Papers by Sameena Chowdhury
Bangladesh Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 2020
not available Bangladesh J Obstet Gynaecol, 2018; Vol. 33(2) : 174-177

Bangladesh Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
A bundle is a structured way of improving the processes of care and patient outcomes: a small, st... more A bundle is a structured way of improving the processes of care and patient outcomes: a small, straightforward set of evidence-based practices-generally three to five-that, when performed collectively and reliably, have been proven to improve patient outcomes. Quality teams should resist the impulse to label any list of good changes a bundle. The power of a bundle comes from the body of science behind it and the method of execution: with complete consistency. It’s not that the changes in a bundle are new; these are well established best practices, but are often not performed uniformly, making treatment unreliable, at times idiosyncratic. A bundle ties the changes together into a package of interventions that people know must be followed for every patient, every single time. It resembles a list, but a bundle is more than that. A bundle has specific elements that make it unique. The changes are all necessary and all sufficient. It is a cohesive unit of steps that must all be completed...
Bangladesh Medical Journal, 2012
Heterotopic pregnancy is coexistence of intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancies that is ectopic... more Heterotopic pregnancy is coexistence of intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancies that is ectopic pregnancies. It is said to be rare. Here we report a case of 27 years old woman with heterotopic pregnancy. Patient had a typical presentation of severe lower abdominal pain following amenorrhoea for 2½ months. On clinical examination, there was suspicion of ectopic pregnancy but ultrasonography revealed early intrauterine pregnancy along with right tubal pregnancy with huge collection in abdomen . Immediate laparotomy was done and diagnosis was confirmed as a case of heterotopic pregnancy.DOI: BMJ 2010; 39(3)

Bangladesh Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Objective: To reduce the incidence and death due to post-partum Hemorrhage (PPH) and capacity bui... more Objective: To reduce the incidence and death due to post-partum Hemorrhage (PPH) and capacity building of health service providers by using PPH Emergency response using Bundle Approach. Method: Planning and implementation of WHO formulated PPH Bundles [Active Management of Third Stage of Labour (AMTSL), First response Bundle and Refractory PPH Bundle] by Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of Bangladesh (OGSB) in 14 different levels of public and private hospitals in Bangladesh. After discussion with International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) and South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (SAFOG) team, a Memorandum of understanding (MOU) was signed; permission from Ministry of Health and Family welfare (MOHFW) was obtained through Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) and also from all the institutions. The project period was from November 2019 to September 2022 in a spoke-and-hub fashion. A group of master trainers and a technical advisory gr...
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 2020
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-... more This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
Bangladesh Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 2020
not available Bangladesh J Obstet Gynaecol, 2018; Vol. 33(2) : 167-170

Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons, 2011
In Bangladesh majority of deliveries are attended by unskilled traditional birth attendants and m... more In Bangladesh majority of deliveries are attended by unskilled traditional birth attendants and maternal mortality is still quite high. Global evidence suggests that most critical intervention for reduction of maternal mortality is to ensure skilled attendance at birth. The objective of this study was to explore the effect of strengthening obstetric care services through implementation of skilled Midwives at selected urban centres in terms of utilization of antenatal and delivery care in the community. A quasi experimental community trial was conducted during January 2000 to June 2003. Ten health centers were selected from the maternity care centers of urban primary health care project in Dhaka city, matched into comparable pair and assigned randomly as intervention and control centers. The intervention consisted of deployment of 10 skilled midwives in pair to provide obstetric care services in five intervention centre and the community. Essential drugs and logistics were supplied t...

Bangladesh Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Dengue fever during pregnancy is increasing day by day in Bangladesh. The knowledge of adverse ef... more Dengue fever during pregnancy is increasing day by day in Bangladesh. The knowledge of adverse effects on mother and neonate remains limited and there are also lack of management guideline in this regard. Mortality rate for severe dengue fever is 0.8–2.5%, and pregnancy should be considered as a coexisting risk factor for serious infection. However, the maternal and fetal outcomes not fully understood. Some review articles on outcomes of neonates born to mother with dengue fever was reported, and demonstrated that preterm birth and low birth weight were the most common adverse pregnancy outcomes; however, dengue fever was not significantly associated with these adverse outcomes, suggesting that symptomatic dengue fever may indicate risk. Other adverse effects such as stillbirth or postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) remain unclear. Therefore, we aimed to brief review of recent management guideline of OGSB about dengue fever in pregnancy. Bangladesh J Obstet Gynaecol, 2019; Vol. 34(1): 36-42
Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons, 2006
Maternal death audit is becoming a routine process in the practice of obstetric care in both deve... more Maternal death audit is becoming a routine process in the practice of obstetric care in both developed and developing countries. Review of case records of maternal deaths between September 1999 and December 2004 was done to find out the profile of the patients and factors associated with the deaths in a periurban hospital in Dhaka. A total 40 maternal deaths occured among 14,137 live births amounting MMR 282 per 100,000 live births.

International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics
Ensuring universal access to sexual and reproductive healthcare services is Target 3.7 of the Uni... more Ensuring universal access to sexual and reproductive healthcare services is Target 3.7 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Refugee and migrant women and children are at particular risk of being forgotten in the global momentum to achieve this target. In this article we discuss the violations of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of particular relevance to the refugee and migrant reality. We give contextspecific examples of denial of health services to vulnerable groups; lack of dignity as a barrier to care; the vulnerability of adolescents; child marriage; weaponized rape; genderbased violence; and sexual trafficking. We discuss rights frameworks and models that are being used in response to these situations, as well as what remains to be done. Specifically, we call for obstetricians and gynecologists to act as individual providers and through their FIGO member societies to protect women's health and rights in these exposed settings.
Bangladesh Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 2016
Twin pregnancy has aroused curiosity and attention for generations. In some traditional societies... more Twin pregnancy has aroused curiosity and attention for generations. In some traditional societies twins were believed to be supernatural origin and considered fragile and threatened by misfortunate 1. Multiple pregnancies are recognized as associated with increased incidence of adverse pregnancy outcome with significant management challenges and require special medical care 2. Low birth weight and prematurity are the main causes of perinatal mortality and malpresentation of one or both babies occurs in about 60% of twin pregnancies 3. Studies have shown

Journal of SAFOG with DVD, 2009
In most developing countries like Bangladesh the health care facilities are not optimally availab... more In most developing countries like Bangladesh the health care facilities are not optimally available and usually are underutilized. The study explored the perception of urban poor women regarding pregnancy, childbirth and obstetric care services of the health centers and factors for utilization and/or nonutilization of such services. Focus group discussions were conducted among mothers with a child aged one year or below, their husband and elder female members of the family between May and June 2001 in selected geographical clusters of Dhaka city. It was revealed that women regard pregnancy and child birth as a natural process that needs no medical care unless some dire emergency arises. Taking tetanus toxoid during pregnancy was equated with availing antenatal care. Traditional birth attendant (Dai) was more preferable as birth attendant as they are available at home, like a kin to them, and affordable. Reason for not availing the services were high cost, nonavailability of drugs, hassles to get free bed, ignorance about the complications, negative cultural norm, rude behavior of health care providers, fear of cesarian section and an unfamiliar environment in the hospitals. Utilization of maternity care services can be improved through a combined effort of increasing awareness to avail skilled care and made the services more accessible and with better quality.
Bangladesh Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 2011

Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin, 2009
The study was conducted using the exit interview with patients (n=120), in depth interview with h... more The study was conducted using the exit interview with patients (n=120), in depth interview with health care providers (n=87) and focus group discussion (n=16) with stakeholders to assess the perceived level of quality of care in maternal and newborn health at public facilities in Bangladesh. Both clients and providers expressed dissatisfaction for inadequate quality of care represented by poor cleanliness, long waiting time with less consultation time, poor compassion by providers, inadequate supply of drugs and unnoticed cost for services varied by level of facilities. Inadequacy in human resource and absenteeism and poor laboratory service were reported to worsen the condition especially at lower level of service delivery. Thus this study explored some important factors like poor quality of care, inadequate technical competencies, information exchange and follow-up services. A deficit in supplies and logistics are strong barrier in regards to quality of care at various levels whi...
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 1998
A case of primary ovarian pregnancy proceeding upto term superimposed by another intrauterine pre... more A case of primary ovarian pregnancy proceeding upto term superimposed by another intrauterine pregnancy is presented. Compound extrauterine and intrauterine pregnancy is a rare obstetric phenomenon and still rarer is a primary ovarian pregnancy proceeding upto the term. The condition was diagnosed at laparotomy during the second trimester of current pregnancy. Diagnostic laparotomy was done because the ovarian pregnancy was mimicking an ovarian tumur. The ovarian pregnancy was successfully managed by surgery. Normal vaginal delivery of a term intrauterine pregnancy occurred in due time. The difficulty of diagnosing the heterotopic pregnancy is discussed and the clinico-pathological features of primary term ovarian pregnancy is emphasized, as it is a very rare condition.

Bangladesh has the highest level of incidence and mortality rates due to cervical cancer among wo... more Bangladesh has the highest level of incidence and mortality rates due to cervical cancer among women. The prevalence of cervical cancer in Bangladeshi women is 25-30/100 000. Human papillomavirus is an important cause of cervical cancer. The study was conducted to assess the immunogenicity and safety profile of human papillomavirus-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted cervical cancer vaccines in healthy Bangladeshi girls aged 9-13 years. Procedure: This was a randomized (3:1) controlled trial with two parallel groups, the vaccine and control groups, that included 67 participants in Bangladesh. Subjects were given GlaxoSmithKline human papillomavirus-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted cervical cancer vaccine (and controls no vaccine) at the first day of vaccination (Day 0), at 1-and 6-month schedule and followed up until 7 months. Blood samples were taken for human papillomavirus antibody at enrollment and 1 month post-schedule at Month 7 from both subjects and controls. Safety data were gathered throughout the study period. Results: Fifty subjects received vaccine at Day 0, 1 month and 6 months. All subjects were initially sero-negative in the vaccine group, and developed sero-conversion for human papillomavirus-16 and-18 antibodies except for one at Month 7. Seventeen controls did not receive vaccine. Clients were followed up for serious medically important events and blood samples were taken for human papillomavirus antibody detection at Day 0 and Month 7. Sero-conversion was found in 97.5% of subjects and no sero-conversion was found in the controls. Bivalent human papillomavirus vaccine was generally well tolerated, with no vaccine-related serious adverse experiences. Conclusions: The human papillomavirus-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccine was generally well tolerated and highly immunogenic when administered to young adolescent females and could be a promising tool for the prevention and control of cervical cancer in Bangladesh.
Papers by Sameena Chowdhury