Papers by Sakthivel Civalingam
Microbiological Reviews, 1987
METHANOGENS AND THE DIVERSITY OF ARCHAEBACTERIA 137 TABLE 1. Summary of characteristics of methan... more METHANOGENS AND THE DIVERSITY OF ARCHAEBACTERIA 137 TABLE 1. Summary of characteristics of methanogenic archaebacteria, order Methanobacterialesa Temp p Archaebacteria Morphology Substrates G+C optimum pH Cell envelope Major membrane Reference(s) (mol%) (OC) optimum composition isoprenoid Family Methanobacteriaceae Methanobacterium formicicum Rod H2, formate 40.7 37 7.0 Pseudomurein C20 + C40 12 M. bryantii Rod H2 32.7 38 7.0 Pseudomurein C20 + C40 12 M. thermoautotrophicum Rod H,

Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2011
Methane emissions from ruminant livestock are considered to be one of the more potent forms of gr... more Methane emissions from ruminant livestock are considered to be one of the more potent forms of greenhouses gases contributing to global warming. Many strategies to reduce emissions are targeting the methanogens that inhabit the rumen, but such an approach can only be successful if it targets all the major groups of ruminant methanogens. Therefore, a thorough knowledge of the diversity of these microbes in breeds of buffaloes, as well as in response to geographical location and different diets, is required. Therefore, molecular diversity of rumen methanogens in Surti buffaloes was investigated using 16S rRNA gene libraries prepared from pooled rumen contents from three Surti buffaloes. A total of 171 clones were identified revealing 23 different sequences (phylotypes). Of these 23 sequences, twelve sequences (12 OTUs, 83 clones) and 10 sequences (10 OTUs, 83 clones) were similar to methanogens belonging to the orders Methanomicrobiales and Methanobacteriales, and the remaining 1 phylotype (5 clones) were similar to Methanosarcina barkeri. These unique sequences clustered within a distinct and strongly supported phylogenetic group. Further studies and effective strategies can be made to inhibit the growth of Methanomicrobiales and Methanobacteriales phylotypes to reduce the methane emission from rumen and thus help in preventing global warming.

Microbial Ecology, 2007
A temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TTGE) method was developed to determine the ... more A temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TTGE) method was developed to determine the diversity of methanogen populations in the rumen. Tests with amplicons from genomic DNA from 12 cultured methanogens showed single bands for all strains, with only two showing apparently comigrating bands. Fingerprints of methanogen populations were analyzed from DNA extracted from rumen contents from two cattle and four sheep grazing pasture. For one sheep, dilution cultures selective for methanogens were grown and the culturable methanogens in each successive dilution examined by TTGE. A total of 66 methanogen sequences were retrieved from bands in fingerprints and analyzed to reveal the presence of methanogens belonging to the Methanobacteriales, the Methanosarcinales, and to an uncultured archaeal lineage. Twenty-four sequences were most similar to Methanobrevibacter ruminantium, five to Methanobrevibacter smithii, four to Methanosphaera stadtmanae, and for three, the nearest match was Methanimicrococcus blatticola. The remaining 30 sequences did not cluster with sequences from cultured archaea, but when combined with published novel sequences from clone libraries formed a monophyletic lineage within the Euryarchaeota, which contained two previously unrecognized clusters. The TTGE bands from this lineage showed that the uncultured methanogens had significant population densities in each of the six rumen samples examined. In cultures of dilutions from one rumen sample, TTGE examination revealed these methanogens at a level of at least 10 5 g _ 1 . Band intensities from low-dilution cultures indicated that these methanogens were present at similar densities to Methanobrevibacter ruminantium-like methanogens, the sole culturable methanogens in high dilutions (10 6 -10 _ 10 g _ 1 ). It is suggested that the uncultured methanogens together with Methanobrevibacter spp. may be the predominant methanogens in the rumen. The TTGE method presented in this article provides a new opportunity for characterizing methanogen populations in the rumen microbial ecosystem.

Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences, 2012
Nitrate can serve as a terminal electron acceptor in place of carbon dioxide and inhibit methane ... more Nitrate can serve as a terminal electron acceptor in place of carbon dioxide and inhibit methane emission in the rumen and nitrate reducing bacteria might help enhance the reduction of nitrate/nitrite, which depends on the type of feed offered to animals. In this study the effects of three levels of sodium nitrate (0, 5, 10 mM) on fermentation of three diets varying in their wheat straw to concentrate ratio (700:300, low concentrate, LC; 500:500, medium concentrate, MC and 300:700, high concentrate, HC diet) were investigated in vitro using buffalo rumen liquor as inoculum. Nitrate reducing bacteria, isolated from the rumen of buffalo were tested as a probiotic to study if it could help in enhancing methane inhibition in vitro. Inclusion of sodium nitrate at 5 or 10 mM reduced (p<0.01) methane production (9.56, 7.93 vs. 21.76 ml/g DM; 12.20, 10.42 vs. 25.76 ml/g DM; 15.49, 12.33 vs. 26.86 ml/g DM) in LC, MC and HC diets, respectively. Inclusion of nitrate at both 5 and 10 mM also...

Journal of Applied Animal Research, 2012
Allium sativum (garlic) has been very popular in Asian kitchen as one of the major spices. The st... more Allium sativum (garlic) has been very popular in Asian kitchen as one of the major spices. The strong smelling juice of bulb contains volatile oils composed of sulphur-containing compounds: allicin, diallyl disulfide and diallyl trisulfide, which are responsible for anti-microbial activity. Recently garlic, its oil, extracts in different organic and aqueous solvents and individual components of essential oils have been examined as a feed additive to manipulate rumen function for controlling enteric methane emission and improving feed conversion efficiency. The results reported so far indicate that garlic and its essential oils inhibit methanogenesis significantly accompanied with a lower acetate to propionate ratio indicating a diversion of fermentation in a favourable direction. As methanogenesis is the major hydrogen sink in the rumen, its inhibition requires the disposal of reducing equivalents produced during fermentation of feed. The propionate synthesis serves as an alternate hydrogen sink. The anti-microbial compounds present in garlic appear to be selective inhibitors of methanogenesis, as there is no adverse effect on feed degradation in the rumen. Garlic and its oil adversely affect the protein degrading bacteria and deamination activity of the rumen contents. Only a few in vivo experiments have been conducted using garlic as a feed additive, and it appears to have good potential for rumen manipulation for ecofriendly (with minimum methane emission) and economic livestock production.

Anaerobe, 2006
Molecular diversity of rumen methanogens in sheep in Queensland, Australia was investigated using... more Molecular diversity of rumen methanogens in sheep in Queensland, Australia was investigated using 16S rRNA gene libraries prepared from pooled rumen contents from nine merino sheep. A total of 78 clones were identified revealing 26 different sequences. Of these 26 sequences, eight sequences (15 clones) were 95-100% similar to cultivated methanogens belonging to the orders Methanobacteriales and Methanomicrobiales, and the remaining 18 phylotypes (63 clones) were 72-75% similar to Thermoplasma acidophilum and Thermoplasma volcanium. These unique sequences clustered within a distinct and strongly supported (100% bootstrap support) phylogenetic group, exclusively composed of sequences from uncharacterized archaea from very diverse anaerobic environments. Members of this unique group that were previously considered atypical for the rumen environment were the predominant clones.
Papers by Sakthivel Civalingam