This paper looks at the pluralization of knowledges and knowledge-producing institutions and at t... more This paper looks at the pluralization of knowledges and knowledge-producing institutions and at the complexification of the higher education systems in sub- Saharan Africa. It highlights the evolution of “traditional” institutions and the factors that led to such an evolution, the development of alternative models, the spread of knowledge networks, and the challenges of private sector in- volvement in higher education. With globalization, liberalization, and democ- ratization came new “modes” of higher learning, and new kinds of knowledges. “Traditional” models have been forced to evolve, adapt, and reinvent them- selves in the context of these changes, and of shifts in development paradigms and rapid global and local economic and technological transformations. There seems to be a gradual evolution towards more hybrid forms and models of higher education. However, the paper argues that, despite the rapid increase in the numbers and variety of institutions and the pluralization of kn...
Bilan partiel d'une histoire récente * Ancien Secrétaire exécutif du CODESRIA (février 2001-mars ... more Bilan partiel d'une histoire récente * Ancien Secrétaire exécutif du CODESRIA (février 2001-mars 2009). ** Ancien Secrétaire exécutif adjoint & Directeur du programme Bourse, formation et subvention du CODESRIA (mai 2002-mai 2008). *** Secrétaire exécutif du CODESRIA (depuis avril 2009).
... Title: Women in academia : gender and academic freedom in Africa. ... Keywords: ACADEMIC FREE... more ... Title: Women in academia : gender and academic freedom in Africa. ... Keywords: ACADEMIC FREEDOM WOMEN EDUCATION OF WOMEN ACCESS TO EDUCATION GENDER ANALYSIS GENDER DISCRIMINATION WOMEN'S RIGHTS AFRICA. Issue Date: 2000. ...
The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, CODESRIA, held its 13th Gen... more The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, CODESRIA, held its 13th General Assembly, 5-9 December 2011, in Rabat Morocco. The theme of the scientific conference was: 'Africa and the Challenges of the Twenty-first Century'. Some of the reasons that influenced the choice of this theme were to do with how Africa should position itself in the new global political and economic order in the context of an increasingly complex neoliberal globalisation. Changes in intercultural relations at the global level, climate change, poverty, rapid urbanisation, the ICTs revolution, the emergence of a multi-polar world and the phenomenon of emerging powers of the South are some of the realities of our world that are widely and extensively discussed by both academics and policy-makers. This book contains the statutory lectures of the 13th General Assembly. Each one speaks to major challenges that African and the Global South are facing in this second decade of the Twenty-first Century: neoliberal globalisation, capital flight, the land question, gender relations, with a particular focus on matriarchy; and universalism
Jean-Pierre Chauveau, Anthropologue, directeur de recherche à l'IRD, Unité de recherche RÉFO, Rég... more Jean-Pierre Chauveau, Anthropologue, directeur de recherche à l'IRD, Unité de recherche RÉFO, Régulations foncières et politiques publiques, associée à l'UMR MOISA (Marchés, organisations, institutions et stratégies d'acteurs).
CorrespondenCe Listmail discussion An Internet listmail discussion forum hosted by the Internatio... more CorrespondenCe Listmail discussion An Internet listmail discussion forum hosted by the International Society of Gerontechnology is available to promote free exchange of information and views about the subject of gerontechnology. The forum welcomes comment and questions relating to ISG activities, gerontechnology research and development, user needs and acceptance, technology delivery, ethics, quality, standards, and more. It is administrated by Lawrence R. Normie and moderated by Lauren E. Storck. To subscribe to the ISG discussion list visit mailman/listinfo/isg_discussion. Subscription is free and open to ISG members and non-members alike. The ISG Internet Forum was quiet recently, with few messages for discussions online. Feedback from ISG Journal readers is invited, including suggestions for using the available open free ISG Forum.
O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilida... more O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, mas sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais.
This paper looks at the pluralization of knowledges and knowledge-producing institutions and at t... more This paper looks at the pluralization of knowledges and knowledge-producing institutions and at the complexification of the higher education systems in subSaharan Africa. It highlights the evolution of “traditional” institutions and the factors that led to such an evolution, the development of alternative models, the spread of knowledge networks, and the challenges of private sector involvement in higher education. With globalization, liberalization, and democratization came new “modes” of higher learning, and new kinds of knowledges. “Traditional” models have been forced to evolve, adapt, and reinvent themselves in the context of these changes, and of shifts in development paradigms and rapid global and local economic and technological transformations. There seems to be a gradual evolution towards more hybrid forms and models of higher education. However, the paper argues that, despite the rapid increase in the numbers and variety of institutions and the pluralization of knowledges...
This paper looks at both the nature of violence in Africa, and explanations of its perpetration a... more This paper looks at both the nature of violence in Africa, and explanations of its perpetration and survival. Several attempts have been made to explain the perpetration of violence in Africa, some focusing on structural factors, others, of a more or less essentialist kind, invoking the cultural peculiarities of African societies. Others still relate the violence to the collapse of the very mechanisms or ideologies that constituted part of the cement that, until then, kept the nations and societies in conflict together. In some strands of the literature it is even argued that the perpetration of violence is a 'mode of development', a way of producing modernity. As the Srilankan scholar Uyangoda has argued, the violence in our societies refuses to accept to be relegated 'to the backyard of historical memory. It repeats itself in a number of theatres—in the war front, in election campaigns, in the universities, and in the minds and bodies of disappointed young lovers—at a ...
Over the last two decades, funding pressures have forced reforms in the legal framework of public... more Over the last two decades, funding pressures have forced reforms in the legal framework of public universities in Africa. ‘Acts of Parliament’ and strong government direct control that dominated governance regimes of higher education institutions have given way to broad-based councils with wide representation in university governance organs. The strong emergence of private higher education institutions in the continent has led to the development of alternative forms of institutional management different from those that previously dominated in public institutions. But most of these reforms have resulted in new governance concerns revolving around financing and management, quality of teaching and research, and institutional autonomy. Prompted by the implications of these new concerns, guided by a strong belief that governance frameworks should respect institutional autonomy and institutional management, and that tenets of shared governance are critical to building quality higher educa...
Cette these est consacree a l'etude de la gouvernementalite an afrique a travers le cas de la... more Cette these est consacree a l'etude de la gouvernementalite an afrique a travers le cas de la gambie, dont la population est moins d'un million d'habitants et le territoire exigu et enclave. Ces facteurs ont eu des incidences sur les processus d'edification de l'etat et de production d'un identite "nationale". La notion d'etat de petite dimension" a ete preferee a celle de "micro-etat" trop tributaire de l'approche normative en termes de "viabilite". L'etat gambien se percoit et cherche a etre percu tanto comme un etat a part entiere, et a ce titre il revendique le respect du principe d'equivalence qui cense gouverner les relations interetatiques; tantot comme un acteur specifique du systeme mondial. Comme d'autres etats de petite dimension, il a tout ce qui fait un etat et se comporte comme tel vis-a-vis de sa population. L'etude montre les specificites de l'e conomie et du systeme politique gamb...
Filmed during the 50th anniversary conference 'Fifty years with Africa in focus', 12 Octo... more Filmed during the 50th anniversary conference 'Fifty years with Africa in focus', 12 October 2012 in Uppsala, Sweden. 44 min. 40 sek.
Academic freedom and the institutional autonomy of universities are essential conditions for high... more Academic freedom and the institutional autonomy of universities are essential conditions for higher education and research. The introduction to this special issue of JHEA discusses the need and quest for academic freedom in Africa and other parts of the world, in this day and age of knowledge. The freedom academic institutions, scholars and students to pursue their research, teaching and learning, and to publish without undue control or restraint from the institutions that employ them, from forces in civil society, from donors, or from other academics of a different gender, age, or ideological leaning is a prerequisite for quality higher education and research. With political liberalization in many countries and globalization, the terms in which debates on academic freedom and institutional autonomy are posed have evolved from what they were in the cold war years, for instance. However, the authors argue, academic freedom is as critical today as it ever was. Without academic freedom...
This paper looks at the pluralization of knowledges and knowledge-producing institutions and at t... more This paper looks at the pluralization of knowledges and knowledge-producing institutions and at the complexification of the higher education systems in sub- Saharan Africa. It highlights the evolution of “traditional” institutions and the factors that led to such an evolution, the development of alternative models, the spread of knowledge networks, and the challenges of private sector in- volvement in higher education. With globalization, liberalization, and democ- ratization came new “modes” of higher learning, and new kinds of knowledges. “Traditional” models have been forced to evolve, adapt, and reinvent them- selves in the context of these changes, and of shifts in development paradigms and rapid global and local economic and technological transformations. There seems to be a gradual evolution towards more hybrid forms and models of higher education. However, the paper argues that, despite the rapid increase in the numbers and variety of institutions and the pluralization of kn...
Bilan partiel d'une histoire récente * Ancien Secrétaire exécutif du CODESRIA (février 2001-mars ... more Bilan partiel d'une histoire récente * Ancien Secrétaire exécutif du CODESRIA (février 2001-mars 2009). ** Ancien Secrétaire exécutif adjoint & Directeur du programme Bourse, formation et subvention du CODESRIA (mai 2002-mai 2008). *** Secrétaire exécutif du CODESRIA (depuis avril 2009).
... Title: Women in academia : gender and academic freedom in Africa. ... Keywords: ACADEMIC FREE... more ... Title: Women in academia : gender and academic freedom in Africa. ... Keywords: ACADEMIC FREEDOM WOMEN EDUCATION OF WOMEN ACCESS TO EDUCATION GENDER ANALYSIS GENDER DISCRIMINATION WOMEN'S RIGHTS AFRICA. Issue Date: 2000. ...
The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, CODESRIA, held its 13th Gen... more The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, CODESRIA, held its 13th General Assembly, 5-9 December 2011, in Rabat Morocco. The theme of the scientific conference was: 'Africa and the Challenges of the Twenty-first Century'. Some of the reasons that influenced the choice of this theme were to do with how Africa should position itself in the new global political and economic order in the context of an increasingly complex neoliberal globalisation. Changes in intercultural relations at the global level, climate change, poverty, rapid urbanisation, the ICTs revolution, the emergence of a multi-polar world and the phenomenon of emerging powers of the South are some of the realities of our world that are widely and extensively discussed by both academics and policy-makers. This book contains the statutory lectures of the 13th General Assembly. Each one speaks to major challenges that African and the Global South are facing in this second decade of the Twenty-first Century: neoliberal globalisation, capital flight, the land question, gender relations, with a particular focus on matriarchy; and universalism
Jean-Pierre Chauveau, Anthropologue, directeur de recherche à l'IRD, Unité de recherche RÉFO, Rég... more Jean-Pierre Chauveau, Anthropologue, directeur de recherche à l'IRD, Unité de recherche RÉFO, Régulations foncières et politiques publiques, associée à l'UMR MOISA (Marchés, organisations, institutions et stratégies d'acteurs).
CorrespondenCe Listmail discussion An Internet listmail discussion forum hosted by the Internatio... more CorrespondenCe Listmail discussion An Internet listmail discussion forum hosted by the International Society of Gerontechnology is available to promote free exchange of information and views about the subject of gerontechnology. The forum welcomes comment and questions relating to ISG activities, gerontechnology research and development, user needs and acceptance, technology delivery, ethics, quality, standards, and more. It is administrated by Lawrence R. Normie and moderated by Lauren E. Storck. To subscribe to the ISG discussion list visit mailman/listinfo/isg_discussion. Subscription is free and open to ISG members and non-members alike. The ISG Internet Forum was quiet recently, with few messages for discussions online. Feedback from ISG Journal readers is invited, including suggestions for using the available open free ISG Forum.
O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilida... more O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, mas sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais.
This paper looks at the pluralization of knowledges and knowledge-producing institutions and at t... more This paper looks at the pluralization of knowledges and knowledge-producing institutions and at the complexification of the higher education systems in subSaharan Africa. It highlights the evolution of “traditional” institutions and the factors that led to such an evolution, the development of alternative models, the spread of knowledge networks, and the challenges of private sector involvement in higher education. With globalization, liberalization, and democratization came new “modes” of higher learning, and new kinds of knowledges. “Traditional” models have been forced to evolve, adapt, and reinvent themselves in the context of these changes, and of shifts in development paradigms and rapid global and local economic and technological transformations. There seems to be a gradual evolution towards more hybrid forms and models of higher education. However, the paper argues that, despite the rapid increase in the numbers and variety of institutions and the pluralization of knowledges...
This paper looks at both the nature of violence in Africa, and explanations of its perpetration a... more This paper looks at both the nature of violence in Africa, and explanations of its perpetration and survival. Several attempts have been made to explain the perpetration of violence in Africa, some focusing on structural factors, others, of a more or less essentialist kind, invoking the cultural peculiarities of African societies. Others still relate the violence to the collapse of the very mechanisms or ideologies that constituted part of the cement that, until then, kept the nations and societies in conflict together. In some strands of the literature it is even argued that the perpetration of violence is a 'mode of development', a way of producing modernity. As the Srilankan scholar Uyangoda has argued, the violence in our societies refuses to accept to be relegated 'to the backyard of historical memory. It repeats itself in a number of theatres—in the war front, in election campaigns, in the universities, and in the minds and bodies of disappointed young lovers—at a ...
Over the last two decades, funding pressures have forced reforms in the legal framework of public... more Over the last two decades, funding pressures have forced reforms in the legal framework of public universities in Africa. ‘Acts of Parliament’ and strong government direct control that dominated governance regimes of higher education institutions have given way to broad-based councils with wide representation in university governance organs. The strong emergence of private higher education institutions in the continent has led to the development of alternative forms of institutional management different from those that previously dominated in public institutions. But most of these reforms have resulted in new governance concerns revolving around financing and management, quality of teaching and research, and institutional autonomy. Prompted by the implications of these new concerns, guided by a strong belief that governance frameworks should respect institutional autonomy and institutional management, and that tenets of shared governance are critical to building quality higher educa...
Cette these est consacree a l'etude de la gouvernementalite an afrique a travers le cas de la... more Cette these est consacree a l'etude de la gouvernementalite an afrique a travers le cas de la gambie, dont la population est moins d'un million d'habitants et le territoire exigu et enclave. Ces facteurs ont eu des incidences sur les processus d'edification de l'etat et de production d'un identite "nationale". La notion d'etat de petite dimension" a ete preferee a celle de "micro-etat" trop tributaire de l'approche normative en termes de "viabilite". L'etat gambien se percoit et cherche a etre percu tanto comme un etat a part entiere, et a ce titre il revendique le respect du principe d'equivalence qui cense gouverner les relations interetatiques; tantot comme un acteur specifique du systeme mondial. Comme d'autres etats de petite dimension, il a tout ce qui fait un etat et se comporte comme tel vis-a-vis de sa population. L'etude montre les specificites de l'e conomie et du systeme politique gamb...
Filmed during the 50th anniversary conference 'Fifty years with Africa in focus', 12 Octo... more Filmed during the 50th anniversary conference 'Fifty years with Africa in focus', 12 October 2012 in Uppsala, Sweden. 44 min. 40 sek.
Academic freedom and the institutional autonomy of universities are essential conditions for high... more Academic freedom and the institutional autonomy of universities are essential conditions for higher education and research. The introduction to this special issue of JHEA discusses the need and quest for academic freedom in Africa and other parts of the world, in this day and age of knowledge. The freedom academic institutions, scholars and students to pursue their research, teaching and learning, and to publish without undue control or restraint from the institutions that employ them, from forces in civil society, from donors, or from other academics of a different gender, age, or ideological leaning is a prerequisite for quality higher education and research. With political liberalization in many countries and globalization, the terms in which debates on academic freedom and institutional autonomy are posed have evolved from what they were in the cold war years, for instance. However, the authors argue, academic freedom is as critical today as it ever was. Without academic freedom...
Papers by Ebrima Sall