Fish farming is an economic venture to make up the supply of human need of animal protein. Parasi... more Fish farming is an economic venture to make up the supply of human need of animal protein. Parasitic infections are some of the factors hindering high fish productivity in fish farms. Parasites associated with Clarias gariepinus were detected in Bauchi metropolis. A total of eighteen fishes were sampled, comprising of 6 plastic pond fish, 6 concrete pond fish and 6 dam fish were examined for parasite infestation. The fins, gills and skin of the fishes were examined for ectoparasites, while the lining of the gut lumen and gut contents were examined for endoparasites. Four parasitic species were encountered, these include, 2 protozoan: Trichodina spp., Ichthyophthiriusmultifilis, and 2 Helminthes (cestodes): Diphyllobothrium dendriticum, Diphyllobothrium latum. Ichthyophthirus muftifilis were the most common parasites found in dam and pond samples examined. Of the eighteen examined, 5(27.8%) were infected. The infection rate constitutes 16.7% of the total parasite encountered for fishes in pond and 50% of fishes in dam. Among the body parts of the sampled fishes from the pond, the gill 16.7% and fins 16.7% had the same percentage of parasite per location, while skin had 16.7% and also the intestine 33.3% had the highest percentage per location of the fish sampled from the dam. The collection comprises of different sizes of the total length, 19cm-48cm and also between 150-750g. Bigger fishes had more parasites than smaller ones. The ectoparasites encountered were found on the skin, fins and gills, whereas the small intestine was site for all the endoparasites recovered.
Cattle are major source of animal protein, flexible income for family units, employment, farm ene... more Cattle are major source of animal protein, flexible income for family units, employment, farm energy and manure but the problem is infection due to gastrointestinal helminths. The disease causes a gradual deterioration of animal performance and has been known to be major economic losses in Nigeria. Sedimentation and floatation parasitological techniques were used and examined microscopically to determine the parasites and the number of egg per gram of faeces. Of the 300 faecal sample examined, 223(74.3%) were infected with one or more of the following species and their prevalence were three trematodes (Fasciola 15.7%, Schistosome 6.0%, Dicrocilium 1.6%), three cestodes (Monezia 6.3%, Taenia 8.0%, Hymenolepis 2.0%) and seven species of nematodes (Ascaris 3.3%, Trichuris 1.0%, Nematodirus 6.3%, Haemonchus 9.3%, Strongyloides 5.7%, Toxocara 3.3%, Ostertagia 5.0%). Modified Stoll's dilution egg counting technique of 223 animals indicated, 74 animals (33.1%) and 49 animals (21.9) were found with low and high infection level respectively, whilst greater proportion, 100 animals (44.8) were found with moderate number of egg per gram of faeces (egg) suggesting that the infection was moderately high. The breeds had a prevalence of 74.8%, 72.3%, and 70.0% obtained for Bunaji, Rohaji, and Sokoto Gudali cattle respectively. Higher prevalence of gastro intestinal parasites was observed in young cattle < 2 years (77.1%) and 3-5 years (74.2%) than >5 years of age (70.58%). This study reveals that both the male and female animals have equal likelihood of being infected with gastrointestinal helminths. Therefore, farmer awareness, and modern methods of rearing and caring for animals towards maximum productivity is advocated and should be encouraged through the Ministry of Agriculture.
Larviciding is a useful approach in the control of Anopheles species the vector for Plasmodium an... more Larviciding is a useful approach in the control of Anopheles species the vector for Plasmodium and the extensive uses of synthetic organic insecticides during the past decades have resulted into environmental pollution and development of physiological resistance in major vector species, the search for compounds that are ecofriendly with improved mode of action is an area of study. The larvicidal potentials of leave, flower, stem and root of Ageratum conyzoides (goat weed plant) extracts against 3 rd-4 th instar larvae of Anopheles gambiae complex was investigated. The n-hexane, ethyl-acetate and methanol Fractions of the different plant parts were obtained using Soxlet technique. These extracts were tested against 3 rd-4 th instar larvae of A. gambiae complex with different concentrations in increasing order 100 ppm-500 ppm Using WHO procedure with slight modification. To observe the larvicidal efficacy, extracts of different plant parts were mixed at different concentration; four replications each with a control were set. The 24 hr. and 48 hr. LC50 values of individual Plant part extracts were determine using Probit analysis. All the plant parts after 24 hr. showed moderate toxic effect on the larvae with relatively moderate LC50 of leaf, 423.520 ppm (Methanol), and the lowest LC50 in leaf (nhexane) 627.904 ppm respectively. Highest LC50 at 48 hr. were found in leaf extracts with LC50 of 53.742 ppm (Methanol), 73.524 ppm (ethyl-acetate), and stem (n-hexane) were found to be least effective with LC50 of 149.875 ppm respectively. The results demonstrate that plant extracts may serve as larvicidal agent in insect vector control and further research need to be done on the mode of the action of this plant extract.
Science Forum (Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences)
Research was conducted to evaluate the in-vivo anticoccidial activity of crude leaf powder of Aza... more Research was conducted to evaluate the in-vivo anticoccidial activity of crude leaf powder of Azadirachta indicia against Eimeria tenella, the cause of cecal coccidiosis that inflicts heavy economic loss to poultry industry all over the world. A total of 120 broiler chicks were infected via the oropharyngeal route with viable sporulated oocysts of the parasite and allotted to four groups designated 1-4 and each group replicated three times with 10 birds per replicate in a completely randomized design. Groups 1 and 2 were fed with diet containing 100 and 50 g leaf powder of the evaluated material per kg of feed, respectively. Group 3 was treated with 0.3 g (preventive dose) of Amprolium® per liter of drinking water, while group 4 was left without treatment. The test substance given, especially at the rate of 100 g, demonstrated efficacy in decreasing oocysts shedding, minimizing diarrhea , alleviating cecal damage, and lowering morbidity caused by the parasite but less than the conventional drug. However, its effect in reducing blood loss and mortality was almost similar that of the standard drug (p ≤ 0.05). Although the test material had slight negative effect on feed consumption and weight gain, it can still be used for prophylactic control of coccidiosis, especially when there is Eimerial resistance to conventional anticoc-cidial drugs or where they are not available or not affordable. ARTICLE INFO
Science Forum (Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences)
Bovine paramphistomosis is one of the most important parasitic diseases lowering productivity in ... more Bovine paramphistomosis is one of the most important parasitic diseases lowering productivity in ruminants worldwide. The subject has received a great attention in many countries of the world. However, information regarding these infections is available for various parts of Nigeria; there is dearth of similar information for the Bauchi area. Therefore, a study was conducted to determine the prevalence and intensity of paramphistomosis among 392 cattle slaughtered at the Bauchi metropolitan abattoir between the month of November and December 2017. Information regarding sex, age, and body condition of each animal sampled was assessed using standard procedures. The rumen, reticulum, and feces were examined for the presence of flukes and eggs, respectively, based on the standard protocol. Out of the 392 animals examined 16 (4.1%) were positive for flukes infecting the rumen. Majority of cases of infection (98.7%) had mild-to-moderate intensity and infection was found to be directly associated with scores on the body. Thus, very high parasite density was related to poor body condition score. Infection in relation to the sex and age of animals examined did not show any significant difference (p &gt;0.05). ARTICLE INFO
Fish farming is an economic venture to make up the supply of human need of animal protein. Parasi... more Fish farming is an economic venture to make up the supply of human need of animal protein. Parasitic infections are some of the factors hindering high fish productivity in fish farms. Parasites associated with Clarias gariepinus were detected in Bauchi metropolis. A total of eighteen fishes were sampled, comprising of 6 plastic pond fish, 6 concrete pond fish and 6 dam fish were examined for parasite infestation. The fins, gills and skin of the fishes were examined for ectoparasites, while the lining of the gut lumen and gut contents were examined for endoparasites. Four parasitic species were encountered, these include, 2 protozoan: Trichodina spp., Ichthyophthiriusmultifilis, and 2 Helminthes (cestodes): Diphyllobothrium dendriticum, Diphyllobothrium latum. Ichthyophthirus muftifilis were the most common parasites found in dam and pond samples examined. Of the eighteen examined, 5(27.8%) were infected. The infection rate constitutes 16.7% of the total parasite encountered for fishes in pond and 50% of fishes in dam. Among the body parts of the sampled fishes from the pond, the gill 16.7% and fins 16.7% had the same percentage of parasite per location, while skin had 16.7% and also the intestine 33.3% had the highest percentage per location of the fish sampled from the dam. The collection comprises of different sizes of the total length, 19cm-48cm and also between 150-750g. Bigger fishes had more parasites than smaller ones. The ectoparasites encountered were found on the skin, fins and gills, whereas the small intestine was site for all the endoparasites recovered.
Cattle are major source of animal protein, flexible income for family units, employment, farm ene... more Cattle are major source of animal protein, flexible income for family units, employment, farm energy and manure but the problem is infection due to gastrointestinal helminths. The disease causes a gradual deterioration of animal performance and has been known to be major economic losses in Nigeria. Sedimentation and floatation parasitological techniques were used and examined microscopically to determine the parasites and the number of egg per gram of faeces. Of the 300 faecal sample examined, 223(74.3%) were infected with one or more of the following species and their prevalence were three trematodes (Fasciola 15.7%, Schistosome 6.0%, Dicrocilium 1.6%), three cestodes (Monezia 6.3%, Taenia 8.0%, Hymenolepis 2.0%) and seven species of nematodes (Ascaris 3.3%, Trichuris 1.0%, Nematodirus 6.3%, Haemonchus 9.3%, Strongyloides 5.7%, Toxocara 3.3%, Ostertagia 5.0%). Modified Stoll's dilution egg counting technique of 223 animals indicated, 74 animals (33.1%) and 49 animals (21.9) were found with low and high infection level respectively, whilst greater proportion, 100 animals (44.8) were found with moderate number of egg per gram of faeces (egg) suggesting that the infection was moderately high. The breeds had a prevalence of 74.8%, 72.3%, and 70.0% obtained for Bunaji, Rohaji, and Sokoto Gudali cattle respectively. Higher prevalence of gastro intestinal parasites was observed in young cattle < 2 years (77.1%) and 3-5 years (74.2%) than >5 years of age (70.58%). This study reveals that both the male and female animals have equal likelihood of being infected with gastrointestinal helminths. Therefore, farmer awareness, and modern methods of rearing and caring for animals towards maximum productivity is advocated and should be encouraged through the Ministry of Agriculture.
Larviciding is a useful approach in the control of Anopheles species the vector for Plasmodium an... more Larviciding is a useful approach in the control of Anopheles species the vector for Plasmodium and the extensive uses of synthetic organic insecticides during the past decades have resulted into environmental pollution and development of physiological resistance in major vector species, the search for compounds that are ecofriendly with improved mode of action is an area of study. The larvicidal potentials of leave, flower, stem and root of Ageratum conyzoides (goat weed plant) extracts against 3 rd-4 th instar larvae of Anopheles gambiae complex was investigated. The n-hexane, ethyl-acetate and methanol Fractions of the different plant parts were obtained using Soxlet technique. These extracts were tested against 3 rd-4 th instar larvae of A. gambiae complex with different concentrations in increasing order 100 ppm-500 ppm Using WHO procedure with slight modification. To observe the larvicidal efficacy, extracts of different plant parts were mixed at different concentration; four replications each with a control were set. The 24 hr. and 48 hr. LC50 values of individual Plant part extracts were determine using Probit analysis. All the plant parts after 24 hr. showed moderate toxic effect on the larvae with relatively moderate LC50 of leaf, 423.520 ppm (Methanol), and the lowest LC50 in leaf (nhexane) 627.904 ppm respectively. Highest LC50 at 48 hr. were found in leaf extracts with LC50 of 53.742 ppm (Methanol), 73.524 ppm (ethyl-acetate), and stem (n-hexane) were found to be least effective with LC50 of 149.875 ppm respectively. The results demonstrate that plant extracts may serve as larvicidal agent in insect vector control and further research need to be done on the mode of the action of this plant extract.
Science Forum (Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences)
Research was conducted to evaluate the in-vivo anticoccidial activity of crude leaf powder of Aza... more Research was conducted to evaluate the in-vivo anticoccidial activity of crude leaf powder of Azadirachta indicia against Eimeria tenella, the cause of cecal coccidiosis that inflicts heavy economic loss to poultry industry all over the world. A total of 120 broiler chicks were infected via the oropharyngeal route with viable sporulated oocysts of the parasite and allotted to four groups designated 1-4 and each group replicated three times with 10 birds per replicate in a completely randomized design. Groups 1 and 2 were fed with diet containing 100 and 50 g leaf powder of the evaluated material per kg of feed, respectively. Group 3 was treated with 0.3 g (preventive dose) of Amprolium® per liter of drinking water, while group 4 was left without treatment. The test substance given, especially at the rate of 100 g, demonstrated efficacy in decreasing oocysts shedding, minimizing diarrhea , alleviating cecal damage, and lowering morbidity caused by the parasite but less than the conventional drug. However, its effect in reducing blood loss and mortality was almost similar that of the standard drug (p ≤ 0.05). Although the test material had slight negative effect on feed consumption and weight gain, it can still be used for prophylactic control of coccidiosis, especially when there is Eimerial resistance to conventional anticoc-cidial drugs or where they are not available or not affordable. ARTICLE INFO
Science Forum (Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences)
Bovine paramphistomosis is one of the most important parasitic diseases lowering productivity in ... more Bovine paramphistomosis is one of the most important parasitic diseases lowering productivity in ruminants worldwide. The subject has received a great attention in many countries of the world. However, information regarding these infections is available for various parts of Nigeria; there is dearth of similar information for the Bauchi area. Therefore, a study was conducted to determine the prevalence and intensity of paramphistomosis among 392 cattle slaughtered at the Bauchi metropolitan abattoir between the month of November and December 2017. Information regarding sex, age, and body condition of each animal sampled was assessed using standard procedures. The rumen, reticulum, and feces were examined for the presence of flukes and eggs, respectively, based on the standard protocol. Out of the 392 animals examined 16 (4.1%) were positive for flukes infecting the rumen. Majority of cases of infection (98.7%) had mild-to-moderate intensity and infection was found to be directly associated with scores on the body. Thus, very high parasite density was related to poor body condition score. Infection in relation to the sex and age of animals examined did not show any significant difference (p &gt;0.05). ARTICLE INFO
Papers by Sam Panda