Explicit exact formulas are presented, for the leading order term in a strict chiral covariant de... more Explicit exact formulas are presented, for the leading order term in a strict chiral covariant derivative expansion, for the abnormal parity component of the effective action of two- and four-dimensional Dirac fermions in the presence of scalar, pseudo-scalar, vector and axial vector background fields. The formulas hold for completely general internal symmetry groups and general configurations. In particular, the scalar and pseudo-scalar fields need not be on the chiral circle.
Explicit exact formulas are presented, up to fourth order in a strict chiral covariant derivative... more Explicit exact formulas are presented, up to fourth order in a strict chiral covariant derivative expansion, for the normal parity component of the Euclidean effective action of even-dimensional Dirac fermions. The bosonic background fields considered are scalar, pseudo-scalar, vector and axial vector. No assumptions are made on the internal symmetry group and, in particular, the scalar and pseudo-scalar fields need not be on the chiral circle.
The anomaly implies an obstruction to a fully chiral covariant calculation of the effective actio... more The anomaly implies an obstruction to a fully chiral covariant calculation of the effective action in the abnormal-parity sector of chiral theories. The standard approach then is to reconstruct the anomalous effective action from its covariant current. In this work, we use a recently introduced formulation which allows one to directly construct the non-trivial chiral invariant part of the effective action within a fully covariant formalism. To this end we develop an appropriate version of Chan’s approach to carry out the calculation within the derivative expansion. The result to four derivatives, i.e., to leading order in two and four dimensions and next-to-leading order in two dimensions, is explicitly worked out. Fairly compact expressions are found for these terms.
Lea cuidadosamente las preguntas a continuación antes de contestarlas. ¡Éxitos! PREGUNTAS 1.-En u... more Lea cuidadosamente las preguntas a continuación antes de contestarlas. ¡Éxitos! PREGUNTAS 1.-En una fábrica de piezas de asbesto una característica importante de la calidad es el grosor de las láminas. Para cierto tipo de lámina el grosor óptimo es de 5 mm y se tiene una discrepancia tolerable de 0.8 mm, ya que si la lámina tiene un grosor menor que 4.2 mm se considera demasiado delgada y no reunirá las condiciones de resistencia exigidas por el cliente. Si la lámina tiene un grosor mayor que 5.8 mm, entonces se gastará demasiado material para su elaboración y elevarán los costos del fabricante. Por lo tanto, es de suma importancia fabricar las láminas con el grosor óptimo, y en el peor de los casos dentro de las tolerancias especificadas. De acuerdo con los registros de las mediciones realizadas en los últimos tres meses se aprecia un proceso con una estabilidad aceptable, el grosor medio es igual a 4.75, la mediana 4.7, y la desviación estándar es igual a 0.45. (3 puntos)
Explicit exact formulas are presented, for the leading order term in a strict chiral covariant de... more Explicit exact formulas are presented, for the leading order term in a strict chiral covariant derivative expansion, for the abnormal parity component of the effective action of two- and four-dimensional Dirac fermions in the presence of scalar, pseudo-scalar, vector and axial vector background fields. The formulas hold for completely general internal symmetry groups and general configurations. In particular, the scalar and pseudo-scalar fields need not be on the chiral circle.
Explicit exact formulas are presented, up to fourth order in a strict chiral covariant derivative... more Explicit exact formulas are presented, up to fourth order in a strict chiral covariant derivative expansion, for the normal parity component of the Euclidean effective action of even-dimensional Dirac fermions. The bosonic background fields considered are scalar, pseudo-scalar, vector and axial vector. No assumptions are made on the internal symmetry group and, in particular, the scalar and pseudo-scalar fields need not be on the chiral circle.
The anomaly implies an obstruction to a fully chiral covariant calculation of the effective actio... more The anomaly implies an obstruction to a fully chiral covariant calculation of the effective action in the abnormal-parity sector of chiral theories. The standard approach then is to reconstruct the anomalous effective action from its covariant current. In this work, we use a recently introduced formulation which allows one to directly construct the non-trivial chiral invariant part of the effective action within a fully covariant formalism. To this end we develop an appropriate version of Chan’s approach to carry out the calculation within the derivative expansion. The result to four derivatives, i.e., to leading order in two and four dimensions and next-to-leading order in two dimensions, is explicitly worked out. Fairly compact expressions are found for these terms.
Lea cuidadosamente las preguntas a continuación antes de contestarlas. ¡Éxitos! PREGUNTAS 1.-En u... more Lea cuidadosamente las preguntas a continuación antes de contestarlas. ¡Éxitos! PREGUNTAS 1.-En una fábrica de piezas de asbesto una característica importante de la calidad es el grosor de las láminas. Para cierto tipo de lámina el grosor óptimo es de 5 mm y se tiene una discrepancia tolerable de 0.8 mm, ya que si la lámina tiene un grosor menor que 4.2 mm se considera demasiado delgada y no reunirá las condiciones de resistencia exigidas por el cliente. Si la lámina tiene un grosor mayor que 5.8 mm, entonces se gastará demasiado material para su elaboración y elevarán los costos del fabricante. Por lo tanto, es de suma importancia fabricar las láminas con el grosor óptimo, y en el peor de los casos dentro de las tolerancias especificadas. De acuerdo con los registros de las mediciones realizadas en los últimos tres meses se aprecia un proceso con una estabilidad aceptable, el grosor medio es igual a 4.75, la mediana 4.7, y la desviación estándar es igual a 0.45. (3 puntos)
Papers by Luis Salcedo