Papers by Sakharam Mujalde
Deleted Journal, Nov 13, 2023
All nations may realize intellectual property's potential as a driver of economic progress and so... more All nations may realize intellectual property's potential as a driver of economic progress and social and cultural well-being with the aid of an effective and equitable intellectual property system. This study carried out completely based on secondary data and focuses not only on the overview of IPR and its origin but also takes a deep look into the various types of Intellectual Property Rights and its significance in the context of business. To analyze IP contribution towards Indian economy data was collected from WIPO statistics database which was last updated in 2021. Intellectual property protection is the primary engine of economic growth and development in the high technology sector. They support societal progress, economic expansion, and technological improvement.

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Sep 28, 2014
Page118 1-iz Lrkouk & ' Hkkjr es a Lora =rk iz kfIr ds i pkr~ lu~ 1954 es a ljdkj us xz keh.k fod... more Page118 1-iz Lrkouk & ' Hkkjr es a Lora =rk iz kfIr ds i pkr~ lu~ 1954 es a ljdkj us xz keh.k fodkl dk;Z Øe dh 'kq :vkr dh ys fdu efgykvks a dh okLrfod Hkkxhnkjh dk iz kja Hk lu~ 1974 es a gq vkA efgykvks a dh O;ogkfjdrk ,oa fuiw .kZ rk dks iz nf kZ r djus ds fy, xjhch fuokj.k ,oa fodkl dk;Z Øeks a dh vko ;drk ij cy fn;k x;k gS A lu~ 1995 es a ekuo fodkl fjiks VZ es a crk;k x;k gS fd xz keh.k {kS =ka s es a efgykvks a dh dk;Z lgHkkfxrk dh nj vf/kd gS ] Hkkjrh; Je es a efgykvks a dk ;ks xnku ,d frgkbZ gS ] tcfd xz keh.k {kS =ks a es a 90 'kgjh {kS =ks a es a 1 efgyk,¡ vla xfBr {ks =ks a es a dk;Z jr gS A xz keh.k {ks =ks a es a efgyk,¡ vus d iz dkj ds Lojks txkj djrh gS tks fd iz kja Hk es a viz R;{k :i ls dk;Z es a yxh gq bZ gS A efgykvks a dk ns k dh vkfFkZ d fodkl O;kid :i ls ?kjs yw nkf;Roks a ds vfrfjDr dkj[kkuks a ] ckxkuks a ] ljdkjh dk;kZ y; vkfn {ks =ks a es a cM+ s iS ekus ds m|ks xks a dk fofuekZ .k ,oa vla xfBr {ks = ds ikiM+ ] dkyhu tjh] bZ a V] flDdk] Vs yfja x] chM+ h fuekZ .k dk;Z es a ,d ubZ Hkw fedk ds :i es a viuh igpku cukuk 'kq : dj fn;k gS efgykvks a ds vkfFkZ d xz keh.k efgyk fodkl es a xz keh.k vkthfodk ifj;ks tuk dh Hkw fedk ,d ew Y;ka du ¼ls a /kok MkW -l[kkjke eq tkYns ] ofj"B O;k[;krk] -v-fo-fo-] ba nkS j ¼e-iz -½ 452001

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 26, 2013
Lkjnkj ljks oj cka /k ifj;ks tuk ls foLFkkfir ifjokjks a ds uq dlku ,oa eq vkots ds vkoa Vu fd ok... more Lkjnkj ljks oj cka /k ifj;ks tuk ls foLFkkfir ifjokjks a ds uq dlku ,oa eq vkots ds vkoa Vu fd okLrfod fLFkfr dk ew Y;ka du MkW -l[kkjke eq tkYns Okfj"V O;[;kkrk ns oh vfgY;k fo;ofo|kky;] ba nkS j ¼e-iz ½ 452001 1-iz Lrouk&% iz kphu le; ls Hkkjr o"kZ es a vkfnokfl;ks a dk ckgq Y; FkkA vkfnoklh yks a xks ds ekeys a es a O;ogkj cgq r fHkUu gS A ;s yka s x ta xyks a vkS j igkM+ ks a es a th rks M+ es gur dj [ks rh ds fy, tehu cukdj viuh thou&clj djrs Fks A ijUrq tS ls &tS ls muds bykds lq xe gks rs tkrs Fks ] nw ljs yka s x ogk¡ igq ¡ p tkrs vkS j /khjs &/khjs mudh tehuks a ij tcnZ Lrh dCtk dj ys rs vkS j lc rjg dk tks f[ke >s ydj ml bykds dks vkneh ds fy, thrus okyk vkfnoklh gkj ekudj vkxs c<+ us ds fy, etcw j gks tkrk FkkA vkfnoklfl;ks a ds foLFkkiu dk ;g flyflyk lfn;ks a ls pyrk jgk gS vkS j vHkh Hkh tkjh gS A bl foLFkkiu es a u dks bZ dkuw u Fkk vkS j u dk;nk] ,d gh loky gj txg fd dkS u vf/kd rkdroj gS \ rkdroj vkneh vkS j 'kfDr'kkyh lekt gh tehu vkS j la lk/ku ds ekfyd cu x;s A 1 blh rkjrE; es a tc gekjk ns 'k Lora = gq vk vkS j iz R;s d {ks = es a leku :i ls fodkl djus gs rq bl dh rjg ia po"khZ ; ;ks a tuk iz kja Hk dh xbZ ] rkfd ;ks tukvks a ls iz R;s d {ks = dk leku :i ls fodkl gks lds A fodkl ;ks tuk ds pyrs ftu&ftu {ks =ks a es a m|ks x ;k ck¡ /k ;k [kfut miyC/krk ds vk/kkj ij dk;Z tc 'kq : gq vk rks ogk¡ ds LFkkuh; yks xks a dks foLFkkfir gks uk iM+ kA ia po"khZ ; ;ks a tuk ds rgr~ fodkl ;ks a tukvks a us gj lky yxHkx ik¡ p yk[k yks a xks dks foLFkkfir fd;k] ;g iz 'kklu }kjk Hkw fe ds vf/kxz g.k dk lh/kk urhtk FkkA vktknh ds ckn ls 1600 cM+ s ck¡ /k cuk, x, vkS j nfl;ks a ea >ks yh o Nks Vh fla pkbZ ifj;ks a tuk,s a pkyw dh xbZ A bu lcus fey&tq ydj w w w . a a r h a t .

Since 1991, Indian economy and industry has moved away from a state controlled to a competitive m... more Since 1991, Indian economy and industry has moved away from a state controlled to a competitive market with intricate financial services to the global economy. The financial sector, particularly, the Insurance has opened up to all competition. A revamp in tightly regulated and monopolized insurance sector was brought about by the passage of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act (IRDA) in 1999. The present paper and lyses the performance of public and private life insurance companies in India. As per the total premium income, in FY 201 4 15, LIC with 73% of business share still holds a significant market share. 24 private insurance companies have established footholds in the market leading to intense competition. Private Insurance companies have a higher growth rate as compared to public sector. Today, Insurance penetration is better. The Insurance companies are competing in terms of policies sold, collection of premium income and others.

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2018
The impact of globalisation on employment, poverty, inequality has been profound. India, which ac... more The impact of globalisation on employment, poverty, inequality has been profound. India, which accounts for the second most populated country all over the world, initiated steps towards being a global economy in the year 1991, when a series of economic reforms were undertaken. Globalisation has become a widely used term with no formal definition as such. Globalisation describes a process by which national and regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through the global network of trade, communication, immigration and transportation. In recent times, globalisation has been prominently used in context of economics which is inclusive of, trade, foreign direct investment and international capital flows, etc. The proponents of globalization claim that it has the potential to enrich every country in the world, particularly the developing countries. The initial transition from a closed economy to being a global economy might be painful but the subsequent transformation of the economy brings in explosion of opportunities and choices for the consumers. The Globalization involves harmonious integration of global markets which are politically as well as geographically divided. Every coin has two sides, sae goes with globalisation. It has some positives as well as negatives too. It entirely depends upon how efficiently the governments without losing its sovereignty and lands are able to exploit the opportunities presented by this. It is expected that globalisation can prove to be an effective way to alleviate the social evils, such as , poverty, inequality, @ IJTSRD |

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2018
Since 1991, Indian economy and industry has moved away from a state controlled to a competitive m... more Since 1991, Indian economy and industry has moved away from a state controlled to a competitive market with intricate financial services to the global economy. The financial sector, particularly, the Insurance has opened up to all competition. A revamp in tightly regulated and monopolized insurance sector was brought about by the passage of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act (IRDA) in 1999. The present paper and lyses the performance of public and private life insurance companies in India. As per the total premium income, in FY 201 4 15, LIC with 73% of business share still holds a significant market share. 24 private insurance companies have established footholds in the market leading to intense competition. Private Insurance companies have a higher growth rate as compared to public sector. Today, Insurance penetration is better. The Insurance companies are competing in terms of policies sold, collection of premium income and others.
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development
Papers by Sakharam Mujalde