Papers by Gersiney Santos

Discursive representation of events and practices is one
of the most frequent activities in huma... more Discursive representation of events and practices is one
of the most frequent activities in human experience. Either in ordinary
activities or in specialized ones, representation takes part in different
social practices in which people engage themselves, infl uencing one’s
particular perspectives on world. This paper discusses the representation
and identifi cation of homosexual Brazilian youngsters in Veja
magazine – the largest weekly news magazine in Brazil. It is based on
CDA approach (Fairclough, 2003; Chouliaraki and Fairclough, 1999),
associated with studies about ideology and mass media in Thompson
(1998, p. 2002) and identity theory in Hall (2001). Applying analytical
categories such as intertextuality, polyphony, presupposition, evaluation
and modality (Resende and Ramalho, 2009), it was possible to unveil
linguistic structures which establish opposite perspectives between past
and present social struggles. Thus it was possible to find that, in spite
of bring forth the subject of homosexuality, the magazine shows sexist
views which legitimate stereotypes in a veiled way.
The present article brings an overview of our Master's research on newspapers and magazines targe... more The present article brings an overview of our Master's research on newspapers and magazines targeting people in street situation. In our study, we analyzed texts published on three Brazilian street papers.

The purpose of this investigation is the critical discussion over the representation and identity... more The purpose of this investigation is the critical discussion over the representation and identity/ identification construction of homeless social actors in the Brazilian street paper Aurora da Rua. Therefore, the main objective of this study focuses on the modes of representation and identification of the homeless population in a cover story of the publication. The theoretical basis of the investigation draws upon the analytical framework of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). As the result of the analysis, it was possible to map discursive strategies which pointed to a certain protagonism related to the homeless people who appears in the texts, although the street paper idealizes the homeless social actors (including through the reader's voices). Resumo: O objetivo desta investigação se concentra na discussão crítica sobre a representação e aconstrução de identidade/ identificação dos atores sociais em situação representados no street paper brasileiro Aurora da Rua. A análise aqui proposta buscou escrutinar, em específico, os modos de representação e iden-tificação da população em situação de rua em uma reportagem de capa da publicação. A base teórica deste trabalho insere-se no quadro teórico-metodológico da Análise de Discurso Crítica (ADC). Como resultado da análise crítica, foi possível mapear estratégias discursivas que apontavam para um certo protagonismo relacionado às pessoas em situação de rua que aparecem nos textos, ainda que o periódico idealize os atores sociais em situação de rua (através de vozes do leitor inclusive). Palavras-chave: Análise de Discurso Crítica; pobreza extrema; situação de rua; mídia; street papers.
Resenha do livro:
LARA, G. M. P.; LIMBERTI, R. C. P. (Orgs). Representações do outro: discurso, ... more Resenha do livro:
LARA, G. M. P.; LIMBERTI, R. C. P. (Orgs). Representações do outro: discurso, (des)igualdade e exclusão. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica Editora, 2016. 279 p.
reflexões sobre um campo de disputas políticas, definições de sentidos e práticas de intervenção 1 .
Thesis Chapters by Gersiney Santos
A voz da situação de rua na agenda de mudança social no Brasil - um estudo discursivo crítico sob... more A voz da situação de rua na agenda de mudança social no Brasil - um estudo discursivo crítico sobre o MNPR.
Papers by Gersiney Santos
of the most frequent activities in human experience. Either in ordinary
activities or in specialized ones, representation takes part in different
social practices in which people engage themselves, infl uencing one’s
particular perspectives on world. This paper discusses the representation
and identifi cation of homosexual Brazilian youngsters in Veja
magazine – the largest weekly news magazine in Brazil. It is based on
CDA approach (Fairclough, 2003; Chouliaraki and Fairclough, 1999),
associated with studies about ideology and mass media in Thompson
(1998, p. 2002) and identity theory in Hall (2001). Applying analytical
categories such as intertextuality, polyphony, presupposition, evaluation
and modality (Resende and Ramalho, 2009), it was possible to unveil
linguistic structures which establish opposite perspectives between past
and present social struggles. Thus it was possible to find that, in spite
of bring forth the subject of homosexuality, the magazine shows sexist
views which legitimate stereotypes in a veiled way.
LARA, G. M. P.; LIMBERTI, R. C. P. (Orgs). Representações do outro: discurso, (des)igualdade e exclusão. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica Editora, 2016. 279 p.
Thesis Chapters by Gersiney Santos
of the most frequent activities in human experience. Either in ordinary
activities or in specialized ones, representation takes part in different
social practices in which people engage themselves, infl uencing one’s
particular perspectives on world. This paper discusses the representation
and identifi cation of homosexual Brazilian youngsters in Veja
magazine – the largest weekly news magazine in Brazil. It is based on
CDA approach (Fairclough, 2003; Chouliaraki and Fairclough, 1999),
associated with studies about ideology and mass media in Thompson
(1998, p. 2002) and identity theory in Hall (2001). Applying analytical
categories such as intertextuality, polyphony, presupposition, evaluation
and modality (Resende and Ramalho, 2009), it was possible to unveil
linguistic structures which establish opposite perspectives between past
and present social struggles. Thus it was possible to find that, in spite
of bring forth the subject of homosexuality, the magazine shows sexist
views which legitimate stereotypes in a veiled way.
LARA, G. M. P.; LIMBERTI, R. C. P. (Orgs). Representações do outro: discurso, (des)igualdade e exclusão. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica Editora, 2016. 279 p.