Papers by Sandy Kurniajati

Journal of Applied Nursing and Health
Background: Some variables that may influence age and gender. The study aimed to determine whethe... more Background: Some variables that may influence age and gender. The study aimed to determine whether there is a relationship between anxiety and gender in Agitation patients with conventional restraint in the Inpatient Room. Methods: This research method uses the correlation method with a cross-sectional design. A research sample is several patients who receive restrain intervention, totaling 27 respondents. The sampling technique was purposive, with the patient inclusion criteria on the RASS scale of +1 to -1. The family agreed for the patient to be a respondent. The independent variable is anxiety, while the dependent variable is age and gender. Anxiety instrument using FASS (Face Anxiety Scale Statistical Test using Spearmen rho with a <0.05. This study has received Ethical Approval from the STIKES Kediri Baptist Hospital. Results: The statistical test results on anxiety with age obtained a p-value of 0.051 with a <0.05, which means there is no relationship between anxiety an...

Bertambahnya usia akan meningkatkan resiko kejadian stroke. Kader kesehatan merupakan role model ... more Bertambahnya usia akan meningkatkan resiko kejadian stroke. Kader kesehatan merupakan role model dalam peningkatan kesadaran akan bahaya stroke. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengalisis pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan metode pelatihan dalam deteksi dini faktor resiko stroke pada kader kesehatan di Posbindu desa Segaran Kecamatan Wates kabupaten Kediri. Desain penelitian ini adalah praeksperement one grup pre post tes desain. Populasi adalah kader Kesehatan, dengan besarsampel 27 orang, dengan teknik sampling jenuh. Varibel penelitian adalah pengetahuan deteksi dini faktor resiko stroke, dengan intrument format penilaian resiko dan kusioner, analisis statistik dengan uji paired T-tes. Hasil penelitian didapat Risiko Stroke Pada kurang dari setengah ringan 48,1% dan faktor resiko stroke didapatkan tinggi sebesar 22,2%. Berdasarkan jenis faktor resikanya: Faktor Tekanan darah berisiko lebih dari 50% sedang (63%), Faktor resiko nadi mayoritas rendah (88,9%,) Faktor Rokok sebagian besar rend...

Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan
Background: The COVID-19 Pandemic Disaster lasted for more than a year and had an impact on child... more Background: The COVID-19 Pandemic Disaster lasted for more than a year and had an impact on children in their learning, including stress in learning, thereby reducing learning concentration. An environment that is not conducive to a learning process that is not optimal can make children's learning concentration go down. Methods: The research method used a Pre experimental study with a pre-post test design. The population of this study was elementary school students in the Sidoarjo district with criteria. Namely, the respondents carried out brain gym with a frequency of 1 time a day for three weeks. The sample chosen using non-random Sampling with a sample size was 139 respondents. This research used an independent variable Psychosocial Disaster Management: AuVis-BG (Brain Gym), one time a day for three weeks. The dependent variable of this research was Children's Learning Concentration with a questionnaire. The research tool is the questionnaire that the respondents measure ...

Babali Nursing Research
Introduction: The incidence of infection in school-age children can be caused by the negligence o... more Introduction: The incidence of infection in school-age children can be caused by the negligence of children in carrying out personal hygiene, namely washing hands and due to contact with individuals who have been infected with pathogens. Infectious diseases that often suffer are upper respiratory infection, diarrhea, and intestinal worms with symptoms of fever. Preventive efforts that can be done by children are personal hygiene (washing hands). Prevention of infection in children is done by teaching school-age children to wash their hands properly. The objective of this study was to analyze personal hygiene skills (hand washing) with the incidence of infection in children. Methods: The method in this study was a pre-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design. The samples were 20 respondents of school-age children. Differences in pretest-posttest personal hygiene skills (hand washing). Results: The results are based on data collected from 20 subjects, the results of the prete...
Jurnal Penelitian Keperawatan, Jan 10, 2017
Elderly will experience degenerative process of biological condition, psychological condition and... more Elderly will experience degenerative process of biological condition, psychological condition and change of social condition and these changes cause decreasing cognitive function. Brain Gym according Denission (2006) proves to be effective in improving Hal: 13-22 Aplikasi Senam Otak (Brain Gym) di Posyandu dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kognitif Lansia 13
JURNAL STIKES RS Baptis Kediri, 2018
Pelita Abdi Masyarakat, Nov 4, 2020
JURNAL STIKES RS Baptis Kediri, Dec 15, 2013

Banyak penderita yang dapat ditangani dengan terapi non farmakologi, salah satunya dengan aktivit... more Banyak penderita yang dapat ditangani dengan terapi non farmakologi, salah satunya dengan aktivitas fisik. Aktivitas fisik adalah setiap gerakan tubuh yang untuk melakukannya tubuh memerlukan tenaga yang cukup (Sofia Rhosmas Dewi, 2015). Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk menggambarkan cara penatalaksanaan terapi non farmakologi: aktivitas fisik pada penderita hipertensi. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan literature review. Dengan populasi 10 artikel menggunakan sistem pencarian SINTA,Google Scholar, dan Tylor dan Francis. Menggunakan variabel penatalaksanaan terapi non farmakologi:aktivitas fisik. Mungguakan alat ukur kuisioner dan menggunakan analisis PICO. Hasil analisis jurnal Literature Review (SW Mbamboa dkk 2018) peneliti mendapatkan hasil (39,1%) tinggi, (32,4%) sedang, dan (28,4%) rendah. (Herwati, Wiwik Sartika, 2013) peneliti mendapatkan hasil (100%) aktivitas tidak baik, dan (6,7%) aktivitas baik. (Nur Afni Karim dkk, 2018) peneliti mendapatkan hasil (0%) ringan, (70%) sedang,...

Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan (Journal of Ners and Midwifery), 2021
The current trend of maternal and child health problems is stunting. Health development 2015-2019... more The current trend of maternal and child health problems is stunting. Health development 2015-2019 is focused on decreased in maternal and infant mortality, a decreased in the prevalence of short toddler (Stunting). The purpose of the study was compared stunting in the cities and village to children in Kediri. The research method used a comparative observation with the population of children in the City of Bangsal Kediri and Dusun Bulakdawung, Parang Kediri Village, with a sample of 49 children. Sampling using Nutritional Status based on BB/U and TB/U. Data was collected by observing spring and microtoise scales. The analysis used is Mann-Whitney. Nutritional status based on BB/U nutritional problems in the city 13.8% and in the village 5%, nutritional problems TB/U (stunting) in the city 3.4% and in the village 10%. Comparison of nutritional status based on BB/U p = 0.34 and TB/U p = 0.362 there is not significant. The main factor in nutritional problems is that the nutrients consum...

Pelayanan kesehatan pada komunitas harus digerakkan melalui pemberdayaan komunitas untuk memperol... more Pelayanan kesehatan pada komunitas harus digerakkan melalui pemberdayaan komunitas untuk memperoleh derajat kesehatan yang optimal secara mandiri. PELKESI pada tahun 2012 mengenalkan program Parish Nursing yaitu program pelayanan kesehatan komunitas jemaat yang mengelola pelayanan kesehatan secara komprehensif dan holistic mencakup bio-psiko, sosio-spiritual dari semua tahap kehidupan manusia melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat jemaat (Manurung dkk, 2012). Tujuan yang dicapai adalah meningkatkan kompetensi kader kesehatan Parish Nursing (Parish Nurse) melalui Pelatihan. Desain kegiatan ini adalah pra eksperimen pre-post test desain. Populasi responden adalah kader kesehatan jemaat berasal dari Posyandu Lansia Sejahteran Gereja Baptis Indonesia (GBI) Setia Bakti Kediri dan Kader Kesehatan jemaat dari Panti Werdha St. Yoseph Kediri, dengan jumlah responden 20 orang. Variabel yang diukur adalah kompetensi Parish Nursing yang diambil dengan test tulis. Pelatihan diberikan meliputi 3 tahap (Basic Course, Intermediate Course, dan Advance Course), pelatihan dilaksanakan 8 kali tatap muka yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai April 2015 tempat di STIKES RS Baptis Kediri. Analisis dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil kompetensi awal dan akhir dengan statistic T-Tes. Hasil kegiatan, kompetensi awal parish nurse dengan skor rata-rata 15 (kurang) sedangkan skor rata-rata hasil pelatihan didapat 19,7 (cukup), dengan peningkatan rerata 4,7 poin. Hasil statistic T-Test didapatkan p=0,00 yang menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifi kan kompetensi Parish Nurse sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan. Disimpulkan pemberian pelatihan Parish Nursing mampu meningkatkan kompetensi pada Parish Nurse dari kompetensi kurang menjadi memiliki kompetensi cukup.

ESP nursing materials is an important component in the success of educational programs, especiall... more ESP nursing materials is an important component in the success of educational programs, especially in the field of nursing. The development of English learning is now more emphasis on the authenticity of the material that is contextual activities or work involved, one of which is in nursing profession. Communicative language teaching (CLT) sets principles about the teaching of communicative competence not confined to verbal communication but also includes written communication, consists of four skills especially on ESP nursing based on nursing care (assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning(intervention & implementation, and evaluation) as the main source of objective achievement in teaching learning process. The development method used is adapted from Borg and Gall's model involved 24 students, 1 expert in English education, 2 experts in nursing education, and 1 practitioner of hospital. Researchers developed materials (4 chapters) based needs analysis (students’ need and reviewi...

Growth and development is an ongoing process ranging from conception tomaturity. One of the impor... more Growth and development is an ongoing process ranging from conception tomaturity. One of the important efforts in increasing growth is the delivery method ofhealth education by using the Self Care approach to the growing of toddlers with the righthealth education media. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence ofnutritional counseling according to Self Care theory of toddler growth. The method ofthis research is pre-experimental research with pretest-posttest design. Samples are 18infant respondents. Test normality using Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Hypotheses test thedifference of pretest-Postest infant growth (weight loss, height, head circumference) withWilcoxon. Differences pretest-posttest toddler growth (weight loss, height, headcircumference) with Paired Samples T-Test. The result is based on collected data from 18subjects, results of pretest-posttest toddler growth in Wilcoxon test there is a significantdifference that is (P = 0.001). Results pretest-posttest weight lo...

The elderly population is increasing and life expectancy is high, it will also increase health pr... more The elderly population is increasing and life expectancy is high, it will also increase health problems in the elderly. The elderly according to WHO starting age 60 years and over (Ida Untari, 2019). Health problems one of which is joint pain with one cause is gout (Erpandi, 2015). The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of health education screening methods in reducing blood uric acid levels in the elderly at GBI Tri Bakti Kediri. This study was an observational study using a pre-post test design method. The population used is the elderly at GBI Setia Tri Bakti Kediri and those taken as respondents by fulfilling the prerequisites of being 11 respondents. The action given is health education by screening method. The measured variable is blood uric acid level which is done by taking data 2. The instrument used is measuring blood sugar levels the analysis used is the Wilkoxon test because the normality of the data is not normal. the results of the study that the lev...

Anak saat mulai mobilisasi secara berjalan atau merangkak sering kali mengalami trauma fisik yang... more Anak saat mulai mobilisasi secara berjalan atau merangkak sering kali mengalami trauma fisik yang mengacap kesehatannya. Interaksi anak dan lingkungannya perlu mendaptkan perhatian dari orang tua atau pengasuh untuk menghidarkan bahaya lingkungan yang dapat membuat cirera atau trauma pada anak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengambarkan risiko cidera oleh faktor lingkungan berdasarkan anticipatory guidance pada anak di Rumah Bermain Belajar dan Tempat Penitiapan Anak (RBB TPA) Permata Baptis Kediri. Desain penelitian ini deskriptif dengan populasi orang tua anak dan pengasuh anak di RBB TPA Permata Baptis Kediri. Sampling yang digunakan Total Sampling dengan subyek 12 responden. Variabel penelitian 5 indikator anticipatory guidance, Intrument penelitian dengan kuisioner, dan dianalisis dengan diskripsi analisis. Hasil penelitian didapatkan gambaran risiko cidera berdasarkan anticipatory guidance pada indikator kebakaran listrik dan luka bakar adanya jak listrik terjangkau anak 100%, kabel listrik yang terbuka 66,7%, kompor terjangkau anak 50%, dan peralatan elektonik 41,7%. Pada indikator sulfokasi dan aspirasi didapat bak mandi bedtube 66,7%. Pada Indikator keracuanan didapatkan peralatan kebersihan 50%. Pada indikator jatuh didapatkan Peralatan permainan 58,3% dan kamar mandi 50%, Pada indikator cidera tubuh didapatkan peralatan maianan 58,3% dan lain-lain sisa pembagunan 50%. Disimpulkan bahwa risiko bahaya cidera di RBB TPA Permata Baptis masih dijumpai pad ke 5 indikator anticipatory guidance meliputi jak listrk, kabel listrik, kompor, pisau, peralatan kebersihan, kamar mandi, peralatan permaianan khsusnya peralatan outbond out door, dan masterial sisa pembangunan. Upaya perbaikan lingkungan perlu segera dilakukan guna mencegah cidera pada anak.

Elderly experience changes in joint flexibility, causing pain (Azizah, 2011). Nonpharmacologicalm... more Elderly experience changes in joint flexibility, causing pain (Azizah, 2011). Nonpharmacologicalmeasures to overcome pain in the elderly with warm compresses (Wahit,2015). The purpose of this study is to analyze the Effectiveness of Warm Compresses onJoint Pain in the Elderly. Study design with a literature review of researchers that usedpre-post design with the Bourbanis pain scale. Population of articles from researchjournals from 2010 to 2020. The inclusion criteria in this study were published by theOpen Access Journal system, journal manuscripts consisting of abstracts and full text,Indonesian language articles or English journals from Indonesia indexed by Googlescholar 1,770 data and SINTA 20 data. The number of references used is 8 articles. Dataidentification through PICO (Population, Intervening, Comparison, and Outcome)approaches. The results showed that the elderly had joint pain with an average on a scaleof 4.66. (Moderate degree of pain).Joint pain after giving a warm c...

Lansia akan mengalami proses penurunan kondisi biologis, kondisi psikologis serta perubahan kondi... more Lansia akan mengalami proses penurunan kondisi biologis, kondisi psikologis serta perubahan kondisi sosial dan perubahan tersebut mengakibatkan penurunan fungsi kognitif. Senam otak ( Brain Gym ) terbukti efektif dalam meningkatkan kognitif lansia, namun dalam aplikasi seringkali ada berberapa kendala.Tujuan penulisan ini untuk peningkatan kompetensi kader dan merumuskan aplikasi senam otak ( Brain gym ) sebagai rekomendasi senam otak di posyandu lansia.Metode kegiatan ini adalah Descrition explorative dan pra-ekperimen ( pra-post test desain ). Populasi kegiatan adalah kader posyandu lansia di Posyandu Lansia GBI Setia Bakti Kediri dan Posyandu Lansia di GBI Baitlahim Kediri dengan jumlah 20 orang ( Quota Sampling) . Rangkaian kegiatan meliputi 3 tahap (Tahap pemberian materi diawali dengan pre test, Tahap Praktikum, Tahap Perumusan Rekomendasi dengan diawali dengan post test). Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni sampai Juli 2016.Variabel penelitian adalah kompetensi senam otak d...

Jurnal Penelitian Keperawatan, 2018
Reumatoid Artritis termasuk 5 besar penyakit yang diderita oleh pasien rawat jalan di Puskesmas P... more Reumatoid Artritis termasuk 5 besar penyakit yang diderita oleh pasien rawat jalan di Puskesmas Pesantren 1 Kota Kediri. Asuhan keperawatan untuk mengurangi nyeri pada pasien reumatoid artritis diantaranya dengan� mengkompres sendi yang sakit dengan air hangat dan relaksasi nafas dalam. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis perbedaan efektivitas kompres hangat dan relaksasi nafas dalam terhadap penurunan nyeri� pada pasien reumatoid artitis di Puskesmas Pesantren 1 Kota Kediri. Desain penelitian ini adalah Quasy Experiment. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien reumatoid artitis. Jumlah subjek 36 responden dengan menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling. Variabel independen kompres hangat, relaksasi nafas dalam dan variabel dependen nyeri. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan� skala nyeri numerik, kemudian di analisis menggunakan uji statistik Wilcoxon dan Mann-Whitney dengan� tingkat� kemaknaan� ? ? 0,05. Hasil penelitian kompres hangat terbukti efektif menurunkan nyeri dengan p=0,00 (d...

jurnalempathy com, 2021
Background: Students experience learning barriers during online learning methods. Online learning... more Background: Students experience learning barriers during online learning methods. Online learning can also reduce children's learning motivation at school during the COVID-19 Pandemic Disaster. Cognitive impairment due to distance education can affect memory conditions and will also affect their future. The thinking process in elementary school students is very important in thinking, developing creativity in being creative. The aim in this activity of community service is to provide health education about brain gym to students. Methods: The devotee gave a brain gym video to the respondents and after one month an evaluation of learning motivation was carried out. Brain gym videos contain interactive brain gym procedures with short and clear explanations. Results: The results of community service were found that male service participants were 63.5%, while there were 36.5% female. The most participants were 11 years old by 23.1%. After being given a brain gym educational video, the...
Papers by Sandy Kurniajati