Writing is one of the language skills, which is taught to secondary school students. In reality, ... more Writing is one of the language skills, which is taught to secondary school students. In reality, it is still found that students have difficulties in writing. It is needed to investigate why it happened. Thus, the purpose of this research is to determine the students' factor difficulties in writing a narrative text. Moreover, it was designed as descriptive research which took sixty students of the eighth grade of MTs Sabilal Muhtadin Tembilahan as the samples. In collecting the data, the researchers used questionnaires and interviews. Then the data were analyzed by using descriptive statistical analysis and qualitative analysis. The research findings show that there are two main factors; students' factors and teachers' factors. After analyzing the data, the results revealed that the students' factor gained a percentage of 62.43% which was placed at a strong level. Also, the teachers' factor obtained a percentage of 72.95% which was classified as a strong level. T...
At the tertiary level, English as a General Subject supports the learning process's main cour... more At the tertiary level, English as a General Subject supports the learning process's main course. The observations show they are not yet proficient enough to use it. It causes indisposed motivation, dearth vocabulary, low learning interest, short time allocation, and others. Therefore, the researchers provide a solution by applying the Integrated Approach. The research objectives are to determine whether the Integrated Approach can improve English competency and learning motivation, how the learners’ improvement process, and what factors influence these improvements. It is action research, which was Accounting majoring students as subjects - Islamic University of Indragiri. The data collection process used tests and questionnaires. Furthermore, the results showed an increase in their competence and motivation to learn English before and after the Integrated Approach. The improvement process covers several activities; socializing, analyzing, monitoring, guiding, and practicing. Me...
Having writing problems was faced by students. This research purposed to describe the teaching pr... more Having writing problems was faced by students. This research purposed to describe the teaching process how Clustering Technique improves the students' writing skill of hortatory exposition text, and what influenced factors of their writing improvement. This is a Classroom Action Research. The participants of the research were the students of grade XI AB-3 of MA Darul Hikmah Pekanbaru. The data were collected in each cycle from observation checklists, field notes, interviews, and writing tests. Then the researcher found that Clustering Technique enables to improve better the students' writing skill of hortatory exposition text through the process of socializing, reviewing, controlling, monitoring, assisting, motivating, and practicing. Consequently, the students could improve their writing skill which involved the mean score improvement of writing indicators; grammar, vocabulary, mechanics, fluency, and organization. It could be seen from the improvement of the base score mea...
Writing is one of the language skills, which is taught to secondary school students. In reality, ... more Writing is one of the language skills, which is taught to secondary school students. In reality, it is still found that students have difficulties in writing. It is needed to investigate why it happened. Thus, the purpose of this research is to determine the students' factor difficulties in writing a narrative text. Moreover, it was designed as descriptive research which took sixty students of the eighth grade of MTs Sabilal Muhtadin Tembilahan as the samples. In collecting the data, the researchers used questionnaires and interviews. Then the data were analyzed by using descriptive statistical analysis and qualitative analysis. The research findings show that there are two main factors; students' factors and teachers' factors. After analyzing the data, the results revealed that the students' factor gained a percentage of 62.43% which was placed at a strong level. Also, the teachers' factor obtained a percentage of 72.95% which was classified as a strong level. T...
At the tertiary level, English as a General Subject supports the learning process's main cour... more At the tertiary level, English as a General Subject supports the learning process's main course. The observations show they are not yet proficient enough to use it. It causes indisposed motivation, dearth vocabulary, low learning interest, short time allocation, and others. Therefore, the researchers provide a solution by applying the Integrated Approach. The research objectives are to determine whether the Integrated Approach can improve English competency and learning motivation, how the learners’ improvement process, and what factors influence these improvements. It is action research, which was Accounting majoring students as subjects - Islamic University of Indragiri. The data collection process used tests and questionnaires. Furthermore, the results showed an increase in their competence and motivation to learn English before and after the Integrated Approach. The improvement process covers several activities; socializing, analyzing, monitoring, guiding, and practicing. Me...
Having writing problems was faced by students. This research purposed to describe the teaching pr... more Having writing problems was faced by students. This research purposed to describe the teaching process how Clustering Technique improves the students' writing skill of hortatory exposition text, and what influenced factors of their writing improvement. This is a Classroom Action Research. The participants of the research were the students of grade XI AB-3 of MA Darul Hikmah Pekanbaru. The data were collected in each cycle from observation checklists, field notes, interviews, and writing tests. Then the researcher found that Clustering Technique enables to improve better the students' writing skill of hortatory exposition text through the process of socializing, reviewing, controlling, monitoring, assisting, motivating, and practicing. Consequently, the students could improve their writing skill which involved the mean score improvement of writing indicators; grammar, vocabulary, mechanics, fluency, and organization. It could be seen from the improvement of the base score mea...
Papers by Samsul Amri