricebean, segregation of F2 population was in ...
Papers by Satheesh Naik S J