Papers by Daniel Santillán Soler

Previous defenses are very important in the legal environment; They are tools for various branche... more Previous defenses are very important in the legal environment; They are tools for various branches of law, which may include: family law, contract law, property rights, corporate law, etc.
These so-called "preliminary objections" are classified and positivity in the Civil Procedure Code Article # 455 where you can find the inventory benefit and the benefit of discussion, besides the previous defenses can be found in other substantive rules either "rules, laws, etc. ".
These pre defenses are those procedural means by which the person being sued does the request to suspend the process for the plaintiff (actor of the process) to perform the activity in the field of substantive law that has to be undertaken prior to the demand itself.
This work will be focused on analyzing the previous defenses on corporate law to know what these, as they are defined, what is its function in a given plane of the situation and above all know their importance within the corporate law.
First and foremost is full importance to know what the differences between previous defenses and exceptions are that the civil procedure code does not distinguish between them, so many believe they have the same definition and purpose.
It is also important to bring the concept of corporate law it up and its importance within the law and Peruvian law so that way we have accurate and concise on previous defenses in corporate matters encompassed an idea.
We see that the world of the previous defenses is very interesting and any lawyer should know them to have weapons with which to confront the other hand, these defenses available and is to delay the process or extinguish in some cases, therefore it is vital have knowledge and skills in this area.

Commenting on Article 38 of the LGS indicate that the process of formation and expression of the ... more Commenting on Article 38 of the LGS indicate that the process of formation and expression of the will of societies is of particular outside the natural person, due to the obvious differences between them and the various interests at stake in each case.
The corporation is the general meeting of shareholders the supreme organ where the social will is formed in relations to the most relevant aspects of corporate life.
The general rules set out in our legal system to ensure that manifestations of will fit the same - nullity and nullity of the act - it by themselves insufficient for the case of companies, due to the formation of the will in these people Legal occurs through a complex mechanism that operates with very specific rules, as well as multiple interests at stake when the invalidity of corporate agreements discussed: shareholder interests of third parties related to society and the general interest of provide security to commercial traffic.
That is why the previous LGS expressly contemplated the possibility of challenging corporate agreements null, setting different rules and mechanisms concerning judicial proceedings to challenge. This does not mean at all that before the validity of LGS 1996 could not be challenged agreements. However, the lack of mechanisms and details generated practical problems. In this regard, Oswaldo Hundskopf Exebio says:
"The fact that within the commercial code right contesting the resolutions of the general meeting has not been referred, did not prevent that, in practice, between 1902 and 1966, is judicially demanded the impeachment through the normal procedure, but Of the increase of processing, the shareholder was discouraged to start it, or could only see the results when the court decision was ineffective, making it an illusory right. "
Article 38 establishes LGS generically nullity of corporate resolutions adopted with the omission of the formalities prescribed publicity, those against the laws that concern the public order and decency, contrary to the articles of incorporation or the statute and which adversely affects the interest of society in direct or indirect benefit of one or more partners.
Articles 139 to 151 of the new LGS develop conceptual and procedural aspects of contesting the resolutions adopted at the meetings of shareholders of corporations.
The action contesting the resolutions of general meetings is intended to invalidate those that are contrary to the law, statute, or which adversely direct or indirect benefit of one or more shareholders, the interests of society, or are affected on the grounds of nullity of legal acts according to CC.
It is important to emphasize that the challenge of the agreements is subject to forfeiture, as a way to provide certainty in corporate matters, not only in regard to the actions of purely commercial challenge such as those performed partners by a shareholder within the period prescribed by law, but also the expiry applied to the claims rely on those grounds for annulment of the CC.

First, we know that abortion is the termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable, defined ... more First, we know that abortion is the termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable, defined by the World Health Organization as "the expulsion or extraction from its mother of an embryo or fetus weighing 500 grams or less . The vulgar meaning of abortion is clear supposed death of the fetus, but the expressions "legal abortion", "therapeutic abortion" "elective abortion", etc help foster confusion with terminology. Terms of spontaneous, legal, therapeutic, and criminal abortion are confused, giving the impression to non-specialist audience that abortion have a medical assessment and different ethic as the modality of treatment. The Medical abortion means any expulsion of the fetus, natural or induced, in nonviable intrauterine period of his life, ie when it has no chance of survival. If the expulsion of the fetus takes place in a viable period but before the end of pregnancy is called preterm labor, whether the fetus survives as if he dies. Here are the reasons why we disagree with abortion:
Abort is to deny life to embryos and fertilized, as us they did not deny us the power to make decisions to live, to breathe, etc, a selfish fact not foresee what might be a good future, because the fetus has a more than dying in virtually hands decides to take the abortion and those who are active participants of the "murder" alternative. On the other hand, support the abortion would be an indirect way of covering up sexual misconduct, teaching this society that still are not aware of the importance of his life, which can have an active sex life chances and if the female is pregnant, The quick solution is to kill the fertilized embryo in her womb regardless, or take into account that they also were.
The fact disrupt the natural process of life with external traumatic elements are like tweezers, vacuum cleaners or abortion pills, is an event that if not at the moment, will be marked much of his subconscious; quite apart from the cause of the pregnancy results from rape, unwanted guilty of the moment is the rapist not the fetus, therefore this life that begins to be respected, not killed. And if that child came with malformations there is no justification for abortion because the fetus is not because any problems longer an innocent sufferer feels the same way.
So, should we take the opportunity to live, feel, create experiences through time innocent people who have been fertilized, they already feel through the mother what is the introduction to life, for various reasons that some considered sufficient to make the abortion?

The purpose of the present paper is to analyze the issue of media concentration firstly at a nati... more The purpose of the present paper is to analyze the issue of media concentration firstly at a national level and then the worldwide level of it. In this sense the situation of the actual media concentration and the challenges which with freedom of expression and regulation that occurs for the proper protection of them will be understood in a better way
Bringing to remembrance the case of the Group “La Republica” against “El comercio” , it can be seen that there are two found points between the allegations of each of them which have been mentioned above.
There are some limits to media concentration inside of Peru which have been established at first instance in Legislative Decree 1034 which is one of the key pieces to punish acts or behaviors that aim abuse of domination position.
It is necessary to consider the decisions issued by the Constitutional Court in order to have a broad understanding of the subject and to analyze the legal criteria that our judges took regarding media concentration
In relation to the law established to protect freedom of expression in Peru, there is a very important one which has helped to develop a comprehensive worldview theme media concentration. This is the law number 28278 that establishes the limits that a person or group in relation to the media may have.
The law mentioned before has contributed to better management on the performance of large groups , businesses and corporations which have attempted to misuse them for their own benefits, which are illegitimate to the constitution and to all legal devices that we currently count on . which is way, despite the aforementioned, there’s a need to establish better ways of effective monitoring and proper application of the same, that way we will feel more protected, not only for the protection of our rights , but the guarantee given to them
This present work mainly focuses on the description of the aspect of creation and purpose of the ... more This present work mainly focuses on the description of the aspect of creation and purpose of the pacific partnership for the regional aspect of America. It can be seen that the other countries have formed economic groups and alliances to strengthen relation with each other. The formation of the pacific alliance seeks out improvements not only in the economic scope, but also wishes to establish a better democratic and institutional structure that is respectful of human rights and international treaties.
In this regard, it is hoped to get a better life quality for citizens of this partnership through cooperation and economic integration.
Key Words: International law, Economy, Cooperation, Commerce, Human rights, integration

This paper is aimed at describing the situation that currently exists in Syria, both in the polit... more This paper is aimed at describing the situation that currently exists in Syria, both in the political, social, legal aspect and especially in the field of human rights.
In the first chapter talks about a brief history of the conflict; the origin of the conflict in Syria, relevant aspects for which the conflict occurred and causes of the outbreak of the conflict; then we talk about the evolution of the conflict and main sources of conflict and finally the current situation of civil war in Syria both politically, socially and economically, and human rights and the situation of chemical weapons.
In Chapter II we speak of the constitutional framework, the Syrian constitution of February 26, 2012 approved by referendum, the legal framework of the constitution as organic and dogmatic party; also speaks of human rights treaties which is part of the state at the UN; international covenants on civil and political rights which are subscribed Syria; the united nations convention against torture and other cruel treaties ratified by Syria on 18 September 2004; UN resolutions, the UN approval to destroy chemical weapons.
In Chapter III we discuss the types of continuing violations of human rights in Syria, among which are: cons attacks civilians, targeted killings, summary executions, sectarian discrimination.
In the fourth chapter we discuss the violations addition to the above also get the following: monitoring mission in Syria united nations, General area of the supervision of the United Nations in Syria, scope of the mandate of the Security Council to take out peacekeeping operations in Syria Peace missions in Syria in its evolutionary context, within this same suspension of the mission, extending the mission, purpose of the mission, the number and deployment framework are achieved. There is also talk of creating a peacekeeping force the UN to Syria, in which it is mentioned that there will be an immediate decision, access to independent commission of inquiry is needed, also resolution for Syria submitted to the Security Council UN and finally ways to solve the conflict with Syria in the diplomatic context.

The present investigation is concerned with environmental law and the awareness of people about t... more The present investigation is concerned with environmental law and the awareness of people about the environment in general around the entire planet and the people who live in the same was inspiration for investigation of: "The responsibility of the Peruvian state against environmental damage "(2010-2012)"
The responsibility of the Peruvian state against environmental damage in the period 2010 to 2012 is a substantial research descriptive correlational type level.
This research consists of 7 chapters:
> In Chapter I, the research problem is addressed, in which the description of the problem actually described, the problem definition, justification and importance and finally the objectives with the conceptual framework of the study object.
> In Chapter II, the framework is addressed within the are the theoretical foundations, the background of the legal framework, as well as the theoretical frames containing the doctrine and finally comparative law.
> In Chapter III, the assumptions and variables are discussed, which contains the general hypothesis, the hypothesis derived and like variables.
> In Chapter IV, the methodology is discussed, which contains the method and the level and types what is closely linked to the object of study.
> In Chapter V, the administration is addressed within this execution schedule, is also simultaneously talking about the head of the thesis and budget.
> In Chapter VI, partial and final reports in which the process took perform under study also shows where the findings will be included and recommendations based on the object of study is discussed.
> In Chapter VII, which is the final chapter, the literature in which the sources from which the information was addressed include sac.
At the end of these chapters annexes which serve as reference to give more information about the thesis or object of study are included.

The present investigation has to do with crime in Lima, which is a very important problem that mu... more The present investigation has to do with crime in Lima, which is a very important problem that must be solved in society, this thesis plan was inspiration for investigation based on "Crime and severity in Lima (2009-2012)
Crime and its severity in Lima in the period 2010 to 2012 is a substantial level type descriptive correlational research
This research consists of 7 chapters:
> In Chapter I, the research problem is addressed, in which the description of the problem actually described, the problem definition, justification and importance and finally the objectives with the conceptual framework of the study object.
> In Chapter II, the framework is addressed within the are the theoretical foundations, the background of the legal framework, as well as the theoretical frames containing the doctrine and finally comparative law.
> In Chapter III, the assumptions and variables is discussed, which contains the general hypothesis, the hypothesis derived and like variables.
> In Chapter IV, the methodology is discussed, which contains the method and the level and types what is closely linked to the object of study.
> In Chapter V, the administration is addressed within this execution schedule, is also simultaneously talking about the head of the thesis and budget.
> In Chapter VI, partial and final reports in which the process is shown to take make the object of study is addressed
> In Chapter VII, which is the final chapter, the literature in which the sources from which the information was addressed include sac.
At the end of these chapters annexes which serve as reference to give more information about the thesis or object of study are included.

Undoubtedly, we can see that every day we are more immersed in a world of knowledge, which are no... more Undoubtedly, we can see that every day we are more immersed in a world of knowledge, which are nourished by large flows of know, within which lie all the technologies that are being implemented and developed in recent times we live and of which we are part.
It is in this way that electronic commerce symbolizes the development and advancement of technology, which is monopolizing the attention of the whole world. Why the world has taken such an interest at this point ?. It is clear that everyone rotates around its level of economic development, therefore we consider that when carrying out a free market economy, which delimit the basis of their own decisions or economic failures are traders, this way you can assign the resources it has at that time.
It is an important role of the state, owning a controlling subsidiary idiosyncrasies, which should be directed primarily to prevent situations that endanger the dynamics of the market to develop. Likewise we know that Electronic Commerce, has been founded on a vital element in the development and essential for promoting economic, cultural and technological progress worldwide instrument.
It is important to know that in our country, Electronic Commerce is gaining strength and this is due to the privatization of our economic, why is authorized to adopt information technology development that until recently was not as expected, is for this reason that market development has become a major factor in their growth and increase, however this technology is still new still and while a broader same growth, we will see how fundamentally important it is, consequently it will be in our midst as well.
At present our country has no clear and precise legal rules to e-commerce and digital format for the celebration of legal acts. When we refer to the global context, our country is outdated. Therefore, the observation of the global trend allows to consider appropriate regulatory treatment thereof.

Iter Criminis is a Latin phrase which means "path of crime" used in criminal law to refer to the ... more Iter Criminis is a Latin phrase which means "path of crime" used in criminal law to refer to the development process of the offense which can be described as the possessing stages, from the moment in which the idea of committing a crime is thought until it is consumed.
Therefore, the iter criminis is a dogmatic development, created by the legal doctrine with the idea of setting apart each stage of the process, assigning a degree of consummation to each one that allows to apply the different penalties later on.
The Iter criminis or also known as “path of crime” are the different stages that a person goes through in his mind from the moment in which the idea of committing a crime is produced until it is effectively carried out .
The most important part of these stages is to learn how to set apart which one is relevant to criminal law. Therefore, we can differentiate two stages: internal and external phase of the path of crime.

First i'm going to begin to describe the constitutions of Peru over time that has elapsed since ... more First i'm going to begin to describe the constitutions of Peru over time that has elapsed since the declaration of independence until present times, one has to bear in mind that our country has had a countless variety of constitutions as this has not been had a constitution that is well established so always had to be repealing many constitutions to replace them with others.
Many people do not accept that the Constitution of Cadiz has ruled in our country so do not consider it a constitution of Peru and is not officially the first constitution of Peru. The first Peruvian constitution of 1823 is the first Peruvian where duty and that being the first is of great importance in Peruvian history. We also have to consider the last Peruvian constitution which is in force until now that is the constitution of 1993, which was signed by President Alberto Fujimori, but had to have modifications that had laws to their advantage

Basically the importance and mission of Rome in world history summarized in one word. Rome repres... more Basically the importance and mission of Rome in world history summarized in one word. Rome represents the triumph of the idea of universality as the principle of nationalities. May groaning painfully peoples under the weight of the material and intellectual Rome enslaves chains, and sustain tough fights before he could shake his yoke; but the advantage that people collect these struggles, her take on the same ills that have been through.
The result of the first battles of Rome victorious was the restoration of the unity of the ancient world. It was necessary that the children of the old civilization come and meet in Rome to, resumed the story, the new Christian civilization arose: because in Christianity, which she had prepared the way, is where the Roman rule is justified. Without the centrality of pagan Rome Christian Rome would not have been born.
The importance of Roman law in today's world is not just been for a moment the source or origin of law: that value was only passenger. Their authority lies in the deep inner revolution, the complete transformation that has made her suffer all our legal thought, and have become, like Christianity, an element of modern civilization.
"The historical school, Savigny to formulate their programs, admits that the substance of the law has been given by the entire past of a nation, certainly not in an arbitrary and certain way just by chance, but out of the very bowels of the nation and its history. " As shown, it is the judgment of the same Roman law, because what is there in common between the Roman and the entire past, the very strange and history of modern nations? If the Roman law is not an upstart that has nothing to rely on their behalf, to be logical Savigny and the historical school should have before anyone cry energetically against their exclusion. But on the contrary, they were covering their support on behalf of the theory of nationalities. Strange irony of scientists destinations ". To save the life of Roman law has been invoked the thought I should give the death blow; but has done just in his enjoyment, and against those who wanted to make the theory of nationality, an axiom has raised the same banner of nationality law. Basically Roman law has influenced and has had a significance in our laws and rights today.

The present work is aimed at describing the Weimar Constitution of 1919 and describe other import... more The present work is aimed at describing the Weimar Constitution of 1919 and describe other important aspects of it, which are aimed at general aspects, the main foundations that are very momentous to take a broad view of the causes and consequences which the creation of the Weimar Constitution occurs.
The work to be described later is comprised of 3 chapters which address the following topics:
Chapter 1 focuses on describing an overview of the Weimar constitution and covers the general area of the Weimar Constitution, the eve of the Weimar Constitution, the political context, the presidency, important and relevant systems for the establishment and ordering of Weimar, the Reichstag "Assembly or parliament," the Reichsrat social "The imperial council," transcendental field of rights of the Weimar Constitution, civil rights, and finally the Electoral System
Chapter 2 focuses on the fundamental principles which covers the practical applications, the characteristics of the Weimar Constitution, the main foundations of the Weimar constitution, revolution and transitional constitution, the decision in favor of a liberal project, previous decisions and fundamentals of constitutional papers, among others.
Chapter 3 focuses on the main perspectives which covers the controversial debate on the sinking of the Weimar constitution, the constitution of Weimar as an object of literature, among others.
The aim of this work is basically to collect information in order to have a clear perspective of function, application, merits and significance of the Weimar Constitution in the regulatory field and in the sense of the life of the same for Germany and its importance for the world in general.
To make this work, among the most important books that have been consulted are: "Constitutional Documents of Universal History," Aguirre, Pedro, Contemporary Political and Electoral Systems: Germany (Mexico: Instituto Federal Electoral, 1919), Álvarez Alvarez, Leonardo. The constitution of Weimar republic without republicans A ?, Constitution of the Empire (Reich) German of August 11, 1919. Editorial Athenaeum Zaragoza, 1930, Holborn, Hajo in its history Almenia: Deutsche Geschichte in der Neuzeit, vol. 3 (1871-1945), Munich, 1971, among other varied books that are recorded in the literature.

The work that will be done below is about a constitution of a corporation Closed (closed joint s... more The work that will be done below is about a constitution of a corporation Closed (closed joint stock company) in the closed regime. This is based on the constitution of a company's marketing of leather handbags.
This project deals with the feasibility of a business engaged in the production and marketing of leather wallets for that purpose were established as targets to develop a study and marketing plan, define operational resources needed to manufacture portfolios and analyze financial the project.
Since the beginning of mankind leather was used as a shelter or decorative element. Primitive man, should be able to meet the need of clothing, hunting and protected, so it became critical to their survival. They used leather in wild animals, the main sources of leather are cattle, pigs, lambs and sheep. In 1990, America was the first producer of hides and skins of bovine (INSHT, 2004).
Today, leather is the basis of a major industry, as is the raw material for the manufacture of objects as important as shoes, clothing, belts for machinery, wallets, luggage, leather, industrial gloves, etc. (Armando, 2009).
Specifically portfolio as essential accessory for a woman, accommodates a wide variety of styles, according to needs. These factors influence the success of this business. Full knowledge of the target market (women), clearly defined strategies for continued growth of this type of company.
Accordingly the present research examined the possibility of producing and marketing leather wallets in Lima mainly considering the city as a market with continued growth and commercial potential.
Papers by Daniel Santillán Soler
These so-called "preliminary objections" are classified and positivity in the Civil Procedure Code Article # 455 where you can find the inventory benefit and the benefit of discussion, besides the previous defenses can be found in other substantive rules either "rules, laws, etc. ".
These pre defenses are those procedural means by which the person being sued does the request to suspend the process for the plaintiff (actor of the process) to perform the activity in the field of substantive law that has to be undertaken prior to the demand itself.
This work will be focused on analyzing the previous defenses on corporate law to know what these, as they are defined, what is its function in a given plane of the situation and above all know their importance within the corporate law.
First and foremost is full importance to know what the differences between previous defenses and exceptions are that the civil procedure code does not distinguish between them, so many believe they have the same definition and purpose.
It is also important to bring the concept of corporate law it up and its importance within the law and Peruvian law so that way we have accurate and concise on previous defenses in corporate matters encompassed an idea.
We see that the world of the previous defenses is very interesting and any lawyer should know them to have weapons with which to confront the other hand, these defenses available and is to delay the process or extinguish in some cases, therefore it is vital have knowledge and skills in this area.
The corporation is the general meeting of shareholders the supreme organ where the social will is formed in relations to the most relevant aspects of corporate life.
The general rules set out in our legal system to ensure that manifestations of will fit the same - nullity and nullity of the act - it by themselves insufficient for the case of companies, due to the formation of the will in these people Legal occurs through a complex mechanism that operates with very specific rules, as well as multiple interests at stake when the invalidity of corporate agreements discussed: shareholder interests of third parties related to society and the general interest of provide security to commercial traffic.
That is why the previous LGS expressly contemplated the possibility of challenging corporate agreements null, setting different rules and mechanisms concerning judicial proceedings to challenge. This does not mean at all that before the validity of LGS 1996 could not be challenged agreements. However, the lack of mechanisms and details generated practical problems. In this regard, Oswaldo Hundskopf Exebio says:
"The fact that within the commercial code right contesting the resolutions of the general meeting has not been referred, did not prevent that, in practice, between 1902 and 1966, is judicially demanded the impeachment through the normal procedure, but Of the increase of processing, the shareholder was discouraged to start it, or could only see the results when the court decision was ineffective, making it an illusory right. "
Article 38 establishes LGS generically nullity of corporate resolutions adopted with the omission of the formalities prescribed publicity, those against the laws that concern the public order and decency, contrary to the articles of incorporation or the statute and which adversely affects the interest of society in direct or indirect benefit of one or more partners.
Articles 139 to 151 of the new LGS develop conceptual and procedural aspects of contesting the resolutions adopted at the meetings of shareholders of corporations.
The action contesting the resolutions of general meetings is intended to invalidate those that are contrary to the law, statute, or which adversely direct or indirect benefit of one or more shareholders, the interests of society, or are affected on the grounds of nullity of legal acts according to CC.
It is important to emphasize that the challenge of the agreements is subject to forfeiture, as a way to provide certainty in corporate matters, not only in regard to the actions of purely commercial challenge such as those performed partners by a shareholder within the period prescribed by law, but also the expiry applied to the claims rely on those grounds for annulment of the CC.
Abort is to deny life to embryos and fertilized, as us they did not deny us the power to make decisions to live, to breathe, etc, a selfish fact not foresee what might be a good future, because the fetus has a more than dying in virtually hands decides to take the abortion and those who are active participants of the "murder" alternative. On the other hand, support the abortion would be an indirect way of covering up sexual misconduct, teaching this society that still are not aware of the importance of his life, which can have an active sex life chances and if the female is pregnant, The quick solution is to kill the fertilized embryo in her womb regardless, or take into account that they also were.
The fact disrupt the natural process of life with external traumatic elements are like tweezers, vacuum cleaners or abortion pills, is an event that if not at the moment, will be marked much of his subconscious; quite apart from the cause of the pregnancy results from rape, unwanted guilty of the moment is the rapist not the fetus, therefore this life that begins to be respected, not killed. And if that child came with malformations there is no justification for abortion because the fetus is not because any problems longer an innocent sufferer feels the same way.
So, should we take the opportunity to live, feel, create experiences through time innocent people who have been fertilized, they already feel through the mother what is the introduction to life, for various reasons that some considered sufficient to make the abortion?
Bringing to remembrance the case of the Group “La Republica” against “El comercio” , it can be seen that there are two found points between the allegations of each of them which have been mentioned above.
There are some limits to media concentration inside of Peru which have been established at first instance in Legislative Decree 1034 which is one of the key pieces to punish acts or behaviors that aim abuse of domination position.
It is necessary to consider the decisions issued by the Constitutional Court in order to have a broad understanding of the subject and to analyze the legal criteria that our judges took regarding media concentration
In relation to the law established to protect freedom of expression in Peru, there is a very important one which has helped to develop a comprehensive worldview theme media concentration. This is the law number 28278 that establishes the limits that a person or group in relation to the media may have.
The law mentioned before has contributed to better management on the performance of large groups , businesses and corporations which have attempted to misuse them for their own benefits, which are illegitimate to the constitution and to all legal devices that we currently count on . which is way, despite the aforementioned, there’s a need to establish better ways of effective monitoring and proper application of the same, that way we will feel more protected, not only for the protection of our rights , but the guarantee given to them
In this regard, it is hoped to get a better life quality for citizens of this partnership through cooperation and economic integration.
Key Words: International law, Economy, Cooperation, Commerce, Human rights, integration
In the first chapter talks about a brief history of the conflict; the origin of the conflict in Syria, relevant aspects for which the conflict occurred and causes of the outbreak of the conflict; then we talk about the evolution of the conflict and main sources of conflict and finally the current situation of civil war in Syria both politically, socially and economically, and human rights and the situation of chemical weapons.
In Chapter II we speak of the constitutional framework, the Syrian constitution of February 26, 2012 approved by referendum, the legal framework of the constitution as organic and dogmatic party; also speaks of human rights treaties which is part of the state at the UN; international covenants on civil and political rights which are subscribed Syria; the united nations convention against torture and other cruel treaties ratified by Syria on 18 September 2004; UN resolutions, the UN approval to destroy chemical weapons.
In Chapter III we discuss the types of continuing violations of human rights in Syria, among which are: cons attacks civilians, targeted killings, summary executions, sectarian discrimination.
In the fourth chapter we discuss the violations addition to the above also get the following: monitoring mission in Syria united nations, General area of the supervision of the United Nations in Syria, scope of the mandate of the Security Council to take out peacekeeping operations in Syria Peace missions in Syria in its evolutionary context, within this same suspension of the mission, extending the mission, purpose of the mission, the number and deployment framework are achieved. There is also talk of creating a peacekeeping force the UN to Syria, in which it is mentioned that there will be an immediate decision, access to independent commission of inquiry is needed, also resolution for Syria submitted to the Security Council UN and finally ways to solve the conflict with Syria in the diplomatic context.
The responsibility of the Peruvian state against environmental damage in the period 2010 to 2012 is a substantial research descriptive correlational type level.
This research consists of 7 chapters:
> In Chapter I, the research problem is addressed, in which the description of the problem actually described, the problem definition, justification and importance and finally the objectives with the conceptual framework of the study object.
> In Chapter II, the framework is addressed within the are the theoretical foundations, the background of the legal framework, as well as the theoretical frames containing the doctrine and finally comparative law.
> In Chapter III, the assumptions and variables are discussed, which contains the general hypothesis, the hypothesis derived and like variables.
> In Chapter IV, the methodology is discussed, which contains the method and the level and types what is closely linked to the object of study.
> In Chapter V, the administration is addressed within this execution schedule, is also simultaneously talking about the head of the thesis and budget.
> In Chapter VI, partial and final reports in which the process took perform under study also shows where the findings will be included and recommendations based on the object of study is discussed.
> In Chapter VII, which is the final chapter, the literature in which the sources from which the information was addressed include sac.
At the end of these chapters annexes which serve as reference to give more information about the thesis or object of study are included.
Crime and its severity in Lima in the period 2010 to 2012 is a substantial level type descriptive correlational research
This research consists of 7 chapters:
> In Chapter I, the research problem is addressed, in which the description of the problem actually described, the problem definition, justification and importance and finally the objectives with the conceptual framework of the study object.
> In Chapter II, the framework is addressed within the are the theoretical foundations, the background of the legal framework, as well as the theoretical frames containing the doctrine and finally comparative law.
> In Chapter III, the assumptions and variables is discussed, which contains the general hypothesis, the hypothesis derived and like variables.
> In Chapter IV, the methodology is discussed, which contains the method and the level and types what is closely linked to the object of study.
> In Chapter V, the administration is addressed within this execution schedule, is also simultaneously talking about the head of the thesis and budget.
> In Chapter VI, partial and final reports in which the process is shown to take make the object of study is addressed
> In Chapter VII, which is the final chapter, the literature in which the sources from which the information was addressed include sac.
At the end of these chapters annexes which serve as reference to give more information about the thesis or object of study are included.
It is in this way that electronic commerce symbolizes the development and advancement of technology, which is monopolizing the attention of the whole world. Why the world has taken such an interest at this point ?. It is clear that everyone rotates around its level of economic development, therefore we consider that when carrying out a free market economy, which delimit the basis of their own decisions or economic failures are traders, this way you can assign the resources it has at that time.
It is an important role of the state, owning a controlling subsidiary idiosyncrasies, which should be directed primarily to prevent situations that endanger the dynamics of the market to develop. Likewise we know that Electronic Commerce, has been founded on a vital element in the development and essential for promoting economic, cultural and technological progress worldwide instrument.
It is important to know that in our country, Electronic Commerce is gaining strength and this is due to the privatization of our economic, why is authorized to adopt information technology development that until recently was not as expected, is for this reason that market development has become a major factor in their growth and increase, however this technology is still new still and while a broader same growth, we will see how fundamentally important it is, consequently it will be in our midst as well.
At present our country has no clear and precise legal rules to e-commerce and digital format for the celebration of legal acts. When we refer to the global context, our country is outdated. Therefore, the observation of the global trend allows to consider appropriate regulatory treatment thereof.
Therefore, the iter criminis is a dogmatic development, created by the legal doctrine with the idea of setting apart each stage of the process, assigning a degree of consummation to each one that allows to apply the different penalties later on.
The Iter criminis or also known as “path of crime” are the different stages that a person goes through in his mind from the moment in which the idea of committing a crime is produced until it is effectively carried out .
The most important part of these stages is to learn how to set apart which one is relevant to criminal law. Therefore, we can differentiate two stages: internal and external phase of the path of crime.
Many people do not accept that the Constitution of Cadiz has ruled in our country so do not consider it a constitution of Peru and is not officially the first constitution of Peru. The first Peruvian constitution of 1823 is the first Peruvian where duty and that being the first is of great importance in Peruvian history. We also have to consider the last Peruvian constitution which is in force until now that is the constitution of 1993, which was signed by President Alberto Fujimori, but had to have modifications that had laws to their advantage
The result of the first battles of Rome victorious was the restoration of the unity of the ancient world. It was necessary that the children of the old civilization come and meet in Rome to, resumed the story, the new Christian civilization arose: because in Christianity, which she had prepared the way, is where the Roman rule is justified. Without the centrality of pagan Rome Christian Rome would not have been born.
The importance of Roman law in today's world is not just been for a moment the source or origin of law: that value was only passenger. Their authority lies in the deep inner revolution, the complete transformation that has made her suffer all our legal thought, and have become, like Christianity, an element of modern civilization.
"The historical school, Savigny to formulate their programs, admits that the substance of the law has been given by the entire past of a nation, certainly not in an arbitrary and certain way just by chance, but out of the very bowels of the nation and its history. " As shown, it is the judgment of the same Roman law, because what is there in common between the Roman and the entire past, the very strange and history of modern nations? If the Roman law is not an upstart that has nothing to rely on their behalf, to be logical Savigny and the historical school should have before anyone cry energetically against their exclusion. But on the contrary, they were covering their support on behalf of the theory of nationalities. Strange irony of scientists destinations ". To save the life of Roman law has been invoked the thought I should give the death blow; but has done just in his enjoyment, and against those who wanted to make the theory of nationality, an axiom has raised the same banner of nationality law. Basically Roman law has influenced and has had a significance in our laws and rights today.
The work to be described later is comprised of 3 chapters which address the following topics:
Chapter 1 focuses on describing an overview of the Weimar constitution and covers the general area of the Weimar Constitution, the eve of the Weimar Constitution, the political context, the presidency, important and relevant systems for the establishment and ordering of Weimar, the Reichstag "Assembly or parliament," the Reichsrat social "The imperial council," transcendental field of rights of the Weimar Constitution, civil rights, and finally the Electoral System
Chapter 2 focuses on the fundamental principles which covers the practical applications, the characteristics of the Weimar Constitution, the main foundations of the Weimar constitution, revolution and transitional constitution, the decision in favor of a liberal project, previous decisions and fundamentals of constitutional papers, among others.
Chapter 3 focuses on the main perspectives which covers the controversial debate on the sinking of the Weimar constitution, the constitution of Weimar as an object of literature, among others.
The aim of this work is basically to collect information in order to have a clear perspective of function, application, merits and significance of the Weimar Constitution in the regulatory field and in the sense of the life of the same for Germany and its importance for the world in general.
To make this work, among the most important books that have been consulted are: "Constitutional Documents of Universal History," Aguirre, Pedro, Contemporary Political and Electoral Systems: Germany (Mexico: Instituto Federal Electoral, 1919), Álvarez Alvarez, Leonardo. The constitution of Weimar republic without republicans A ?, Constitution of the Empire (Reich) German of August 11, 1919. Editorial Athenaeum Zaragoza, 1930, Holborn, Hajo in its history Almenia: Deutsche Geschichte in der Neuzeit, vol. 3 (1871-1945), Munich, 1971, among other varied books that are recorded in the literature.
This project deals with the feasibility of a business engaged in the production and marketing of leather wallets for that purpose were established as targets to develop a study and marketing plan, define operational resources needed to manufacture portfolios and analyze financial the project.
Since the beginning of mankind leather was used as a shelter or decorative element. Primitive man, should be able to meet the need of clothing, hunting and protected, so it became critical to their survival. They used leather in wild animals, the main sources of leather are cattle, pigs, lambs and sheep. In 1990, America was the first producer of hides and skins of bovine (INSHT, 2004).
Today, leather is the basis of a major industry, as is the raw material for the manufacture of objects as important as shoes, clothing, belts for machinery, wallets, luggage, leather, industrial gloves, etc. (Armando, 2009).
Specifically portfolio as essential accessory for a woman, accommodates a wide variety of styles, according to needs. These factors influence the success of this business. Full knowledge of the target market (women), clearly defined strategies for continued growth of this type of company.
Accordingly the present research examined the possibility of producing and marketing leather wallets in Lima mainly considering the city as a market with continued growth and commercial potential.
These so-called "preliminary objections" are classified and positivity in the Civil Procedure Code Article # 455 where you can find the inventory benefit and the benefit of discussion, besides the previous defenses can be found in other substantive rules either "rules, laws, etc. ".
These pre defenses are those procedural means by which the person being sued does the request to suspend the process for the plaintiff (actor of the process) to perform the activity in the field of substantive law that has to be undertaken prior to the demand itself.
This work will be focused on analyzing the previous defenses on corporate law to know what these, as they are defined, what is its function in a given plane of the situation and above all know their importance within the corporate law.
First and foremost is full importance to know what the differences between previous defenses and exceptions are that the civil procedure code does not distinguish between them, so many believe they have the same definition and purpose.
It is also important to bring the concept of corporate law it up and its importance within the law and Peruvian law so that way we have accurate and concise on previous defenses in corporate matters encompassed an idea.
We see that the world of the previous defenses is very interesting and any lawyer should know them to have weapons with which to confront the other hand, these defenses available and is to delay the process or extinguish in some cases, therefore it is vital have knowledge and skills in this area.
The corporation is the general meeting of shareholders the supreme organ where the social will is formed in relations to the most relevant aspects of corporate life.
The general rules set out in our legal system to ensure that manifestations of will fit the same - nullity and nullity of the act - it by themselves insufficient for the case of companies, due to the formation of the will in these people Legal occurs through a complex mechanism that operates with very specific rules, as well as multiple interests at stake when the invalidity of corporate agreements discussed: shareholder interests of third parties related to society and the general interest of provide security to commercial traffic.
That is why the previous LGS expressly contemplated the possibility of challenging corporate agreements null, setting different rules and mechanisms concerning judicial proceedings to challenge. This does not mean at all that before the validity of LGS 1996 could not be challenged agreements. However, the lack of mechanisms and details generated practical problems. In this regard, Oswaldo Hundskopf Exebio says:
"The fact that within the commercial code right contesting the resolutions of the general meeting has not been referred, did not prevent that, in practice, between 1902 and 1966, is judicially demanded the impeachment through the normal procedure, but Of the increase of processing, the shareholder was discouraged to start it, or could only see the results when the court decision was ineffective, making it an illusory right. "
Article 38 establishes LGS generically nullity of corporate resolutions adopted with the omission of the formalities prescribed publicity, those against the laws that concern the public order and decency, contrary to the articles of incorporation or the statute and which adversely affects the interest of society in direct or indirect benefit of one or more partners.
Articles 139 to 151 of the new LGS develop conceptual and procedural aspects of contesting the resolutions adopted at the meetings of shareholders of corporations.
The action contesting the resolutions of general meetings is intended to invalidate those that are contrary to the law, statute, or which adversely direct or indirect benefit of one or more shareholders, the interests of society, or are affected on the grounds of nullity of legal acts according to CC.
It is important to emphasize that the challenge of the agreements is subject to forfeiture, as a way to provide certainty in corporate matters, not only in regard to the actions of purely commercial challenge such as those performed partners by a shareholder within the period prescribed by law, but also the expiry applied to the claims rely on those grounds for annulment of the CC.
Abort is to deny life to embryos and fertilized, as us they did not deny us the power to make decisions to live, to breathe, etc, a selfish fact not foresee what might be a good future, because the fetus has a more than dying in virtually hands decides to take the abortion and those who are active participants of the "murder" alternative. On the other hand, support the abortion would be an indirect way of covering up sexual misconduct, teaching this society that still are not aware of the importance of his life, which can have an active sex life chances and if the female is pregnant, The quick solution is to kill the fertilized embryo in her womb regardless, or take into account that they also were.
The fact disrupt the natural process of life with external traumatic elements are like tweezers, vacuum cleaners or abortion pills, is an event that if not at the moment, will be marked much of his subconscious; quite apart from the cause of the pregnancy results from rape, unwanted guilty of the moment is the rapist not the fetus, therefore this life that begins to be respected, not killed. And if that child came with malformations there is no justification for abortion because the fetus is not because any problems longer an innocent sufferer feels the same way.
So, should we take the opportunity to live, feel, create experiences through time innocent people who have been fertilized, they already feel through the mother what is the introduction to life, for various reasons that some considered sufficient to make the abortion?
Bringing to remembrance the case of the Group “La Republica” against “El comercio” , it can be seen that there are two found points between the allegations of each of them which have been mentioned above.
There are some limits to media concentration inside of Peru which have been established at first instance in Legislative Decree 1034 which is one of the key pieces to punish acts or behaviors that aim abuse of domination position.
It is necessary to consider the decisions issued by the Constitutional Court in order to have a broad understanding of the subject and to analyze the legal criteria that our judges took regarding media concentration
In relation to the law established to protect freedom of expression in Peru, there is a very important one which has helped to develop a comprehensive worldview theme media concentration. This is the law number 28278 that establishes the limits that a person or group in relation to the media may have.
The law mentioned before has contributed to better management on the performance of large groups , businesses and corporations which have attempted to misuse them for their own benefits, which are illegitimate to the constitution and to all legal devices that we currently count on . which is way, despite the aforementioned, there’s a need to establish better ways of effective monitoring and proper application of the same, that way we will feel more protected, not only for the protection of our rights , but the guarantee given to them
In this regard, it is hoped to get a better life quality for citizens of this partnership through cooperation and economic integration.
Key Words: International law, Economy, Cooperation, Commerce, Human rights, integration
In the first chapter talks about a brief history of the conflict; the origin of the conflict in Syria, relevant aspects for which the conflict occurred and causes of the outbreak of the conflict; then we talk about the evolution of the conflict and main sources of conflict and finally the current situation of civil war in Syria both politically, socially and economically, and human rights and the situation of chemical weapons.
In Chapter II we speak of the constitutional framework, the Syrian constitution of February 26, 2012 approved by referendum, the legal framework of the constitution as organic and dogmatic party; also speaks of human rights treaties which is part of the state at the UN; international covenants on civil and political rights which are subscribed Syria; the united nations convention against torture and other cruel treaties ratified by Syria on 18 September 2004; UN resolutions, the UN approval to destroy chemical weapons.
In Chapter III we discuss the types of continuing violations of human rights in Syria, among which are: cons attacks civilians, targeted killings, summary executions, sectarian discrimination.
In the fourth chapter we discuss the violations addition to the above also get the following: monitoring mission in Syria united nations, General area of the supervision of the United Nations in Syria, scope of the mandate of the Security Council to take out peacekeeping operations in Syria Peace missions in Syria in its evolutionary context, within this same suspension of the mission, extending the mission, purpose of the mission, the number and deployment framework are achieved. There is also talk of creating a peacekeeping force the UN to Syria, in which it is mentioned that there will be an immediate decision, access to independent commission of inquiry is needed, also resolution for Syria submitted to the Security Council UN and finally ways to solve the conflict with Syria in the diplomatic context.
The responsibility of the Peruvian state against environmental damage in the period 2010 to 2012 is a substantial research descriptive correlational type level.
This research consists of 7 chapters:
> In Chapter I, the research problem is addressed, in which the description of the problem actually described, the problem definition, justification and importance and finally the objectives with the conceptual framework of the study object.
> In Chapter II, the framework is addressed within the are the theoretical foundations, the background of the legal framework, as well as the theoretical frames containing the doctrine and finally comparative law.
> In Chapter III, the assumptions and variables are discussed, which contains the general hypothesis, the hypothesis derived and like variables.
> In Chapter IV, the methodology is discussed, which contains the method and the level and types what is closely linked to the object of study.
> In Chapter V, the administration is addressed within this execution schedule, is also simultaneously talking about the head of the thesis and budget.
> In Chapter VI, partial and final reports in which the process took perform under study also shows where the findings will be included and recommendations based on the object of study is discussed.
> In Chapter VII, which is the final chapter, the literature in which the sources from which the information was addressed include sac.
At the end of these chapters annexes which serve as reference to give more information about the thesis or object of study are included.
Crime and its severity in Lima in the period 2010 to 2012 is a substantial level type descriptive correlational research
This research consists of 7 chapters:
> In Chapter I, the research problem is addressed, in which the description of the problem actually described, the problem definition, justification and importance and finally the objectives with the conceptual framework of the study object.
> In Chapter II, the framework is addressed within the are the theoretical foundations, the background of the legal framework, as well as the theoretical frames containing the doctrine and finally comparative law.
> In Chapter III, the assumptions and variables is discussed, which contains the general hypothesis, the hypothesis derived and like variables.
> In Chapter IV, the methodology is discussed, which contains the method and the level and types what is closely linked to the object of study.
> In Chapter V, the administration is addressed within this execution schedule, is also simultaneously talking about the head of the thesis and budget.
> In Chapter VI, partial and final reports in which the process is shown to take make the object of study is addressed
> In Chapter VII, which is the final chapter, the literature in which the sources from which the information was addressed include sac.
At the end of these chapters annexes which serve as reference to give more information about the thesis or object of study are included.
It is in this way that electronic commerce symbolizes the development and advancement of technology, which is monopolizing the attention of the whole world. Why the world has taken such an interest at this point ?. It is clear that everyone rotates around its level of economic development, therefore we consider that when carrying out a free market economy, which delimit the basis of their own decisions or economic failures are traders, this way you can assign the resources it has at that time.
It is an important role of the state, owning a controlling subsidiary idiosyncrasies, which should be directed primarily to prevent situations that endanger the dynamics of the market to develop. Likewise we know that Electronic Commerce, has been founded on a vital element in the development and essential for promoting economic, cultural and technological progress worldwide instrument.
It is important to know that in our country, Electronic Commerce is gaining strength and this is due to the privatization of our economic, why is authorized to adopt information technology development that until recently was not as expected, is for this reason that market development has become a major factor in their growth and increase, however this technology is still new still and while a broader same growth, we will see how fundamentally important it is, consequently it will be in our midst as well.
At present our country has no clear and precise legal rules to e-commerce and digital format for the celebration of legal acts. When we refer to the global context, our country is outdated. Therefore, the observation of the global trend allows to consider appropriate regulatory treatment thereof.
Therefore, the iter criminis is a dogmatic development, created by the legal doctrine with the idea of setting apart each stage of the process, assigning a degree of consummation to each one that allows to apply the different penalties later on.
The Iter criminis or also known as “path of crime” are the different stages that a person goes through in his mind from the moment in which the idea of committing a crime is produced until it is effectively carried out .
The most important part of these stages is to learn how to set apart which one is relevant to criminal law. Therefore, we can differentiate two stages: internal and external phase of the path of crime.
Many people do not accept that the Constitution of Cadiz has ruled in our country so do not consider it a constitution of Peru and is not officially the first constitution of Peru. The first Peruvian constitution of 1823 is the first Peruvian where duty and that being the first is of great importance in Peruvian history. We also have to consider the last Peruvian constitution which is in force until now that is the constitution of 1993, which was signed by President Alberto Fujimori, but had to have modifications that had laws to their advantage
The result of the first battles of Rome victorious was the restoration of the unity of the ancient world. It was necessary that the children of the old civilization come and meet in Rome to, resumed the story, the new Christian civilization arose: because in Christianity, which she had prepared the way, is where the Roman rule is justified. Without the centrality of pagan Rome Christian Rome would not have been born.
The importance of Roman law in today's world is not just been for a moment the source or origin of law: that value was only passenger. Their authority lies in the deep inner revolution, the complete transformation that has made her suffer all our legal thought, and have become, like Christianity, an element of modern civilization.
"The historical school, Savigny to formulate their programs, admits that the substance of the law has been given by the entire past of a nation, certainly not in an arbitrary and certain way just by chance, but out of the very bowels of the nation and its history. " As shown, it is the judgment of the same Roman law, because what is there in common between the Roman and the entire past, the very strange and history of modern nations? If the Roman law is not an upstart that has nothing to rely on their behalf, to be logical Savigny and the historical school should have before anyone cry energetically against their exclusion. But on the contrary, they were covering their support on behalf of the theory of nationalities. Strange irony of scientists destinations ". To save the life of Roman law has been invoked the thought I should give the death blow; but has done just in his enjoyment, and against those who wanted to make the theory of nationality, an axiom has raised the same banner of nationality law. Basically Roman law has influenced and has had a significance in our laws and rights today.
The work to be described later is comprised of 3 chapters which address the following topics:
Chapter 1 focuses on describing an overview of the Weimar constitution and covers the general area of the Weimar Constitution, the eve of the Weimar Constitution, the political context, the presidency, important and relevant systems for the establishment and ordering of Weimar, the Reichstag "Assembly or parliament," the Reichsrat social "The imperial council," transcendental field of rights of the Weimar Constitution, civil rights, and finally the Electoral System
Chapter 2 focuses on the fundamental principles which covers the practical applications, the characteristics of the Weimar Constitution, the main foundations of the Weimar constitution, revolution and transitional constitution, the decision in favor of a liberal project, previous decisions and fundamentals of constitutional papers, among others.
Chapter 3 focuses on the main perspectives which covers the controversial debate on the sinking of the Weimar constitution, the constitution of Weimar as an object of literature, among others.
The aim of this work is basically to collect information in order to have a clear perspective of function, application, merits and significance of the Weimar Constitution in the regulatory field and in the sense of the life of the same for Germany and its importance for the world in general.
To make this work, among the most important books that have been consulted are: "Constitutional Documents of Universal History," Aguirre, Pedro, Contemporary Political and Electoral Systems: Germany (Mexico: Instituto Federal Electoral, 1919), Álvarez Alvarez, Leonardo. The constitution of Weimar republic without republicans A ?, Constitution of the Empire (Reich) German of August 11, 1919. Editorial Athenaeum Zaragoza, 1930, Holborn, Hajo in its history Almenia: Deutsche Geschichte in der Neuzeit, vol. 3 (1871-1945), Munich, 1971, among other varied books that are recorded in the literature.
This project deals with the feasibility of a business engaged in the production and marketing of leather wallets for that purpose were established as targets to develop a study and marketing plan, define operational resources needed to manufacture portfolios and analyze financial the project.
Since the beginning of mankind leather was used as a shelter or decorative element. Primitive man, should be able to meet the need of clothing, hunting and protected, so it became critical to their survival. They used leather in wild animals, the main sources of leather are cattle, pigs, lambs and sheep. In 1990, America was the first producer of hides and skins of bovine (INSHT, 2004).
Today, leather is the basis of a major industry, as is the raw material for the manufacture of objects as important as shoes, clothing, belts for machinery, wallets, luggage, leather, industrial gloves, etc. (Armando, 2009).
Specifically portfolio as essential accessory for a woman, accommodates a wide variety of styles, according to needs. These factors influence the success of this business. Full knowledge of the target market (women), clearly defined strategies for continued growth of this type of company.
Accordingly the present research examined the possibility of producing and marketing leather wallets in Lima mainly considering the city as a market with continued growth and commercial potential.