Papers by Sankha Subhra Das

Asian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Aug 5, 2018
Education system of India is full of intricacies of different nature. Every ladder of education h... more Education system of India is full of intricacies of different nature. Every ladder of education has its own problems and prospects. However, attempts have been taken to lessen complexities. From ages, time to time commissions have been constituted to improve and remove the anomalies of Indian education system especially, ensuring quality and uniformity in India education system. Idea of Quality assurance cell has not only been mooted out but also implemented across the national level. Ensuring uniformity in Education System, especially at UnderGraduate level, Choice-Based Credit System has been confirmed mandatory. But the nature of Indian education system is much diverse and encompasses inherent problems of diversity in implementing the uniform system of evaluation. Present education system of India has got spread across the country in the form of Primary Education, Secondary Education and Tertiary Education. The last one of education sector has much importance in the process of developing nation. Major inventions and innovations have direct bearing on the quality of higher education. So, quality is the major concern of the present higher education which could be judged and assessed only by the universally acclaimed system of evaluation and this could be possible through the CBCS. Thus, the present article aims to highlight the merit and demerit of Choice-Based Credit System.

The study presents the trends of research in Knowledge Management during 2014-2018. The data has ... more The study presents the trends of research in Knowledge Management during 2014-2018. The data has been extracted from the Web of Science database on the affiliation of basic search. The research output has been derived on the basis of 963 publications receiving 4148 citations with a 4.87 percent average citation per paper. The authorship pattern was dominated by two authors securing 35.099% and collaboration coefficient of 0.488. The country-wise publication was dominated by the United States contributing 159 papers. Out of the total 963 publications, 881(91.5%) are article which seems to top the list. The Journal of Knowledge Management seems to be the often sought journal for publishing KM articles occupying 25.54% of the total publication. However, the highly cited paper appears in MIS Quarterly authored by Kane, G.C et al. The major subject category was the application of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) in KM. Finally, the co-occurrence of keywords throws light on the research interest of the researchers.

The study aims to know the knowledge of Library resources and services among St. Xavier's college... more The study aims to know the knowledge of Library resources and services among St. Xavier's college students. The questionnaire method was used for data collection. Keeping in view the objectives of the study well-structured questionnaire was prepared and distributed to St. Xavier's college students. A total of 150 questionnaires were distributed among the undergraduate (B.A., students out of which 144 filled in questionnaires were received back with an overall response rate of 96%. From a total of 144 respondents, 113(78.47%) are aware of the services provided by the Library and 31(21.53%) of respondents were unaware of library resources and services. The majority 43(38.05%) of the respondents visited the library on a daily basis. Majority of the respondents 28(24.78%) were aware of the books related to their study that have been suggested by the teacher for reference purposes. Most of the respondents 29(25.67%) are aware of the internet facility, followed by 23(20.35%) of respondents who are aware of reference service. The Majority of the respondents 31(27.43%) visited the library for reading books relating to their study, 26(23%) of the respondents used the library to read the newspaper. Major respondents 132(91.67%) wanted to attend Library awareness program and a hand few of them 12(8.33%) felt no need for the Library awareness program. The implication here is that the majority of the students are dependent on the library on a regular basis.

Open Access is the free online availability of digital contents, scholarly journal articles, rese... more Open Access is the free online availability of digital contents, scholarly journal articles, research results that authors publish without expectation of payment and is based on an ethical argument that research funded by the public should be available to the public. Open Access operates within the legal framework and owns the original copyrights for their work. Authors can transfer the rights to publishers to post the work on the web or else can retain the rights post their work on the archives. This article talks about the influence of open access in the present era. The objectives of the researcher have been clearly defined. A thorough in-depth literature review has been provided on the subject of the study. The initiatives on the Indian side towards open access has been defined with the table showing various repositories. Then the role played by Librarians towards the open access movement has been discussed. A few suggestions have been given by the researcher for consideration and finally, the conclusion has been drawn on the above subject.
With the advancement of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) development is taking plac... more With the advancement of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) development is taking place at a rapid rate. Hence in order to stay in the limelight one must keep themselves updated with the latest technological trend. This chapter focuses on the Virtual Reference Service (VRS) provided by eight universities from Tamil Nadu. Various services that can be provided under VRS have been identified based on minimal cost and maximum benefit approach. We have made a comparison of these Universities right from their NAAC grade to NIRF ranking 2019 and eventually the VRS. The amount of funds utilized has also been discussed in comparison to their ranking received. Based on this study one can get a clear idea about the status of VRS provided by these universities.

It iis mereiinformation ithat iattracts readers ito ithe ilibrary.iThe ipresent iexamination itar... more It iis mereiinformation ithat iattracts readers ito ithe ilibrary.iThe ipresent iexamination itargets iportraying ithe iinformation ilooking ifor iexample iunderstudies iof iManonmaniam iSundaranar iUniversity, iTirunelveli. iStudents iwere iqualified iby iconvenience isampling imethod ifor ithe istudy. iThe iexamination iuncovers ithat: iMajority iof ithe irespondents iare iin i20-24 iyears iage igathering. i'Week iby iweek iVisit' i(59.1%) iis ithe imost sort out itime iutilized ilibrary iperiod. 41.8% irespondents ivisit ithe ilibrary ifor igetting isubjective idata. Lending iareai71.9% iare ithe imost ivisited isegments iof ithe ilibrary. 44.8% can use OPAC for searching information. Newspaper section is also ian ihotspot ifor igetting regular updates iamong 28.6% users ifollowed iby iInternet iwith 23.9%irespondents.iBooks iare ithe imost ifavored ichannel iof idata ifor 34.7% as a source to collect relevant information. Dominant part of the respondents, is satisfied with the lighting and seating arrangements in the library. 91.8% irespondents iare isatisfied iwith ithe ilibrary iadministrations. A detailed study on the usage pattern and behavior of respondents along with certain suggestions have been indicated to improve the library services further.
The concept of linked Data and Semantic Web have been gaining importance to revolutionise the wor... more The concept of linked Data and Semantic Web have been gaining importance to revolutionise the world of the internet. The idea behind Linked Data can be used to create a huge database of the Internet interlinked by relationships that will be easily understood by machines as well as humans. We tried to compare some libraries that have published their content via linked open data. The advantages and disadvantages have also been highlighted. libraries should benefit by adopting linked Data but there are many challenges that will come up in its implementation. The BIBFRAME Initiative is a possible framework that will enable libraries to link their resources on to the web attracting users with high-quality content. Various initiatives have been undertaken by the libraries in order to make resources accessible to all users.

Journal of Knowledge & Communication Management, 2019
This paper presents “A Study on Use of Internet by Students of SCAD Polytechnic College Library, ... more This paper presents “A Study on Use of Internet by Students of SCAD Polytechnic College Library, Tirunelveli”. Here majority students are searching for information via Google search engine and others are followed. Random sampling technique has been used to distribute 175 questionnaires and a response rate of 136 (77.71%) were recorded. Majority of the respondents were males occupying 113 (83.08%) and females were 23 (16.92%) from a total of 136 respondents. It was seen that 118 (86.76%) showed a positive response whereas 18 (13.24%) denied having any knowledge on Internet usage. Majority of the students using Internet are daily users (73.73%) followed by weekly (10.17%), monthly (9.32%), and occasionally (6.78%). Again we can see that Mechanical Engineering (MeE) and Automobile Engineering (AE) students (16.10%) consume more Internet data than the other departments followed by Electrical and Communication Engineering (ECE) students (15.25%). Lowest Internet data are consumed by Marine Engineering (MaE) accounting to (11.86%). Finally it can be observed from the findings of the study that students 47(39.83%) use Internet for preparing homework, assignments followed by 35(29.66%) students use Internet for keeping up with the current trends related to their field of study.

SRELS Journal of Information Management, 2019
Ranking institutions of a country, continent or the entire world is not an easy task. However, th... more Ranking institutions of a country, continent or the entire world is not an easy task. However, there are certain agencies that regularly undertake such an exercise. In this paper we have considered Webometrics Ranking (WR) and National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) specific to India for our study. Various parameters have been compared citing their features. The methodology used by these rankings have been discussed such as WR depends on web presence and categorises institutions on the basis of Presence rank, Impact rank, Openness rank and Excellence rank whereas NIRF categorises on the basis of Graduation Outcomes, Learning Teaching & Resources, Outreach of students, Research and Professional Practice and Awareness. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Maharashtra tops the list in Webometrics Rankings whereas Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai tops the list in NIRF rankings. An interpretation of these rankings along with their limitations have been given final...
There are several metrics available for application in bibliometrics. Some of the metrics that ha... more There are several metrics available for application in bibliometrics. Some of the metrics that have been considered here such as measuring growth of publications, citation impact, authorship pattern, h-index have been widely used to generate statistical analysis with respect to books, articles, publications. Now one must be aware of the pros and cons of each and every metrics used in the research. One has to be certain that there is no information that is getting lost when data about researchers and their institutions are squeezed into a tabular form of metrics. There are certain metrics that have been discussed to be replaced with other metrics to obtain more accurate interpretation of the research performance. If used otherwise it can create a hindrance to the real research performance when misused.
Papers by Sankha Subhra Das