Papers by Sarah Chinelato

São Paulo Medical Journal
Case presentation: A 44-year-old male, retired, schizophrenic, living in an urban area, with a re... more Case presentation: A 44-year-old male, retired, schizophrenic, living in an urban area, with a recent history of hospitalization due to hypokalemia, was admitted to the emergency due to paresis in lower limbs for three days associated to dysarthria and somnolence. He was confused, presenting nuchal rigidity, divergent strabismus to the left and hypoesthesia in the right lower limb. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain showed acute periventricular ischemic events, semi-oval centers, mesencephalon and pons; human immunodeficiency virus negative (2 samples); cerebrospinal fluid (CFS): pleocytosis 123 (L49%/N48%/M8%), glucose < 5, protein 103, fungal survey suggestive of Cryptococcus sp (China ink positive), cryptococcal antigen titer: >1/1024, cultures negative. Initiated Amphotericin B and Fluconazole evolved with deteriorating clinical condition to death. Discussion: Cryptococcal meningoencephalitis is the main presentation in immunocompetent patients, usually caused by Cryp...

São Paulo Medical Journal
Introduction: First described in Brazil in 1992, Lyme disease (LD) is a multisystem bacterial inf... more Introduction: First described in Brazil in 1992, Lyme disease (LD) is a multisystem bacterial infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi and transmited by infected ticks of the genus Ixodes or Amblyomma. LD prevails in temperate climate countries, with some few cases reported in Brazil. In early disseminated LD, main neurologic findings are meningitis, cranial neuropathy, radiculoneuropathy, cerebellar ataxia and encephalomyelitis. Neurologic features of late LD include confluent mononeuropathy multiplex, peripheral neuropathy and encephalopathy. Diagnosis is essencially clinical, with possibility of serologic testing. The treatment includes antibiotics and must be individualized. Objectives: We aim to present a LD case with stroke-like presentation. Results: A 43-year-old man presented with central facial palsy, vertical nystagmus, headache, vertigo and nausea. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed hyperintense oval lesion in T2/FLAIR in the left middle cerebellar peduncle, with di...

São Paulo Medical Journal
Case presentation: Male, 56-year-old, previously epileptic started with involuntary movements in ... more Case presentation: Male, 56-year-old, previously epileptic started with involuntary movements in the right hand at 47 years old evolving to torso, incoordination, behavioral and cognition disturbs. Paternal grandmother, father and cousin with similar symptoms, in addition to four asymptomatic children. From the onset of symptoms, it progressively worsened presenting involuntary movements, hallucinations, aggressiveness and neck drop. During the neurological examination had frequent cervical falls, tremors at rest in the limbs, and mood swings. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was with atrophy of the caudate nucleus and putamen. Genetic test for Huntington’s Disease without evidence of characteristic expansion of the disease and Huntington Like 2 Test (Junctophilin-3) compatible with characteristic expansion of the disease. Discussion: Huntington’s Disease Like-2 has an autosomal dominant character. A rare disease related to repetitive mutations of cytosine-thymineguanine in ...
O objetivo desse estudo foi desvelar a prática do aborto induzido em mulheres de classes sociais ... more O objetivo desse estudo foi desvelar a prática do aborto induzido em mulheres de classes sociais diferentes, estado civil e diferentes níveis escolares. Os fatores associados nas pesquisas foram o estado civil, idade e classe social daquelas que optaram em interromper a gravidez. Os dados provenientes foram coletados de estudos de cunho transversal, que evidenciam estatisticamente que o aborto induzido é maior quando se trata de jovens de classe social baixa, baixa escolaridade e solteiras de 14 a 17 anos. Palavras-chaves: aborto induzido, gravidez, joven
revista da universidade vale do rio verde, 2015
RESUMO O objetivo desse estudo foi desvelar a prática do aborto induzido em mulheres de classes s... more RESUMO O objetivo desse estudo foi desvelar a prática do aborto induzido em mulheres de classes sociais diferentes, estado civil e diferentes níveis escolares. Os fatores associados nas pesquisas foram o estado civil, idade e classe social daquelas que optaram em interromper a gravidez. Os dados provenientes foram coletados de estudos de cunho transversal, que evidenciam estatisticamente que o aborto induzido é maior quando se trata de jovens de classe social baixa, baixa escolaridade e solteiras de 14 a 17 anos.
revista da universidade vale do rio verde, 2015
RESUMO O objetivo desse estudo foi desvelar a prática do aborto induzido em mulheres de classes s... more RESUMO O objetivo desse estudo foi desvelar a prática do aborto induzido em mulheres de classes sociais diferentes, estado civil e diferentes níveis escolares. Os fatores associados nas pesquisas foram o estado civil, idade e classe social daquelas que optaram em interromper a gravidez. Os dados provenientes foram coletados de estudos de cunho transversal, que evidenciam estatisticamente que o aborto induzido é maior quando se trata de jovens de classe social baixa, baixa escolaridade e solteiras de 14 a 17 anos.
Papers by Sarah Chinelato