Papers by Sanjoy K. Debsharma
CRC Press eBooks, Feb 14, 2024

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 27, 2020
Forty-eight rice genotypes of inbred and hybrid rice varieties developed or registered by differe... more Forty-eight rice genotypes of inbred and hybrid rice varieties developed or registered by different organizations were evaluated for their stability for grain yield through regression coefficient and deviation from regression analysis. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications at seven locations of Bangladesh. Highly significant mean sum of squares due to genotype and environment and pooled deviation indicated sufficient variability among the genotypes and environments for yield and revealed the importance of a non-linear component accounting for the total genotype-environment interaction. Khulna (E3) was found as most favorable location because of showing highest environmental mean yield and environmental index. The stability parameters for grain yield revealed wider adaptability of the genotypes V5 (BRRI dhan30), V13 (BRRI dhan49), V29 (Binadhan-17), V33 (Mukti-1), V34 (Agro dhan-12), V35 (Bayer hybrid dhan-4) and V41 (BADC hybrid dhan-6). The genotypes V32 (BRRI hybrid dhan6), V1 (BR10), V40 (BADC hybrid dhan-2), V15 (BRRI dhan52), V7 (BRRI dhan32), V21 (BRRI dhan72), V20 (BRRI dhan71), V30 (Binadhan-7), V6 (BRRI dhan31), V31 (BRRI hybrid dhan4), V26 (Binadhan-11), V19 (BRRI dhan66), V48 (Bindhan-4), V24 (BU dhan-1), V22 (BRRI dhan73), V38 (Hera-16), V44 (BRRI dhan44), V36 (Bayer hybrid dhan-6), V2 (BR22), V46 (BR11) and V43 (BRRI dhan75) showed insignificant regression coefficient (b i) values and higher mean yield than the grand mean and positive phenotypic index (P i) indicating them to be suitable for poor environment.

Asian Journal of Research in Crop Science
A field experiment was conducted at the field Laboratory, Horticulture farm, Bangladesh Agricultu... more A field experiment was conducted at the field Laboratory, Horticulture farm, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh during the dry season (October to April) to evaluate the effect of planting time on the growth and yield of two garlic varieties. The experiment was laid-out with two factors, dates of planting (21 October, 6 November, 21 November and 06 December) and variety (BAU garlic-1 and BAU garlic-2) in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Planting time had significant influence on growth and yield attributes as well as bulb yield of garlic. Plant height, leaf length, number of leaves, leaf and root dry weight, bulb diameter, number of cloves per bulb and bulb yield decreased with delay planting. The highest plant height (52.38 cm), leaf length (37.66 cm), number of leaves per plant (7.15), leaf dry weight (1.75 g), bulb diameter (3.89 cm), number of cloves per bulb (22.31), bulb yield per plant (16.42 g) and per hectare (8.13 t ha-1...

This study was conducted in the experimental farm of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) to ... more This study was conducted in the experimental farm of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) to evaluate rainfall-induced leaching of salt in the field soil over time. There were five treatments I 1 : soil irrigated with fresh water, I 2 : soil irrigated with saline water of electrical conductivity (EC) = 4 dS/m, I 3 : soil irrigated with saline water of EC = 7 dS/m, I 4 : soil irrigated with saline water of EC = 10 dS/m, and I 5 : soil irrigated with saline water of EC = 13 dS/m. The treatments were replicated thrice. Soil samples were collected from each plot at 020, 2040, 4060 cm soil profiles at, usually, 15 days interval. By determining the electrical conductivity of the samples salt leaching pattern in the treatments at different depths was evaluated. Variation of soul pH was also evaluated. At the end of the rainy season, the salt accumulated due to irrigation completely leached out of the top 020 cm soil profile in all treatments. The salt from the upper soil profile (020 cm) leached down and increased the salinity of the lower soil profiles. At the end of the rainy season, the salinity in the lower soil profile did not reduce to its initial value, implying that the rainfall was not enough to wash out the imposed salinity from the entire root zone soil. At the early period of rainy season, the rainfall was relatively little, but the rate of EC reduction was high, especially in the soil with high salinity (treatments I 4 and I 5). At the later period, on the other hand, the EC reduction rate was relatively low although rainfall was high. It is concluded that, irrigation with high saline water (EC ≥7 dS/m) caused accumulation of salt in excess of that washed out by monsoon rainfall.

Asian Journal of Research in Crop Science, Apr 26, 2022
A field experiment was conducted at the field Laboratory, Horticulture farm, Bangladesh Agricultu... more A field experiment was conducted at the field Laboratory, Horticulture farm, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh during the dry season (October to April) to evaluate the effect of planting time on the growth and yield of two garlic varieties. The experiment was laid-out with two factors, dates of planting (21 October, 6 November, 21 November and 06 December) and variety (BAU garlic-1 and BAU garlic-2) in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Planting time had significant influence on growth and yield attributes as well as bulb yield of garlic. Plant height, leaf length, number of leaves, leaf and root dry weight, bulb diameter, number of cloves per bulb and bulb yield decreased with delay planting. The highest plant height (52.38 cm), leaf length (37.66 cm), number of leaves per plant (7.15), leaf dry weight (1.75 g), bulb diameter (3.89 cm), number of cloves per bulb (22.31), bulb yield per plant (16.42 g) and per hectare (8.13 t ha-1) obtained from 21 October planting. BAU garlic-2 was relatively better than BAU garlic-1 in terms of yield and yield attributes. The interaction effect of planting time and variety showed the highest bulb yield of both varieties from 21 October planting. Early planting of both varieties found better to get maximum yield of garlic.

Soil salinity is a major constraint to rice production in coastal areas around the globe, and mod... more Soil salinity is a major constraint to rice production in coastal areas around the globe, and modern high-yielding rice cultivars are more sensitive to high salt stress, which limits rice productivity. Traditional breeding programs find it challenging to develop stable salt-tolerant rice cultivars with other stress-tolerant for the saline environment in Bangladesh due to large yield variations caused by excessive salinity fluctuations during the dry (boro) season. We examined trait characterization of 18 advanced breeding lines using SNP genotyping and among them, we found line G6 (BR9621-B-1-2-11) (single breeding line with multiple-stress-tolerant QTL/genes) possessed 9 useful QTLs/genes, and two lines (G4:BR9620-2-7-1-1 and G14: IR 103854-8-3-AJY1) carried 7 QTLs/genes that control the desirable traits. To evaluate yield efficiency and stability of 18 rice breeding lines, two years of field experiment data were analyzed using AMMI (additive main effect and multiplicative interact...

Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, 2019
In salinity affected areas, variation in salinity level is the major cause of yield fluctuations ... more In salinity affected areas, variation in salinity level is the major cause of yield fluctuations in rice during the dry season (boro season). To sustain food security in Bangladesh, plant breeders need to develop new rice varieties which are higher yielding, salinity tolerant and stable across different environments. We evaluated the yield performance and stability of 51 rice elite genotypes including two salinity tolerant rice varieties (BRRI dhan67 and BINA dhan-10) and the dominant boro rice variety (BRRI dhan28) in three locations, including a salinity "hotspot". Best linear unbiased predictions (BLUPs) were used to identify superior genotypes from multi-environment trials. Selection from a large set of candidates is required for evaluation and recommending a new variety for release. Estimated breeding values (EBVs) were used to select parents. Six parents with high EBVs (BR8982-5, IR 87870-6-1-1-1-1-B; BR8943-B-1-2-7, BR8940-B-17-4-7, A69-1 and BR8943-B-5-5-14) would be useful as parents to develop new breeding populations. To evaluate yield performance and stability across environments, we used additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model using a randomized complete block design with two replications. Genotype × environmental analysis was performed using GGE biplot analysis. Based on yield performance and stability, BR8982-5, IR 87870-6-1-1-1-1-B, BR8943-B-1-2-7, BR8940-B-17-4-7, A69-1 and BR8943-B-5-5-14 were promising across the tested environments, as they showed yield advantages over check varieties. The results in this study will be useful for selecting the elite lines suitable for salinity affected areas and parents for rapid breeding of salinity tolerance.

Yield is a complex parameter of rice due to its polygonal nature, sometimes making it difficult t... more Yield is a complex parameter of rice due to its polygonal nature, sometimes making it difficult to coat the selection process in the breeding program. In the current study, 34 elite rice genotypes were assessed to evaluate 3 locations for the selection of desirable rice cultivars suitable for multiple environments based on genetic diversity. In variance analysis, all genotypes have revealed significant variations (p ≤ 0.001) for all studied characters, signifying a broader sense of genetic variability for selection purposes. The higher phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) and genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) were found for yield-associated characteristics such as the number of grains panicle−1 (GP), panicles hill−1 (PPH), and tillers hill−1 (TILL). All of the characters had higher heritability (greater than 60%) and higher genetic advance (greater than 20%), which pointed out non-additive gene action and suggested that selection would be effective. The most significant ...
Papers by Sanjoy K. Debsharma