Papers by Salvatore Moscatello
The fauna of 5 coastal hypersaline lakes of the Crimea has been studied for the first time. Speci... more The fauna of 5 coastal hypersaline lakes of the Crimea has been studied for the first time. Species assemblages were differently structured according to the season and the lake. Artemia sp. was the most common organism, but the population of the Koyashskoye lake is probably a species that is different from those occurring in the other lakes. The species assemblage of the Feodosiyskoye lake was surprisingly dominated by Onychodiaptomus sp., a taxon endemic to North America.
Thalassia Salentina, 2006

Thalassia Salentina, May 30, 2011
ON THE OCCURRENCE OF ADULT SPECIMENS OF THE CRAB PERCNON GIBBESI (H. MILNE EDWARDS, 1853) (DECAPO... more ON THE OCCURRENCE OF ADULT SPECIMENS OF THE CRAB PERCNON GIBBESI (H. MILNE EDWARDS, 1853) (DECAPODA, GRAPSIDAE) IN SOUTHERN APULIA (IONIAN SEA, ITALY) RIASSUNTO Due esemplari adulti del granchio subtropicale Percnon gibbesi sono stati avvistati e fotografati in due località del Capo di Leuca (Puglia meridionale, Mar Ionio). Le due località in questione distano circa 10 km l'una dall'altra. In entrambi i casi, i due esemplari si trovavano in un habitat roccioso costiero fotofilo, a pochi metri di profondità. I due avvistamenti rappresentano le prime segnalazioni ufficiali di esemplari adulti di questa specie non indigena in acque pugliesi. SUMMARY Two adult specimens belonging to the subtropical rock crab Percnon gibbesi have been identified in two different locations of the "Capo di Leuca" (Southern Apulia, Ionian Sea). The distance between the two sites is estimated at about 10 km. Both specimens were found walking in rocky habitats, a few meters deep. The two records represent the first occurrence of adult specimens belonging to the invasive species in the Apulian waters.
International Review of Hydrobiology, 2006
Introduced populations of the American invasive Artemia franciscana have been reported in Mediter... more Introduced populations of the American invasive Artemia franciscana have been reported in Mediterranean countries except for Italy. A recent sampling at Margherita di Savoia revealed the presence of mating pairs in a saltwork known to host only parthenogens. An integrated approach, based on scanning electron microscopy of four morphological traits, discriminant analysis of 13 morphometric characters and 16S rRNA PCR-RFLP profiles of eight endonucleases was implemented for the identification of the invader. Patterns of variability in all assayed markers provided congruent and solid evidence that the allochthonous species is A. franciscana. Native parthenogens are still predominant (~98.4%) in this Italian site but they can be rapidly outcompeted by A. franciscana, as it occurred in similar cases throughout Europe and elsewhere.

Water, 2021
An investigation on microplankton composition and spatial distribution has been carried out aroun... more An investigation on microplankton composition and spatial distribution has been carried out around Italian seas. The analysis of 53 samples, collected in 2017 at two depths in 27 different stations, has led to a scenario of horizontal distribution of microplankton. Dinophyta and Ciliophora were chosen as representatives of the whole microplankton community. A total of 60 genera were identified. Cluster analysis of data regarding taxa presence and abundance led us to recognize that similarities between surface stations were more evident than those between deep ones. Furthermore, we conducted an inter-annual comparison with available data from the South Adriatic Sea (2013, 2015). The higher dissimilarity between deep sea samples was also confirmed in a relatively smaller geographic area. The dissimilarity of deep-sea samples does not correspond to a higher habitat diversification, in terms of abiotic parameters. It has been suggested that the negligible biological connectivity in the ...

which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the origin... more which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The cyst banks of 6 coastal hypersaline lakes of South-East Europe have been investigated. The study concerned the bottom sediments of Khersonesskoe and Koyashskoe lakes in the Crimea (Ukraine), Nartë saltworks (Albania), Vecchia Salina at Torre Colimena (Apulia, Italy), Pantano Grande and Pantano Roveto at Vendicari (Sicily, Italy). A total of 19 cyst types were recognised. The cyst banks of lakes were found to be well separated in the representation derived from a statistical multivariate data analysis. For all the lakes examined a comparison was possible between the resting community in sediments (cyst bank) and the active one in the water. The cyst banks contained more species than those recorded over a multi-year sampling effort in the water column. The study of cyst hatching, performed on 5 cyst types under lab conditions, demonstrated that cysts do not h...

ON THE OCCURRENCE OF ADULT SPECIMENS OF THE CRAB PERCNON GIBBESI (H. MILNE EDWARDS, 1853) (DECAPO... more ON THE OCCURRENCE OF ADULT SPECIMENS OF THE CRAB PERCNON GIBBESI (H. MILNE EDWARDS, 1853) (DECAPODA, GRAPSIDAE) IN SOUTHERN APULIA (IONIAN SEA, ITALY) RIASSUNTO Due esemplari adulti del granchio subtropicale Percnon gibbesi sono stati avvistati e fotografati in due località del Capo di Leuca (Puglia meridionale, Mar Ionio). Le due località in questione distano circa 10 km l'una dall'altra. In entrambi i casi, i due esemplari si trovavano in un habitat roccioso costiero fotofilo, a pochi metri di profondità. I due avvistamenti rappresentano le prime segnalazioni ufficiali di esemplari adulti di questa specie non indigena in acque pugliesi. SUMMARY Two adult specimens belonging to the subtropical rock crab Percnon gibbesi have been identified in two different locations of the "Capo di Leuca" (Southern Apulia, Ionian Sea). The distance between the two sites is estimated at about 10 km. Both specimens were found walking in rocky habitats, a few meters deep. The two records represent the first occurrence of adult specimens belonging to the invasive species in the Apulian waters.

Journal of Coastal Research
ABSTRACT Belmonte, G.; Moscatello, S.; Hajdëri, E.; Vaglio, I., and Denitto, F., 2018. Compositio... more ABSTRACT Belmonte, G.; Moscatello, S.; Hajdëri, E.; Vaglio, I., and Denitto, F., 2018. Composition and spatial distribution of mesozooplankton along confinement and anthropogenic-impact gradients in the Gulf of Vlorë (Albania). The composition of mesozooplankton and their space-time distribution in the Gulf of Vlorë (southern Albania, Mediterranean Sea) are described for the first time. Sampling was carried out during two oceanographic cruises (May 2007, January 2008) with two replicates at each of 17 stations at each time, making a total of 68 samples. The study aimed to describe the influence of confinement (defined as distance from the open sea) and anthropogenic impact (defined as vicinity to the east coast of the gulf) on zooplankton composition. A total of 198 taxa were recognised in the whole zooplankton assemblage, with only 136 taxa common to both periods and only two species present in all samples. Statistical analysis of data distinguished the Mezokanal area (the boundary between the gulf and the open sea) from three other areas inside the gulf. Differences were also found among the areas inside the gulf at increasing degree of confinement. Mesozooplankton varied more sharply with confinement than with anthropogenic impact and yielded more-detailed space partitioning of the gulf than microzooplankton, which had been used in a previous study.

The micro-zooplankton of the Acquatina lake has been studied for the first time from October 2006... more The micro-zooplankton of the Acquatina lake has been studied for the first time from October 2006 to March 2007. Tintinnids were the most representative components of the community, which as a whole counted 64 taxa. The three different sites studied of the lake were not significantly different as regarding the period and the community considered. As regarding the copepod presence, a study has been carried out on the abundance of the diapause eggs in the clutch of each female from August 2007 to March 2008 in the species Paracartia latisetosa (Calanoida). The study ascertained that the production of diapause, overwintering, Eggs was not typical of single females, and it was not related with the incoming of the Autumn. Diapause eggs were produced together with subitaneous ones also by the same female, and in the same day. A cycle has been individuated in the relative abundance of resting eggs (% of resting eggs / total eggs produced) in clutches produced from September to December, wh...
Journal of Plankton Research, 2005
Http Dx Doi Org 10 2112 Si_58_8, Jan 24, 2011
FIRST RECORDS OF ARCTODIAPTOMUS KERKYRENSIS (CRUSTACEA COPEPODA CALANOIDA) IN ITALY. Arctodiaptom... more FIRST RECORDS OF ARCTODIAPTOMUS KERKYRENSIS (CRUSTACEA COPEPODA CALANOIDA) IN ITALY. Arctodiaptomus kerkyrensis (Copepoda Calanoida) was recorded for the first time in Italy during a research program on the plankton fauna in the lakes of the Parco Nazionale del Pollino. The species was found in Lake Avena (Basilicata), a small persistent basin at 507 m a.s.l., from November 2002 to April 2004. In this lake the species was abundant at every season. The species was absent from two other small lakes (at higher altitudes) which were sampled in the same period and with the same methods. Contrary to previous information in literature reports, A. kerkyrensis, which was found in all the samples (collected in each season) in Lake Avena, had more than one generation a year, and it did not produce resting eggs to overcome unfavourable periods.

Mesozooplankton was collected during two cruises in the Bay of Vlora (Albania), in May 2007 and J... more Mesozooplankton was collected during two cruises in the Bay of Vlora (Albania), in May 2007 and January 2008, respectively. A total of 64 samples were analysed, from 16 sampling points. A total of 198 categories of mesozooplankton were recognized, and 62 of them were not shared by both periods. The present study offers the first detailed faunal list for a coastal site in Albania, and the record of some rare species the Mediterranean Sea (the trachymedusa Geryona, and the hydromedusa Bouganvillia). A progressive growth of the confinement grade has been evidenced passing from the external stations to the most internal ones. The internal area of the Bay was characterized by high abundances of individuals corresponding to a relatively low number of species if compared with the outer stations. The space characterization of the Bay was clearer than those derived from a similar study conducted on micro and phytoplankton. The two seasons appeared sharply separated, and a gradient was eviden...
Papers by Salvatore Moscatello