Papers by Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta
Boundaries in the areas of ”Languages” and “Disabilities” in the nation-state of India. A case st... more Boundaries in the areas of ”Languages” and “Disabilities” in the nation-state of India. A case study of the period 1881-2016
Manniskans sprak och identiteter [Human language and identities] : utmaningar och en tredje posit... more Manniskans sprak och identiteter [Human language and identities] : utmaningar och en tredje position [Challenges and a third position]
Languages and identities in the development of the educational system ‘Swedish for immigrants’ : ... more Languages and identities in the development of the educational system ‘Swedish for immigrants’ : a sociohistorical account of categories

Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research
Drawing upon ethnographic data from two projects, this paper focuses on interpretation issues in ... more Drawing upon ethnographic data from two projects, this paper focuses on interpretation issues in deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) individuals' everyday lives. A specific issue is the importance of and the ways in which interpretation services and Swedish-Swedish Sign Language interpreters shape their experiences and participation. Three themes are illustrated, highlighting tensions that facilitate or obstruct DHH individuals' participation. The analysis shows that they are positioned as both patients and citizens. Unequal power relationships position them in passive roles, as patients, with limited possibilities to shape the interpreter services, while they simultaneously shoulder major responsibility for its smooth functioning. The mundane nature of the analysis also highlights how they are accorded the position of citizen within the same services.
The Languaging of Higher Education in the Global South, 2022
Languaging and learning genres. Meaning-making as chaining of resources across language-varieties... more Languaging and learning genres. Meaning-making as chaining of resources across language-varieties and modalities inside, outside and across physical and digital spaces
Virtual learning sites as transnational borderlands : dialogical approaches to participants '... more Virtual learning sites as transnational borderlands : dialogical approaches to participants 'multilingual-modal' languaging
"I wuz like oh taam to go to skool." School diaries and blogs as spaces of languaging a... more "I wuz like oh taam to go to skool." School diaries and blogs as spaces of languaging and learning
Virtual Sites as Learning Spaces, 2019
To the Lexicon and Beyond, Sep 8, 2009

Deaf Identities
In this chapter, the author, a hearing multidisciplinary scholar, uses her expertise in spoken, s... more In this chapter, the author, a hearing multidisciplinary scholar, uses her expertise in spoken, signed, and written languages to explore the relationships between language issues and the development of deaf identities. The research that she presents illustrates the ways in which various communication forms including spoken, signed, and written languages can shape the meaning of deaf identities. The focus is on what transpires in segregated and mainstream Swedish classrooms in terms of communication patterns and how the language variety and modality is used to influence the identity positioning of not only deaf students but also the adults who interact with them. A narrow focus on language use can lead to a homogeneous language-learner identity position. In contrast, a broader focus on language use can facilitate a heterogeneous fluid language-learning position where many ways of being deaf is facilitated.

International Journal of Multilingualism
ABSTRACT At an overarching level this paper attempts to draw attention to emerging trends in the ... more ABSTRACT At an overarching level this paper attempts to draw attention to emerging trends in the humanities where alternative ways of doing science reconfigure epistemological traditions and research methodologies, the role of intellectuals and their engagement with current conditions of the world, including ways in which scholars gazes are constituted. Drawing on what we call a Second Wave of Southern Perspectives (SWaSP), that sees the entanglements of two clusters – the first of which comprises contemporary ways of reading anticolonial, postcolonial and decolonial thinkers with offerings of Southern perspectives, and a second where contemporary theories about language and communication that considers their cultural and social dimensions, this paper calls for a mobile global-centric gazing. More specifically this paper actualises ontoepistemological trajectories that feed into the scholarship about multilingualism, looking at its different possible beings and becomings that enable a variety of ways of conceptualising multilingual practices. We do this by first presenting a brief review about recent discussions related to the concept of repertoires in the field of multilingualism and pathways that can move these debates in different directions. After this, we present possible ways to go beyond the sociolinguistics of multilingualism, by considering contemporary challenges in the knowledge production enterprise.
Isms in Language Education, 2017
Languaging and Isms of reinforced boundaries across settings : Multidisciplinary ethnographical e... more Languaging and Isms of reinforced boundaries across settings : Multidisciplinary ethnographical explorations
Paper at the 5th International Media Summit. Mediamorphosis: Identity and Participation. 16-17 February 2018, Mumbai, India, 2018
Identity Revisited and Reimagined Empirical and Theoretical Contributions on Embodied Communication Across Time and Space, 2017

Bandung, 2022
This paper introduces the theme of Languaging, Diversity and Democracy. Contemporary issues of pa... more This paper introduces the theme of Languaging, Diversity and Democracy. Contemporary issues of participation and ways-of-being and positions the 12 individual papers that constitute the 2022 double special issue of Bandung: Journal of the Global South. Its interest lies in contributing to knowledge that is relevant for contemporary human challenges related to issues of mobility, digitalization, and communication in and across different geopolitical regions across the planet and across virtual-physical spaces. Raising concerns regarding universalizing tendencies of special issues (and collected volumes generally), and based on the premise that what kind of knowledge matters is tied up with the issue of whose knowledge and in what named-language this knowledge matters, this paper raises critical queries that focus on the narrators positionality and gaze, the composition of scholarly narratives, the flow of narratives, what vocabularies circulate in frontline scholarship, including the...

Bandung, 2022
While promises of equity mark (inter)national declarations and laws that contemporary democratic ... more While promises of equity mark (inter)national declarations and laws that contemporary democratic societies subscribe to, accessibility and participation for-all continues to remain out of reach for increasing numbers of people and “named-groups” across the global-North/South. Going beyond issues regarding gaps between progressive policies and people’s accounts of their experiences, this paper illuminates the mundane nature of participation by putting the spotlight on people’s everyday lives in and across different societal sectors. By doing so, it illustrates the mundane nature of processes that constitute the “policies of equity and language as participation”. Issues of promises in policies in contemporary democratic societies like Sweden are discussed as framings that need to be decentered and troubled through a multi-scale analytical gaze at the mundane, messy and wild nature of human life. The study draws on data from three projects where data generation has and is taking place ...

Bandung, 2022
Engaging with four geopolitical timespaces, and the concepts of liminality, lim/lines/ borders/bo... more Engaging with four geopolitical timespaces, and the concepts of liminality, lim/lines/ borders/boundaries, mobility and memory, against the backdrop of pre-, anti-, post- and de-colonial ideas, this study illustrates how tenets of what we call a “Second Wave of Southern Perspectives” (SWaSP) can illuminate the myths and imaginations that continue to give credibility to the idea of bounded language, identity and nation-states, including the role of languaging as constitutive dimension of these processes. The study presented in this paper has two aims. First, it explicates a SWaSP framing wherein the role of languaging is both a key dimension of the (multi-scalar) organization of everyday life inside and outside institutional physical-digital spaces, and of the remembering of lim i.e., lines or boundaries as dimensions of belonging. Second, by juxtaposing ideas about belonging and (shifting) boundaries across time and spaces, it highlights the mechanisms involved in contemporary re-en...

Educational Linguistics, 2019
Bridging Language, Literacy and Learning Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Helle Pia Laursen and Anne Golden.... more Bridging Language, Literacy and Learning Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Helle Pia Laursen and Anne Golden.- Part I: Learning and Boundaries.- Young People's Emerging Multilingual Practices: Learning Language or Literacy, or Both? Anne Pitkanen-Huhta.- The Anatomy of Learning a Foreign Language in a Classroom with a Textbook: An Interactional and Multimodal Approach Augustin Lefebvre.- "No, I'm not reading": How Two Language Learners Enact their Investments by Crossing and Blurring the Boundaries of Literacy and Orality Johanna Ennser-Kananen.- Learning Languaging Matters: Contributions to a Turn-on-turn Reflexivity Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta.- Part II: Examining Different Constructed Connections.- An Odd Couple? Literacy and Multilingualism in Day Care Centers Lars Holm.- Treading Semiotic Paths in Multilingual Literacy Learning: Challenging Ideological Conceptualizations of Language and Literacy in Education Helle Pia Laursen.- "Making it your own by adapting it to what'...
Papers by Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta