International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, Jul 31, 2022
The present work investigates the effect of pulsation on the transport process in a 2D microchann... more The present work investigates the effect of pulsation on the transport process in a 2D microchannel. The inlet velocity varies sinusoidally in time at a constant dimension less frequency (St=10) and amplitude of 0.8. The working fluid is considered as water which is made to flow in the flow disturbing microchannel whiles the microchannel walls were kept at a uniform temperature. The solution of two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation was performed using the SIMPLE algorithm with the momentum interpolation technique. The simulations were performed in the laminar regime within the Reynolds number range between 100-500 for the microchannel. The results of pulsating flow simulations had been analysed and compared with nonpulsating flow simulations. It is observed that the effect of pulsation in flow interrupting ribbed microchannel is significant and more enhancement of heat transfer is observed at higher Reynolds number while keeping the friction factor within tolerable limits.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, Apr 30, 2022
This paper manages the optimization level comparison of the metal copper (Cu) and aluminium (Al) ... more This paper manages the optimization level comparison of the metal copper (Cu) and aluminium (Al) bar by utilizing the Taguchi strategy with the orthogonal array (L 27) powerful plan. The yield of the improvement is from the turning of the copper and aluminium bar utilizing a CNC machine. Taguchi strategy is an adaptable strong plan procedure that is utilized in numerous ventures known for its high interaction quality, upkeep and advancing the nature of the item soundness. It is an incredible and proficient strategy for upgrading the exhibition of different mechanical assembling measures. The machining boundaries (speed, feed rate, depth of cut) of both the materials copper and aluminium is taken as a comparison for accomplishing the base surface roughness by utilizing the Taguchi strategy for DOE and ANOVA to accomplish the optimization level for the best quality item for minimal price in the manufacturing processes. Three level of parametric esteems have been picked as input parameters to get critical ideal yield results for the materials. In the wake of examining the information and ascertaining the signal to noise ratio (S/N) the last ideal levels of each input parameters are acquired to look at the best outcomes.
Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering, 2019
This study presents the deposition and tribological characterization of nickel–boron (Ni–B) coati... more This study presents the deposition and tribological characterization of nickel–boron (Ni–B) coatings deposited by electroless technique on AISI 1040 steel specimens. Coated specimens are annealed (heat-treated) at 350 °C for 1 h. It is seen from scanning electron micrographs that the surface resembles a typical cauliflower-like appearance. A remarkable improvement in microhardness of the coatings takes place on annealing. Structural analysis of the coatings using X-ray diffraction technique reveals that Ni–B coatings exhibit amorphous nature in as-deposited condition. Upon annealing at 350 °C for 1 h, the coating turns crystalline due to phase transformation. Due to this, hardness of the coatings increases. The annealed coatings are subjected to tribological experiments on a pin-on-disc type tribotester under dry and lubricated conditions at various loads, rotational speed and duration of sliding. COF and wear depth are recorded. It is seen that COF decreases with an increase in loa...
The present study aims to investigate the tribological behavior of Ni-P-W coating under dry and l... more The present study aims to investigate the tribological behavior of Ni-P-W coating under dry and lubricated condition. The coating is deposited onto mild steel (AISI 1040) specimens by the electroless method using a sodium hypophosphite based alkaline bath. Coating characterization is done to investigate the effect of microstructure on its performance. The change in microhardness is observed to be quite significant after annealing the deposits at 400°C for 1h. A pin–on–disc type tribo-tester is used to investigate the tribological behavior of the coating under dry and lubricated conditions. The experimental design formulation is based on Taguchi’s orthogonal array. The design parameters considered are the applied normal load, sliding speed and sliding duration while the response parameter is wear depth. Multiple regression analysis is employed to obtain a quadratic model of the response variables with the main design parameters under considerations. A high value of coefficient of det...
This work presents an experimental study of tribological performance of electroless Ni-P coating ... more This work presents an experimental study of tribological performance of electroless Ni-P coating under lubricated condition using grey relational analysis. Mild steel specimens are used as the substrate material for the deposition of Ni-P coating. Tribological tests are carried out based on L27 orthogonal array(OA) of Taguchi analysis varying three test parameters viz. normal load, sliding speed and sliding time in a multi-tribotester using block-on-roller configuration in lubricated condition. The experimental results for friction coefficient and wear are analysed using grey relational analysis coupled with Taguchi analysis. An optimal test parameter combination is found out for minimum wear and friction coefficient. It is seen that the normal load is the most significant factor followed by sliding speed and sliding time at 99% confidence level. Finally, a confirmation test is carried out to validate the analysis. The surface morphology and composition analysis of the coatings are ...
The present work aims to investigate and correlate the wear behavior of electroless NiP -W coatin... more The present work aims to investigate and correlate the wear behavior of electroless NiP -W coating under dry and lubricated conditions with the tribological testing parameters. A pin-on-disc configuration test setup is used for the same. Taguchi's orthogonal design of experiments technique is used to carry out the experiments. Both response surface and fuzzy rule based models are seen to be effective in determining the complex interrelationship between the wear depth of the coatings and the test parameters, namely applied normal load, sliding speed and sliding duration. The coefficient of determination for fuzzy logic based predictions is seen to be higher than the regression predicted ones, indicating better modeling capabilities of the artificial intelligence technique. ANOVA results reveal that the wear depth is mostly influenced by sliding speed followed by applied normal load and sliding duration for both dry and lubricated conditions. Coating composition, phase transformation and microstructure studies are undertaken to analyze their effects on the wear behavior. Abrasive wear mechanism is seen to be the predominating under both dry and lubricated condition. The coatings are seen to suffer more wear under dry sliding condition compared to lubricated environment.
Electroless NiP -W coating has enhanced tribological properties compared to the conventional bina... more Electroless NiP -W coating has enhanced tribological properties compared to the conventional binary alloys. Hence, electroless Ni-W-P, which is a ternary alloy, is synthesized on mild steel substrates. The coatings are heat treated at 400 °C for 1 hr to obtain a high hardness. Their tribological behavior is investigated on a pin-on-disc tribo-tester under dry condition. Three test parameters which include the applied normal load (L), sliding speed (S) and sliding time (T) are varied and their effects on wear depth and coefficient of friction are analyzed. An attempt is made to ascertain the optimum combination of the parameters that would minimize the coefficient of friction and wear depth of the deposits simultaneously using Grey Fuzzy logic. Optimum tribological behavior of the deposits is obtained at an applied normal load of 10 N, sliding speed of 80 rpm and sliding duration of 5min. Load and time are seen to be the most significant factors in influencing the friction and wear of the deposits. The variation of coefficient of friction and wear depth considering the combined effect of the aforesaid parameters is analyzed from three dimensional surface plots. The wear mechanism is found to be predominantly abrasive in nature.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2016
In this work optimization of turning parameters for turning Ti-6Al-7Nb Titanium alloy has been in... more In this work optimization of turning parameters for turning Ti-6Al-7Nb Titanium alloy has been investigated by orthogonal array along with Grey relational analysis coupled with principle component. Parameters such as surface roughness, tool wear, roundness, material removal rate, temperature and power consumption are considered as performance characteristics of the turning process. By orthogonal array eighteen experiments are carried out in the CNC machine by considering cutting environment, cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, nose radius, tool coating type and insert shape angle as turning parameters. From the grey relational grade the optimum turning parameters were predicted. Also the influence of individual turning parameters is carried out by Analysis of Variance. From the largest value of grey relational grade parameters , cutting environment: wet, feed rate : 0.08 mm /rev, cutting speed: 100 m/min ,insert angle: 80 0 , nose radius: 0.4 mm, tool coating type : TiAlN and depth of cut:0.4 mm are found to be better turning parameters levels. About 11.3 % enhancement of grey relation grade value is achieved when compared to initial parameter grey relational grade value.
Since its inception, the utilization of electroless nickel coatings in industries has increased b... more Since its inception, the utilization of electroless nickel coatings in industries has increased by leaps and bounds, due to their excellent mechanical/electrical properties, hardness, high corrosion and wear resistance and low coefficient of friction. Their behavior in lubricated environments is an interesting subject of research and needs more attention. In the present study, the wear behavior of electroless NiP coating under lubricated condition has been investigated. Electroless NiP coating has been deposited on mild steel substrate. Characterization of the deposited NiP coating has been done using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyzer and X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. A prediction model for the wear depth of the deposits with varying normal load, sliding speed and sliding time has been developed using multiple regression analysis and fuzzy logic, which is a very efficient artificial intelligence technique for modeling and monitoring systems. Experiments are carried out according to Taguchi's L 27 orthogonal array of experiments. The results obtained from the prediction models are seen to be in good agreement with experimental results. The applied normal load and sliding time are found to have a significant influence on the wear of electroless NiP coating. The wear mechanism was found to be mild abrasive in nature.
Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering, 2019
This study presents the deposition and tribological characterization of nickel–boron (Ni–B) coati... more This study presents the deposition and tribological characterization of nickel–boron (Ni–B) coatings deposited by electroless technique on AISI 1040 steel specimens. Coated specimens are annealed (heat-treated) at 350 °C for 1 h. It is seen from scanning electron micrographs that the surface resembles a typical cauliflower-like appearance. A remarkable improvement in microhardness of the coatings takes place on annealing. Structural analysis of the coatings using X-ray diffraction technique reveals that Ni–B coatings exhibit amorphous nature in as-deposited condition. Upon annealing at 350 °C for 1 h, the coating turns crystalline due to phase transformation. Due to this, hardness of the coatings increases. The annealed coatings are subjected to tribological experiments on a pin-on-disc type tribotester under dry and lubricated conditions at various loads, rotational speed and duration of sliding. COF and wear depth are recorded. It is seen that COF decreases with an increase in load under dry and lubricated conditions. The wear depth is seen to increase as the load and speed increase under both the sliding conditions. The tribological characteristics of the coatings under dry and lubricated condition are compared by generating 3D surface plots of the coefficient of friction and wear characteristics. The worn surface morphologies mainly indicate abrasive wear under both the sliding conditions.
Abstract In the present work, the tribological behavior (friction and wear) of Ni-P-W coating wit... more Abstract In the present work, the tribological behavior (friction and wear) of Ni-P-W coating with varying normal load, sliding speed and sliding duration on a pin-on-disc tribo-tester under dry condition is investigated. It is seen that wear depth increases with load, speed and time. A low coefficient of friction is noticed due to the self lubricating nature of the coatings. The microhardness and surface roughness are evaluated prior to the tribological tests. Also, coating characterization is done using scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive X-ray analysis and X-ray diffraction technique. The wear mechanism is predominantly abrasive.
International Journal of Engineering and Technologies, May 1, 2016
This paper presents an experimental study on tribological behavior of electroless NiB coating und... more This paper presents an experimental study on tribological behavior of electroless NiB coating under lubricated condition based on Taguchi's method. Mild steel specimens are used as the substrate material for the deposition of NiB coating and the thickness of the deposits is found to be around 35 µm. Based on Taguchi's L 27 orthogonal array of experiments, the wear tests are done on a pin-on-disc type tribotester This experiment is carried out by utilizing the combination of process parameters of the tribotester like normal load, sliding speed and duration of sliding. The analysis of the experimental data is carried out with the help of MINITAB® software package. It is seen that the normal load is the most significant factor followed by sliding time at 99% confidence level. The surface morphology, composition and compound analysis of the coatings are done by means of scanning electron microscope, energy dispersed X-ray micro-analyzer and X-ray diffraction analyzer respectively. Finally, a confirmation test is carried out to validate the analysis.
Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials, 2017
This study presents the deposition and tribological characterization of electroless Ni–P–Cu coati... more This study presents the deposition and tribological characterization of electroless Ni–P–Cu coatings deposited on AISI 1040 steel specimens. After deposition, coatings are heat treated at 500[Formula: see text]C for 1[Formula: see text]h. Surface morphology study of the coatings reveals its typical cauliflower like appearance. Composition study of the coatings using energy dispersive X-ray analysis indicates that the deposit lies in the high phosphorus range. The coatings undergo crystallization on heat treatment. A significant improvement in microhardness of the coatings is also observed on heat treatment due to the precipitation of hard crystalline phases. The heat-treated coatings are subjected to sliding wear tests on a pin-on-disc type tribo-tester under dry condition by varying the applied normal load, sliding speed and sliding duration. The coefficient of friction (COF) increases with an increase in the applied normal load while it decreases with an increase in the sliding sp...
International Journal of Surface Engineering and Interdisciplinary Materials Science, 2017
Friction and wear behavior of electroless Ni-P coating under lubricated condition is studied on a... more Friction and wear behavior of electroless Ni-P coating under lubricated condition is studied on a block – on – roller type tribo – tester by varying applied normal load, sliding speed of the roller and sliding time. Electroless Ni-P coating is deposited on AISI 1040 steel substrates. Surface morphology, phase transformation, composition and analysis of wear mechanism are done using scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction techniques and energy dispersive X-ray analysis respectively. Based on Taguchi experimental data, a multiple regression model is fitted to relate the coefficient of friction and wear depth with the tribo – testing parameters. Three dimensional surface and contour plots are generated to analyze the trends in variation of the response variables with the interaction of the process parameters (load, speed and time). Significant improvement in wear depth and COF of electroless Ni-P coating is observed under lubrication. Optimization of wear depth and coefficient ...
International Journal of Engineering and Technologies, 2016
This paper presents an experimental study on tribological behavior of electroless NiB coating und... more This paper presents an experimental study on tribological behavior of electroless NiB coating under lubricated condition based on Taguchi's method. Mild steel specimens are used as the substrate material for the deposition of NiB coating and the thickness of the deposits is found to be around 35 µm. Based on Taguchi's L 27 orthogonal array of experiments, the wear tests are done on a pin-on-disc type tribotester This experiment is carried out by utilizing the combination of process parameters of the tribotester like normal load, sliding speed and duration of sliding. The analysis of the experimental data is carried out with the help of MINITAB® software package. It is seen that the normal load is the most significant factor followed by sliding time at 99% confidence level. The surface morphology, composition and compound analysis of the coatings are done by means of scanning electron microscope, energy dispersed X-ray micro-analyzer and X-ray diffraction analyzer respectively. Finally, a confirmation test is carried out to validate the analysis.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, Jul 31, 2022
The present work investigates the effect of pulsation on the transport process in a 2D microchann... more The present work investigates the effect of pulsation on the transport process in a 2D microchannel. The inlet velocity varies sinusoidally in time at a constant dimension less frequency (St=10) and amplitude of 0.8. The working fluid is considered as water which is made to flow in the flow disturbing microchannel whiles the microchannel walls were kept at a uniform temperature. The solution of two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation was performed using the SIMPLE algorithm with the momentum interpolation technique. The simulations were performed in the laminar regime within the Reynolds number range between 100-500 for the microchannel. The results of pulsating flow simulations had been analysed and compared with nonpulsating flow simulations. It is observed that the effect of pulsation in flow interrupting ribbed microchannel is significant and more enhancement of heat transfer is observed at higher Reynolds number while keeping the friction factor within tolerable limits.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, Apr 30, 2022
This paper manages the optimization level comparison of the metal copper (Cu) and aluminium (Al) ... more This paper manages the optimization level comparison of the metal copper (Cu) and aluminium (Al) bar by utilizing the Taguchi strategy with the orthogonal array (L 27) powerful plan. The yield of the improvement is from the turning of the copper and aluminium bar utilizing a CNC machine. Taguchi strategy is an adaptable strong plan procedure that is utilized in numerous ventures known for its high interaction quality, upkeep and advancing the nature of the item soundness. It is an incredible and proficient strategy for upgrading the exhibition of different mechanical assembling measures. The machining boundaries (speed, feed rate, depth of cut) of both the materials copper and aluminium is taken as a comparison for accomplishing the base surface roughness by utilizing the Taguchi strategy for DOE and ANOVA to accomplish the optimization level for the best quality item for minimal price in the manufacturing processes. Three level of parametric esteems have been picked as input parameters to get critical ideal yield results for the materials. In the wake of examining the information and ascertaining the signal to noise ratio (S/N) the last ideal levels of each input parameters are acquired to look at the best outcomes.
Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering, 2019
This study presents the deposition and tribological characterization of nickel–boron (Ni–B) coati... more This study presents the deposition and tribological characterization of nickel–boron (Ni–B) coatings deposited by electroless technique on AISI 1040 steel specimens. Coated specimens are annealed (heat-treated) at 350 °C for 1 h. It is seen from scanning electron micrographs that the surface resembles a typical cauliflower-like appearance. A remarkable improvement in microhardness of the coatings takes place on annealing. Structural analysis of the coatings using X-ray diffraction technique reveals that Ni–B coatings exhibit amorphous nature in as-deposited condition. Upon annealing at 350 °C for 1 h, the coating turns crystalline due to phase transformation. Due to this, hardness of the coatings increases. The annealed coatings are subjected to tribological experiments on a pin-on-disc type tribotester under dry and lubricated conditions at various loads, rotational speed and duration of sliding. COF and wear depth are recorded. It is seen that COF decreases with an increase in loa...
The present study aims to investigate the tribological behavior of Ni-P-W coating under dry and l... more The present study aims to investigate the tribological behavior of Ni-P-W coating under dry and lubricated condition. The coating is deposited onto mild steel (AISI 1040) specimens by the electroless method using a sodium hypophosphite based alkaline bath. Coating characterization is done to investigate the effect of microstructure on its performance. The change in microhardness is observed to be quite significant after annealing the deposits at 400°C for 1h. A pin–on–disc type tribo-tester is used to investigate the tribological behavior of the coating under dry and lubricated conditions. The experimental design formulation is based on Taguchi’s orthogonal array. The design parameters considered are the applied normal load, sliding speed and sliding duration while the response parameter is wear depth. Multiple regression analysis is employed to obtain a quadratic model of the response variables with the main design parameters under considerations. A high value of coefficient of det...
This work presents an experimental study of tribological performance of electroless Ni-P coating ... more This work presents an experimental study of tribological performance of electroless Ni-P coating under lubricated condition using grey relational analysis. Mild steel specimens are used as the substrate material for the deposition of Ni-P coating. Tribological tests are carried out based on L27 orthogonal array(OA) of Taguchi analysis varying three test parameters viz. normal load, sliding speed and sliding time in a multi-tribotester using block-on-roller configuration in lubricated condition. The experimental results for friction coefficient and wear are analysed using grey relational analysis coupled with Taguchi analysis. An optimal test parameter combination is found out for minimum wear and friction coefficient. It is seen that the normal load is the most significant factor followed by sliding speed and sliding time at 99% confidence level. Finally, a confirmation test is carried out to validate the analysis. The surface morphology and composition analysis of the coatings are ...
The present work aims to investigate and correlate the wear behavior of electroless NiP -W coatin... more The present work aims to investigate and correlate the wear behavior of electroless NiP -W coating under dry and lubricated conditions with the tribological testing parameters. A pin-on-disc configuration test setup is used for the same. Taguchi's orthogonal design of experiments technique is used to carry out the experiments. Both response surface and fuzzy rule based models are seen to be effective in determining the complex interrelationship between the wear depth of the coatings and the test parameters, namely applied normal load, sliding speed and sliding duration. The coefficient of determination for fuzzy logic based predictions is seen to be higher than the regression predicted ones, indicating better modeling capabilities of the artificial intelligence technique. ANOVA results reveal that the wear depth is mostly influenced by sliding speed followed by applied normal load and sliding duration for both dry and lubricated conditions. Coating composition, phase transformation and microstructure studies are undertaken to analyze their effects on the wear behavior. Abrasive wear mechanism is seen to be the predominating under both dry and lubricated condition. The coatings are seen to suffer more wear under dry sliding condition compared to lubricated environment.
Electroless NiP -W coating has enhanced tribological properties compared to the conventional bina... more Electroless NiP -W coating has enhanced tribological properties compared to the conventional binary alloys. Hence, electroless Ni-W-P, which is a ternary alloy, is synthesized on mild steel substrates. The coatings are heat treated at 400 °C for 1 hr to obtain a high hardness. Their tribological behavior is investigated on a pin-on-disc tribo-tester under dry condition. Three test parameters which include the applied normal load (L), sliding speed (S) and sliding time (T) are varied and their effects on wear depth and coefficient of friction are analyzed. An attempt is made to ascertain the optimum combination of the parameters that would minimize the coefficient of friction and wear depth of the deposits simultaneously using Grey Fuzzy logic. Optimum tribological behavior of the deposits is obtained at an applied normal load of 10 N, sliding speed of 80 rpm and sliding duration of 5min. Load and time are seen to be the most significant factors in influencing the friction and wear of the deposits. The variation of coefficient of friction and wear depth considering the combined effect of the aforesaid parameters is analyzed from three dimensional surface plots. The wear mechanism is found to be predominantly abrasive in nature.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2016
In this work optimization of turning parameters for turning Ti-6Al-7Nb Titanium alloy has been in... more In this work optimization of turning parameters for turning Ti-6Al-7Nb Titanium alloy has been investigated by orthogonal array along with Grey relational analysis coupled with principle component. Parameters such as surface roughness, tool wear, roundness, material removal rate, temperature and power consumption are considered as performance characteristics of the turning process. By orthogonal array eighteen experiments are carried out in the CNC machine by considering cutting environment, cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, nose radius, tool coating type and insert shape angle as turning parameters. From the grey relational grade the optimum turning parameters were predicted. Also the influence of individual turning parameters is carried out by Analysis of Variance. From the largest value of grey relational grade parameters , cutting environment: wet, feed rate : 0.08 mm /rev, cutting speed: 100 m/min ,insert angle: 80 0 , nose radius: 0.4 mm, tool coating type : TiAlN and depth of cut:0.4 mm are found to be better turning parameters levels. About 11.3 % enhancement of grey relation grade value is achieved when compared to initial parameter grey relational grade value.
Since its inception, the utilization of electroless nickel coatings in industries has increased b... more Since its inception, the utilization of electroless nickel coatings in industries has increased by leaps and bounds, due to their excellent mechanical/electrical properties, hardness, high corrosion and wear resistance and low coefficient of friction. Their behavior in lubricated environments is an interesting subject of research and needs more attention. In the present study, the wear behavior of electroless NiP coating under lubricated condition has been investigated. Electroless NiP coating has been deposited on mild steel substrate. Characterization of the deposited NiP coating has been done using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyzer and X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. A prediction model for the wear depth of the deposits with varying normal load, sliding speed and sliding time has been developed using multiple regression analysis and fuzzy logic, which is a very efficient artificial intelligence technique for modeling and monitoring systems. Experiments are carried out according to Taguchi's L 27 orthogonal array of experiments. The results obtained from the prediction models are seen to be in good agreement with experimental results. The applied normal load and sliding time are found to have a significant influence on the wear of electroless NiP coating. The wear mechanism was found to be mild abrasive in nature.
Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering, 2019
This study presents the deposition and tribological characterization of nickel–boron (Ni–B) coati... more This study presents the deposition and tribological characterization of nickel–boron (Ni–B) coatings deposited by electroless technique on AISI 1040 steel specimens. Coated specimens are annealed (heat-treated) at 350 °C for 1 h. It is seen from scanning electron micrographs that the surface resembles a typical cauliflower-like appearance. A remarkable improvement in microhardness of the coatings takes place on annealing. Structural analysis of the coatings using X-ray diffraction technique reveals that Ni–B coatings exhibit amorphous nature in as-deposited condition. Upon annealing at 350 °C for 1 h, the coating turns crystalline due to phase transformation. Due to this, hardness of the coatings increases. The annealed coatings are subjected to tribological experiments on a pin-on-disc type tribotester under dry and lubricated conditions at various loads, rotational speed and duration of sliding. COF and wear depth are recorded. It is seen that COF decreases with an increase in load under dry and lubricated conditions. The wear depth is seen to increase as the load and speed increase under both the sliding conditions. The tribological characteristics of the coatings under dry and lubricated condition are compared by generating 3D surface plots of the coefficient of friction and wear characteristics. The worn surface morphologies mainly indicate abrasive wear under both the sliding conditions.
Abstract In the present work, the tribological behavior (friction and wear) of Ni-P-W coating wit... more Abstract In the present work, the tribological behavior (friction and wear) of Ni-P-W coating with varying normal load, sliding speed and sliding duration on a pin-on-disc tribo-tester under dry condition is investigated. It is seen that wear depth increases with load, speed and time. A low coefficient of friction is noticed due to the self lubricating nature of the coatings. The microhardness and surface roughness are evaluated prior to the tribological tests. Also, coating characterization is done using scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive X-ray analysis and X-ray diffraction technique. The wear mechanism is predominantly abrasive.
International Journal of Engineering and Technologies, May 1, 2016
This paper presents an experimental study on tribological behavior of electroless NiB coating und... more This paper presents an experimental study on tribological behavior of electroless NiB coating under lubricated condition based on Taguchi's method. Mild steel specimens are used as the substrate material for the deposition of NiB coating and the thickness of the deposits is found to be around 35 µm. Based on Taguchi's L 27 orthogonal array of experiments, the wear tests are done on a pin-on-disc type tribotester This experiment is carried out by utilizing the combination of process parameters of the tribotester like normal load, sliding speed and duration of sliding. The analysis of the experimental data is carried out with the help of MINITAB® software package. It is seen that the normal load is the most significant factor followed by sliding time at 99% confidence level. The surface morphology, composition and compound analysis of the coatings are done by means of scanning electron microscope, energy dispersed X-ray micro-analyzer and X-ray diffraction analyzer respectively. Finally, a confirmation test is carried out to validate the analysis.
Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials, 2017
This study presents the deposition and tribological characterization of electroless Ni–P–Cu coati... more This study presents the deposition and tribological characterization of electroless Ni–P–Cu coatings deposited on AISI 1040 steel specimens. After deposition, coatings are heat treated at 500[Formula: see text]C for 1[Formula: see text]h. Surface morphology study of the coatings reveals its typical cauliflower like appearance. Composition study of the coatings using energy dispersive X-ray analysis indicates that the deposit lies in the high phosphorus range. The coatings undergo crystallization on heat treatment. A significant improvement in microhardness of the coatings is also observed on heat treatment due to the precipitation of hard crystalline phases. The heat-treated coatings are subjected to sliding wear tests on a pin-on-disc type tribo-tester under dry condition by varying the applied normal load, sliding speed and sliding duration. The coefficient of friction (COF) increases with an increase in the applied normal load while it decreases with an increase in the sliding sp...
International Journal of Surface Engineering and Interdisciplinary Materials Science, 2017
Friction and wear behavior of electroless Ni-P coating under lubricated condition is studied on a... more Friction and wear behavior of electroless Ni-P coating under lubricated condition is studied on a block – on – roller type tribo – tester by varying applied normal load, sliding speed of the roller and sliding time. Electroless Ni-P coating is deposited on AISI 1040 steel substrates. Surface morphology, phase transformation, composition and analysis of wear mechanism are done using scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction techniques and energy dispersive X-ray analysis respectively. Based on Taguchi experimental data, a multiple regression model is fitted to relate the coefficient of friction and wear depth with the tribo – testing parameters. Three dimensional surface and contour plots are generated to analyze the trends in variation of the response variables with the interaction of the process parameters (load, speed and time). Significant improvement in wear depth and COF of electroless Ni-P coating is observed under lubrication. Optimization of wear depth and coefficient ...
International Journal of Engineering and Technologies, 2016
This paper presents an experimental study on tribological behavior of electroless NiB coating und... more This paper presents an experimental study on tribological behavior of electroless NiB coating under lubricated condition based on Taguchi's method. Mild steel specimens are used as the substrate material for the deposition of NiB coating and the thickness of the deposits is found to be around 35 µm. Based on Taguchi's L 27 orthogonal array of experiments, the wear tests are done on a pin-on-disc type tribotester This experiment is carried out by utilizing the combination of process parameters of the tribotester like normal load, sliding speed and duration of sliding. The analysis of the experimental data is carried out with the help of MINITAB® software package. It is seen that the normal load is the most significant factor followed by sliding time at 99% confidence level. The surface morphology, composition and compound analysis of the coatings are done by means of scanning electron microscope, energy dispersed X-ray micro-analyzer and X-ray diffraction analyzer respectively. Finally, a confirmation test is carried out to validate the analysis.
Papers by Santanu Duari