Books & edited books by Sandor Vajna
Papers by Sandor Vajna
Vieweg+Teubner eBooks, 2010
Vieweg+Teubner eBooks, 2011
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>INTERPRET is an intelligent product c... more <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>INTERPRET is an intelligent product catalogue which allows a customer to select online exactly his component being supported by the knowledge provided by the supplier. Additionally, the customer can insert both the actual geometry into his own design as well as dispositive data file into his administrative data processing system.</jats:p> <jats:p>Main focus of INTERPRET is the electronic handling of different business processes on heterogeneous computer systems (the so-called telecommerce). The Internet serves here as a communication platform to the design of the desired worldwide virtual production system (Kroll, 1994). The availability of this low-priced solution for each enterprise facilitates the fast and flexible design of virtual production communities (Davodow, Malone, 1993).</jats:p>

Volume 2: 23rd Design Automation Conference, 1997
Computer-internal product description is limited to models consisting only of the geometry of a t... more Computer-internal product description is limited to models consisting only of the geometry of a technical product and its components. The CAD modellers set up the geometry from elementary elements, which have no direct relation to their meaning for the real product and its production. Logical connections between geometry and important non-geometrical informations are missing. Many informations about the product are not stored and get lost when being modeled with present systems. Therefore CAD systems must provide more comprehensive functionalities than only possibility to describe the geometry of component parts and structural components. One approach of a uniform representation of different product information is the introduction of features as information carriers, which allow a grouping of data belonging together not only by geometric relation. Features must be implemented in CAx systems for a most complete possible support of the design activities. Feature modelling does not rep...
Volume 1: 25th Design Automation Conference, 1999
Modern 3D CAD systems offer a series. of new possibilities in product development [Babel, 1997]. ... more Modern 3D CAD systems offer a series. of new possibilities in product development [Babel, 1997]. However, these technologies are not always utilised in their whole range like, for example, parametric modelling. The functionalities for the parametrisation of geometries are particularly profitable for the establishing of families-of-parts. They enable the development of design variations with low expense. In this paper, procedures for a methodical and systematic parametrisation are presented which were successfully applied in industrial projects using various CAD systems. Conclusions for requirements on parametric CAD systems were drawn from experiences gained during these projects.
In the original version of the book, the following belated correction has been incorporated: In C... more In the original version of the book, the following belated correction has been incorporated: In Chapter 15, the affiliation of author S. Ottosson has been changed

The current situation in product development is characterized by increasingly dynamic and complex... more The current situation in product development is characterized by increasingly dynamic and complex tasks. The development of a product is not a linear process, continuously guided by well-defined steps to the target. Few products are newly designed; most are adaptations, modifications, or variant designs. However, there is a common requirement for each case when the processes have to be deposited for the first time in a process management tool: that it must be done quickly and relatively easily. Various modeling techniques and languages exist: among them network diagrams (e.g. flowchart representation as Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)), container modeling and Design Structure Matrix (DSM). These process modeling methods are brought together into the Tri-Process-Modeling-Tool described in this paper. The benefit of each process modeling method is shown, together with the main tasks associated with it. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the application of those different ...

Der demografische Wandel in Deutschland geht mit einer Vielzahl von Herausforderung in Wirtschaft... more Der demografische Wandel in Deutschland geht mit einer Vielzahl von Herausforderung in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft einher. In einer besonders starken Ausprägung ist Sachsen-Anhalt von diesen Entwicklungen betroffen. Damit bildet dieses Bundesland bei der Betrachtung demografischer Daten das Schlusslicht in Deutschland und gehört zudem im europäischen Vergleich zu den Regionen mit der schlechtesten Bevölkerungsentwicklung (MLV 2013). Die entscheidende Ursache für diesen negativen Trend liegt in der Wirtschaftssubstanz der Region. Sachsen-Anhalts ökonomische Struktur ist von Klein- und Mikrounternehmen mit lokalen und regionalen Aktionsradien geprägt. In der Folge finden nur unzureichende F&E-Aktivitäten in den Unternehmen statt, da die notwendigen Ressourcen nicht vorhanden sind. So stagnieren die F&E-Investitionen des Landes seit 2003 1-1,5 % des BIP (BMBF 2012). Der überwiegende Anteil dieser Mittel stammt aus öffentlichen Finanzierungsquellen. Weiterhin deutet die geringste Exportquote aller Bundesländer (26,6 %) auf eine unzureichende Internationalisierung hin. Ähnliche Sachverhalte zeigen sich bei Ländervergleichen mit Bezug auf die Erfindungstätigkeit und bei den internen F&E-Aufwendungen. Folglich ist das Innovationspotenzial der regionalen Wirtschaft sehr begrenzt und dies geht einher mit dem mangelhaften Entstehen von lukrativen Arbeitsplätzen. Deshalb verlassen derzeit etwa 65 % der Hochschulabsolventen Sachsen-Anhalt (Hartmann et al. 2013), wodurch der demografische Wandel beschleunigt wird. Dieser Beitrag soll aufzeigen, in welcher Weise Universitäten als Partner für Innovationen der regionalen mittelständischen Wirtschaft agieren können. Hierzu soll mit der interdisziplinären Projektarbeit mit Unternehmen im Rahmen des Integrated Design Engineering (IDE) an der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg ein vielfach sehr erfolgreich verwendeter Unterstützungsansatz für die Produktentwicklung vorgestellt werden, der durch eine synergetische Verbindung aus technisch, betriebswirtschaftlich und gestalterisch getriebener Produktentwicklung eine F&E-Kompetenz für Unternehmen ermöglicht, welche durch die Nutzung universitärer und studentischer Ressourcen Mehrfachnutzen für Unternehmen generieren kann
Produkte entwickeln mit IDE, 2020
Po ten zi ale hoch fes ter Stähle im Fahr zeug ge triebe bau Im Rah men diverser Un ter suchun ge... more Po ten zi ale hoch fes ter Stähle im Fahr zeug ge triebe bau Im Rah men diverser Un ter suchun gen der Ini tia tive Mas siver Leicht bau zei gen Wissen schaft ler des IPEK – Ins ti tut für Produkt ent wick lung am Karls ruher Ins ti tut für Tech no logie (KIT) an un ter schied lichen Fahrzeug ge trie ben so wohl im Pkwals auch im Schwer last be reich durch den Ein satz von leis tungs fähi ge ren Stäh len Opti mie rungspo ten ziale be züg lich Masse, Träg heit und Bau raum auf und stel len die Hür den bei der Markt ein füh rung dieser Stähle dar. Die Op timie rung der Fahr zeug ge triebe er folgt dabei mit einem Soft ware tool zur ana ly tischen Ge trie be aus le gung.
A method describes a procedure, process or action (prescriptive part) structured with rules, acco... more A method describes a procedure, process or action (prescriptive part) structured with rules, according to a plan and consequent in order to achieve one or more goals (intentional part, following [Frei-2001, Wahr-1978]).
IDE covers product planning, marketing, industrial design, development and engineering design, pr... more IDE covers product planning, marketing, industrial design, development and engineering design, process planning, prototype and sample manufacturing as well as testing up to production release (Fig. 2.10). Process integration and organization integration include all measures necessary to describe, consolidate and improve business and development processes and organization forms.
As practical experience with comparable approaches has shown (an extensive collection of such exp... more As practical experience with comparable approaches has shown (an extensive collection of such experiences can, e.g., be found in [EhMe-2017]), the economic efficiency of IDE itself is given from the outset and therefore does not need to be considered further here. The contents of this chapter are therefore the description of the different approaches and procedures for determining the economic efficiency of any product that is created with IDE and used by the customer.
Volume 7: 30th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology, 2018
Increasing requirements on today’s products, as well as possibilities resulting from globalizatio... more Increasing requirements on today’s products, as well as possibilities resulting from globalization and digitization, lead to a growth of increasingly complex products. However, design principles from the field of design engineering call for a product to be designed as simple as possible. It is not yet clear what characteristics and properties a simple product has. The aim of this paper is to clarify the different definitions of simplicity in different disciplines within the product lifecycle and to provide a general description of a simple product from the viewpoint of the different groups.
NX 12 für Fortgeschrittene ‒ kurz und bündig, 2019
Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference, 2020
Hip joint arthroplasty is considered to be a safe, successful and cost-effective procedure to res... more Hip joint arthroplasty is considered to be a safe, successful and cost-effective procedure to restore hip joint functionality. However, a successful hip joint arthroplasty affects different stakeholders e.g. patient and surgeon and depends on various influencing factors within the product life cycle as well as the applied technological opportunities. Due to the complex dependencies between influencing factors, technological opportunities and stakeholders, this contribution introduces an IPD-based approach to improve the quality of total hip arthroplasties.
Books & edited books by Sandor Vajna
Papers by Sandor Vajna