Papers by Sandra Aurenhammer
Adria-Raumes im Naturpark Dobratsch (27. bis 29. Juni 2014 in Arnoldstein) Carinthia II n 205./12... more Adria-Raumes im Naturpark Dobratsch (27. bis 29. Juni 2014 in Arnoldstein) Carinthia II n 205./125. Jahrgang n Seiten 117-134 n Klagenfurt 2015 117 Z u s a m m e n f a s s u n g In der Zeit vom 27. bis 29. Juni 2014 wurde das 34. Treffen der Entomologen des Alpen-Adria-Raumes im Naturpark Dobratsch-Schütt veranstaltet. Unter den mehr als 100 Teilnehmern befanden sich neben naturinteressierten Laien viele Spezialisten und Bearbeiter unterschiedlichster Tierordnungen, die das Gebiet mit diversen Methoden unter die Lupe nahmen. Landeserstnachweise und eine Anzahl von Gebietsneufunden unterstreichen die Wertigkeit des Gebietes und des Treffens.

The calcareous, protected rockslip area “Schütt” at the Dobratsch mountain impresses with its rem... more The calcareous, protected rockslip area “Schütt” at the Dobratsch mountain impresses with its remarkable landscape, marks a striking zoogeographical borderline and is one of the most important biodiversity hot-spots in Austria. Beside its geographical position inside the endemic-rich Southern Alps it is the dynamic processes which provide this long-term-habitat to enhance the richness of invertebrate fauna in this area. Taking the long view, the southern part of the Dobratsch mountain in the Eastern Gailtal Alps in Carinthia, Austria was formed by two great rockslip events: a prehistoric one at the end of the last glaciation period and later by the greatest historical landslip of the Eastern Alps in January 1348. The Schütt-area features the only Austrian locality with two scorpion species occurring sympatrically, Euscorpius germanus and E. tergestinus. The rare harvestmen species Carinostoma carinatum and Leiobunum roseum can there be found in what are probably the biggest national...

The hermit beetle or Russian leather beetle (Osmoderma eremita), a relic species of primeval fore... more The hermit beetle or Russian leather beetle (Osmoderma eremita), a relic species of primeval forest, lives in deciduous woods with a considerable quantity of dead wood. Within the man-made environment of Central Europa, the beetle preferably inhabits meadows with scattered old fruit trees or park alleys. Osmoderma eremita is strictly protected under annexes II an IV of the European Union’s Habitats Directive and is defined as priority species. As for Carin-thia, historical findings provide extensive knowledge of the beetle’s distribution. Due to con-tinuous loss of biotopes and limited dispersal capabilities, Osmoderma eremita is considered to be threatened with extinction in Carinthia. The study’s goal was representative registration of Osmoderma eremita in Carinthia and the development of recommended protective measures. The analysis of 438 sample sites poten-tially suitable as biotope for the hermit beetle (mainly meadows with scattered fruit trees) reveals low potential of occur...
Papers by Sandra Aurenhammer