Papers by Sandra Francisca Bezerra Gemma

Desenvolvimento em Questão
Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar métodos e práticas integrativas desenvolvidas em um proj... more Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar métodos e práticas integrativas desenvolvidas em um projeto de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P&D) que visa à melhoria da saúde, segurança e qualidade de vida no trabalho (SSQV), por meio de soluções em ferramentas para Eletricistas de Linha Viva (ELV). Para isso, o projeto baseia-se em estudos teóricos e empíricos em Ergonomia, Biomecânica e Cibernética aplicados à tarefa de Poda de Vegetação. Os resultados apresentam os métodos e práticas articulados no projeto e suas constatações preliminares. Entende-se que as inovações proporcionadas pela P&D rompem com métodos e práticas tradicionais ao propor a integração entre Ergonomia, Biomecânica e Cibernética e seus usos por meio de softwares e plataformas de motion capture system e de simulação 3D de forma original no setor elétrico. Para além disso, os resultados preliminares direcionam para o potencial industrial, científico e tecnológico do projeto que possa culminar em melhoria na saúde, seguran...

O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a atividade de trabalho docente de nível superior, identifican... more O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a atividade de trabalho docente de nível superior, identificando os constrangimentos a que os profissionais dessa categoria estão submetidos, devido, especialmente, ao sistema de avaliação da produção intelectual atrelado aos programas de pós-graduação. Foram estudadas as atividades do corpo docente que atua no departamento de Engenharia de Produção (EP) de uma universidade pública federal, no interior do estado de São Paulo. A escolha dessa temática considera que o trabalho docente passou a ter nova lógica nas rotinas acadêmicas, baseada na aceleração e intensificação de atividades e no estímulo à produtividade, que reproduz no âmbito universitário as características próprias do trabalho flexível. Quanto ao delineamento metodológico, esta pesquisa é classificada como descritiva, de abordagem qualitativa, complementada pela aplicação de um estudo de caso único, delineado pela abordagem metodológica da Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho (AET). Os result...
Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar os aspectos subjetivos do trabalho docente de um cursinho ... more Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar os aspectos subjetivos do trabalho docente de um cursinho comunitário atrelado à Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Realizou-se observações com participação em reuniões e entrevistas individuais e semiestruturadas com os professores. Os dados foram articulados às contribuições teóricas da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho e o conceito de sublimação. Em termos de terceiro nível de sublimação os resultados demonstraram conformidade com a proposta política, social e moral proposta pelo cursinho comunitário. Sobre o segundo nível, verificou-se a existência de reconhecimento dos alunos para com os professores, mas baixo reconhecimento pelas hierarquias e pares

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2018
Due to the exhaustion of the pattern of accumulation, the transformations in contemporary capital... more Due to the exhaustion of the pattern of accumulation, the transformations in contemporary capitalism demonstrate the strengthening of neoliberalism, changes in the organization of work and individuals, especially in relation to women. It is known that flexibilization within the scope of work assumes multiple formulations, either by the new forms of hiring, use of time, remuneration of work, solution of conflicts, or by the way of thinking the organization of time and space of work. With regard to the gender cut in outsourcing and informality, the few studies that have been carried out show a difference between women and men, with women being subjected to a more insecure condition, with higher turnover, lower wages and a major noncompliance with labor rights. In view of the context presented, the objective was to analyze the precariousness of women’s work, in the outsourcing and informal activity instances observed in the work of outsourced school food handlers in the city of Campinas-SP, and in the scope of semi-jewels manufacture in the Municipality of Limeira-SP. These findings are the result of two researches carried out in 2017 by researchers from the FCA/UNICAMP Interdisciplinary Master’s Program in Human and Applied Social Sciences. In both surveys it was possible to observe the harsh daily reality of several women who work through outsourced companies (in the case of school food handlers) or in their homes (in the manufacture of semi-jewels). These workers face situations like low pay, intensified work, bullying issues and precarious work environments.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2018
In recent years, the electric power sector has undergone considerable changes, contributing to th... more In recent years, the electric power sector has undergone considerable changes, contributing to the increase of accidents, mainly in the maintenance activity of transmission lines. The purpose of this project is to identify ergonomic and psychosocial aspects in this activity, through the Ergonomic Work Analysis (EWA), applied to an electric energy concessionaire. This research is underway and the initial results point to the relevance of the organizational aspects associated to the profile of the new workers.

Boletim Goiano de Geografia, 2021
In Brazil, since the 1960s, agriculture has undergone significant changes in the technical sphere... more In Brazil, since the 1960s, agriculture has undergone significant changes in the technical sphere due to adopt the productive model of modernization and the economic dimension from the consolidation of agro-industries. These transformations had an impact on peasant agriculture. This article discusses the peasant social organization and presents an analysis of the amendments relating to peasant work and agriculture, notably from sitiantes, locals of the rural neighborhoods named Corrego Bonito Delgado and Frades in Limeira, city of the state of Sao Paulo. Rural neighborhoods comprise peasant territorializations and, to a large extent, are constituted formed by families with close social ties that preserve a shared life. Memory was conceived as a social form elaborated by these subjects and thus we start using oral history as methodology. Therefore, it was noted that technical changes gradually absorbed as mechanization and use of chemicals as inputs and pesticides affected the work o...

The process of globalization and the restructuring of production brought changes in the economy, ... more The process of globalization and the restructuring of production brought changes in the economy, forms of production and organization of work, causing unfavorable situations for workers (Toni, 2007). Outsourcing has emerged as a way of organizing work to decrease labor costs and responsibilities. Companies hire other service companies to perform functions that are not directly related to their main activity. To Araújo et al. (2007), the use of this type of service leads to the worsening of working conditions and increased informality of the market. The Third Sector in Brazil absorbs large amount of people, becoming an alternative occupation for workers who cannot find employment in other sectors of the economy, reinforcing the trend of outsourcing (Carrion, 1997). In the other hand, the presence of women in the labor market has increased significantly, but did not follow the decrease of professional inequalities between men and women (Abramo and Armij, 1997). The cleaning job, even ...

The paper aims to present an analysis about pruning vegetation with hydraulic pole pruner, a task... more The paper aims to present an analysis about pruning vegetation with hydraulic pole pruner, a task considered critical, performed by Live Line Electricians (LLE). The research was carried out at an advanced power station, located in the countryside of Sao Paulo/Brazil through the application in Ergonomics, Biomechanics and Cybernetics methods. It was possible to identify the critical determinants of the activity under study through the Activity Ergonomics, as well as to explain the physical issues through the movements simulation (biomechanics) in terms of medium and high pruning that confer bigger postural problems, especially of the trunk and upper limbs, validated by cybernetic analysis (3D), which allowed quantifying such elements in order to create demands for the tools design to alleviate this condition. It is suggested that the articulation between qualitative and quantitative analyses, explained here through the methods triangulation, although anchored in different epistemolo...

Courses on ergonomics, occupational health, safety, and work design are usually present in engine... more Courses on ergonomics, occupational health, safety, and work design are usually present in engineering programs, providing an opportunity for raising students’ awareness of the importance of work sciences. However, the distribution of these courses across different engineering specializations is unclear. This paper analyses 71 engineering programs from five specializations (chemical, civil, electrical, industrial, mechanical), from 10 Brazilian universities to identify courses related to the Work Engineering (WE) field, which articulates ergonomics, work design, and occupational health topics. In total, 89 unique courses were found, occurring 113 times across the programs analyzed. The Industrial Engineering programs were the ones with the most relevant courses (62,5% of the programs had 3 or more WE-related courses). The analysis of the titles of the courses highlighted that “work”, “safety” and “ergonomics” were the most recurrent themes addressed in the courses. On the other hand...

The teaching work is characterized by a new perspective in academic procedures, based on the inte... more The teaching work is characterized by a new perspective in academic procedures, based on the intensification of activities and high charge for publication in recognized journals. This paper analyzes teachers’ work in the context of postgraduation higher education in a public university, identifying the main constraints to which this professional category is subjected, especially the evaluation system for intellectual production. The methodology employed can be classified as an exploratory and descriptive case study using Activity-Centered Ergonomics concepts. Data collection includes perception questionnaire, work diary, observation participant and semi-structured interviews applied to all teachers who work in the Production Engineering department of a federal public university located in a medium-sized city in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Results identified the studied teachers' main constraints such as excessive tasks; lack of recognition, collectivity and institutional sup...

O presente relato de experiencia apresenta as acoes empreendidas e os resultados obtidos pela equ... more O presente relato de experiencia apresenta as acoes empreendidas e os resultados obtidos pela equipe do projeto “Rede de Agroecologia da Unicamp: integracao ensino, pesquisa e extensao na construcao participativa de saberes agroecologicos”, durante o seu processo de consolidacao como um nucleo de Agroecologia, no periodo de dezembro de 2010 a agosto de 2013. O principal objetivo do projeto foi promover a consolidacao e a institucionalizacao da RAU e assim fomentar o ensino, pesquisa e extensao em Agroecologia, de forma a ampliar o apoio cientifico e tecnologico a agricultura familiar e de base ecologica. A Rede buscou atuar na construcao e aplicacao de saberes agroecologicos, no intuito de contribuir para o empoderamento dos agricultores familiares e de suas comunidades, de acordo com as diretrizes da Politica Nacional de Assistencia Tecnica e Extensao Rural e do Plano Nacional de Extensao Universitaria.
Baseado em pesquisas acadêmicas o livro apresenta as múltiplas facetas do trabalho na produção de... more Baseado em pesquisas acadêmicas o livro apresenta as múltiplas facetas do trabalho na produção de semijoias de Limeira-SP. No contexto da modernidade, das mudanças tecnológicas o mundo do trabalho é apresentado, revelando as cadeias produtivas de semijoias e seus arranjos, com a existência de trabalho formal que geralmente se interconecta ao trabalho informal, doméstico e precarizado. O “trabalho de rua” desvela “as diferentes camadas das semijoias”. No entanto, não é menos importante a constituição dos saberes de ofício, da experiência e da criatividade das mulheres, majoritárias neste contexto, apesar do cenário de dificuldades e pressões internas e externas, mostrando facetas de beleza, delicadeza e criação. A mobilização da inteligência e a iniciativa permitem suplantar o que não está previsto, as insuficiências e contradições dos sistemas técnicos.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2018
The city of Limeira is officially designated as the jewel and semi-jewel capital of Brazil, besid... more The city of Limeira is officially designated as the jewel and semi-jewel capital of Brazil, besides being recognized in the world scenery in this productive sector. However, these successful financial data contrast with the socio-environmental externalities caused by this type of production.

Collaborative Development for the Prevention of Occupational Accidents and Diseases, 2019
Technological changes and increasing international competition in jewelry and semiprecious jewelr... more Technological changes and increasing international competition in jewelry and semiprecious jewelry manufacturing, which took place in recent decades, led manufacturers in Limeira, Sao Paulo, Brazil, to implement outsourcing strategies which promote child exploitation. Despite the efforts of regulatory agencies, child labor could not be eradicated to this day. As a fact, the pattern of spread of child labor makes it uncontrollable and thus what Engestrom calls a runaway object. Such objects pose a considerable challenge, because they lack a center for control, but combat depends on the cooperation of various interdependent activities. The aim of the present chapter is to analyze Change Laboratory (CL) sessions to describe the learning trajectory of Limeira Municipal Committee for Eradication of Child Labor and Adolescent Work Protection (COMETIL). Ever since its creation, COMETIL met difficulties to develop an interinstitutional network of public services targeting child and adolesce...
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2021
• Diese Seite hat die DAAO für seine Mitglieder abonniert. Sie steht der DAAO für I... more • Diese Seite hat die DAAO für seine Mitglieder abonniert. Sie steht der DAAO für Informationen seitens des Verbandes zur freien Verfügung. Form und Inhalt spiegeln nicht die Meinung der Redaktion wider. Die Zeitschrift Osteopathische Medizin ist verbandsunabhängig.

Work, 2012
This study discusses issues related to work in the certification process of Organic Production Un... more This study discusses issues related to work in the certification process of Organic Production Units (OPU). Data was collected from ten producers in the region of Campinas, Sao Paulo Brazil, which represent the majority of producers of certified organic vegetables and fruits. The methodology used was an adaptation of Ergonomic Work Analysis method, and structured interviews. As OPU are small and most people perform many tasks related to the various work systems, there is little specialization. Their activities are uncomfortable, awkward physical postures and significant efforts are necessary to perform the work in horticulture. Tasks are predominantly manual and just a few of them can count on the help of mechanization. The certification process and it's maintenance have several implications for farmers, on top of the paperwork, there is an universe of work already so full of activities demanded by the production and marketing systems. The complex context of production, mainly because of its diversity, associated with lack of financial resources and technology, demands from organic farmers to build multiple strategies for business survival. Certification can, contrary to what is expected represent another barrier to the expansion of organic production.

Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2016
Introduction Work injuries are a serious public health problem since work is a significant role i... more Introduction Work injuries are a serious public health problem since work is a significant role in living conditions and health. We aimed to evaluate work injuries in Piracicaba between 2004 and 2013. Methods This is a cross-sectional study and is part of the thematic project “Work Accident: from socio-technical analysis towards the social construction of changes” supported by FAPESP. Work injuries data were retrieved from Work Accident Surveillance System (SIVAT) for formal workers with at least 14 years old for the period 2004 to 2013. Data among worker population were retrieved from the Piracicaba´s Research and Planning Institute (IPPLAP). Incidence of work injuries per year and economic activity group were calculated. Pearson’s chi-square test was used to statistical analysis between the type of injury and selected variables. All analyses were done on STATA 13.1. Results Between 2004 and 2013, 79,000 work injuries occurred with formal workers in Piracicaba, 84.5% (66,758) by typical accident and 15.5% (12,242) by route accident. Among typical accident, the incidences vary between 48.14 (in 2005) and 78.86 (in 2008), per 1,000 formal workers. In relation to the economic activity group, the incidences had a huge variation range, between 4.8 (2004) in the industrial service of public utility, and 301.58 (2005) in the extractive industry, per 1,000 formal workers. The typical accident was significantly associated (p < 0.05) with men (83.29%), 18 to 29 years old (49.16%), light injury severity (80.4%) and absence of work between 1 and 15 days. Conclusion SIVAT data are adequate to assess workers health in Piracicaba region and to guide the Reference Centre on Worker Health (CEREST) actions. A more sensitive indicator of severity should be built to assist CEREST intervention actions in the work environment and processes to prevent injuries occurrence.
A poda de vegetação no trabalho do eletricista de linha viva sob a ótica da e...

Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional
Resumo Introdução: o Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) do Brasil é um dos maiores d... more Resumo Introdução: o Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) do Brasil é um dos maiores do mundo, porém há poucos estudos que tenham por objeto os responsáveis por sua execução, em especial, as merendeiras. Objetivo: compreender a organização e as características do trabalho das merendeiras, assim como suas consequências, tanto para a implementação do programa de alimentação escolar quanto para as próprias trabalhadoras. Métodos: estudo qualitativo fundamentado na análise ergonômica do trabalho (AET). Os resultados foram discutidos à luz da ergonomia da atividade e da ciência política. Pesquisa realizada em 2017 com oito merendeiras terceirizadas alocadas em três escolas da rede pública estadual em Campinas (SP). Resultados: caracterizou-se o trabalho das merendeiras, seus desafios e desdobramentos. Desvelaram-se as dificuldades da realidade enfrentada nas cozinhas escolares, os principais mecanismos de enfrentamento desenvolvidos por elas para lidar com as demandas do traba...
Papers by Sandra Francisca Bezerra Gemma