Papers by Samira Rustamova

Agrarian science
Relevance. Insufficient tolerance to extremely high temperatures is one of the main reasons for t... more Relevance. Insufficient tolerance to extremely high temperatures is one of the main reasons for the decline in crop yields.Methods. Two contrasting durum wheat genotypes (Triticum durum Desf.) were used in the present study: Barakatli 95 (tolerant genotype) and Garagylchyg 2 (stress-sensitive genotype). The activity of antioxidant enzymes, ascorbate peroxidase (APO), catalase (CAT), guaiacolperoxidase (GPO), and benzidine peroxidase (BPO), were studied spectrophotometrically. The membrane thermostability was determined by the release of electrolytes from intact plant tissue.Results. It was revealed that guaiacolperoxidase plays a key role in the elimination of reactive oxygen species when exposed to high temperatures, since a significant increase in the activity of this enzyme was observed during short-term thermal stress. Heat stress caused a slight decrease in catalase activity and a significant decrease in the activity of ascorbate peroxidase and benzidine peroxidase. An increase...

Drought is one of the major factors limiting the yield and quality of crops in the world. The act... more Drought is one of the major factors limiting the yield and quality of crops in the world. The activity of antioxidative system to tolerate the drought stress is significant in plants. In the present study, the activities and isoform profiles of catalase (CАТ), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glutathione re-ductase (GR), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were analyzed in four barley genotypes grown un-der soil water restriction. Drought stress caused increase in the activities of CАТ and SOD in all studied genotypes, while APX activity decreased. The total GR activity increased substantially in genotypes K 2778 and St.Garabag 7 and decreased in No. 77 local and St.Pallidum 596 genotypes under conditions of severe water stress. No detectable differences were observed in the isoen-zyme pattern (the appearance of a new isoenzymes and disappearance of another one) between control plants and those subjected to soil drought. However, intensification of corresponding iso-forms in electrophoretic s...
Plant Gene, 2021
Please cite this article as: S. Rustamova, A. Shrestha, A.A. Naz, et al., Expression profiling of... more Please cite this article as: S. Rustamova, A. Shrestha, A.A. Naz, et al., Expression profiling of DREB1 and evaluation of vegetation indices in contrasting wheat genotypes exposed to drought stress,

The objective of work was to identify effective yellow and brown leaf rust resistance genes for t... more The objective of work was to identify effective yellow and brown leaf rust resistance genes for the improvement of wheat quality in Azerbaijan. 61 bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotipes were taken from Research Institute of Crop Husbandry (Baku, Azerbaijan). PCR amplification of the SSR marker located on the chromosome 7D Xgwm295 linked to the Yr18 gene showed a fragment of 250 bp only in 40 genotypes. SSR marker XGWM582 in the chromosome 1B, associated with the gene Yr9 amplified a band of 150 bp in 93% of genotypes. The STS markers Lr34/csLV34a and Lr34/csLV34b were proved as effective markers for the identification and selection of Lr 34 gene. The csLV34a allele (229-bp) was linked in repulsion with Lr34 presented in 21 genotypes, whereas the csLV34b allele (150-bp) was linked in coupling with Lr34 in only 9 genotypes. 2 genotypes contain both alleles linked to the Lr34. ABSTRACT KEYWORDS : yellow rust, Yr 18, Yr9, brown leaf rust, Lr 34, Triticum aestivum L.

Wheat Production in Changing Environments, 2019
Global climate change, which is rising steeply in the world today, has caused further increases i... more Global climate change, which is rising steeply in the world today, has caused further increases in the influence of abiotic stress factors. Abiotic stresses such as drought, high salinity, and high temperatures are common detrimental environmental circumstances that extremely influence growth, cultivation, and productivity worldwide. Traditionally, the varietal selection is based on morphological feature; hence, polygenic characters were very difficult to analyze, and thus such constraints can be overcome by using molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS). As markers are currently available for relatively few traits, MAS must be integrated with the ongoing conventional breeding to maximize its impact. Molecular markers are useful tools to determine the variation in the DNA sequence and eventually the regions of DNA or the genes controlling the qualitative and/or quantitative traits of agronomic significance. The aim of the presented research was to detect the genes and gene loci res...

Drought Stress Tolerance in Plants, Vol 1, 2016
Drought stress usually leads to reductions in crop yield, which can result from many drought-indu... more Drought stress usually leads to reductions in crop yield, which can result from many drought-induced morphological, physiological, and metabolic changes that occur in plants. In this chapter, we review the most recent reports on drought-induced responses in plants, focusing on the role of oxidative stress as well as on other possible mechanisms. A key sign of drought stress at the molecular level is the accelerated production of reactive oxygen species. Levels of leaf and root enzymatic antioxidants (peroxidase, catalase, and glutathione reductase), nonenzymatic antioxidants (glycine betaine), and stress parameters (hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde) were determined under watered and drought stress conditions in two durum wheat genotypes differing in drought resistance. The dehydration of wheat leaves and roots was accompanied by the accumulation of H2O2, MDA, and GB, a phase change in the activity of antioxidant enzymes, indicating the development of oxidative stress. Activities of antioxidant enzymes under drought stress were shown to relate de novo synthesis of some isoenzymes. The activity, some physicochemical and kinetic parameters of carbonic anhydrase were comparatively studied in the flag leaves, ear elements, and root systems of wheat genotypes during ontogenesis. TRAP markers linked to the QTL for the drought tolerance were used for the molecular assessment of drought tolerance of wheat genotypes.
Water Stress and Crop Plants, 2016

Photosynthesis Research, 2016
Water deficit is a key factor influencing the yield and quality of crops. In the present study, t... more Water deficit is a key factor influencing the yield and quality of crops. In the present study, the photosynthetic responses by means of chlorophyll fluorescence of chloroplasts, thylakoid membrane proteins, and antioxidant components were analyzed in wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) plants differing in their tolerance to drought. Two durum winter wheat varieties, Barakatli 95 (drought tolerant) and Garagylchyg 2 (drought sensitive) were grown under field well-watered and drought conditions. It was found that contents of the PS I core (CPI) with Mr of 123 kD and apoprotein P700 with Mr of 63 kD were relatively higher in Barakatli 95 variety under drought stress compared with the control plants. Synthesis of aand b-subunits of CF 1 ATP-synthase complex with Mr of 55 and 53.5 kD also slightly increased in the tolerant Barakatli 95 and decreased in the drought sensitive variety Garagylchyg 2. A decrease in the intensity of 30 kD band and a significant increase were found in the content of the 25-16 kD region in Garagylchyg 2 variety. The synthesis of 60 kD and content of low molecular mass polypeptides (21.5 and 12 kD) were increased in the tolerant genotype Barakatli 95. The intensity of peaks at 687, 695, and 742 nm considerably increases in the fluorescence spectra (77 K) of chloroplasts isolated from the sensitive variety Garagylchyg 2, and there is a stimulation of the ratio of fluorescence band intensity F687/F740. At the same time, higher level of glycine betaine was found in the drought tolerant variety compared with the control one throughout the different periods of growth.

Wheat that is one of the most important staple food crops in the world is adversely affected by d... more Wheat that is one of the most important staple food crops in the world is adversely affected by drought. Understanding its genetics and genome organization using molecular markers is of great value for plant breeding purposes. Several screening tests were evaluated in the present research for ability to estimate drought resistance in total 12 wheat genotypes including tolerant, semi-tolerant and non-tolerant. Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA primers (RAPDs) associated with drought tolerance were used initially to search genetic diversity in wheat plants. It was found out that primer P6 (TCGGCGGTTC) produced respectively a 920-bp band present mainly in drought tolerant and semi-tolerant (absent in sensitive) genotypes. Primer P7 (TCGGCGGTTC) produced a 750-bp band that is not absolutely universal for our genotypes. Genome-wide investigation was also conducted using Dreb 1 genes as an example. Five pairs of genome-specific primers designed for the wheat Dreb 1 genes were used for DN...

Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China, 2013
Present research is aimed to identify a Dreb1 gene in different wheat Triticum L. genotypes using... more Present research is aimed to identify a Dreb1 gene in different wheat Triticum L. genotypes using functional markers. A total of 12 wheat genotypes: 3 tetraploid (Triticum durum L., AABB, 2n = 4x = 28) and 9 hexaploid cultivars (Triticum aestivum L., AABBDD, 2n = 6x = 42) including tolerant, semi-tolerant and nontolerant to drought were used. Five pairs of genome-specific primers designed for the wheat Dreb 1 genes using the Primer Premier 5.0 software was used for DNA amplification. P21F/P21R and P25F/PR were designed to amplify downstream regions of the Dreb-A1 in A genome. The P18F/P18R primers were designed as a B genomespecific primer pair. Similarly, P22F/PR and P20F/P20R was selected to amplify sequences from D genome. PCR products excised from agarose gels found out that Dreb 1 gene was located on chromosome 3A in all genotypes, including drought-resistant and drought-sensitive ones, excepting one semi-tolerant genotype Tale-38. In comparison with other genotypes, a 717 bp PCR product of Dreb-B1 gene was located on B genome in drought-tolerant sample Barakatli-95. Primers P22F/PR and P20F/P20R amplified 596- and 1193-bp fragments, respectively, from D genome, which is characteristic for hexaploid Triticum aestivum L. genotypes, did not revealed positive results.

Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China, 2013
Activities of catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase, as ... more Activities of catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase, as well as carotenoid content and photochemical activity of photosystem I and photosystem II were studied in leaves of durum and bread wheat genotypes. It was found out that dynamics of catalase and ascorbate peroxidase functioning in well-watered plants through ontogenesis practically did not change both among durum and among bread wheat cultivars. Functioning of these enzymes during ontogenesis under water deficit differed. Catalase activity increased in all stressed genotypes: in durum wheat cultivars maximal activity was observed in the milk ripeness and in bread wheat cultivars — in the end of flowering. Ascorbate peroxidase activity also increased under water deficit: in tolerant wheat genotypes maximal activity occurred in the end of flowering, in sensitive ones—in the end of ear formation. The maximum activity of glutathione reductase both as in the control, as well as in drought-subjected plants was observed in the anthesis stage. Superoxide dismutase activity was lower than the control during ontogenesis, excepting the last stages. It should be noted that PS I and PS II photochemical activity were also high in genotypes subjected to drought both in the end of ear formation and flowering stages.

Advanced Topics in Science and Technology in China, 2013
This work is devoted to study the antioxidant enzymes and functional state of photosystem (PS) II... more This work is devoted to study the antioxidant enzymes and functional state of photosystem (PS) II under the different concentrations of the radium in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and clover (Trifolium pratense L.) plants. It was determined that CAT activity increased in barley grown in the soil contaminated with low radium concentrations (29.45 ± 3.00 and 124 ± 15.00 Bq kg−1) as compared with control, but decreased dramatically upon the effect of high radium concentration (242.25 ± 28 Bq kg−1). CAT activity was 0.078 mmol/g min in control plants, and 0.18, 0.23 and 0.03 mmol/g min in 29.45 ± 3.00, 124 ± 15.00, 242.25 ± 28.00 Bq kg−1, respectively. It was observed that in clover seedlings as the radium activity increased, CAT activity also rised, but at high concentrations, as well as in barley, enzyme activity decreased. The APX activity in barley as compared to the control decreased as a result of radium effect. APX activity in clover increased in soil with higher radium concentrations. SOD activity in barley increased at high levels of radium concentration (i.e. 0.5 unit/mg in the control, 0.6, 2.7 and 3 units/mg in 29.45 ± 3.00, 124 ± 15.00 and 242.25 ± 28.00 Bq kg−1, respectively). In clover, changes in PS II activity decreased significantly at high 226Ra concentrations.

Crop Production for Agricultural Improvement, 2012
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars contrasting in genetic makeup and differing in drought-res... more Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars contrasting in genetic makeup and differing in drought-resistance were grown in field conditions in a wide area under normal water supply and severe water deficit. One of the genotypes (Azamatli-95) was short-stemmed, with vertically oriented small leaves and drought-tolerant while the other genotype (Giymatli-2/17) was short-stemmed, with broad and drooping leaves and drought-sensitive. It was found out that the content of CP I (Mr 115 kD) and apoprotein of P700 with Mr 63 kD, also LHC II polypeptides insignificantly increased in the drought-resistant cv. Azamatli-95 under extreme water supply condition while their content decreased in drought-sensitive cv. Giymatli-2/17. The intensity of synthesis of α- and β-subunits of CF1 (55 and 53.5 kD) and 33–30.5 kD proteins also decreased in the sensitive genotype. The intensity of short wavelength peaks at 687 and 695 nm sharply increased in the fluorescence spectra (77 K) of chloroplasts from Giymatli-2/17 under water deficiency and there was a stimulation of the ratio of fluorescence band intensity F687/F740. After exposure to drought, cv Giymatli-2/17 showed a larger reduction in the actual PS II photochemical efficiency of chloroplasts than cv. Azamatli-95. Activities of catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase, as well as photochemical activity of photosystem I and photosystem II were studied in leaves of durum and bread wheat genotypes in ontogenesis. It was found out that dynamics of catalase and ascorbate peroxidase functioning in well-watered plants through ontogenesis practically did not change both among durum and among bread wheat cultivars. Functioning of these enzymes during ontogenesis under water deficit differed. Catalase activity increased in all stressed genotypes: in durum wheat cultivars maximal activity was observed in the milk ripeness and in bread wheat cultivars at the end of flowering. Ascorbate peroxidase activity also increased under water deficit: in tolerant wheat genotypes maximal activity occurred at the end of flowering, and in the sensitive ones at the end of ear formation. The maximum activity of glutathione reductase both as in the control, as well as in drought-subjected plants was observed in the anthesis stage. Superoxide dismutase activity was lower than the control during ontogenesis, except in the last stages. It should be noted that PS I and PS II photochemical activities were also high in genotypes subjected to drought both at the end of ear formation and flowering stages. Drought resistance was checked by RAPD-PCR as a quick and easy method for durum (Triticum durum L.) and bread (Triticum aestivum L.) wheat genotypes contrasting in tolerance. P6 primer (5′ TCGGCGGTTC 3′) produced 920 bp band mainly in drought tolerant genotypes. It was found that P7 (5′ TCGGCGGTTC 3′) primer produced 750 bp band was not absolutely universal for Triticum L. genotypes. In order to identify DREB1 genes in these genotypes PCR-analysis was carried out using functional markers specific for A, B, and D genomes. It was found that DREB 1 gene was located on chromosome 3A in all genotypes, excepting one semi-tolerant genotype Tale-38. In comparison with other genotypes, a 717 bp PCR product of DREB -B1 gene was located on B genome in drought-tolerant Barakatli-95. The results reported here provide an entry point and a reference to future analysis of gene expression during drought. In addition, these results can suggest possible targets for the enhancement of stress tolerance in crops by genetic engineering. The data presented here might be used for monitoring environmental stresses in field-grown plants and selecting stress-resistant varieties for growth under unfavorable conditions.

Biochemistry (Moscow), 2009
Two wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars contrasting in architectonics and differing in drought... more Two wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars contrasting in architectonics and differing in drought resistance, Azamatli-95 (short stature, vertically oriented small leaves, drought-tolerant) and Giymatli-2/17 (short stature, broad and drooping leaves, drought-sensitive), were studied. It was found that the content of CP I (115 kDa) and 63-kDa apoprotein P700 and also LHC II polypeptides increases slightly in the drought-resistant cv. Azamatli-95 under extreme water supply limitation, while their content decreases in drought-sensitive cv. Giymatli-2/17. The intensity of synthesis of alpha- and beta-subunits of CF(1) (55 and 53.5 kDa) and 33-30.5 kDa proteins also decreases in the sensitive genotype. The intensity of short wavelength peaks at 687 and 695 nm sharply increases in the fluorescence spectra (77K) of chloroplasts from Giymatli-2/17 under water deficiency, and there is a stimulation of the ratio of fluorescence band intensity F687/F740. After exposure to drought, cv. Giymatli-2/17 shows a larger reduction in the actual PS II photochemical efficiency of chloroplasts than cv. Azamatli-95.
Chinese Science Bulletin, 2013

The association between the angiotensin‑converting enzyme (ACE) insertion/deletion (I/D) gene pol... more The association between the angiotensin‑converting enzyme (ACE) insertion/deletion (I/D) gene polymorphism and the risk of diabetes mellitus developing in the Azerbaijan population is not studied yet. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the association of ACE I/D gene polymorphism and the risk of developing diabetes in Azerbaijan population. A total of 200 individual consisting of 100 control subjects and 100 patients with diabetes mellitus (28 patients I type DM (11 male and 17 female); 72 patients II type DM (21 male and 51 female)) were recruited. DNA was extracted from the blood samples. Genotyping of ACE I/D gene polymorphism done by PCR and mistyping of the II and DD genotypes was conducted with an insertion/deletion‑specific primer. The genotyping frequency for the II, ID and DD polymorphism of the ACE gene ID=63, DD=36, II=1 in case subjects. The genotyping frequency for the II, ID and DD polymorphism of the ACE gene in control group: ID=49, DD=26, II=...
Papers by Samira Rustamova