Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHLs) are a heterogeneous group of malignancies originating from the lymph... more Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHLs) are a heterogeneous group of malignancies originating from the lymphoid tissues, which can be differentiated by distinct epidemiology, etiology, and clinical characteristics. They can occur in the lymph nodes or as extranodal lesions. The vast majority of extranodal oral NHLs are classified as diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL). They are usually found in the maxilla and they rarely occur in the mandible. The aim of this paper was to report a case of NHL with mandibular location by detailing its different clinical, radiological, and histopathological aspects. Herein, we report a case of NHL in the under chin region of the mandible in a 66-year-old male patient. The first diagnosis was post-extraction complication with delayed bone healing. The clinical and standard radiological examinations had no pathognomonic features. However, left labio-chin hypoesthesia and CT examination revealed a malignancy of the lesion without any precision. After performing...
Annales De Chirurgie Plastique Esthetique, Jun 15, 2021
INTRODUCTION Among vascular malformations, arteriovenous malformations (AVM) are potentially the ... more INTRODUCTION Among vascular malformations, arteriovenous malformations (AVM) are potentially the most invasive and destructive especially when located on the face. Their management is still subject to controversy and yet no consensus exists. Our aim was to report long-term therapeutic outcomes for patients with facial AVM managed either by embolization alone or by resection with/without preoperative embolization. MATERIAL AND METHODS A bi-centric retrospective study was carried out covering the period from 2001 to 2018 including 30 patients with a facial AVM. Outcomes were categorized as follows: with 1=controlled disease, 2=improved disease (residual, no expansion), 3=persistent or stable disease (neither improved nor worsened), and 4=recurrent or worsened disease. RESULTS The initial treatment modality was embolization (n=5, 16.7%), surgical resection (n=16, 53.3%), and surgical resection after embolization (n=9, 30%). The follow-up period ranged from 12 to 216 months with a median of 54.9 months. Taking all treatment modalities together, disease control was achieved in 60% of the cases. Disease control was achieved in 77.8% of the cases after embolization followed by surgery, in 68.7% after surgery alone and in none of the cases after embolization alone. CONCLUSIONS According to our results, optimal treatment is based on a combination of embolization followed by a well-conducted surgical treatment.
Introduction Le syndrome Nail-Patella ou onycho-osteo-dysplasie hereditaire est une maladie hered... more Introduction Le syndrome Nail-Patella ou onycho-osteo-dysplasie hereditaire est une maladie hereditaire rare qui se manifeste par une dysplasie des ongles et des anomalies osseuses, renales ou oculaires. Nous decrivons le cas d’un patient diagnostique porteur d’un syndrome Nail-Patella qui consulte devant une onychodysplasie associee a une hyperparathyroidie secondaire a une insuffisance renale terminale. Observation Il s’agit d’un homme âge de 40 ans, longiligne, issu d’un mariage non consanguin, aux antecedents d’hypertension arterielle, d’insuffisance renale chronique au stade d’hemodialyse depuis 8 ans, qui consulte le departement de chirurgie maxillofaciale pour prise en charge chirurgicale d’une hyperparathyroidie secondaire decouverte devant des douleurs osseuses diffuses. A l’examen dermatologique, on decouvre une dysplasie des ongles des doigts et des orteils avec une lunule triangulaire, des stries longitudinale deformant l’ongle du gros orteil et de l’index en deux moitie...
INTRODUCTION On January 2011, Tunisia had known a revolution. To move from dictatorship to democr... more INTRODUCTION On January 2011, Tunisia had known a revolution. To move from dictatorship to democraty project, the country suddenly fell into political instability, which was accompanied by a wave of social violence. Traumatology, and, particularly, maxilla-facial traumatology, is usually a reliable indicator of the degree of violence. AIM The aim of this study was to establish the epidemiological profile of facial fractures during the various phases of political transition through which Tunisia has passed since revolution (2012-2016). PATIENTS AND METHODS A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted among all patients with facial fractures admitted to the department of Oral and Maxillo facial Surgery of University Hospital of Sahloul during five years (2012-2016). Fractures diagnosed late at the sequelae stage were excluded. Data of patients were recorded according to medical files, including cause of injury, age and gender, injury mechanisms and type of facial fracture. RESULTS During the period of the study, a total of 476 patients were identified, with a sex-ratio of 7.2 to 1, patients ranged in age from 1 year to 76-years-old with a mean age of 27 years. Assaults were the most common cause of injury (39.1%). Mandible was fractured in 257 cases (54.2%) followed by zygoma (116 cases, 24.4%), nasal bone (99 cases, 20.8%) and Orbital walls (98 cases, 20.6%). DISCUSSION The epidemiological profile of facial fractures in Tunisia has been changed since 2011. Facial fractures occur mainly after assaults, which are an indicator of increased social violence accompanying political instability present in our country.
Teratoma is a tumor representing differentiation from all embryonic germ layers, ectoderm, mesode... more Teratoma is a tumor representing differentiation from all embryonic germ layers, ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. 1 Nasopharyngeal teratoma (NPT) can extend to the sphenoidal, endobuccal, and pharyngeal regions. The most common associated abnormality is cleft palate (CP). 2 A 14-month-old newborn girl was referred to our department for CP. Oral examination revealed a firm mass of 1 × 1.5 cm, appended to the ethmoid (Figure 1A). A head computed tomography scan revealed a well-delimited tumor with calcifications and fat tissue, expanding to the sphenoid (Figure 1C,D).
Le plasmocytome solitaire est une tumeur maligne caractérisée par une prolifération monoclonale d... more Le plasmocytome solitaire est une tumeur maligne caractérisée par une prolifération monoclonale de plasmocytes. Il atteint préférentiellement le rachis et le pelvis. Sa localisation mandibulaire est exceptionnelle. Les auteurs rapportent deux observations et rappellent les aspects radiocliniques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs de cette pathologie rare. Il s'agissait d'un homme et d'une femme âgés respectivement de 38 et 70 ans qui ont consulté pour des tumeurs mandibulaires étiquetées histologiquement plasmocytome. Le bilan d'extension tumorale était négatif, dans les deux cas, confirmant son caractère solitaire. Une exérèse tumorale a été réalisée chez les deux patients. L'évolution était marquée par une transformation myélomateuse dans le premier cas nécessitant une polychimiothérapie adjuvante. > q plasmocytome q solitaire q mandibule Mots clés
Nasopharyngeal teratomas (NPT) are rare and represent only 2% of all teratomas. They can lead to ... more Nasopharyngeal teratomas (NPT) are rare and represent only 2% of all teratomas. They can lead to an embryopathogenic mechanical obstacle responsible for a cleft palate (CP). We report the case of a 14-month-old female with NPT associated with a CP.
Amir Eleuch ( [email protected] ) Universite de Tunis El Manar Faculte de Medecine de Tun... more Amir Eleuch ( [email protected] ) Universite de Tunis El Manar Faculte de Medecine de Tunis Maha Ben Rejeb Universite de Sousse Faculte de Medecine de Sousse Anis Ayadi Universite de Sousse Faculte de Medecine de Sousse Samia Ayachi Universite de Sousse Faculte de Medecine de Sousse Ramzi Moatemri Universite de Sousse Faculte de Medecine de Sousse Habib Khochtali Universite de Sousse Faculte de Medecine de Sousse
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is a benign epithelial tumor which mainly affects young women. It u... more Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is a benign epithelial tumor which mainly affects young women. It usually occurs in the anterior portion of the upper jaw. Diagnosis can be clinically suspected in patients with cyst formation associated with retained tooth but histopathological confirmation is required. This study involved two patients aged 13 and 37 years, with no previous history, presenting after the occurrence of a swelling on the jaw and mandible. Anatomopathological examination of these lesions showed adenomatoid odontogenic tumor. This study highlights the anatomoclinical features, outcome and treatment of this type of tumor.
Undescended glands are a rare cause of primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism. Patient and met... more Undescended glands are a rare cause of primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism. Patient and method: We report the case of a 35 year-old female with a 14 year-old history of chronic renal failure who presented a severe and persistent secondary hyperparathyroidism despite subtotal parathyroidectomy and removal of mediastinal ectopic parathyroid. The patient remained symptomatic with high iPTH levels at 1700 pg/ml. Result: A 99mTc-Sestamibi parathyroid scintigraphy was performed. Cervical SPECT/CT localized the pathological uptake in the fused images behind the right submandibular salivary gland, in the right jugulo-carotid bifurcation. Minimally invasive surgical intervention was successfully performed. The postoperative iPTH level was within the normal range.
Brown tumors (BTs) are relatively uncommon but they are serious complications of renal osteodystr... more Brown tumors (BTs) are relatively uncommon but they are serious complications of renal osteodystrophy. The objective of this study was to analyze the clinical, biological, and radiological characteristics of 16 patients with BTs provoked by secondary hyperparathyroidism (sHPT) and its response to the decrease in parathyroid hormone levels after parathyroidectomy (PTX). The management of that uncommon condition was also reviewed. We conducted a retrospective study including 16 end-stage renal disease patients who underwent subtotal PTX between 1997 and 2007 for severe sHPT with BTs. Our study included 10 men and 6 women, whose average age was 34 years. All patients were on dialysis. Ten of them were on dialysis for more than 5 years. The median duration on dialysis was 84 months. Patients included suffered from swellings associated with functional limitations. BTs had multiple locations in 7 patients. Jaw was the most frequent location (62%). Radiography and tomodensitometry demonstrated a mixed radio lucent and radio-opaque lesions with an expansion of the cortical bone. Bone scan demonstrated an increased uptake of lesions. Chirurgical treatment was indicated in all cases because of severe refractory sHPT with functional limitations and/or disfiguring deformities. In all cases, BTs stopped its progression and even decreased in size. However, it was insufficient in four cases, which required a surgical resection. PTX remains an efficacious approach in resistant cases of sHPT with persistent BTs.
Giant-cell arteritis (GCA), also referred to as temporal arteritis, is the most common primary va... more Giant-cell arteritis (GCA), also referred to as temporal arteritis, is the most common primary vasculitis of the elderly involving the extracranial branches of the carotid arteries, in particular, the temporal artery. Patients usually present with temporal headaches, visual impairment, fever, and scalp tenderness. Scalp necrosis associated with GCA is a rare occurrence with approximately 100 cases reported in the literature to date. It is a therapeutic emergency requiring urgent management as it may lead to irreversible loss of vision. To increase awareness of this severe complication, we report a patient with a scalp necrosis revealing a GCA.
Septic arthritis of the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) is a rare disease that has been reported i... more Septic arthritis of the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) is a rare disease that has been reported infrequently. To the best of the authors' knowledge, only one case of bilateral TMJ septic arthritis has been reported. The contamination may result from direct extension of adjacent infection (dental or ENT), from hematogenous spread of blood-borne organisms or from direct inoculation. The most common presenting are trismus and pain, although swelling, tenderness and erythema have also been described. In addition, patients may develop fever, regional lymphadenopathy and malocclusion. Through a successively bilateral case of TMJ arthritis, without obvious portal of entry of the bacteria, we will analyze characteristics and treatment of this disease.
Introduction : Les pseudotumeurs inflammatoires sont un groupe rare de tumeurs bénignes d'étiolog... more Introduction : Les pseudotumeurs inflammatoires sont un groupe rare de tumeurs bénignes d'étiologie inconnue. La localisation cervico-faciale est rare, particulièrement au niveau des sinus para-nasaux. Les auteurs rapportent une nouvelle observation de pseudotumeur inflammatoire au niveau du sinus maxillaire et discutent les caractéristiques cliniques et thérapeutiques de cette entité en se basant sur une revue de la littérature. Observation : Patiente, âgée de 31 ans, ayant consulté pour une tuméfaction jugale droite évoluant depuis trois mois. L'examen clinique a montré un comblement vestibulaire supérieur droit avec une mobilité des dents en regard. La tomodensitométrie a confirmé la présence d'un processus tissulaire dense du sinus maxillaire droit avec érosion des parois osseuses et extension à la fosse nasale homolatérale. Elle a bénéficié d'une exérèse tumorale. L'examen histologique a été en faveur d'une tumeur myofibroblastique inflammatoire du sinus maxillaire. Aucune récidive n'a été notée avec un recul de neuf ans. Discussion : Bien que bénignes, ces pseudotumeurs inflammatoires présentent des caractéristiques cliniques d'agressivité avec un pouvoir lytique mimant une tumeur maligne. Le traitement de ces tumeurs est mal codifié. L'exérèse chirurgicale et les corticostéroïdes représentent les modalités thérapeutiques les plus utilisées.
Introduction : le kératokyste odontogéne (KKO) est une des tumeurs odontogènes les plus fréquente... more Introduction : le kératokyste odontogéne (KKO) est une des tumeurs odontogènes les plus fréquentes. Plusieurs travaux se sont intéressés à l'étude de cette lésion depuis sa première description afin de pouvoir comprendre son comportement biologique. Matériel et méthode : il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective immunohistochimique des marqueurs PCNA, Ki67 et P53 chez 40 patients opérés pour un KKO. Résultats : ces marqueurs sont retrouvés dans les couches suprabasales de l'épithélium de la paroi kystique. Il n'y a pas de différence statistiquement significative dans l'expression de ces marqueurs entre les différentes formes cliniques (sporadique, récurrent et syndromique), et il n'existe pas de corrélation entre ces marqueurs et la survenue d'une récidive. Conclusion : PCNA, Ki67 et P53 ne sont pas des marqueurs pour l'histopronostic des KKO.
Assistant hospitalo-universitaire en chirurgie maxillo-faciale, Service de chirurgie maxillo-faci... more Assistant hospitalo-universitaire en chirurgie maxillo-faciale, Service de chirurgie maxillo-faciale,
Assistant hospitalo-universitaire en chirurgie maxillo-faciale, Service de chirurgie maxillo-faci... more Assistant hospitalo-universitaire en chirurgie maxillo-faciale, Service de chirurgie maxillo-faciale,
Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHLs) are a heterogeneous group of malignancies originating from the lymph... more Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHLs) are a heterogeneous group of malignancies originating from the lymphoid tissues, which can be differentiated by distinct epidemiology, etiology, and clinical characteristics. They can occur in the lymph nodes or as extranodal lesions. The vast majority of extranodal oral NHLs are classified as diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL). They are usually found in the maxilla and they rarely occur in the mandible. The aim of this paper was to report a case of NHL with mandibular location by detailing its different clinical, radiological, and histopathological aspects. Herein, we report a case of NHL in the under chin region of the mandible in a 66-year-old male patient. The first diagnosis was post-extraction complication with delayed bone healing. The clinical and standard radiological examinations had no pathognomonic features. However, left labio-chin hypoesthesia and CT examination revealed a malignancy of the lesion without any precision. After performing...
Annales De Chirurgie Plastique Esthetique, Jun 15, 2021
INTRODUCTION Among vascular malformations, arteriovenous malformations (AVM) are potentially the ... more INTRODUCTION Among vascular malformations, arteriovenous malformations (AVM) are potentially the most invasive and destructive especially when located on the face. Their management is still subject to controversy and yet no consensus exists. Our aim was to report long-term therapeutic outcomes for patients with facial AVM managed either by embolization alone or by resection with/without preoperative embolization. MATERIAL AND METHODS A bi-centric retrospective study was carried out covering the period from 2001 to 2018 including 30 patients with a facial AVM. Outcomes were categorized as follows: with 1=controlled disease, 2=improved disease (residual, no expansion), 3=persistent or stable disease (neither improved nor worsened), and 4=recurrent or worsened disease. RESULTS The initial treatment modality was embolization (n=5, 16.7%), surgical resection (n=16, 53.3%), and surgical resection after embolization (n=9, 30%). The follow-up period ranged from 12 to 216 months with a median of 54.9 months. Taking all treatment modalities together, disease control was achieved in 60% of the cases. Disease control was achieved in 77.8% of the cases after embolization followed by surgery, in 68.7% after surgery alone and in none of the cases after embolization alone. CONCLUSIONS According to our results, optimal treatment is based on a combination of embolization followed by a well-conducted surgical treatment.
Introduction Le syndrome Nail-Patella ou onycho-osteo-dysplasie hereditaire est une maladie hered... more Introduction Le syndrome Nail-Patella ou onycho-osteo-dysplasie hereditaire est une maladie hereditaire rare qui se manifeste par une dysplasie des ongles et des anomalies osseuses, renales ou oculaires. Nous decrivons le cas d’un patient diagnostique porteur d’un syndrome Nail-Patella qui consulte devant une onychodysplasie associee a une hyperparathyroidie secondaire a une insuffisance renale terminale. Observation Il s’agit d’un homme âge de 40 ans, longiligne, issu d’un mariage non consanguin, aux antecedents d’hypertension arterielle, d’insuffisance renale chronique au stade d’hemodialyse depuis 8 ans, qui consulte le departement de chirurgie maxillofaciale pour prise en charge chirurgicale d’une hyperparathyroidie secondaire decouverte devant des douleurs osseuses diffuses. A l’examen dermatologique, on decouvre une dysplasie des ongles des doigts et des orteils avec une lunule triangulaire, des stries longitudinale deformant l’ongle du gros orteil et de l’index en deux moitie...
INTRODUCTION On January 2011, Tunisia had known a revolution. To move from dictatorship to democr... more INTRODUCTION On January 2011, Tunisia had known a revolution. To move from dictatorship to democraty project, the country suddenly fell into political instability, which was accompanied by a wave of social violence. Traumatology, and, particularly, maxilla-facial traumatology, is usually a reliable indicator of the degree of violence. AIM The aim of this study was to establish the epidemiological profile of facial fractures during the various phases of political transition through which Tunisia has passed since revolution (2012-2016). PATIENTS AND METHODS A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted among all patients with facial fractures admitted to the department of Oral and Maxillo facial Surgery of University Hospital of Sahloul during five years (2012-2016). Fractures diagnosed late at the sequelae stage were excluded. Data of patients were recorded according to medical files, including cause of injury, age and gender, injury mechanisms and type of facial fracture. RESULTS During the period of the study, a total of 476 patients were identified, with a sex-ratio of 7.2 to 1, patients ranged in age from 1 year to 76-years-old with a mean age of 27 years. Assaults were the most common cause of injury (39.1%). Mandible was fractured in 257 cases (54.2%) followed by zygoma (116 cases, 24.4%), nasal bone (99 cases, 20.8%) and Orbital walls (98 cases, 20.6%). DISCUSSION The epidemiological profile of facial fractures in Tunisia has been changed since 2011. Facial fractures occur mainly after assaults, which are an indicator of increased social violence accompanying political instability present in our country.
Teratoma is a tumor representing differentiation from all embryonic germ layers, ectoderm, mesode... more Teratoma is a tumor representing differentiation from all embryonic germ layers, ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. 1 Nasopharyngeal teratoma (NPT) can extend to the sphenoidal, endobuccal, and pharyngeal regions. The most common associated abnormality is cleft palate (CP). 2 A 14-month-old newborn girl was referred to our department for CP. Oral examination revealed a firm mass of 1 × 1.5 cm, appended to the ethmoid (Figure 1A). A head computed tomography scan revealed a well-delimited tumor with calcifications and fat tissue, expanding to the sphenoid (Figure 1C,D).
Le plasmocytome solitaire est une tumeur maligne caractérisée par une prolifération monoclonale d... more Le plasmocytome solitaire est une tumeur maligne caractérisée par une prolifération monoclonale de plasmocytes. Il atteint préférentiellement le rachis et le pelvis. Sa localisation mandibulaire est exceptionnelle. Les auteurs rapportent deux observations et rappellent les aspects radiocliniques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs de cette pathologie rare. Il s'agissait d'un homme et d'une femme âgés respectivement de 38 et 70 ans qui ont consulté pour des tumeurs mandibulaires étiquetées histologiquement plasmocytome. Le bilan d'extension tumorale était négatif, dans les deux cas, confirmant son caractère solitaire. Une exérèse tumorale a été réalisée chez les deux patients. L'évolution était marquée par une transformation myélomateuse dans le premier cas nécessitant une polychimiothérapie adjuvante. > q plasmocytome q solitaire q mandibule Mots clés
Nasopharyngeal teratomas (NPT) are rare and represent only 2% of all teratomas. They can lead to ... more Nasopharyngeal teratomas (NPT) are rare and represent only 2% of all teratomas. They can lead to an embryopathogenic mechanical obstacle responsible for a cleft palate (CP). We report the case of a 14-month-old female with NPT associated with a CP.
Amir Eleuch ( [email protected] ) Universite de Tunis El Manar Faculte de Medecine de Tun... more Amir Eleuch ( [email protected] ) Universite de Tunis El Manar Faculte de Medecine de Tunis Maha Ben Rejeb Universite de Sousse Faculte de Medecine de Sousse Anis Ayadi Universite de Sousse Faculte de Medecine de Sousse Samia Ayachi Universite de Sousse Faculte de Medecine de Sousse Ramzi Moatemri Universite de Sousse Faculte de Medecine de Sousse Habib Khochtali Universite de Sousse Faculte de Medecine de Sousse
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is a benign epithelial tumor which mainly affects young women. It u... more Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is a benign epithelial tumor which mainly affects young women. It usually occurs in the anterior portion of the upper jaw. Diagnosis can be clinically suspected in patients with cyst formation associated with retained tooth but histopathological confirmation is required. This study involved two patients aged 13 and 37 years, with no previous history, presenting after the occurrence of a swelling on the jaw and mandible. Anatomopathological examination of these lesions showed adenomatoid odontogenic tumor. This study highlights the anatomoclinical features, outcome and treatment of this type of tumor.
Undescended glands are a rare cause of primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism. Patient and met... more Undescended glands are a rare cause of primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism. Patient and method: We report the case of a 35 year-old female with a 14 year-old history of chronic renal failure who presented a severe and persistent secondary hyperparathyroidism despite subtotal parathyroidectomy and removal of mediastinal ectopic parathyroid. The patient remained symptomatic with high iPTH levels at 1700 pg/ml. Result: A 99mTc-Sestamibi parathyroid scintigraphy was performed. Cervical SPECT/CT localized the pathological uptake in the fused images behind the right submandibular salivary gland, in the right jugulo-carotid bifurcation. Minimally invasive surgical intervention was successfully performed. The postoperative iPTH level was within the normal range.
Brown tumors (BTs) are relatively uncommon but they are serious complications of renal osteodystr... more Brown tumors (BTs) are relatively uncommon but they are serious complications of renal osteodystrophy. The objective of this study was to analyze the clinical, biological, and radiological characteristics of 16 patients with BTs provoked by secondary hyperparathyroidism (sHPT) and its response to the decrease in parathyroid hormone levels after parathyroidectomy (PTX). The management of that uncommon condition was also reviewed. We conducted a retrospective study including 16 end-stage renal disease patients who underwent subtotal PTX between 1997 and 2007 for severe sHPT with BTs. Our study included 10 men and 6 women, whose average age was 34 years. All patients were on dialysis. Ten of them were on dialysis for more than 5 years. The median duration on dialysis was 84 months. Patients included suffered from swellings associated with functional limitations. BTs had multiple locations in 7 patients. Jaw was the most frequent location (62%). Radiography and tomodensitometry demonstrated a mixed radio lucent and radio-opaque lesions with an expansion of the cortical bone. Bone scan demonstrated an increased uptake of lesions. Chirurgical treatment was indicated in all cases because of severe refractory sHPT with functional limitations and/or disfiguring deformities. In all cases, BTs stopped its progression and even decreased in size. However, it was insufficient in four cases, which required a surgical resection. PTX remains an efficacious approach in resistant cases of sHPT with persistent BTs.
Giant-cell arteritis (GCA), also referred to as temporal arteritis, is the most common primary va... more Giant-cell arteritis (GCA), also referred to as temporal arteritis, is the most common primary vasculitis of the elderly involving the extracranial branches of the carotid arteries, in particular, the temporal artery. Patients usually present with temporal headaches, visual impairment, fever, and scalp tenderness. Scalp necrosis associated with GCA is a rare occurrence with approximately 100 cases reported in the literature to date. It is a therapeutic emergency requiring urgent management as it may lead to irreversible loss of vision. To increase awareness of this severe complication, we report a patient with a scalp necrosis revealing a GCA.
Septic arthritis of the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) is a rare disease that has been reported i... more Septic arthritis of the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) is a rare disease that has been reported infrequently. To the best of the authors' knowledge, only one case of bilateral TMJ septic arthritis has been reported. The contamination may result from direct extension of adjacent infection (dental or ENT), from hematogenous spread of blood-borne organisms or from direct inoculation. The most common presenting are trismus and pain, although swelling, tenderness and erythema have also been described. In addition, patients may develop fever, regional lymphadenopathy and malocclusion. Through a successively bilateral case of TMJ arthritis, without obvious portal of entry of the bacteria, we will analyze characteristics and treatment of this disease.
Introduction : Les pseudotumeurs inflammatoires sont un groupe rare de tumeurs bénignes d'étiolog... more Introduction : Les pseudotumeurs inflammatoires sont un groupe rare de tumeurs bénignes d'étiologie inconnue. La localisation cervico-faciale est rare, particulièrement au niveau des sinus para-nasaux. Les auteurs rapportent une nouvelle observation de pseudotumeur inflammatoire au niveau du sinus maxillaire et discutent les caractéristiques cliniques et thérapeutiques de cette entité en se basant sur une revue de la littérature. Observation : Patiente, âgée de 31 ans, ayant consulté pour une tuméfaction jugale droite évoluant depuis trois mois. L'examen clinique a montré un comblement vestibulaire supérieur droit avec une mobilité des dents en regard. La tomodensitométrie a confirmé la présence d'un processus tissulaire dense du sinus maxillaire droit avec érosion des parois osseuses et extension à la fosse nasale homolatérale. Elle a bénéficié d'une exérèse tumorale. L'examen histologique a été en faveur d'une tumeur myofibroblastique inflammatoire du sinus maxillaire. Aucune récidive n'a été notée avec un recul de neuf ans. Discussion : Bien que bénignes, ces pseudotumeurs inflammatoires présentent des caractéristiques cliniques d'agressivité avec un pouvoir lytique mimant une tumeur maligne. Le traitement de ces tumeurs est mal codifié. L'exérèse chirurgicale et les corticostéroïdes représentent les modalités thérapeutiques les plus utilisées.
Introduction : le kératokyste odontogéne (KKO) est une des tumeurs odontogènes les plus fréquente... more Introduction : le kératokyste odontogéne (KKO) est une des tumeurs odontogènes les plus fréquentes. Plusieurs travaux se sont intéressés à l'étude de cette lésion depuis sa première description afin de pouvoir comprendre son comportement biologique. Matériel et méthode : il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective immunohistochimique des marqueurs PCNA, Ki67 et P53 chez 40 patients opérés pour un KKO. Résultats : ces marqueurs sont retrouvés dans les couches suprabasales de l'épithélium de la paroi kystique. Il n'y a pas de différence statistiquement significative dans l'expression de ces marqueurs entre les différentes formes cliniques (sporadique, récurrent et syndromique), et il n'existe pas de corrélation entre ces marqueurs et la survenue d'une récidive. Conclusion : PCNA, Ki67 et P53 ne sont pas des marqueurs pour l'histopronostic des KKO.
Assistant hospitalo-universitaire en chirurgie maxillo-faciale, Service de chirurgie maxillo-faci... more Assistant hospitalo-universitaire en chirurgie maxillo-faciale, Service de chirurgie maxillo-faciale,
Assistant hospitalo-universitaire en chirurgie maxillo-faciale, Service de chirurgie maxillo-faci... more Assistant hospitalo-universitaire en chirurgie maxillo-faciale, Service de chirurgie maxillo-faciale,
Papers by Samia Ayachi