Papers by Sarah Swierenga
Innovation in Aging, Dec 1, 2021

Innovation in Aging, Dec 1, 2020
The goal of this study was twofold: 1) to investigate whether gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) ad... more The goal of this study was twofold: 1) to investigate whether gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) adults, compared to heterosexual adults, used alcohol and cigarettes daily to a greater extent, and 2) to test the moderating role of daily stress and well-being on the association between GLB status and alcohol and cigarette use. We analyzed data from 3,421 adults (GLB = 98; age range = 20-83 years) who completed an 8-day daily diary protocol as part of the Midlife in the U.S. Study (MIDUS). Compared to heterosexual adults, GLB participants reported greater daily alcohol and cigarette use. However, among GLB individuals, more negative affect was associated with less daily alcohol use and people who reported more stressor days and physical symptoms across the week consumed less alcohol. We will discuss how daily affect, stress, and substance use may function differently among GLB people in middle and older adulthood.

British journal of medicine and medical research, Jan 10, 2016
Risk scores and accelerated diagnostic protocols can identify chest pain patients with low risk o... more Risk scores and accelerated diagnostic protocols can identify chest pain patients with low risk of major adverse cardiac event who could be discharged early from the ED, saving time and costs. We aimed to derive and validate a chest pain score and accelerated diagnostic protocol (ADP) that could safely increase the proportion of patients suitable for early discharge. Methods: Logistic regression identified statistical predictors for major adverse cardiac events in a derivation cohort. Statistical coefficients were converted to whole numbers to create a score. Clinician feedback was used to improve the clinical plausibility and the usability of the final score (Emergency Department Assessment of Chest pain Score [EDACS]). EDACS was combined with electrocardiogram results and troponin results at 0 and 2 h to develop an ADP (EDACS-ADP). The score and EDACS-ADP were validated and tested for reproducibility in separate cohorts of patients. Results: In the derivation (n = 1974) and validation (n = 608) cohorts, the EDACS-ADP classified 42.2% (sensitivity 99.0%, specificity 49.9%) and 51.3% (sensitivity 100.0%, specificity 59.0%) as low risk of major adverse cardiac events, respectively. The intra-class correlation coefficient for categorisation of patients as low risk was 0.87. Conclusion: The EDACS-ADP identified approximately half of the patients presenting to the ED with possible cardiac chest pain as having low risk of short-term major adverse cardiac events, with high sensitivity. This is a significant improvement on similar, previously reported protocols. The EDACS-ADP is reproducible and has the potential to make considerable cost reductions to health systems.

Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society ... Annual Meeting, Sep 1, 2016
Using specifications gathered from previous research focused on mobile and/or accessible design, ... more Using specifications gathered from previous research focused on mobile and/or accessible design, our research team designed and created a mobile voting user interface prototype for individuals with and without disabilities. Thirty-two participants, including individuals who have dexterity limitations, dyslexia, low vision, and those with no disabilities, evaluated the usability of our mobile voting prototype. Our study generally confirmed previous research, and we discovered further considerations for a universal mobile voting interface design. The majority of participants had a positive reaction and experience while voting using our prototype, and indicated they would use it in an election if it were available. Based on our results, recommendations are provided to inform user interface designers, election officials, voting system manufacturers, and the general public on the specific needs of different user groups and design considerations for a universal mobile voting interface.

Limited research exists on the relevance of hedonic dimensions of human-computer interaction to u... more Limited research exists on the relevance of hedonic dimensions of human-computer interaction to usability, with only a small set of this research being empirical in nature. Furthermore, previous research has obtained mixed support for gender differences regarding perceptions of attractiveness and usability in Web site design. This empirical research addresses the above gap by studying the effects of color temperature and gender on perceptions of Web site aesthetics. A 2 x 2 between-subject research design manipulates the temperature of a Web site’s primary and secondary colors. Each color pair consists of adjacent hues and is categorized as either warm or cool. Findings include significantly more favorable perceptions regarding a Web site design’s aesthetics when cool color combinations (blue-light blue), as opposed to warm color combinations (red-orange), are used; direct effects of classical aesthetic dimensions (e.g., cleanliness) on expressive aesthetics items (e.g., creativity)...

Innovation in Aging, 2021
Older adults age 60+ with disabilities are at greater risk of elder abuse compared to those witho... more Older adults age 60+ with disabilities are at greater risk of elder abuse compared to those without disabilities. We will describe results from our study to evaluate the usability and feasibility of the VOICES tablet-based elder abuse screening tool with older adults who have visual and hearing disabilities. VOICES is a digital health tool that screens, educates, and motivates older adults to self-report elder abuse. The VOICES tool has been developed and tested to be used with older adults without disabilities. We conducted a usability study with (n=14) older adults who were blind, had low vision, or were hard of hearing. Our evaluation method included both quantitative and qualitative measures to evaluate the ease of use and usefulness of the VOICES tool. Usability was measured as the percentage of tasks completed successfully, the average time to perform a task and the issues observed during performance of the tasks. Usability satisfaction was measured by written or verbal feedba...

Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 2019
Background: To test whether access to home-based social worker–led case management (SWCM) program... more Background: To test whether access to home-based social worker–led case management (SWCM) program or SWCM program combined with a website providing stroke-related information improves patient-reported outcomes in patients with stroke, relative to usual care. Methods and Results: The MISTT (Michigan Stroke Transitions Trial), an open (unblinded) 3-group parallel-design clinical trial, randomized 265 acute patients with stroke to 3 treatment groups: Usual Care (group-1), SWCM (group-2), and SWCM+MISTT website (group-3). Patients were discharged directly home or returned home within 4 weeks of discharge to a rehabilitation facility. The SWCM program provided in-home and phone-based case management services. The website provided patient-orientated information covering stroke education, prevention, recovery, and community resources. Both interventions were provided for up to 90 days. Outcomes data were collected by telephone at 7 and 90 days. Primary patient-reported outcomes included Pa...

The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences: Annual Review, 2007
Research focusing on a technology based approach to health communication has primarily been limit... more Research focusing on a technology based approach to health communication has primarily been limited to the study of individuals rather than communities even in the midst of a booming technology industry and subsequent research. The Information Communication Technology (ICT) which assists management of health or government agencies has rarely been discussed in the context of health communication at the organizational-societal level. This paper focuses on how ICT implemented at the state level impacts public health effectiveness and efficiency. Michigan is one of seven states that received funding from the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to participate in the legislatively mandated background check pilot program intended to prevent abuse. Participation in this initiative will influence future United States federal policy designed to provide optimum services and support for the nation's most vulnerable citizens. Michigan's Workforce Background Check (MWBC) system will serve as a model for other states that must implement a standardized, multiple-system process of background checks to prevent unfit persons from gaining access to vulnerable populations. The MWBC project is examined as a case study that illustrates how ICT is essential for public health management by enhancing organizational level communication practices. The contribution of the MWBC project can be summarized in the following dimensions: (1) improving communication among organizations, (2) serving as an interactive decision support system, and (3) providing a better tool for public health practices.

Innovation in Aging
The Michigan Stroke Transitions Trial (MISTT) tested whether in-home social work case management ... more The Michigan Stroke Transitions Trial (MISTT) tested whether in-home social work case management (SWCM) or SWCM combined with access to a website providing stoke-related information improved outcomes relative to usual care for patients discharged home post-stroke and their caregivers. The aims of this secondary analysis are 1) to describe the actual support social work case managers (SWCM) provided to MISTT participants and 2) use select case studies to illustrate the relationship between SWCM and quantitative patient and caregiver outcomes. Data for the study were derived from SWCM case notes on 157 patients and their caregivers who received the MISTT intervention. Case notes were coded in two steps with a subset of cases coded by two researchers and reviewed for interrater reliability in each step. The first round of coding was guided by primary SWCM intervention goals. The second round of coding identified SWCM sub-themes within each primary goal. Key themes indicate SWCMs aided ...

Journal of Usability Studies archive, May 1, 2008
Limited research exists on the relevance of hedonic dimensions of human-computer interaction to u... more Limited research exists on the relevance of hedonic dimensions of human-computer interaction to usability, with only a small set of this research being empirical in nature. Furthermore, previous research has obtained mixed support for gender differences regarding perceptions of attractiveness and usability in Web site design. This empirical research addresses the above gap by studying the effects of color temperature and gender on perceptions of Web site aesthetics. A 2 x 2 between-subject research design manipulates the temperature of a Web site's primary and secondary colors. Each color pair consists of adjacent hues and is categorized as either warm or cool. Findings include significantly more favorable perceptions regarding a Web site design's aesthetics when cool color combinations (blue-light blue), as opposed to warm color combinations (red-orange), are used; direct effects of classical aesthetic dimensions (e.g., cleanliness) on expressive aesthetics items (e.g., creativity); and no effects of gender on either set of aesthetics.
Social Work in Health Care, 2021
This study reports on outcomes for 169 caregivers enrolled in the Michigan Stroke Transitions Tri... more This study reports on outcomes for 169 caregivers enrolled in the Michigan Stroke Transitions Trial (MISTT), an RCT of social work case management for stroke patients returning home. A mixed-model approach examined the mean change from 7- to 90-days post-discharge with group-by-time interactions for differences between treatment groups. Caregivers reported few life changes or depressive symptoms from caregiving. There was no significant change over time or treatment effects. Negative aspects of stroke caregiving may take longer to develop. Focused caregiver assessment at discharge and a better understanding of how caregiving develops over time may improve the type and timing of support.
This paper examines the effects of conducting criminal background checks on health care employees... more This paper examines the effects of conducting criminal background checks on health care employees on employment in and economic viability of rural communities.

Stroke, 2018
For many stroke patients and caregivers, the transition back to home is often complex resulting i... more For many stroke patients and caregivers, the transition back to home is often complex resulting in hospital readmissions, poor quality of life, and high caregiver burden. Providing access to high quality information on stroke is a potential cost effective intervention to improve stroke transitions. We report on the development and utilization of a patient-centered web-based tool that complemented a case management intervention which were both tested in the Michigan Stroke Transitions Trial (MISTT), an RCT designed to improve the transition experience for stroke patients and caregivers. Methods/Methodology: A social work case management (SWCM) program was designed to address patient and caregiver needs, improve quality of life, and decrease caregiver burden. In addition, we addressed informational needs by developing a curated, patient-centered website with access to communication, information, and support resources. Website content and structure were developed through focus groups w...

Innovation in Aging, 2019
While the majority of stroke patients will return home after being hospitalized, this transition ... more While the majority of stroke patients will return home after being hospitalized, this transition is physically and emotionally challenging. We developed a social work based case management program to address these challenges. The Michigan Stroke Transitions Trial (MISTT), a pragmatic 3-arm clinical trial tested the effects of the case management program on its own and combined with technology against usual care in patients recovering from stroke. Patients from three Michigan hospitals were randomized to one of three groups upon discharge to home. The two treatment groups received services from a social work case manager via home visit and telephone. One treatment group also was given training and access to a curated stroke website developed for MISTT. The intervention lasted up to 90 days and data was collected via telephone at 7 and 90 days. Quality of life and patient activation were the primary outcomes, measured by the PROMIS Global 10, and the Patient Activation Measure (PAM), ...
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 2002
Enhancing sites for accessibility allows disabled customers to interact effectively with web prod... more Enhancing sites for accessibility allows disabled customers to interact effectively with web products using screen readers, voice browsers, TTY, etc. Human Factors practitioners must address several issues: obtaining a fundamental understanding of the various types of disabilities and the implications for design and testing, learning how to apply the Section 508 standards to design accessible web sites, and deciding on an approach to integrate accessibility compliance efforts into the product design and development process.

Four studies conducted to evaluate the touch tablet as an input device to support operator comput... more Four studies conducted to evaluate the touch tablet as an input device to support operator computer communication are presented. Tasks performed by operators in these studies included text editing, two-dimensional compensatory tracking, alphameric and numeric data entry, an analog of a command and control composite task consisting of single function selection, and multiple function selection and data entry. An absolute mode of tablet operation, in which the table generates x-y coordinates representing the point of touch relative to the physical surface area of the tablet, proved to be superior to a relative mode of operation, in which the tablet is programmed to respond to changes in x-y coordinates, irrespective of the area of the tablet surface activated. Significant variation in speed and accuracy of performance was observed across a variety of tasks as a function of the mechanism used to signal the computer to accept data emanating from the tablet. A lift-off only mode produced ...

A tremendous opportunity emerges for marketers to push effective advertisements to target audienc... more A tremendous opportunity emerges for marketers to push effective advertisements to target audiences. One forecast suggests mobile advertising will represent one-fifth of the global Internet advertising revenue by 2011, generating $14.4 billion of revenue. Hence, the need for knowledge advances in this fairly young area is warranted. In addition, there have been a number of cross cultural studies in I.T. and mobile commerce adoption with researchers finding significant differences among countries in related success factors. Specifically for mobile commerce, both the U.S. and Japan have been studied. Hence, it is plausible that consumers’ receptiveness to mobile advertising might also be different across cultures and particularly between mobile users in the U.S. and Japan. A study of 148 U.S. and 148 Japanese college students was conducted to answer two research questions in the context of mobile advertising via SMS: i) How does a mobile advertisement’ s message length affect the rece...
Papers by Sarah Swierenga