Papers by Saswot Raj Sharma

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2016
Nepal is nations where peoples are always complaining about they earn very less money for surviva... more Nepal is nations where peoples are always complaining about they earn very less money for survival. All of their income is spend in just survival and most of the peoples don’t have savings for future. Here, most of the corruption, fraud and illegal means of earning is only seen a way for having enough funds to move ahead of the cycle of hand to mouth. Some of the peoples might move out of the hand to mouth from business which made them profit and few peoples might end up having high value jobs in reputed organizations which will make their life easy. Other most people might see moving to aboard only a option to have a life which they dream. Hence with this basic thought we have conducted a analysis and survey about what might be a modest ideal amount that is necessary in Nepali family.Seeing the necessity regarding what might be the best amount of money that is needed to have a decent life in lower class, medium class and higher class RSTCA had a done a research regarding how much money is needed to survive for low class, medium class and higher class peoples in Nepal. They had performed an analysis for one month by observation methods of various family and interview questions regarding monthly expenses of families. Here after a series of questions, expenses head types, details of units, budgeting method of calculation they finally had a conclusions regarding what might be best sum for the same.

Dear Influential Individual,
We are delighted that your life’s journey has led you to ... more Why RSTCA?
Dear Influential Individual,
We are delighted that your life’s journey has led you to discover our organization.
Maybe you have met one of our members in the person. Or perhaps not; we value anonymity. We see and know all just as a shepherd sees and knows all of the flock, our eyes peering over the masses to identify any threat to the survival of the human species. We are the bringers of new dawns, the guardians of the human species. We are the Pyramid, the Eye, the Light, the Eternal Circle. We are the RSTCA.
The RSTCA is a collective of prominent figures throughout the world who have united to guard the human species from extinction. Our members bear the burden of a planet’s leadership with the lives of 7 billion in their hands. As the human continues to rise above its other animal counterparts, governing of the planet has turned into a daunting task.
Once a member, the requirements are unimposing and often spaced between many years. Our requests are simple and therefore may be hard to comprehend, but disloyalty is not tolerated. You must understand this before applying. Members must fulfill their oaths to the Illuminati under every circumstance and recognize that they are merely one part of a much larger Universal Design.
For centuries, our organization has separated individuals of outstanding political, financial, or cultural influence from the flock and established them as shepherds of the human species. Perhaps you have already proven yourself in these fields. For that, the Illuminati officially congratulates you. Your dedication gives hope for the future of the human species.
If you would like to continue your application, start by filling out the form on this page. It will add you to our list of potential candidates for Illuminati membership. We will contact you if we require more information.
How to present your business idea in front of Billionaire and Richest Investors in the World.
Th... more How to present your business idea in front of Billionaire and Richest Investors in the World.
This is largest Investment pitching platform around the world.
With the zeal to reward, appreciate and honor fellow entrepreneurs who have taken risk, became en... more With the zeal to reward, appreciate and honor fellow entrepreneurs who have taken risk, became enterprising, created hope, made change, created innovations and made a contribution to the society, we have planned for a Entrepreneurs Development Program where we will Reward all the Entrepreneur who has shown their dedication. With the promotion and recognition to fellow Entrepreneurs we may create a room of hope, trust, believe, self confidence and positive message that their contribution to society has significant impact of our lives. This will make a surge of desire to become entrepreneurs.
With this mission we have started our Entrepreneurs Development Award, which will foster development of Entrepreneurship in Nepal.
Know more about Training and Development of RSTCA.
Business Profile of RSTCA
Basic example of the complex structure of how money laundering works and how funds are transferred.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
Comprehensive checklist for analysis and investment in long term stock and shares.
How much earnings we need to make on a consistent basis to meet and be like Bill Gates.

Nepal is nations where peoples are always complaining about they earn very less money for surviva... more Nepal is nations where peoples are always complaining about they earn very less money for survival. All of their income is spend in just survival and most of the peoples don't have savings for future. Here, most of the corruption, fraud and illegal means of earning is only seen a way for having enough funds to move ahead of the cycle of hand to mouth. Some of the peoples might move out of the hand to mouth from business which made them profit and few peoples might end up having high value jobs in reputed organizations which will make their life easy. Other most people might see moving to aboard only a option to have a life which they dream. Hence with this basic thought we have conducted a analysis and survey about what might be a modest ideal amount that is necessary in Nepali family. Seeing the necessity regarding what might be the best amount of money that is needed to have a decent life in lower class, medium class and higher class RSTCA had a done a research regarding how much money is needed to survive for low class, medium class and higher class peoples in Nepal. They had performed an analysis for one month by observation methods of various family and interview questions regarding monthly expenses of families. Here after a series of questions, expenses head types, details of units, budgeting method of calculation they finally had a conclusions regarding what might be best sum for the same. Assumptions that were used in the research were as follows: 1. There are family of four members where there are Husband, Wife and two Children's who were studying in school 2. All the members of family live a normal life with no prior habits of over expenditure 3. All the members on family are healthy and no extra expenses is made on medicines 4. There visit to decent restaurant every month for few times as a family outings 5. They pay rent or pay interest for construction expenses of self lived home 6. They consume healthy and balance diet 7. Both the husband and wife earns for the family The headings of expenses which were used were

With the desire to know about whether Beauty or Brain wins in general public opinion and likabili... more With the desire to know about whether Beauty or Brain wins in general public opinion and likability this research is conducted with datas from 6 celebrities on their 10 facebook status. Each celebrities 10 status which depicted their natural beauty and 10 status which depicted their wiseness were chosen at a random from the year 2015-2016. Here, total likes on their facebook page were also quoted seeing their response rate and percentage of involvement of public in their beauty vs brain posts. With this paper we can conclude that generally peoples spend more time in seeing beautiful things and get involved most of their energies and money in seeing things which is aesthetic than which makes our brain and emotions stimulated. We generally can conclude that if we can target the beauty factors more to the public than emotional or wise factors we will win at gaining popularity and involvement as well. This paper can be used as a marketing analysis as well for celebrities where their beauty is most dominant and prominent aspects which is liked and preferred. If any general public also wants to make a domain and succeed in their professional works they need to look good and have a grooming in terms of aesthetic appeal together with their professional values and knowledge. We can correlate beauty with succeed in most of the cases.

In our financial statement, expenses are of significant value. Their proper identification, trans... more In our financial statement, expenses are of significant value. Their proper identification, transaction, controlling can ensure sucess or failure of a complete business unit. On practise on a lack of sufficient internal control or due to behavior of human naturethey don't depicts the actual nature of its underlying value and occurrence. Generally, if expenses are under continuous scrutiny under a approving authority which helps to identity the true nature of the expenses on timframe of human memory with the rates and quantity with which it has occurred then there exist very less opportunity of manipulation. Expenses are generally used as tools for assets misappropriation by employees where manipulation of figures and quantity are generally performed and practiced as per generally business conduct. Hence with this paper we are trying to find the relevant data analysis tools that will help us identity the correctness of the data's that are provided for expenses analysis from a petty cashier for 5 months. Here the data is for average of 8 peoples with total of amount of NPR 26,014 with the total working days as 111 days. We have used the tools like dimensional averages of data's in terms of time, Benford law, Pareto and histogram analysis, audit program using data analysis. Here total of more than 50 sub items are purchased that constitutes the expenses per day for preparation of lunch of an office. We have performed a natural audit procedure that can be used as an alternative to one to one vouching methods to save time and hence be more effective in auditing. These analysis methods will help us identify the food expenses pattern for hotels, restaurants, canteen and other necessary food sales related industries.

Human Mind ManipulationThree Minds: Consciousness, Subconscious, and Unconsciou... more TABLE OF CONTENTS
Human Mind ManipulationThree Minds: Consciousness, Subconscious, and Unconscious
A Walk Through the Human Mind
How They Work Together
The Mind in Action
The Journey Begins
The Conscious Mind
Directing Your Focus
Using Your Imagination
The Role of the Subconscious
The link into the Subconscious
Your Unconscious Mind
The Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind:
Unconscious versus Subconscious – What‘s the difference?
The Role of the Unconscious
How to Change Your Life
How to Focus Using The Conscious Mind
Are you paying Attention?
The Difference Between Paying Attention and Knowing How to Focus
Subconscious Mind Power Techniques:
How To Train Your Brain Part 1: Realization
Subconscious Mind Power Techniques Part 2: Translation
Subconscious Mind Power Techniques Part 3 : Meditate
Subconscious Mind Power Techniques Part 4 : Turn imagination into reality
Your Subconscious Mind
Different Types of Human Brain
Types of Intelligence
1 Naturalist Intelligence (―Nature Smart‖)
2 Musical Intelligence (―Musical Smart‖)
3 Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart
4 Existential Intelligence
5 Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart‖)
6 Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (―Body Smart‖)
7 Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart)
8 Intra-personal Intelligence (Self Smart‖)
9 Spatial Intelligence (―Picture Smart‖)
Power of Repetition for Human Mind
State Elicitation for Anchoring and Changing States
NLP Anchoring
Managing and Changing States
NLP Modeling
Association and Dissociation
State Elicitation Process
NLP Summary and Techniques
Method used by Nazi for creating a research on the concentration camps
Hypnosis methodology
Unconscious mind penetration methods
Influence skills
Bully signs
Mind manipulation ways
Other factors
Traits of vulnerable manipulator
Brain work
Brain waves and capacity
Business psychology
Pacing and leading example
Lie detection methodology
Human Mind and data's
10 Unbelievable Facts about Human Brain That Everyone Should Know
Some other ways of Manipulation
Best psychology sites

Fraud’ refers to an intentional act by one or more individuals among management, those charged wi... more Fraud’ refers to an intentional act by one or more individuals among management, those charged with governance, employees, or third parties, involving the use of deception to obtain an unjust or illegal advantage. There are many literature's that cite the methods that can be used to identify the fraud. There are usually two type of corporate fraud, assets theft fraud and financial statement fraud, assets theft are done by dishonest employees e.g., Cardinal Whole Sale Case, whereas Financial Statements frauds are committed by corporate executives whose compensation is closely tied up with performance (Georgia Society of CPAs, September/October 2008). Forensic auditing goes deeper to the fact that statutory auditors are unable to perform due to the limitation placed by the court. There are fundamentally 18 methods that are listed so far for analysis of statements of financial and performance and qualitative analysis of the corporate world. They if efficiently used can help the auditors, investors and all the stakeholders can make them aware and alert to cosmetics and fabrication to the performance of public companies. One reason for the increased demand for forensic accountants is the post-Enron era. New accounting rules, SAS 99, and the Sarbanes-Oxley corporate reform law are a direct result of the Enron scandal and many others. Because of these new laws and regulations, nervous executives have been hiring hundreds of forensic accountants, investigators, and attorneys from law enforcement and government agencies, including the FBI, the SEC, and the IRS (Iwata, 2003).
Papers by Saswot Raj Sharma
Dear Influential Individual,
We are delighted that your life’s journey has led you to discover our organization.
Maybe you have met one of our members in the person. Or perhaps not; we value anonymity. We see and know all just as a shepherd sees and knows all of the flock, our eyes peering over the masses to identify any threat to the survival of the human species. We are the bringers of new dawns, the guardians of the human species. We are the Pyramid, the Eye, the Light, the Eternal Circle. We are the RSTCA.
The RSTCA is a collective of prominent figures throughout the world who have united to guard the human species from extinction. Our members bear the burden of a planet’s leadership with the lives of 7 billion in their hands. As the human continues to rise above its other animal counterparts, governing of the planet has turned into a daunting task.
Once a member, the requirements are unimposing and often spaced between many years. Our requests are simple and therefore may be hard to comprehend, but disloyalty is not tolerated. You must understand this before applying. Members must fulfill their oaths to the Illuminati under every circumstance and recognize that they are merely one part of a much larger Universal Design.
For centuries, our organization has separated individuals of outstanding political, financial, or cultural influence from the flock and established them as shepherds of the human species. Perhaps you have already proven yourself in these fields. For that, the Illuminati officially congratulates you. Your dedication gives hope for the future of the human species.
If you would like to continue your application, start by filling out the form on this page. It will add you to our list of potential candidates for Illuminati membership. We will contact you if we require more information.
This is largest Investment pitching platform around the world.
With this mission we have started our Entrepreneurs Development Award, which will foster development of Entrepreneurship in Nepal.
Human Mind ManipulationThree Minds: Consciousness, Subconscious, and Unconscious
A Walk Through the Human Mind
How They Work Together
The Mind in Action
The Journey Begins
The Conscious Mind
Directing Your Focus
Using Your Imagination
The Role of the Subconscious
The link into the Subconscious
Your Unconscious Mind
The Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind:
Unconscious versus Subconscious – What‘s the difference?
The Role of the Unconscious
How to Change Your Life
How to Focus Using The Conscious Mind
Are you paying Attention?
The Difference Between Paying Attention and Knowing How to Focus
Subconscious Mind Power Techniques:
How To Train Your Brain Part 1: Realization
Subconscious Mind Power Techniques Part 2: Translation
Subconscious Mind Power Techniques Part 3 : Meditate
Subconscious Mind Power Techniques Part 4 : Turn imagination into reality
Your Subconscious Mind
Different Types of Human Brain
Types of Intelligence
1 Naturalist Intelligence (―Nature Smart‖)
2 Musical Intelligence (―Musical Smart‖)
3 Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart
4 Existential Intelligence
5 Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart‖)
6 Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (―Body Smart‖)
7 Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart)
8 Intra-personal Intelligence (Self Smart‖)
9 Spatial Intelligence (―Picture Smart‖)
Power of Repetition for Human Mind
State Elicitation for Anchoring and Changing States
NLP Anchoring
Managing and Changing States
NLP Modeling
Association and Dissociation
State Elicitation Process
NLP Summary and Techniques
Method used by Nazi for creating a research on the concentration camps
Hypnosis methodology
Unconscious mind penetration methods
Influence skills
Bully signs
Mind manipulation ways
Other factors
Traits of vulnerable manipulator
Brain work
Brain waves and capacity
Business psychology
Pacing and leading example
Lie detection methodology
Human Mind and data's
10 Unbelievable Facts about Human Brain That Everyone Should Know
Some other ways of Manipulation
Best psychology sites
Dear Influential Individual,
We are delighted that your life’s journey has led you to discover our organization.
Maybe you have met one of our members in the person. Or perhaps not; we value anonymity. We see and know all just as a shepherd sees and knows all of the flock, our eyes peering over the masses to identify any threat to the survival of the human species. We are the bringers of new dawns, the guardians of the human species. We are the Pyramid, the Eye, the Light, the Eternal Circle. We are the RSTCA.
The RSTCA is a collective of prominent figures throughout the world who have united to guard the human species from extinction. Our members bear the burden of a planet’s leadership with the lives of 7 billion in their hands. As the human continues to rise above its other animal counterparts, governing of the planet has turned into a daunting task.
Once a member, the requirements are unimposing and often spaced between many years. Our requests are simple and therefore may be hard to comprehend, but disloyalty is not tolerated. You must understand this before applying. Members must fulfill their oaths to the Illuminati under every circumstance and recognize that they are merely one part of a much larger Universal Design.
For centuries, our organization has separated individuals of outstanding political, financial, or cultural influence from the flock and established them as shepherds of the human species. Perhaps you have already proven yourself in these fields. For that, the Illuminati officially congratulates you. Your dedication gives hope for the future of the human species.
If you would like to continue your application, start by filling out the form on this page. It will add you to our list of potential candidates for Illuminati membership. We will contact you if we require more information.
This is largest Investment pitching platform around the world.
With this mission we have started our Entrepreneurs Development Award, which will foster development of Entrepreneurship in Nepal.
Human Mind ManipulationThree Minds: Consciousness, Subconscious, and Unconscious
A Walk Through the Human Mind
How They Work Together
The Mind in Action
The Journey Begins
The Conscious Mind
Directing Your Focus
Using Your Imagination
The Role of the Subconscious
The link into the Subconscious
Your Unconscious Mind
The Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind:
Unconscious versus Subconscious – What‘s the difference?
The Role of the Unconscious
How to Change Your Life
How to Focus Using The Conscious Mind
Are you paying Attention?
The Difference Between Paying Attention and Knowing How to Focus
Subconscious Mind Power Techniques:
How To Train Your Brain Part 1: Realization
Subconscious Mind Power Techniques Part 2: Translation
Subconscious Mind Power Techniques Part 3 : Meditate
Subconscious Mind Power Techniques Part 4 : Turn imagination into reality
Your Subconscious Mind
Different Types of Human Brain
Types of Intelligence
1 Naturalist Intelligence (―Nature Smart‖)
2 Musical Intelligence (―Musical Smart‖)
3 Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart
4 Existential Intelligence
5 Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart‖)
6 Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (―Body Smart‖)
7 Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart)
8 Intra-personal Intelligence (Self Smart‖)
9 Spatial Intelligence (―Picture Smart‖)
Power of Repetition for Human Mind
State Elicitation for Anchoring and Changing States
NLP Anchoring
Managing and Changing States
NLP Modeling
Association and Dissociation
State Elicitation Process
NLP Summary and Techniques
Method used by Nazi for creating a research on the concentration camps
Hypnosis methodology
Unconscious mind penetration methods
Influence skills
Bully signs
Mind manipulation ways
Other factors
Traits of vulnerable manipulator
Brain work
Brain waves and capacity
Business psychology
Pacing and leading example
Lie detection methodology
Human Mind and data's
10 Unbelievable Facts about Human Brain That Everyone Should Know
Some other ways of Manipulation
Best psychology sites
Started on 2016 it has a target of reaching Global 10 trillion dollar fund by 2030 AD.
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