Background Plastic's remarkable durability presents a significant challenge for our planet, l... more Background Plastic's remarkable durability presents a significant challenge for our planet, leading to widespread environmental damage. However, some organisms, such as Galleria mellonella larvae, have shown a unique capability to consume and degrade plastic, offering potential solutions to plastic pollution. In this study, we investigated the response of G. mellonella larvae to different diets, including artificial diet (AD), polyethylene low density mixed with AD (PELD + AD), and PELD alone. Using various microscopy techniques, we examined the larvae's hemocyte hemogram and mid-gut characteristics to understand their immune response and digestive system when exposed to plastic. Results The results revealed that PELD-only feeding negatively impacted hemocyte immunity, resulting in a significant decrease in total hemocyte counts compared to AD and AD + PELD feeding. Moreover, plastic consumption induced differential hemocyte alterations, affecting specific cell types. The pr...
The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine, Jul 1, 2019
Background: cancer is basically a disease of uncontrolled cell division. Its development and prog... more Background: cancer is basically a disease of uncontrolled cell division. Its development and progression are usually linked to a series of changes in the activity of cell cycle regulators. Objective: the present study aimed to investigate the anticancer potential of Echispyramidum venom against HepG2 and HCT 116 cancer cell lines in comparison with the Cisplatin as positive control. Patients and Methods: cell viability performed using MTT assay was cell type and concentration dependent was inversely proportional with the tow substances (Echispyramidum) venom as well as Cisplatin had IC50 of 11.8 and 112.7 µg/mL and 13.4 and 71.2 µg/mL developed in HCT116 and HepG2 cell lines respectively. Results: both of Echispyramidum venom and Cisplatin showed DNA accumulation at the Pre-G1 and G2/ M Phases of cell cycle. Apoptotic profile of treated cells showed up regulation of apoptotic genes (P53, Bax and Casp-3) and down regulation of anti-apoptotic gene (Bcl-2) in a significant way compared with untreated cell control. Also, apoptotic profile was assured via cellular changes detected microscopically in H&E stained cells. Microscopic examination showed apoptotic and slightly necrotic features in case of venoms while Cisplatin induced a number of apoptotic bodies and necrotic cell colonies. Conclusion: it can be concluded that Echispyramidum venom has a clear anticancer potential to human liver and colorectal cancer cells that was proven through the cell cycle arrest profile, induced apoptosis detected via detection of the levels of expression of pro and anti-apoptotic genes, as well as histological alteration detected.
Populations of many frogs have declined alarmingly in recent years, placing nearly one third of t... more Populations of many frogs have declined alarmingly in recent years, placing nearly one third of the. 6,000 species under threat of extinction. Declines have been attributed largely to habitat loss, environmental degradation and/or infectious diseases such as chytridiomycosis. Many frogs undergo dramatic natural population fluctuations such that long-term data are required to determine population trends without undue influence of stochastic factors. We present long-term quantitative data (individuals encountered per person hour of searching) for four monotypic frog genera endemic to an Afromontane region of exceptional importance but growing conservation concern: one endemic to the Ethiopian highlands (Spinophrynoides osgoodi) and three endemic to the Bale Mountains (Altiphrynoides malcolmi, Balebreviceps hillmani, Ericabatrachus baleensis), collected during 15 field trips to the Bale Mountains between 1971 and 2009. Only a single confirmed sighting of S. osgoodi has been made since 1995. The other three species have also declined, at least locally. E. baleensis appears to have been extirpated at its type locality and at the same site B. hillmani has declined. These declines are in association with substantial habitat degradation caused by a growing human population. Chytrid fungus has been found on several frog species in Bale, although no dead or moribund frogs have been encountered. These results expose an urgent need for more amphibian surveys in the Bale Mountains. Additionally, we argue that detrimental human exploitation must be halted immediately in at least some parts of the Harenna Forest if a conservation crisis is to be averted.
Ethiopian Journal of Biological Sciences, Sep 23, 2013
Ethiopia has a diverse amphibian fauna occurring in various ecosystems, from savanna to alpine hi... more Ethiopia has a diverse amphibian fauna occurring in various ecosystems, from savanna to alpine highlands. Except for a taxonomic study on amphibians by Largen in 2001, little is known about the molecular systematics, evolution, population biology and conservation status of the different species. The Ethiopian Highlands are particularly important habitats as several endemic amphibian genera and species are restricted to these highly fragmented areas. For Ethiopia, five of the 24 genera, and 26 of the 64 known species are endemic. As is the case for amphibians worldwide, the survival of these species faces threats from habitat degradation, climate change, and a pathogenic fungal disease. Several factors might explain our low level of knowledge on Ethiopian amphibians; these are associated to culture and belief, education and training, and economic value. Taxonomic and biogeographic re-assessment and field surveys in unexplored areas is needed to understand the natural history and population status of Ethiopian amphibians. This paper tries to summarize existing knowledge on the amphibians of Ethiopia pertaining mainly to their taxonomy and systematics, a brief outline of the amphibian families of Ethiopia, geographic distribution and conservation. It discusses past and ongoing studies, existing gaps of knowledge, future needs in the area, and the application of phylogeography to resolve taxonomic complexities and outline the distribution patterns of some problematic groups.
The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology, Jun 26, 2019
Background: The present study aimed to illustrate comparative morphological, histological, and fu... more Background: The present study aimed to illustrate comparative morphological, histological, and functional variations of the hyoid apparatus of Acanthodactylus boskianus and Ptyodactylus guttatus. Result: The hyoid apparatuses and musculature of the two investigated species are well-developed. The hyoid apparatuses exhibit high mobility with different articulation sites between their skeletal elements. The degree of ossification of the hyoid apparatus of gecko is more developed than that of the lacertid lizard. In P. guttatus, a well-developed synchondrosis articulation appears between the basihyoid and ceratobranchialis of the hyoid apparatus. Meanwhile, in A. boskianus, the articular ligament which appears between basihyoid and ceratobranchialis is less developed and also appears as a ligament connection between the two parts of hyoid cornua in which ligaments provide more mobility to the hyoid of lacertid lizard. Conclusion: The results reflect a phylogenetically informative character about these clad and explain the different functional demands imposed on the hyoid apparatus as well as confirm the important role of hyoid apparatus in the movement of the tongue during the prey transport.
The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine, Oct 1, 2018
Aim of the work: the present study aimed to illustrate the structure and function of the integume... more Aim of the work: the present study aimed to illustrate the structure and function of the integumentary system of two reptile's species (Bosc's fringe toed-lizard (Acanthodactylus boskianus, A. boskianus) and spotted fan-fingered gecko (Ptyodactylus guttatus , P. guttatus) and discussed the influence of different behaviors on their structure (keratinzation and pigmentation, claws, adhesion pads and sensory hairlets). Material and methods: the present study used light and scanning electron microscopy to investigate the structure of skin layers of A. boskianus and P. guttatus. Results: the thin epidermal layer of Acanthodactylus boskianus was covered by hard keratinized horny epidermal scales, while the epidermal layer of Ptyodactylus guttatus was well distinguished and covered by soft keratinized layer. Moreover, in P. guttatus the scales were non-overlapping along the whole length of the body with dome-like shaped on head region, while in A. boskianus the scales were overlapping and articulating with each other by thin hinge. In the present study the dermis of A. boskianus, was the deeper layer of collagenous connective tissue with a rich supply of blood vessels and nerves, while, the dermis of P. guttatus was formed of both collagenous and adipose tissues. Three types of chromatophores (melanophores, iridophores and xanthophores) were distinguished in the skin of both studied species. In A. boskianus, the melanophores were black, large and have dendrites invaginates in the stratum basale of epidermis. The iridophores (reflecting pigments) were scattered in the dermis with large number in the ventral skin than the dorsal one. In P. guttatus, melanphores they were larger, blackish brown and scattered within dermis beneath the iridophores with less number in P. guttatus than that of A. boskianus. Xanthophores (absorbing pigment) were more prominent in P. guttatus than that of A. boskianus. Conclusion: examination of the skin of the two studied reptile species revealed great variations in distribution of chromatophores through the whole body reflecting the adaptation of each animal to different modes of life.
The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine, Oct 1, 2019
Background: Venoms are pretentious products secreted by snake, invertebrates and scorpions. Venom... more Background: Venoms are pretentious products secreted by snake, invertebrates and scorpions. Venoms composed of different proteins, toxic fractions, enzymes and hormones. Some fractions proved bioactivity including anticoagulation. antimicrobial and anticancer activity. Objective: The aim of the current study was to in vitro evaluate the Antiviral / virucidal activity of Naja nubia (Elapidae) venom against Rift Valley Fever (RVFv) and Herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1) using cell culture. Materials and methods: Toxicity of tested venom was performed using cell culture to determine the safe concentration using MTT assay. Antiviral activity was conducted by precultured cell treatment with safe concentration of snake venom for 24 hr. then virus was dispensed as 0.1 ml / well in quadrate for each dilution. TCID50s of snake venom safe concentration treated and untreated cells were determined. The difference is the antiviral activity. Virucidal was conducted by mixing one part of virus models with nine parts of the safe concentration of snake venom at 37 o C. The infectivity titer / time interval was determined according to Reed and Menuch equation. Result: Data record revealed that the cell viability was concentration dependent recording an IC50 of 9.3 µg/ ml. Also, venom showed a very limited antiviral activity but the virucidal activity was time dependent and showed a depletion rate in the order of 0.72 log (10) and 0.94 log (10) /hr. for RVFV and HSV-1 respectively indicating that RVFv was moderately sensitive than HSV-1. Conclusion: It could be concluded that Naja Nubiae venom is a potentially virucidal agent than antiviral one with persistent inactivation potential.
International journal of ecotoxicology and ecobiology, Dec 16, 2016
Many populations of amphibians are declining on all six continents on which they occur. The reaso... more Many populations of amphibians are declining on all six continents on which they occur. The reason for the declines is a direct response to the habitat destruction and pollution including heavy metals. Heavy metals represent a major environmental problem of increasing concern. They are generally found at very low concentrations. They are difficult to remove from the environment and cannot be chemically or biologically degraded. Some heavy metals like lead seem to lack biological functions and extremely toxic even at low concentrations. This study was aimed to investigate the haemotoxic and genotoxic potential of lead using blood parameters, the frequencies of micronuclei, and nuclear lesions in erythrocytes of Egyptian Toad Amietophrynus regularis as biomarkers. The results of this work revealed that Pb was potentially accumulated in liver and muscles based on dose received. Toad exposed to the selected doses of lead produced dose-dependent significant increases in the concentration of lead in the liver and muscle, confirming the ability of Amietophrynus regularis to take up and accumulate heavy metals from their ambient habitat. The results of the present investigation showed that the lead treatment inflicted a drastic reduction in the means of RBCs, haemoglobin, and haematocrit values in addition to remarkable increase in WBCs, impairing the major blood parameters in this investigation. Correlation analysis has demonstrated a negative effect of Pb accumulation on RBCs count, haemoglobin, and haematocrit. Oppositely, Pb in muscles and liver exhibited a positive effect in WBCs count. In this study, higher incidences of micronuclei (MN) and nuclear lesions (NL) were found in the blood of toad exposed to lead doses. Such frequencies were significantly elevated with the increasing lead doses. A positive correlation was demonstrated between the investigated heavy metals in tissues and the induction of micronucleated RBCs and nuclear abnormalities in Amietophrynus regularis. The results of this study confirm the usefulness of the erythrocyte MN and NL as powerful monitoring tools for detecting genotoxic agents in aquatic and terrestrial environment.
International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis, Nov 30, 2015
Based on available toxicological studies dealt with aquatic fauna in Egypt, none of these studies... more Based on available toxicological studies dealt with aquatic fauna in Egypt, none of these studies considered terrestrial stage of amphibian exposure and uptake of metal from surroundings habitat. Little is known about how contaminants affect amphibians at the population level. Three sites were selected scarily in order to comprise different types and sources of pollutants from one hand, and to prove the potential of selected animals to accumulate pollutants. The common Egyptian toad Amietophrynus Regularis was collected from different localities along the river Nile. The aim of our study was to evaluate the biochemical and histopathological biomarkers in this specie to a pollution gradient caused by domestic discharges and heavy metals and to verify the adequacy of the studied animals as appropriate bioindicator in their habitat. The results of this study revealed that deterioration of natural habitat of the selected amphibian produced manifested biochemical and histopathological changes in the liver.
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, Dec 1, 2021
Abstract Long-term wave action, sea level rise, climate change, human activities, pollutants, sea... more Abstract Long-term wave action, sea level rise, climate change, human activities, pollutants, sea surface temperature SST, are causative factors for deterioration and changes in natural ecosystems. The current study aims to assess environmental deterioration that disturbs turtles and their nesting grounds at Wadi El Gemal National Park (WGNP), using modern remote sensing techniques and ecological investigations. Nesting area mapping and change detection were found to be precise and clear in the current investigation. The true nests recorded from WGNP during the current survey were Wadi El Gemal Delta (3), Torfa (10), Elshiekha Sabieha (2), Hankorab (14), Umm Alabas, Wadi El Gemal Island (1) and Syial Island (1). The concentration of some heavy metals in eggshells were positively correlated with their concentrations in sand (p ≤ 0.01), while heavy metals in nesting sands were negatively correlated with grain size (p
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences. C, Physiology and Molecular Biology
Background: One of the most prevalent cancers globally is hepatocellular carcinoma, which is also... more Background: One of the most prevalent cancers globally is hepatocellular carcinoma, which is also the most prevalent kind of primary liver cancer in Egypt. Diethyl nitrosamine (DEN) is a well-known, highly carcinogenic substance for the liver. It is well known that DENA damages DNA repair enzymes and is typically utilized to cause liver cancer in rats used as experimental animals.Objective: To assess the hematological parameters in hepatocellular carcinoma induced in rats treated with paclitaxel and l-amino acid oxidase (LAAO) (PAC).Materials and methods: 25 adult, mature, healthy male albino rats (Rattus rattus) with an average weight of (100 ± 10 g) were used in this investigation. The rats were divided into 5 groups, each with 5 rats. At the conclusion of the experiment, hematological parameters were examined for all groups.Results: When treated with LAAO and PAC, the results demonstrated that all hematological parameters significantly changed from their respective levels in the control group. As compared to the DENA(HCC) group, the results revealed improvements for several criteria. Conclusion: WBCs, RBCs, Hb, and PLTs were all enhanced by the administration of LAAO and PAC. etc.
This study was carried out in El Omayed Protected Area at the Western Coastal Desert of Egypt. Th... more This study was carried out in El Omayed Protected Area at the Western Coastal Desert of Egypt. The present survey of the herpetofauna comprise 30 species (one amphibian species and 29 reptilian species) belonging to 25 genera and 11 families. Bufo viridis viridis was the only recorded amphibian species. From reptiles, 18 species of lizards, 9 species of snakes, and 2 species of Testudines were recorded. No endemic species were found in the study area. About half of the recorded species (43%) are threatened by different degrees and in argent need of special management; Threats to the populations of herpetofauna of the study area and conservatory recommendations were listed.
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences, B. Zoology
Many populations of amphibians are facing remarkable decline throughout the world. The reason for... more Many populations of amphibians are facing remarkable decline throughout the world. The reason for the decline is a direct response to habitat destruction and pollution including heavy metals. The blood of the toad is vascular and very plastic tissue. In fact, a variation of several hematological parameters in response to natural changes in the environment has been widely described previously. Since hematological parameters are influenced by a variety of environmental stressors, they have the potential to be used as biomarkers of aquatic pollution. Heavy metals are difficult to remove from the environment and cannot be degraded biologically. The current study assessed the impact of some heavy metals on hematological and serological parameters in the Egyptian toad (Sclerophrys regularis) from two different localities (North Giza and El Wahat regions). The current results have revealed a reduction in the means of RBCs, hemoglobin, and hematocrit values in addition to a remarkable increase in WBCs. In addition, the major serological parameters including protein, albumin, AST, and ALT were also altered in parallel with the deterioration that occurred between the two investigated regions. The present findings have revealed and confirmed that the Abu Rawash area is more impacted compared to El Bawiti.
Atrazine and nitrate have been shown to act as potent oxidative stressors in amphibians either al... more Atrazine and nitrate have been shown to act as potent oxidative stressors in amphibians either alone or in combination under stable laboratory conditions, causing histopathological alternations in liver and kidney structures at the sub-lethal concentrations. A control group and three treatments groups were tested; atrazine, nitrate, atrazine-nitrate treatments with doses of 300 μg L-1, 200 mg L-1 and their combination respectively. Sever distortion in liver and kidney tissues were shown related to the different treatments. The most hepatic lesions were observed depletion in glycogen content, degeneration of hepatocytes, hemorrhage, necrosis, vasodilatation, congestion in blood vessels, cloudy swelling in the hepatocytes and aggregation of melanomacrophage cells in between the hepatocytes that increased in combination treatment group. In kidney, the most lesions were represented in degeneration of renal tubules, fibrosis, hemorrhage, leucocytes infiltration, thickness in the wall of ...
The Red Sea is one of the key areas of biodiversity in the world. It is a hotspot for speciation ... more The Red Sea is one of the key areas of biodiversity in the world. It is a hotspot for speciation and biological invasions. In the current work, a pilot, random sampling trial was carried out to characterize some species in the landings reaching the fish market in Suez city, which is one of the largest fish markets in the Northern Red Sea. Samples of different fish species were subjected to the standard procedures of DNA barcoding, applying the sequencing of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 mitochondrial gene (COI). DNA barcoding could successfully identify all the targeted fishes to the species-level (>98%). The results exhibited a taxonomically-versatile commercial trends in this market, being the collected species belonging to 7 different fish families and 3 orders. These species were Coris aygula, Papilloculiceps longiceps, Priacanthus sagittarious, Gerres longirostris, Alepes djedaba, Psettodes erumei Cheilinus trilobatus, Calotomus viridescens, and Pardachirus marmoratus. Ha...
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences, B. Zoology, 2021
The aim of this study was to examine the cytotoxicity of the herbicide atrazine on the reproducti... more The aim of this study was to examine the cytotoxicity of the herbicide atrazine on the reproductive system. 48 male and 48 female albino rats were treated with atrazine daily for two different durations (15 and 30 days). Reproductive system toxicity was monitored by quantitative analysis of the serum Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), Luteinizing hormone (LH), Prolactin (PRL), Estrogen (E2), Progesterone (Prog) and Testosterone (Testo). On the other hand, the reproductive organs were collected for histopathology study. The study showed a significant elevation of estrogen, progesterone hormones with a significant decrease in testosterone hormone in male groups while in female groups there was a significant decrease in estrogen, progesterone & hormones with a significant increase in testosterone hormone. But there was no effect on PRL and LH hormones in both male and female groups toxified by ATZ, in comparison to the control groups. In addition to that, the Light microscopic examination of the seminiferous tubule cells (st) showed vacuolations within seminiferous tubules (V), degeneration of spermatozoa formation and hemorrhage (hg) in the interstitial tissue. These effects were increased by increasing the dose or the time of exposure. By using ascorbic acid in the treatment of those effects, we find a significant improvement and detoxification of the atrazine effects on both hormonal tests and histological sections. From our study results, we concluded that there is a potential contribution of herbicide mixtures in the etiology of somebody's diseases, while ascorbic acid has beneficial effects as it tends to dampen atrazine toxicity, in albino rats.
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences, B. Zoology
The rapidity of the global biome changes caused by humans exceeds the slow resilience of ecosyste... more The rapidity of the global biome changes caused by humans exceeds the slow resilience of ecosystems, especially fragile biomes such as deserts. Habitat destruction is the main threat to biodiversity loss, it is seventy times more threatening than climate change. Quantifying and mapping habitat destruction is essential for biodiversity conservation plans, as it quantifies the remaining habitats and prioritizes the most important and threatened habitats. Using remote sensing and GIS, The Egyptian Dabb lizard Uromastyx aegyptia distribution in the eastern desert of Egypt was modeled and its destroyed suitable habitats were mapped and quantified. Precipitation seasonality was the most important variable contributing to the species' habitat suitability as well as NDVI. Two regions were identified as suitable, nearly half (44%) of the northern suitable region is destroyed, and the rest is low-quality habitat. In the southern region, there is an expansion in energy projects that lies in the most important areas for Dabb lizard conservation. A great conservation opportunity could be seized if energy projects considered activating and implementing their biodiversity conservation plans.
Background Plastic's remarkable durability presents a significant challenge for our planet, l... more Background Plastic's remarkable durability presents a significant challenge for our planet, leading to widespread environmental damage. However, some organisms, such as Galleria mellonella larvae, have shown a unique capability to consume and degrade plastic, offering potential solutions to plastic pollution. In this study, we investigated the response of G. mellonella larvae to different diets, including artificial diet (AD), polyethylene low density mixed with AD (PELD + AD), and PELD alone. Using various microscopy techniques, we examined the larvae's hemocyte hemogram and mid-gut characteristics to understand their immune response and digestive system when exposed to plastic. Results The results revealed that PELD-only feeding negatively impacted hemocyte immunity, resulting in a significant decrease in total hemocyte counts compared to AD and AD + PELD feeding. Moreover, plastic consumption induced differential hemocyte alterations, affecting specific cell types. The pr...
The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine, Jul 1, 2019
Background: cancer is basically a disease of uncontrolled cell division. Its development and prog... more Background: cancer is basically a disease of uncontrolled cell division. Its development and progression are usually linked to a series of changes in the activity of cell cycle regulators. Objective: the present study aimed to investigate the anticancer potential of Echispyramidum venom against HepG2 and HCT 116 cancer cell lines in comparison with the Cisplatin as positive control. Patients and Methods: cell viability performed using MTT assay was cell type and concentration dependent was inversely proportional with the tow substances (Echispyramidum) venom as well as Cisplatin had IC50 of 11.8 and 112.7 µg/mL and 13.4 and 71.2 µg/mL developed in HCT116 and HepG2 cell lines respectively. Results: both of Echispyramidum venom and Cisplatin showed DNA accumulation at the Pre-G1 and G2/ M Phases of cell cycle. Apoptotic profile of treated cells showed up regulation of apoptotic genes (P53, Bax and Casp-3) and down regulation of anti-apoptotic gene (Bcl-2) in a significant way compared with untreated cell control. Also, apoptotic profile was assured via cellular changes detected microscopically in H&E stained cells. Microscopic examination showed apoptotic and slightly necrotic features in case of venoms while Cisplatin induced a number of apoptotic bodies and necrotic cell colonies. Conclusion: it can be concluded that Echispyramidum venom has a clear anticancer potential to human liver and colorectal cancer cells that was proven through the cell cycle arrest profile, induced apoptosis detected via detection of the levels of expression of pro and anti-apoptotic genes, as well as histological alteration detected.
Populations of many frogs have declined alarmingly in recent years, placing nearly one third of t... more Populations of many frogs have declined alarmingly in recent years, placing nearly one third of the. 6,000 species under threat of extinction. Declines have been attributed largely to habitat loss, environmental degradation and/or infectious diseases such as chytridiomycosis. Many frogs undergo dramatic natural population fluctuations such that long-term data are required to determine population trends without undue influence of stochastic factors. We present long-term quantitative data (individuals encountered per person hour of searching) for four monotypic frog genera endemic to an Afromontane region of exceptional importance but growing conservation concern: one endemic to the Ethiopian highlands (Spinophrynoides osgoodi) and three endemic to the Bale Mountains (Altiphrynoides malcolmi, Balebreviceps hillmani, Ericabatrachus baleensis), collected during 15 field trips to the Bale Mountains between 1971 and 2009. Only a single confirmed sighting of S. osgoodi has been made since 1995. The other three species have also declined, at least locally. E. baleensis appears to have been extirpated at its type locality and at the same site B. hillmani has declined. These declines are in association with substantial habitat degradation caused by a growing human population. Chytrid fungus has been found on several frog species in Bale, although no dead or moribund frogs have been encountered. These results expose an urgent need for more amphibian surveys in the Bale Mountains. Additionally, we argue that detrimental human exploitation must be halted immediately in at least some parts of the Harenna Forest if a conservation crisis is to be averted.
Ethiopian Journal of Biological Sciences, Sep 23, 2013
Ethiopia has a diverse amphibian fauna occurring in various ecosystems, from savanna to alpine hi... more Ethiopia has a diverse amphibian fauna occurring in various ecosystems, from savanna to alpine highlands. Except for a taxonomic study on amphibians by Largen in 2001, little is known about the molecular systematics, evolution, population biology and conservation status of the different species. The Ethiopian Highlands are particularly important habitats as several endemic amphibian genera and species are restricted to these highly fragmented areas. For Ethiopia, five of the 24 genera, and 26 of the 64 known species are endemic. As is the case for amphibians worldwide, the survival of these species faces threats from habitat degradation, climate change, and a pathogenic fungal disease. Several factors might explain our low level of knowledge on Ethiopian amphibians; these are associated to culture and belief, education and training, and economic value. Taxonomic and biogeographic re-assessment and field surveys in unexplored areas is needed to understand the natural history and population status of Ethiopian amphibians. This paper tries to summarize existing knowledge on the amphibians of Ethiopia pertaining mainly to their taxonomy and systematics, a brief outline of the amphibian families of Ethiopia, geographic distribution and conservation. It discusses past and ongoing studies, existing gaps of knowledge, future needs in the area, and the application of phylogeography to resolve taxonomic complexities and outline the distribution patterns of some problematic groups.
The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology, Jun 26, 2019
Background: The present study aimed to illustrate comparative morphological, histological, and fu... more Background: The present study aimed to illustrate comparative morphological, histological, and functional variations of the hyoid apparatus of Acanthodactylus boskianus and Ptyodactylus guttatus. Result: The hyoid apparatuses and musculature of the two investigated species are well-developed. The hyoid apparatuses exhibit high mobility with different articulation sites between their skeletal elements. The degree of ossification of the hyoid apparatus of gecko is more developed than that of the lacertid lizard. In P. guttatus, a well-developed synchondrosis articulation appears between the basihyoid and ceratobranchialis of the hyoid apparatus. Meanwhile, in A. boskianus, the articular ligament which appears between basihyoid and ceratobranchialis is less developed and also appears as a ligament connection between the two parts of hyoid cornua in which ligaments provide more mobility to the hyoid of lacertid lizard. Conclusion: The results reflect a phylogenetically informative character about these clad and explain the different functional demands imposed on the hyoid apparatus as well as confirm the important role of hyoid apparatus in the movement of the tongue during the prey transport.
The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine, Oct 1, 2018
Aim of the work: the present study aimed to illustrate the structure and function of the integume... more Aim of the work: the present study aimed to illustrate the structure and function of the integumentary system of two reptile's species (Bosc's fringe toed-lizard (Acanthodactylus boskianus, A. boskianus) and spotted fan-fingered gecko (Ptyodactylus guttatus , P. guttatus) and discussed the influence of different behaviors on their structure (keratinzation and pigmentation, claws, adhesion pads and sensory hairlets). Material and methods: the present study used light and scanning electron microscopy to investigate the structure of skin layers of A. boskianus and P. guttatus. Results: the thin epidermal layer of Acanthodactylus boskianus was covered by hard keratinized horny epidermal scales, while the epidermal layer of Ptyodactylus guttatus was well distinguished and covered by soft keratinized layer. Moreover, in P. guttatus the scales were non-overlapping along the whole length of the body with dome-like shaped on head region, while in A. boskianus the scales were overlapping and articulating with each other by thin hinge. In the present study the dermis of A. boskianus, was the deeper layer of collagenous connective tissue with a rich supply of blood vessels and nerves, while, the dermis of P. guttatus was formed of both collagenous and adipose tissues. Three types of chromatophores (melanophores, iridophores and xanthophores) were distinguished in the skin of both studied species. In A. boskianus, the melanophores were black, large and have dendrites invaginates in the stratum basale of epidermis. The iridophores (reflecting pigments) were scattered in the dermis with large number in the ventral skin than the dorsal one. In P. guttatus, melanphores they were larger, blackish brown and scattered within dermis beneath the iridophores with less number in P. guttatus than that of A. boskianus. Xanthophores (absorbing pigment) were more prominent in P. guttatus than that of A. boskianus. Conclusion: examination of the skin of the two studied reptile species revealed great variations in distribution of chromatophores through the whole body reflecting the adaptation of each animal to different modes of life.
The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine, Oct 1, 2019
Background: Venoms are pretentious products secreted by snake, invertebrates and scorpions. Venom... more Background: Venoms are pretentious products secreted by snake, invertebrates and scorpions. Venoms composed of different proteins, toxic fractions, enzymes and hormones. Some fractions proved bioactivity including anticoagulation. antimicrobial and anticancer activity. Objective: The aim of the current study was to in vitro evaluate the Antiviral / virucidal activity of Naja nubia (Elapidae) venom against Rift Valley Fever (RVFv) and Herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1) using cell culture. Materials and methods: Toxicity of tested venom was performed using cell culture to determine the safe concentration using MTT assay. Antiviral activity was conducted by precultured cell treatment with safe concentration of snake venom for 24 hr. then virus was dispensed as 0.1 ml / well in quadrate for each dilution. TCID50s of snake venom safe concentration treated and untreated cells were determined. The difference is the antiviral activity. Virucidal was conducted by mixing one part of virus models with nine parts of the safe concentration of snake venom at 37 o C. The infectivity titer / time interval was determined according to Reed and Menuch equation. Result: Data record revealed that the cell viability was concentration dependent recording an IC50 of 9.3 µg/ ml. Also, venom showed a very limited antiviral activity but the virucidal activity was time dependent and showed a depletion rate in the order of 0.72 log (10) and 0.94 log (10) /hr. for RVFV and HSV-1 respectively indicating that RVFv was moderately sensitive than HSV-1. Conclusion: It could be concluded that Naja Nubiae venom is a potentially virucidal agent than antiviral one with persistent inactivation potential.
International journal of ecotoxicology and ecobiology, Dec 16, 2016
Many populations of amphibians are declining on all six continents on which they occur. The reaso... more Many populations of amphibians are declining on all six continents on which they occur. The reason for the declines is a direct response to the habitat destruction and pollution including heavy metals. Heavy metals represent a major environmental problem of increasing concern. They are generally found at very low concentrations. They are difficult to remove from the environment and cannot be chemically or biologically degraded. Some heavy metals like lead seem to lack biological functions and extremely toxic even at low concentrations. This study was aimed to investigate the haemotoxic and genotoxic potential of lead using blood parameters, the frequencies of micronuclei, and nuclear lesions in erythrocytes of Egyptian Toad Amietophrynus regularis as biomarkers. The results of this work revealed that Pb was potentially accumulated in liver and muscles based on dose received. Toad exposed to the selected doses of lead produced dose-dependent significant increases in the concentration of lead in the liver and muscle, confirming the ability of Amietophrynus regularis to take up and accumulate heavy metals from their ambient habitat. The results of the present investigation showed that the lead treatment inflicted a drastic reduction in the means of RBCs, haemoglobin, and haematocrit values in addition to remarkable increase in WBCs, impairing the major blood parameters in this investigation. Correlation analysis has demonstrated a negative effect of Pb accumulation on RBCs count, haemoglobin, and haematocrit. Oppositely, Pb in muscles and liver exhibited a positive effect in WBCs count. In this study, higher incidences of micronuclei (MN) and nuclear lesions (NL) were found in the blood of toad exposed to lead doses. Such frequencies were significantly elevated with the increasing lead doses. A positive correlation was demonstrated between the investigated heavy metals in tissues and the induction of micronucleated RBCs and nuclear abnormalities in Amietophrynus regularis. The results of this study confirm the usefulness of the erythrocyte MN and NL as powerful monitoring tools for detecting genotoxic agents in aquatic and terrestrial environment.
International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis, Nov 30, 2015
Based on available toxicological studies dealt with aquatic fauna in Egypt, none of these studies... more Based on available toxicological studies dealt with aquatic fauna in Egypt, none of these studies considered terrestrial stage of amphibian exposure and uptake of metal from surroundings habitat. Little is known about how contaminants affect amphibians at the population level. Three sites were selected scarily in order to comprise different types and sources of pollutants from one hand, and to prove the potential of selected animals to accumulate pollutants. The common Egyptian toad Amietophrynus Regularis was collected from different localities along the river Nile. The aim of our study was to evaluate the biochemical and histopathological biomarkers in this specie to a pollution gradient caused by domestic discharges and heavy metals and to verify the adequacy of the studied animals as appropriate bioindicator in their habitat. The results of this study revealed that deterioration of natural habitat of the selected amphibian produced manifested biochemical and histopathological changes in the liver.
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, Dec 1, 2021
Abstract Long-term wave action, sea level rise, climate change, human activities, pollutants, sea... more Abstract Long-term wave action, sea level rise, climate change, human activities, pollutants, sea surface temperature SST, are causative factors for deterioration and changes in natural ecosystems. The current study aims to assess environmental deterioration that disturbs turtles and their nesting grounds at Wadi El Gemal National Park (WGNP), using modern remote sensing techniques and ecological investigations. Nesting area mapping and change detection were found to be precise and clear in the current investigation. The true nests recorded from WGNP during the current survey were Wadi El Gemal Delta (3), Torfa (10), Elshiekha Sabieha (2), Hankorab (14), Umm Alabas, Wadi El Gemal Island (1) and Syial Island (1). The concentration of some heavy metals in eggshells were positively correlated with their concentrations in sand (p ≤ 0.01), while heavy metals in nesting sands were negatively correlated with grain size (p
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences. C, Physiology and Molecular Biology
Background: One of the most prevalent cancers globally is hepatocellular carcinoma, which is also... more Background: One of the most prevalent cancers globally is hepatocellular carcinoma, which is also the most prevalent kind of primary liver cancer in Egypt. Diethyl nitrosamine (DEN) is a well-known, highly carcinogenic substance for the liver. It is well known that DENA damages DNA repair enzymes and is typically utilized to cause liver cancer in rats used as experimental animals.Objective: To assess the hematological parameters in hepatocellular carcinoma induced in rats treated with paclitaxel and l-amino acid oxidase (LAAO) (PAC).Materials and methods: 25 adult, mature, healthy male albino rats (Rattus rattus) with an average weight of (100 ± 10 g) were used in this investigation. The rats were divided into 5 groups, each with 5 rats. At the conclusion of the experiment, hematological parameters were examined for all groups.Results: When treated with LAAO and PAC, the results demonstrated that all hematological parameters significantly changed from their respective levels in the control group. As compared to the DENA(HCC) group, the results revealed improvements for several criteria. Conclusion: WBCs, RBCs, Hb, and PLTs were all enhanced by the administration of LAAO and PAC. etc.
This study was carried out in El Omayed Protected Area at the Western Coastal Desert of Egypt. Th... more This study was carried out in El Omayed Protected Area at the Western Coastal Desert of Egypt. The present survey of the herpetofauna comprise 30 species (one amphibian species and 29 reptilian species) belonging to 25 genera and 11 families. Bufo viridis viridis was the only recorded amphibian species. From reptiles, 18 species of lizards, 9 species of snakes, and 2 species of Testudines were recorded. No endemic species were found in the study area. About half of the recorded species (43%) are threatened by different degrees and in argent need of special management; Threats to the populations of herpetofauna of the study area and conservatory recommendations were listed.
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences, B. Zoology
Many populations of amphibians are facing remarkable decline throughout the world. The reason for... more Many populations of amphibians are facing remarkable decline throughout the world. The reason for the decline is a direct response to habitat destruction and pollution including heavy metals. The blood of the toad is vascular and very plastic tissue. In fact, a variation of several hematological parameters in response to natural changes in the environment has been widely described previously. Since hematological parameters are influenced by a variety of environmental stressors, they have the potential to be used as biomarkers of aquatic pollution. Heavy metals are difficult to remove from the environment and cannot be degraded biologically. The current study assessed the impact of some heavy metals on hematological and serological parameters in the Egyptian toad (Sclerophrys regularis) from two different localities (North Giza and El Wahat regions). The current results have revealed a reduction in the means of RBCs, hemoglobin, and hematocrit values in addition to a remarkable increase in WBCs. In addition, the major serological parameters including protein, albumin, AST, and ALT were also altered in parallel with the deterioration that occurred between the two investigated regions. The present findings have revealed and confirmed that the Abu Rawash area is more impacted compared to El Bawiti.
Atrazine and nitrate have been shown to act as potent oxidative stressors in amphibians either al... more Atrazine and nitrate have been shown to act as potent oxidative stressors in amphibians either alone or in combination under stable laboratory conditions, causing histopathological alternations in liver and kidney structures at the sub-lethal concentrations. A control group and three treatments groups were tested; atrazine, nitrate, atrazine-nitrate treatments with doses of 300 μg L-1, 200 mg L-1 and their combination respectively. Sever distortion in liver and kidney tissues were shown related to the different treatments. The most hepatic lesions were observed depletion in glycogen content, degeneration of hepatocytes, hemorrhage, necrosis, vasodilatation, congestion in blood vessels, cloudy swelling in the hepatocytes and aggregation of melanomacrophage cells in between the hepatocytes that increased in combination treatment group. In kidney, the most lesions were represented in degeneration of renal tubules, fibrosis, hemorrhage, leucocytes infiltration, thickness in the wall of ...
The Red Sea is one of the key areas of biodiversity in the world. It is a hotspot for speciation ... more The Red Sea is one of the key areas of biodiversity in the world. It is a hotspot for speciation and biological invasions. In the current work, a pilot, random sampling trial was carried out to characterize some species in the landings reaching the fish market in Suez city, which is one of the largest fish markets in the Northern Red Sea. Samples of different fish species were subjected to the standard procedures of DNA barcoding, applying the sequencing of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 mitochondrial gene (COI). DNA barcoding could successfully identify all the targeted fishes to the species-level (>98%). The results exhibited a taxonomically-versatile commercial trends in this market, being the collected species belonging to 7 different fish families and 3 orders. These species were Coris aygula, Papilloculiceps longiceps, Priacanthus sagittarious, Gerres longirostris, Alepes djedaba, Psettodes erumei Cheilinus trilobatus, Calotomus viridescens, and Pardachirus marmoratus. Ha...
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences, B. Zoology, 2021
The aim of this study was to examine the cytotoxicity of the herbicide atrazine on the reproducti... more The aim of this study was to examine the cytotoxicity of the herbicide atrazine on the reproductive system. 48 male and 48 female albino rats were treated with atrazine daily for two different durations (15 and 30 days). Reproductive system toxicity was monitored by quantitative analysis of the serum Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), Luteinizing hormone (LH), Prolactin (PRL), Estrogen (E2), Progesterone (Prog) and Testosterone (Testo). On the other hand, the reproductive organs were collected for histopathology study. The study showed a significant elevation of estrogen, progesterone hormones with a significant decrease in testosterone hormone in male groups while in female groups there was a significant decrease in estrogen, progesterone & hormones with a significant increase in testosterone hormone. But there was no effect on PRL and LH hormones in both male and female groups toxified by ATZ, in comparison to the control groups. In addition to that, the Light microscopic examination of the seminiferous tubule cells (st) showed vacuolations within seminiferous tubules (V), degeneration of spermatozoa formation and hemorrhage (hg) in the interstitial tissue. These effects were increased by increasing the dose or the time of exposure. By using ascorbic acid in the treatment of those effects, we find a significant improvement and detoxification of the atrazine effects on both hormonal tests and histological sections. From our study results, we concluded that there is a potential contribution of herbicide mixtures in the etiology of somebody's diseases, while ascorbic acid has beneficial effects as it tends to dampen atrazine toxicity, in albino rats.
Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences, B. Zoology
The rapidity of the global biome changes caused by humans exceeds the slow resilience of ecosyste... more The rapidity of the global biome changes caused by humans exceeds the slow resilience of ecosystems, especially fragile biomes such as deserts. Habitat destruction is the main threat to biodiversity loss, it is seventy times more threatening than climate change. Quantifying and mapping habitat destruction is essential for biodiversity conservation plans, as it quantifies the remaining habitats and prioritizes the most important and threatened habitats. Using remote sensing and GIS, The Egyptian Dabb lizard Uromastyx aegyptia distribution in the eastern desert of Egypt was modeled and its destroyed suitable habitats were mapped and quantified. Precipitation seasonality was the most important variable contributing to the species' habitat suitability as well as NDVI. Two regions were identified as suitable, nearly half (44%) of the northern suitable region is destroyed, and the rest is low-quality habitat. In the southern region, there is an expansion in energy projects that lies in the most important areas for Dabb lizard conservation. A great conservation opportunity could be seized if energy projects considered activating and implementing their biodiversity conservation plans.
Papers by Samy Saber