Papers by Samuel Soto-Mendoza
Patrones de distribución, crecimiento larval y fecha de eclosión de los estados tempranos del mot... more Patrones de distribución, crecimiento larval y fecha de eclosión de los estados tempranos del mote Normanichthys crockeri (Scorpaeniformes, Normanichthyidae) en el ecosistema de surgencias de Chile central
Journal of Marine Systems
Journal of Marine Systems
Revista de biología marina y oceanografía, 2010
Patrones de distribución, crecimiento larval y fecha de eclosión de los estados tempranos del mot... more Patrones de distribución, crecimiento larval y fecha de eclosión de los estados tempranos del mote Normanichthys crockeri (Scorpaeniformes, Normanichthyidae) en el ecosistema de surgencias de Chile central

Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2019
Changes in the extent of spawning habitats have been reported for several small pelagic fishes in... more Changes in the extent of spawning habitats have been reported for several small pelagic fishes in recent decades in large marine ecosystems. In the Humboldt Current System, changes in main fishing and spawning areas of anchoveta Engraulis ringens were observed in central Chile during the 1990s from the documented spawning area, located between Valparaíso and Talcahuano (32−37°S) in the 1970s and 1980s (Bernal et al. 1983), shifting southward to 38−39°S (Castro et al. 1997). More recent analyses of ichthyoplankton data from the fjord region (40−44°S) suggest that the spawning area has continued to expand southward (Bustos et al. 2008). Early life history traits of the offspring of this small pelagic fish, which has its main spawning zone in northern Perú (7−10°S; Ayon 2000), must be flexible enough to allow survival and growth under contrasting environmental conditions for it © Inter-Research 2019 •
Patrones de distribución, crecimiento larval y fecha de eclosión de los estados tempranos del mot... more Patrones de distribución, crecimiento larval y fecha de eclosión de los estados tempranos del mote Normanichthys crockeri (Scorpaeniformes, Normanichthyidae) en el ecosistema de surgencias de Chile central
Revista de biología …, 2010
Patrones de distribución, crecimiento larval y fecha de eclosión de los estados tempranos del mot... more Patrones de distribución, crecimiento larval y fecha de eclosión de los estados tempranos del mote Normanichthys crockeri (Scorpaeniformes, Normanichthyidae) en el ecosistema de surgencias de Chile central

The relationships between the distribution of different zooplankton and ichthyoplankton stages an... more The relationships between the distribution of different zooplankton and ichthyoplankton stages and physical and chemical variables were studied using samples and data (CTD profiles, ADCP and current meter measurements, nutrients, mesozooplankton, ichthyoplankton) obtained from different strata during two 24-h cycles at two oceanographic stations in a Chilean Patagonian gulf during the CIMAR 10-Fiordos cruise (November, 2004). A station located at the Chacao Channel was dominated by tidal mixing and small increments in surface stratification during high tides, leading to decreased nutrient availability. This agreed with short periods of increased phytoplankton abundance during slack waters at the end of flood currents. Increases in larval density for all zooplankton and ichthyoplankton taxa corresponded to the flooding phases of the tidal cycle. When the larval density data were fit to a sinusoidal model, the regression coefficients were high, suggesting that tides are important feat...
Revista de biología marina y oceanografía, 2010
Strangomera bentincki y Engraulis ringens, asociados a la desembocadura del río Itata, Chile
Revista de biología marina y oceanografía, 2010

Progress in Oceanography, 2012
An individual-based model (IBM) of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) larvae was coupled to a climatol... more An individual-based model (IBM) of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) larvae was coupled to a climatological hydrodynamic (Regional Oceanic Modeling System, ROMS) model for central-southern Chile to answer the question as to whether or not across-and alongshore transport off central-southern Chile enhances retention in the spawning areas during the winter and summer reproductive periods, using model-based pre-recruitment indices (simulated transport success to nursery areas). The hydrodynamic model validation showed that ROMS captures the mean Seas Surface Temperature and Eddie Kinetic Energy observed in satellite-based data over the entire region. The IBM was used to simulate the transport of eggs and larvae from spawning zones in central Chile (Constitución, Dichato, Gulf of Arauco and Lebu-Corral) to historical nursery areas (HRZ, region between 35°S and 37°S). Model results corroborated HRZ as the most successful pre-recruitment zone (particles originated in the Dichato and Gulf of Arauco spawning areas), as well as identifying Lebu-Corral as a zone of high retention with a high associated pre-recruitment index (particles originated in the Lebu-Corral spawning zone). The highest pre-recruitment values were mainly found in winter. The Constitución and Dichato spawning zones displayed a typical summer upwelling velocity pattern, while the Gulf of Arauco in summertime showed strong offshore and alongshore velocity components. The Lebu-Corral region in winter presented important near-surface crossshore transport towards the coast (associated with downwelling events), this might be one of the major mechanisms leading to high retention levels and a high pre-recruitment index for Lebu-Corral spawning zone. The limitations of the modeling approach are discussed and put into perspective for future work.

Progress in Oceanography, 2012
A hydrodynamic model was coupled to an individual-based model (IBM) initialized with conditions o... more A hydrodynamic model was coupled to an individual-based model (IBM) initialized with conditions observed during 2004 to examine the influence of spatial and temporal spawning parameters on transport and survival of Engraulis ringens in central-southern Chile. Processes modeled were transport, growth, and mortality of the early stages. The results showed that spatial and temporal variations in spawning modulated the survival of anchoveta eggs and yolk-sac larvae. The resultant transport of the early stages had an important south-north direction. In terms of connectivity, the greatest transfer of eggs and larvae to the pre-recruitment zone came from four spawning zones. Retention occurred in all spawning zones and was strongest in the Gulf of Arauco and at Lebu-Corral. Mortality due to temperature and advective losses was more intense at higher latitudes (Lebu-Corral). Observed and simulated distributions of eggs and larvae were compared, and the differences are discussed herein. A conceptual model is proposed, and we discuss the relevance of IBMs as useful tools with which to assess spawning zones for purposes of management.
Revista de biología marina y oceanografía, 2010
Patrones de distribución, crecimiento larval y fecha de eclosión de los estados tempranos del mot... more Patrones de distribución, crecimiento larval y fecha de eclosión de los estados tempranos del mote Normanichthys crockeri (Scorpaeniformes, Normanichthyidae) en el ecosistema de surgencias de Chile central
Papers by Samuel Soto-Mendoza