How do Canadian school leaders interpret data to inform their decisions? How do they reason with ... more How do Canadian school leaders interpret data to inform their decisions? How do they reason with probability concepts? These are the questions we are investigating in the first year of this longitudinal bilingual project conducted in Alberta, British Columbia, and Ontario. Our theoretical framework is inspired by the semiotic perspective of Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) which suggests that interpretation is a triadic process integrated in a social context that puts in relation a sign, an object, and an interpretant. To this end, we conducted two individual interviews in which we asked 10 English-speaking school leaders and 9 French-speaking school leaders some questions about data presented in a tabular form (mock data on class level student performance and school level health data), line graph (PISA 2018 report on reading scores from 2009 to 2018) and box plots (mock data on student performance in reading in different countries). Our preliminary results reveal that principal’s...
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Assessing learning outcomes for students in higher education institutes is an interesting task wi... more Assessing learning outcomes for students in higher education institutes is an interesting task with many potential applications for all involved stakeholders (students, administrators, potential employers, etc.). In this paper, we propose a course recommendation system for students based on the assessment of their "graduate attributes" (i.e. attributes that describe the developing values of students). Students rate the improvement in their graduating attributes after a course is finished and a collaborative filtering algorithm is utilized in order to suggest courses that were taken by fellow students and rated in a similar way. An extension to weigh the most recent ratings as more important is included in the algorithm which is shown to have better accuracy than the baseline approach. Experimental results using correlation thresholding and the nearest neighbors approach show that such a recommendation system can be effective when an active neighborhood of 10-15 students is used and show that the numbers of users used can be decreased effectively to one fourth of the whole population for improving the performance of the algorithm.
Can we map university-wide graduate attributes to specific program requirements? Can we develop a... more Can we map university-wide graduate attributes to specific program requirements? Can we develop and manage an integrated assessment process? In this article, we present a seven-month long project where we attempted to map generic university graduate attributes (UGAs) to required engineering program graduate attributes in a large Canadian research institution. The purpose of the project was to explore the intersection of the UGAs with engineering graduate attributes, evaluate the accreditation process, develop a mapping process, and examine management strategies for assessing both sets of graduate attributes, all the while keeping the continual improvement process attractive to students, instructors, and administrators. Using a modified dialectical inquiry, two groups worked on the mapping process: one from engineering, the other from social sciences (Education and Arts), to ensure objectivity of comparison. Both forward and backward mapping took place. Results demonstrated that, alt...
Anciennement College Saint-Jean, le Campus Saint-Jean (CSJ) est un phare dans l’education superie... more Anciennement College Saint-Jean, le Campus Saint-Jean (CSJ) est un phare dans l’education superieure en francais dans l’Ouest canadien depuis plus de 100 ans. Annexe a l’Universite de l’Alberta comme une Faculte depuis 1978, le CSJ temoigne des changements survenus dans le paysage linguistique et culturel des 40 dernieres annees, surtout en ce qui a trait aux divers aspects de la dualite linguistique canadienne. Avec la popularite grandissante des programmes d’immersion francaise et le nombre croissant des nouveaux arrivants francophones, le mandat du CSJ a evolue pour inclure une gamme complete et complexe de programmes d’etudes. Par le biais de ces derniers, le CSJ va au-dela de la mission d’un etablissement d’enseignement superieur typique, en desservant les communautes francophones et les deux gouvernements, provincial et federal. Dans cet ouvrage, nous passons en revue les defis et les enjeux linguistiques, juridiques et culturels d’un contexte educatif unique, offrant un enseignement superieur en francais, tout en gardant a l’esprit l’evolution sociale, economique et politique.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 2019
Learning Analytics (LA) has the potential to be used as a unique and viable learning, teaching an... more Learning Analytics (LA) has the potential to be used as a unique and viable learning, teaching and research tool to analyze data from longitudinal assessment. The online language assessment platform, Profil Linguistique, is an innovative and useful tool, in that (1) it adapts to students learning abilities and progress and gives them the chance to monitor their progress, (2) it uses data mining to provide reports to teachers and administration who subsequently adapt the general language program in a Canadian university. From a theoretical point of view, the testing construct identified as the basis of this online assessment tool would engage students in progressing in their language competence in parallel with the courses they are taking. It is a provocative and unique way to integrate and look at assessment as a teaching tool by using LA.
Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA), 2021
After 2009, accredited Canadian engineering schools began to develop processes to map the Canadia... more After 2009, accredited Canadian engineering schools began to develop processes to map the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board-Graduate Attributes(CEAB-GAs) to their curriculum and integrate ways to measure them. At around the same time, several Canadian universities embarked on a process to identifytheir own University-wide Graduate Attribute (UGAs). UGAs are assumed to be applicable across study disciplines; i.e. the university experience as a whole.To address the need to assess students on the basis of the CEAB GAs and the UGAs in the Faculty of Engineering and develop the basis for an integrated graduate attribute management system, an interdisciplinary team conducted a yearlong qualitative study with the purpose of exploringthe intersection of the UGAs with CEAB-GAs. The key objectives were to develop a mapping process between the two sets and to explore management strategies for assessing both sets of graduate attributes. Two independent teams performed the mapping exerci...
Using Hierarchy Linear Modeling (HLM), this study identified factors, including students’ languag... more Using Hierarchy Linear Modeling (HLM), this study identified factors, including students’ language background and exposure for practicing English language, which predict students’ reading achievement. Using data from the 2007 administration of the Pan-Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP) and its accompanying surveys for students and the schools, a twolevel (student level and school level) HLM model was analyzed for predictive relationships. Results showed that at the student level, predictors such as students' participation in class discussions, language spoken at home, parents' encouragement to read at young age, and the amount of individual projects requiring students to work outside of class contributed significantly to the students' reading scores. However, none of the school level predictors were found to be significant. All the significant predictors contributed to only 12% of the variability in this HLM model. Identification of more significant variables is needed i...
Large scale analysis of educational assessment data, outlines patterns of success and failure, hi... more Large scale analysis of educational assessment data, outlines patterns of success and failure, highlights factors of success, and enables performance prediction and eventually leads to proper ways of intervention. It has applications in both traditional settings where data is extracted from paper tests and surveys, and in e-learning settings such as distance, hybrid learning, and online courses. In the latter, drop out prediction and nding its factors and patterns is gaining much attention within the research community. In the former, the performance prediction is at the center of focus as drop outs are rare. Although the platform and data extraction is different, the essence of analyzing the test data is similar in both settings. In this paper, we present a case study on using data mining techniques in the analysis of large scale assessment data. The data is from the PanCanadian Assessment Program (PCAP), which is a national achievement tests administered by the Council of Minister...
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne.
In language assessment, can one set of language competence descriptors be used regardless of the ... more In language assessment, can one set of language competence descriptors be used regardless of the mandate and the context of the language test being developed and used? This article addresses the complex issue of fairness in favoring a set of guidelines, namely the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), in the development of language tests. In many educational and language assessment contexts outside of the EU, the Framework is being used without a thorough understanding of the mandate and the context in which they have been developed and used. Taking as references the Framework, the "Canadian Language Benchmarks" (CLB) and the "ACTFL guidelines" ('American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language' guidelines), this paper argues that while the core competence in language skills is almost identical among these descriptors, the political, social, and cultural implications of the purpose and the agencies behind their development are q...
Advancing the Power of Learning Analytics and Big Data in Education, 2021
In this chapter, the authors propose an overview on the use of learning analytics (LA) and educat... more In this chapter, the authors propose an overview on the use of learning analytics (LA) and educational data mining (EDM) in addressing issues related to its uses and applications in higher education. They aim to provide meaningful and substantial answers to how both LA and EDM can advance higher education from a large scale, big data educational research perspective. They present various tasks and applications that already exist in the field of EDM and LA in higher education. They categorize them based on their purposes, their uses, and their impact on various stakeholders. They conclude the chapter by critically analyzing various forecasts regarding the impact that EDM will have on future educational setting, especially in light of the current situation that shifted education worldwide into some form of eLearning models. They also discuss and raise issues regarding fundamentals consideration on ethics and privacy in using EDM and LA in higher education.
The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 2020
PurposeIn this paper, the challenging and thorny issue of assessing graduate attributes (GAs) is ... more PurposeIn this paper, the challenging and thorny issue of assessing graduate attributes (GAs) is addressed. An interdisciplinary team at The University of Alberta ----developed a formative model of assessment centered on students and instructor interaction with course content.Design/methodology/approachThe paper starts by laying the theoretical groundwork on which this novel GA assessment tool is based, that is, competency-based education, assessment theory and GA assessment. It follows with a description of the online assessment tool for GAs that was developed in the course of this project.FindingsThe online assessment tool for GAs targets three types of stakeholders: (1) students, who self-assess in terms of GAs, (2) instructors, who use the tool to define the extent to which each GA should be inculcated in their course and (3) administrators, who receive aggregate reports based on the data gathered by the system for high-level analysis and decision-making. Collected data by stude...
Educational Data Mining (EDM) is the field of using data mining techniques in educational environ... more Educational Data Mining (EDM) is the field of using data mining techniques in educational environments. There exist various methods and applications in EDM which can follow both applied research objectives such as improving and enhancing learning quality, as well as pure research objectives, which tend to improve our understanding of the learning process. In this study we have studied various tasks and applications existing in the field of EDM and categorized them based on their purposes. We have compared our study with other existing surveys about EDM and reported a taxonomy of task.
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne.
Using Hierarchical Linear Modelling (HLM), this study aimed to identify factors such as ESL/ELL/E... more Using Hierarchical Linear Modelling (HLM), this study aimed to identify factors such as ESL/ELL/EAL status that would predict students’ reading performance in an English language arts exam taken across Canada. Using data from the 2007 administration of the Pan-Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP) along with the accompanying surveys for students and the schools, a two-level (student level and school level) HLM model was analyzed for predictive relationships. Results showed that, at the student level, predictors such as students’ participation in class discussions, language spoken at home, parents’ encouragement to read at a young age, and the number of individual projects requiring students to work outside of class contributed significantly to the students’ reading scores. However, none of the school-level predictors were found to be significant. All the significant predictors contributed to only 12% of the variability in this HLM model. Identification of more signi cant variables is n...
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics Revue Canadienne De Linguistique Appliquee, Oct 25, 2013
Dans cet article sont examinés la pertinence et l'impact d'une rétroaction ciblée sur la forme li... more Dans cet article sont examinés la pertinence et l'impact d'une rétroaction ciblée sur la forme linguistique lors d'un cours disciplinaire non linguistique (cours en éducation) ainsi qu'en cours de rédaction avancé, alors que la langue d'instruction, en l'occurrence le français, n'est pas nécessairement la langue première desdits étudiants. Le but de cette étude, longitudinale, est d'évaluer la mise en oeuvre d'un portfolio permettant aux étudiants, de manière semi-autonome, de mieux gérer les erreurs qu'ils produisent à l'écrit. Les soixante-deux étudiants ayant pris part à l'étude ont suivi plusieurs étapes depuis l'identification des erreurs, la codification, la correction, le calcul de la fréquence des erreurs produites par type. Ils ont ensuite été amenés à rédiger un texte réflexif. Le portfolio d'erreurs constitue donc un outil pédagogique grâce auquel les étudiants sont encouragés à participer activement au traitement de leurs erreurs, sans que cela n'entrave ni leur motivation ni la transmission des contenus de cours. Les résultats montrent une amélioration substantielle de la correction linguistique des étudiants.
Canadian Journal of Education Revue Canadienne De L Education, Jul 17, 2012
Canadian institutions of higher education are major players on the international arena for educat... more Canadian institutions of higher education are major players on the international arena for educating future generations and producing leaders around the world in various fields. In the last decade, Canadian universities have seen an influx in their incoming international students, who contribute over $3.5 billion to the Canadian economy (Madgett & Bélanger 2008, p. 195). Research in Canadian post-secondary institutions is booming, especially in education (SSHRC, 2011)-for the academic year 2010-2011, of the 12 subject areas, the total SSHRC funding for projects in education, ranked fourth, exceeding $27 million. All of these variables place Canadian higher education in a leading and strategic position in several educational research fields. One can imagine the wealth of knowledge about trends in higher education that could be revealed if the large amount of data generated by Canadian universities were systematically analyzed and handled using techniques such as data mining. However, not much can be achieved from the unharnessed knowledge accumulated on a daily basis, as the advancement of data mining research that would provide the ultimate tool to learn about trends and changes in Canadian institutions is often held back by inadequate data warehousing, as well as by privacy, confidentiality, and copyright regulations. In this paper, we engage in a critical discussion/analysis of the interface between data mining research in higher education and the legal implications of such a tool.
How do Canadian school leaders interpret data to inform their decisions? How do they reason with ... more How do Canadian school leaders interpret data to inform their decisions? How do they reason with probability concepts? These are the questions we are investigating in the first year of this longitudinal bilingual project conducted in Alberta, British Columbia, and Ontario. Our theoretical framework is inspired by the semiotic perspective of Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) which suggests that interpretation is a triadic process integrated in a social context that puts in relation a sign, an object, and an interpretant. To this end, we conducted two individual interviews in which we asked 10 English-speaking school leaders and 9 French-speaking school leaders some questions about data presented in a tabular form (mock data on class level student performance and school level health data), line graph (PISA 2018 report on reading scores from 2009 to 2018) and box plots (mock data on student performance in reading in different countries). Our preliminary results reveal that principal’s...
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Assessing learning outcomes for students in higher education institutes is an interesting task wi... more Assessing learning outcomes for students in higher education institutes is an interesting task with many potential applications for all involved stakeholders (students, administrators, potential employers, etc.). In this paper, we propose a course recommendation system for students based on the assessment of their "graduate attributes" (i.e. attributes that describe the developing values of students). Students rate the improvement in their graduating attributes after a course is finished and a collaborative filtering algorithm is utilized in order to suggest courses that were taken by fellow students and rated in a similar way. An extension to weigh the most recent ratings as more important is included in the algorithm which is shown to have better accuracy than the baseline approach. Experimental results using correlation thresholding and the nearest neighbors approach show that such a recommendation system can be effective when an active neighborhood of 10-15 students is used and show that the numbers of users used can be decreased effectively to one fourth of the whole population for improving the performance of the algorithm.
Can we map university-wide graduate attributes to specific program requirements? Can we develop a... more Can we map university-wide graduate attributes to specific program requirements? Can we develop and manage an integrated assessment process? In this article, we present a seven-month long project where we attempted to map generic university graduate attributes (UGAs) to required engineering program graduate attributes in a large Canadian research institution. The purpose of the project was to explore the intersection of the UGAs with engineering graduate attributes, evaluate the accreditation process, develop a mapping process, and examine management strategies for assessing both sets of graduate attributes, all the while keeping the continual improvement process attractive to students, instructors, and administrators. Using a modified dialectical inquiry, two groups worked on the mapping process: one from engineering, the other from social sciences (Education and Arts), to ensure objectivity of comparison. Both forward and backward mapping took place. Results demonstrated that, alt...
Anciennement College Saint-Jean, le Campus Saint-Jean (CSJ) est un phare dans l’education superie... more Anciennement College Saint-Jean, le Campus Saint-Jean (CSJ) est un phare dans l’education superieure en francais dans l’Ouest canadien depuis plus de 100 ans. Annexe a l’Universite de l’Alberta comme une Faculte depuis 1978, le CSJ temoigne des changements survenus dans le paysage linguistique et culturel des 40 dernieres annees, surtout en ce qui a trait aux divers aspects de la dualite linguistique canadienne. Avec la popularite grandissante des programmes d’immersion francaise et le nombre croissant des nouveaux arrivants francophones, le mandat du CSJ a evolue pour inclure une gamme complete et complexe de programmes d’etudes. Par le biais de ces derniers, le CSJ va au-dela de la mission d’un etablissement d’enseignement superieur typique, en desservant les communautes francophones et les deux gouvernements, provincial et federal. Dans cet ouvrage, nous passons en revue les defis et les enjeux linguistiques, juridiques et culturels d’un contexte educatif unique, offrant un enseignement superieur en francais, tout en gardant a l’esprit l’evolution sociale, economique et politique.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 2019
Learning Analytics (LA) has the potential to be used as a unique and viable learning, teaching an... more Learning Analytics (LA) has the potential to be used as a unique and viable learning, teaching and research tool to analyze data from longitudinal assessment. The online language assessment platform, Profil Linguistique, is an innovative and useful tool, in that (1) it adapts to students learning abilities and progress and gives them the chance to monitor their progress, (2) it uses data mining to provide reports to teachers and administration who subsequently adapt the general language program in a Canadian university. From a theoretical point of view, the testing construct identified as the basis of this online assessment tool would engage students in progressing in their language competence in parallel with the courses they are taking. It is a provocative and unique way to integrate and look at assessment as a teaching tool by using LA.
Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA), 2021
After 2009, accredited Canadian engineering schools began to develop processes to map the Canadia... more After 2009, accredited Canadian engineering schools began to develop processes to map the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board-Graduate Attributes(CEAB-GAs) to their curriculum and integrate ways to measure them. At around the same time, several Canadian universities embarked on a process to identifytheir own University-wide Graduate Attribute (UGAs). UGAs are assumed to be applicable across study disciplines; i.e. the university experience as a whole.To address the need to assess students on the basis of the CEAB GAs and the UGAs in the Faculty of Engineering and develop the basis for an integrated graduate attribute management system, an interdisciplinary team conducted a yearlong qualitative study with the purpose of exploringthe intersection of the UGAs with CEAB-GAs. The key objectives were to develop a mapping process between the two sets and to explore management strategies for assessing both sets of graduate attributes. Two independent teams performed the mapping exerci...
Using Hierarchy Linear Modeling (HLM), this study identified factors, including students’ languag... more Using Hierarchy Linear Modeling (HLM), this study identified factors, including students’ language background and exposure for practicing English language, which predict students’ reading achievement. Using data from the 2007 administration of the Pan-Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP) and its accompanying surveys for students and the schools, a twolevel (student level and school level) HLM model was analyzed for predictive relationships. Results showed that at the student level, predictors such as students' participation in class discussions, language spoken at home, parents' encouragement to read at young age, and the amount of individual projects requiring students to work outside of class contributed significantly to the students' reading scores. However, none of the school level predictors were found to be significant. All the significant predictors contributed to only 12% of the variability in this HLM model. Identification of more significant variables is needed i...
Large scale analysis of educational assessment data, outlines patterns of success and failure, hi... more Large scale analysis of educational assessment data, outlines patterns of success and failure, highlights factors of success, and enables performance prediction and eventually leads to proper ways of intervention. It has applications in both traditional settings where data is extracted from paper tests and surveys, and in e-learning settings such as distance, hybrid learning, and online courses. In the latter, drop out prediction and nding its factors and patterns is gaining much attention within the research community. In the former, the performance prediction is at the center of focus as drop outs are rare. Although the platform and data extraction is different, the essence of analyzing the test data is similar in both settings. In this paper, we present a case study on using data mining techniques in the analysis of large scale assessment data. The data is from the PanCanadian Assessment Program (PCAP), which is a national achievement tests administered by the Council of Minister...
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne.
In language assessment, can one set of language competence descriptors be used regardless of the ... more In language assessment, can one set of language competence descriptors be used regardless of the mandate and the context of the language test being developed and used? This article addresses the complex issue of fairness in favoring a set of guidelines, namely the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), in the development of language tests. In many educational and language assessment contexts outside of the EU, the Framework is being used without a thorough understanding of the mandate and the context in which they have been developed and used. Taking as references the Framework, the "Canadian Language Benchmarks" (CLB) and the "ACTFL guidelines" ('American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language' guidelines), this paper argues that while the core competence in language skills is almost identical among these descriptors, the political, social, and cultural implications of the purpose and the agencies behind their development are q...
Advancing the Power of Learning Analytics and Big Data in Education, 2021
In this chapter, the authors propose an overview on the use of learning analytics (LA) and educat... more In this chapter, the authors propose an overview on the use of learning analytics (LA) and educational data mining (EDM) in addressing issues related to its uses and applications in higher education. They aim to provide meaningful and substantial answers to how both LA and EDM can advance higher education from a large scale, big data educational research perspective. They present various tasks and applications that already exist in the field of EDM and LA in higher education. They categorize them based on their purposes, their uses, and their impact on various stakeholders. They conclude the chapter by critically analyzing various forecasts regarding the impact that EDM will have on future educational setting, especially in light of the current situation that shifted education worldwide into some form of eLearning models. They also discuss and raise issues regarding fundamentals consideration on ethics and privacy in using EDM and LA in higher education.
The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 2020
PurposeIn this paper, the challenging and thorny issue of assessing graduate attributes (GAs) is ... more PurposeIn this paper, the challenging and thorny issue of assessing graduate attributes (GAs) is addressed. An interdisciplinary team at The University of Alberta ----developed a formative model of assessment centered on students and instructor interaction with course content.Design/methodology/approachThe paper starts by laying the theoretical groundwork on which this novel GA assessment tool is based, that is, competency-based education, assessment theory and GA assessment. It follows with a description of the online assessment tool for GAs that was developed in the course of this project.FindingsThe online assessment tool for GAs targets three types of stakeholders: (1) students, who self-assess in terms of GAs, (2) instructors, who use the tool to define the extent to which each GA should be inculcated in their course and (3) administrators, who receive aggregate reports based on the data gathered by the system for high-level analysis and decision-making. Collected data by stude...
Educational Data Mining (EDM) is the field of using data mining techniques in educational environ... more Educational Data Mining (EDM) is the field of using data mining techniques in educational environments. There exist various methods and applications in EDM which can follow both applied research objectives such as improving and enhancing learning quality, as well as pure research objectives, which tend to improve our understanding of the learning process. In this study we have studied various tasks and applications existing in the field of EDM and categorized them based on their purposes. We have compared our study with other existing surveys about EDM and reported a taxonomy of task.
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne.
Using Hierarchical Linear Modelling (HLM), this study aimed to identify factors such as ESL/ELL/E... more Using Hierarchical Linear Modelling (HLM), this study aimed to identify factors such as ESL/ELL/EAL status that would predict students’ reading performance in an English language arts exam taken across Canada. Using data from the 2007 administration of the Pan-Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP) along with the accompanying surveys for students and the schools, a two-level (student level and school level) HLM model was analyzed for predictive relationships. Results showed that, at the student level, predictors such as students’ participation in class discussions, language spoken at home, parents’ encouragement to read at a young age, and the number of individual projects requiring students to work outside of class contributed significantly to the students’ reading scores. However, none of the school-level predictors were found to be significant. All the significant predictors contributed to only 12% of the variability in this HLM model. Identification of more signi cant variables is n...
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics Revue Canadienne De Linguistique Appliquee, Oct 25, 2013
Dans cet article sont examinés la pertinence et l'impact d'une rétroaction ciblée sur la forme li... more Dans cet article sont examinés la pertinence et l'impact d'une rétroaction ciblée sur la forme linguistique lors d'un cours disciplinaire non linguistique (cours en éducation) ainsi qu'en cours de rédaction avancé, alors que la langue d'instruction, en l'occurrence le français, n'est pas nécessairement la langue première desdits étudiants. Le but de cette étude, longitudinale, est d'évaluer la mise en oeuvre d'un portfolio permettant aux étudiants, de manière semi-autonome, de mieux gérer les erreurs qu'ils produisent à l'écrit. Les soixante-deux étudiants ayant pris part à l'étude ont suivi plusieurs étapes depuis l'identification des erreurs, la codification, la correction, le calcul de la fréquence des erreurs produites par type. Ils ont ensuite été amenés à rédiger un texte réflexif. Le portfolio d'erreurs constitue donc un outil pédagogique grâce auquel les étudiants sont encouragés à participer activement au traitement de leurs erreurs, sans que cela n'entrave ni leur motivation ni la transmission des contenus de cours. Les résultats montrent une amélioration substantielle de la correction linguistique des étudiants.
Canadian Journal of Education Revue Canadienne De L Education, Jul 17, 2012
Canadian institutions of higher education are major players on the international arena for educat... more Canadian institutions of higher education are major players on the international arena for educating future generations and producing leaders around the world in various fields. In the last decade, Canadian universities have seen an influx in their incoming international students, who contribute over $3.5 billion to the Canadian economy (Madgett & Bélanger 2008, p. 195). Research in Canadian post-secondary institutions is booming, especially in education (SSHRC, 2011)-for the academic year 2010-2011, of the 12 subject areas, the total SSHRC funding for projects in education, ranked fourth, exceeding $27 million. All of these variables place Canadian higher education in a leading and strategic position in several educational research fields. One can imagine the wealth of knowledge about trends in higher education that could be revealed if the large amount of data generated by Canadian universities were systematically analyzed and handled using techniques such as data mining. However, not much can be achieved from the unharnessed knowledge accumulated on a daily basis, as the advancement of data mining research that would provide the ultimate tool to learn about trends and changes in Canadian institutions is often held back by inadequate data warehousing, as well as by privacy, confidentiality, and copyright regulations. In this paper, we engage in a critical discussion/analysis of the interface between data mining research in higher education and the legal implications of such a tool.
Papers by Samira Elatia