Papers by Salikun Salikun

JDHT Journal of Dental Hygiene and Therapy, 2022
Latar belakang: perkembangan revolusi industri 4.0 membawa basis teknologi dibidang kesehatan, te... more Latar belakang: perkembangan revolusi industri 4.0 membawa basis teknologi dibidang kesehatan, termasuk kesehatan gigi. Salah satu parameter untuk menentukan mutu pelayanan kesehatan adalah data atau informasi dari rekam medis yang baik dan lengkap. Seorang dokter ataupun dokter gigi dalam menjalankan praktik pribadi maupun praktik di rumah sakit serta institusi pelayanan kesehatan lainnya diwajibkan membuat rekam medis. Permasalahannya adalah metode pendokumentasian pemeriksaan kesehatan gigi saat ini masih menggunakan metode manual yang memakan banyak waktu, padahal di era perkembangan industri saat ini, semua dituntut untuk bekerja secara efektif dan efisien menggunakan teknologi termutakhir. Tujuan: penelitian bertujuan untuk membuat suatu aplikasi aplikasi rekam medis gigi untuk mempermudah dalam mengelola data pemeriksaan gigi pasien dan menganalisis pengaruh aplikasi tersebut terhadap pengetahuan responden. Metode: penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pre-eksperimental...

Dental and oral health is the main need of people, including to children. Since, about 60 – 90% o... more Dental and oral health is the main need of people, including to children. Since, about 60 – 90% of children are suffering from dental caries. The prevention of dental caries is an important part of conducting. The digitalization era has influenced the dental and oral health education. Tooth brushing is one way to keep dental and oral health. However, the proper tooth brushing has not been achieved by children. Our objective is to conduct dental and oral health programs for children by creating a smart tooth brush named TOMON (Tooth Monster Hunter) and an application of monitoring named SIMOGI (Sistem Monitoring Kesehatan Gigi / Dental Health Monitoring System). We undertook this study by planning the monitoring system. The monitoring system is divided into three parties: dental therapist, parent and children. Dental therapists and parents are collaborated to handle and educate children about proper tooth brushing. Second, is the analysis of the requirement. The analysis stage consis...

TITLE External factors associated with causative of dental caries in pre-school children in PAUD ... more TITLE External factors associated with causative of dental caries in pre-school children in PAUD Strowberry RW 03, Bangetayu Wetan, Semarang City in 2016 ABSTRACT Dental Caries is a disease that attacks the dental tissue by damaging the tissue starts from the tooth surface and spread to pulp. Some external factor provokes dental caries are the environment, behaviour, heath care and heredity. 71% preschoolers at PAUD Strowberry have dental karies. This research is to understand the factor that causes dental caries towards preschoolers at PAUD Strowberry. This research uses quantities descriptive with cross sectional to write the essay. Using totalsampling method for searching the sample includes the sum of the preschoolers at PAUD Strowberry that are infected by dental caries. There are 34 preschoolers that have dental caries. Using questionnaire method to the preschooler’s parents to gather the information for the research we need. The validation and the reliability of the informati...

TITLE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF AUDIO MEDIA AND BRAILLE LEAFLET MEDIA ON THE KNOWLEDGE OF MAINTAINING ... more TITLE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF AUDIO MEDIA AND BRAILLE LEAFLET MEDIA ON THE KNOWLEDGE OF MAINTAINING ORAL HYGIENE AMONG BLIND CHILDREN ABSTRACT Dental health education is a learning process that is targeted at individuals and groups of people to achieve the degree of community dental health as high. The blind children in need of media to improve oral health knowledge. Blind children take advantage of the sense of touch and hearing as a substitute for the sense of sight in the learning process. The purpose of research is to see the level of knowledge of how the maintenance of oral hygiene in blind children with education using audio media and leaflet braille media. Â This study design using interventional analytic sample were 24 children with visual impairment in SLB N Semarang using audio media and media leaflet braille. Each group was given individual counseling media, namely audio media and media leaflet braille. Before the students were given about counseling, pretest then given couns...

TITLE THE FACTOR OF CAUSING RAMPANT CARIES IN THE KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS IN THE COASTAL AREAS WEDU... more TITLE THE FACTOR OF CAUSING RAMPANT CARIES IN THE KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS IN THE COASTAL AREAS WEDUNG, DEMAK ABSTRACT Baby bottle caries is a dental disease that attacks the hard tissues of tooth that spreads rapidly and it’s common in primary teeth. This study aims to determine the factors that cause baby bottle caries in Budi Utami Kindergarten students in coastal areas of Berahan Wetan Village Wedung District Demak Regency 2016. This type of research is quantitative descriptive case study method. Data taken by direct examination of the baby bottle caries, the pH of saliva and plaque index PHP-M, as well as the provision of a questionnaire and a questionnaire based on the theory of H.L. Bloom approach which consist by environmental factors, behavior, health care and heredity. Priority issues using odd ratiotest data analysis showed that the practical factor (OR value=16,25), attitude factor (OR value=15,00) and knowledge factor (OR value=9,3) are the most dominant causative factors...
This type of research is a quasi-experimental studies (Quasi Experimental). The study design is o... more This type of research is a quasi-experimental studies (Quasi Experimental). The study design is only one group pretest and postest design. Population research is the kindergarten students of Al Azhar 14 Semarang as many as 80 children with a sample of 30 students 30 students' parents. Data were analyzed using paired t-test different tests before and after counseling on each of the factors of knowledge, attitudes and practices of parents. The results showed no change increase in knowledge, attitudes and actions toward parents laying either after following the extension method Irene Donuts. This is also supported by test results satistik test statistic with paired t-test with p value = 0.001, with p value 0.008 and p value = 0.001 on the attitude that knowledge changes artimya no difference before and after counseling.

TITLE The dental nurse responsible to appropriate and incompetent dental services ABSTRACT Author... more TITLE The dental nurse responsible to appropriate and incompetent dental services ABSTRACT Authority possessed by a dental nurse to perform ministerial duties is the legal authority (rechtsbevoegheid). On the basis of this authority, a health worker is entitled to treatment in accordance with their competence. When the administrative requirements to carry out the profession have been met, then the dental nurse as a profession carrier has obtained the professional authority in the work. However, if a health worker do the job without authority, may be considered to violate one of the professional standards of health workers. The purpose of this study was to determine the responsibility of Dental Nurses implementation of the actions of dental health services in Bergas PHC, Duren PHC and Suruh PHC in district of Semarang. This research is a descriptive study that aims to describe systematically and accurately the facts and characteristics of the population or about a particular field. T...
The objective of study is to know impact of pasta rind mangosteen applied topically towards grada... more The objective of study is to know impact of pasta rind mangosteen applied topically towards gradation of traumatic ulcer healing reviewed HPA. The method was experimental research, pre-posttest control group design, randomized sampling technique with total sampel of 12 Male Wistar rats divided into 2 groups @ 6 applied pasta rind mangosteen and the other used standard gel. Some rats in each group euthanized day 3rd, 7th and 10th. The gradation of ulcer healing day 3rd, 7th and 10th showed decrease in both PMN and macrophage and increase fibroblast cells. Based on statistical test day 10th, there was no difference amount of PMN, macrophage and fibroblast cells between standard gel and pasta rind mangosteen. In conclusion usage of pasta rind mangosteen topical could be safe, reduced inflammation and accelerated of traumatic ulcer healing.

Karies banyak dijumpai pada anak-anak sekolah dasar. Banyak faktor yang dapat menimbulkan karies ... more Karies banyak dijumpai pada anak-anak sekolah dasar. Banyak faktor yang dapat menimbulkan karies gigi pada anak-anak, diantaranya adalah faktor di dalam mulut yang berhubungan langsung dengan proses terjadinya karies gigi dan faktor luar yang berhubungan tidak langsung dengan terjadinya karies gigi. Penelitian in bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab tingginya angka karies gigi tetap pada siswa di SD Negeri 02 Banjarsari Kabupaten Pekalongan. Jenis Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Case Control Study (studi kasus-kontrol). Sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 30 responden untuk kelompok kasus dan 30 responden untuk kelompok kontrol. Uji analisa data menggunakan odd ratio . Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai odd ratio untuk masing masing variabel yaitu indeks plak 3,5, viskositas saliva 2,25, hidrasi saliva 2,154, perilaku 2,071, OHI-S 1,978, pelayanan...
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Gigi, 2020
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efektivitas rebusan daun sirih merah (piper betle cr... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efektivitas rebusan daun sirih merah (piper betle crocatum) dan rebusan daun sirih hijau (piper betle linn) terhadap puberty gingivitis kelas VIII SMPN MTs Nurul Falah Kawalu Kota Tasikmalaya. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian eksperimen semu (quasi experiment) dengan rancangan two group pre and post test design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah murid kelas VIII MTs Nurul Falah Kawalu Kota Tasikmalaya. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling yaitu pengambilan sampel yang didasarkan pada suatu pertimbangan tertentu yang dibuat oleh peneliti sendiri sebanyak 40 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data untuk variabel Rebusan daun sirih merah Dan rebusan aun sirih hijau menggunakan dafttar ceklis sedangkan variabel terikat Puberty Gingivitis dengan cara Probbing.

LINK, 2018
Keadaan anemia pada lansia dapat meningkatkan risiko disabilitas sebesar dua kali lebih tinggi di... more Keadaan anemia pada lansia dapat meningkatkan risiko disabilitas sebesar dua kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan lansia tanpa anemia. Peningkatan disabilitas mengakibatkan penurunan kemampuan hidup mandiri pada lansia. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi dan gambaran status anemia pada lansia di Asrama TNI-AD Mrican. Informasi dan gambaran tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai landasan layanan kesehatan seperti penyuluhan, monitoring dan pengobatan sehingga pembangunan bidang kesehatan dapat segera tercapai. Tujuan akhir dari kegiatan pengabmas ini adalah memberikan analisa terhadap hasil pemeriksaan hemoglobin dan hematokrit sebagai screening anemia pada Lansia di Asrama TNI-AD Mrican Semarang. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pemeriksaan kadar hemaglobin dan hematokrit darah serta pemberian konsultasi hasil pemeriksaan darah tersebut. Kadar

Jurnal Kesehatan Gigi, 2019
The high number of dental and oral diseases is influenced by the main factors, lack of knowledge ... more The high number of dental and oral diseases is influenced by the main factors, lack of knowledge about oral hygiene and poor diet. Information about dental health and dental care can be obtained from various media both print media and electronic media. Purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of booklet media and picture guessing games to increase knowledge and actions of brushing teeth for students at Padangsari 02 Elementary School Semarang. Study design is a quasi-experimental design with a pre and post test group with two group design. The population of the researchers is students in grades 4 and 5 at Padangsari 02 Elementary School Semarang. Samples were taken by purposive sampling as many as 50 students, divided into two groups, namely 25 students in the booklet group and 25 students in the guessing game group. The data obtained are analyze using Wilcoxon-test and Mann-Whitney test. There was a significance differences with value of p = 0,000 between knowledge and action before and after of both groups. ,The Mann-Whitney Test showed difference in effectiveness between the two media. Game guess images is more effective than booklet with mean rank of game guess images and booklte was 29.27 and 24.25.
It was reported in Indonesia National Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) that Indonesia's proporti... more It was reported in Indonesia National Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) that Indonesia's proportion of dental and oral problems in 2018 reached 57.6% with only 10.2% of medical staff. In general terms, it is known that the proportion of daily tooth

TITLE The relationship of DMF-t index to learning achievement in SDN Pagejugan 01 and SDN 03 Breb... more TITLE The relationship of DMF-t index to learning achievement in SDN Pagejugan 01 and SDN 03 Brebes of Brebes District ABSTRACT DMF-T score is the grade which is obtained from dental decay, missing and fiiled that caused by dental caries. 89% Indonesian children at the age under 12 years, have dental caries. This condition will effect their health, growth and learning achievement. The aim of the research is to know the relation DMF-T grade to learning achievement between SDN Pagejugan 01 Brebes and SDN 03 Brebes. The type of the research is descriptive quantitative where sample is taken by Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. There are 209 samples; 119 samples in SDN 03 Brebes and 90 samples in SDN Pagejugan 01 Brebes. The data is taken by observing and examining. The independent variable is DMF-T score and dependent variable is learning achievement. The result of the research is the average DMF-T grade of SDN 03 Brebes is 0,7 which has the lowest criteria and SDN Pagejugan 01 ...

Jurnal Kesehatan Gigi
Baby bottle caries is a dental disease that attacks the hard tissues of tooth that spreads rapidl... more Baby bottle caries is a dental disease that attacks the hard tissues of tooth that spreads rapidly and it's common in primary teeth. This study aims to determine the factors that cause baby bottle caries in Budi Utami Kindergarten students in coastal areas of Berahan Wetan Village Wedung District Demak Regency 2016. This type of research is quantitative descriptive case study method. Data taken by direct examination of the baby bottle caries, the pH of saliva and plaque index PHP-M, as well as the provision of a questionnaire and a questionnaire based on the theory of H.L. Bloom approach which consist by environmental factors, behavior, health care and heredity. Priority issues using odd ratiotest data analysis showed that the practical factor (OR value=16,25), attitude factor (OR value=15,00) and knowledge factor (OR value=9,3) are the most dominant causative factors to the baby bottle caries problem. The results showed that the salivary pH value all of respondents were in acid criteria (pH <7.0) and 57% respondents have a bad plaque index score categories. The time factor showed 57% of respondents are in the bad category. Knowledge factors, there are still 48% of respondents who are knowledgeable with the bad category. Attitude factors, as much as 61% of respondents already have a good attitude. Practices factors, 100% of respondents do not brush the teeth before going to bed at night and do not check their teeth regularly. Environmental factors, found 83% of respondents have the habit of toothbrushing only when having take a bath. Health services factors, 100% of respondents had never obtained the treatment of cavities and did not get dental health education. Heredity, found 52% of respondents have a fragile teeth and 26% of respondents have a crowding tooth structure. The alternative solutions to problems are by minimize baby bottle consumtion, cariogenic food dietary, brushing teeth together at school, topical application of fluoride or CPP-ACP, dental health education for students and school cadres training.
Papers by Salikun Salikun