The caesarean rate is substantially greater in India as compared to other regions of the world. T... more The caesarean rate is substantially greater in India as compared to other regions of the world. The rising caesarean rate has contributed in greater socioeconomic strain on health care and also increased maternal morbidity. Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil nadu have been enjoying tremendous growth in institutional delivery between 1992-93 and 2007-08. Except Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, all these states provide the evidence of significant rise in caesarean section births. In 2008, the Maternal mortality (MMR) and the infant mortality rate (IMR/9 in these states were likewise highly high (Register General, India, 2011 and office of the Registrar General, India, 2016). (Register General, India, 2011 and office of the Registrar General, India, 2016). So, it can be stated that these states suffer from lack of health facilities to address surgical obstetric needs which totally explains increased mortality and ill health of mot...
The aim of the study to to evaluate and analyse ADRs in type II diabetic patients and to determin... more The aim of the study to to evaluate and analyse ADRs in type II diabetic patients and to determine the causality and safety profile of all the prescribed medicationsMethods: A prospective study was carried out in diabetic patients visiting the Diabetic OPD and those fulfilling inclusion criteria were included in study. ADR observed were obtained from their Diabetic Diary and were recorded in the Case Record Form to evaluate the incidence,frequency, severity and causalityResults: A total of 81 ADRs were reported from206 patients. The class of drug responsible for causing more ADRs was found to be biguanides. The mostcommonly affected organ system was GI System. The suspected ADRs were assessed for their causality,it wasrevealed that 26 were probable and 55 were possible as per WHO Scale. Conclusions: The present study helps to understand importance of ADR reporting to ensure maximum benefits of drugtherapy. As the cases of new onset diabetes is also increasing in Indian scenario as...
Etomidate and propofol are two common anaesthetic drugs. Etomidate can be used in patients with l... more Etomidate and propofol are two common anaesthetic drugs. Etomidate can be used in patients with little hemodynamic reserve, whereas Propofol can result in more hemodynamic instability, according to prior research. During the induction of anaesthesia with Etomidate or, as a comparison, Propofol in elective surgeries, the cardiovascular response was examined in this study. Patients who were admitted for elective surgeries and ranged in age from 18 to 60 were included in this cross-sectional observational study. The cardiovascular responses of 50 (47) patients were assessed prior to induction, after the induction of anaesthesia with drugs, and at 1, 3, 5, and 10 minutes following the laryngoscopy. These measurements included systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), and O2 saturation (O2 sat). In terms of patient gender, age, and weight, there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups. At dif...
Background- The mental health of students has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemi... more Background- The mental health of students has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to keep an eye on and supervise students' mental health during emergencies like pandemics. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the results of previous investigations into the incidence of stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms among medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Objective Analysis of Impact of COVID-19 on stress, anxiety and depression among 1st & 2nd MBBS medical students in central India : A cross sectional study" Materials and Methods: Methodology- This online cross-sectional survey-based study was conducted on undergraduate medical students after it was given permission by the institution's ethics committee. For the collection of baseline socio-demographic information, a structured pre-validated questionnaire was used, and a standard DASS 21 (twenty one items) questionnaire was used for the measurement ...
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, 2021
BACKGROUND Stem cells are pluripotent cells that continuously divide, have the ability of selfren... more BACKGROUND Stem cells are pluripotent cells that continuously divide, have the ability of selfrenewal, and can generate complex tissues and organs. Globally there are almost 20 lakh stem cell centres, whereas in India we don’t have such a good network of stem cell registries. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) study says that if you have 10 lakh stem registries with you, you will be able to serve at least 40 % of the demand, but when we have 20 lakh of the global registry we are not able to meet the demand because of genetic variation. We wanted to spread awareness on stem cells from various levels like NGO’s, government, health sectors and everybody should take the initiative. The objective of the study was to assess knowledge and awareness of stem cells among eligible beneficiaries (ANC mothers and eligible couples) METHODS A cross-sectional educational interventional study was done in the Gwalior region for 2 months. A total of 100 eligible beneficiaries (ANC mothers a...
International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 2021
Background: Human race has witnessed enormous technological advancements especially in last few d... more Background: Human race has witnessed enormous technological advancements especially in last few decades. Electronic gadgets are part of everyday lives of all individuals in all age groups. On one side they make our lives easier and convenient and on the other side their excessive usage is harmful. These gadgets effect physical as well as mental health. Present study was conducted to see the effects of electronic gadgets on physical and mental health of medical students.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among MBBS students of Central India. Students who were present on the time of data collection were included in the study. For the study, data collection tool was a pre-designed, semi structured questionnaire, collected data was compiled in excel sheet and relevant analysis was done.Results: About 70% have habit of waking up between 6 to 8 AM. 95.5% of subjects were using smartphones, 61.5% of subjects using laptop/computer. 58% were spending time with gadgets less than 4...
International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 2021
Background: Substance abuse is a pandemic among adults. We carried out this study to know the pre... more Background: Substance abuse is a pandemic among adults. We carried out this study to know the prevalence of tobacco and alcohol use among II prof MBBS students. The objective was to know the prevalence of tobacco and alcohol use among II prof MBBS students.Methods: An observational study aimed find out the prevalence of alcohol and tobacco abuse. During the period of January 2015 to October 2015 and 100 student from 2nd professional of a medical college from Central India were interviewed using semi structured interview schedules for students.Results: Total students in our study that ever tried alcohol smoking was 62%, among which 47% continued and 53% discontinued. Among 100 participants 55 were male and 45 were female. Out of 100 student 62 were tried alcohol/smoking once in their life time. 13 students were exposed to substance abuse at during their school life, 7 were started during preparation of medical entrance and 42 were started it after coming to college. 12 participants w...
Journal of Evolution of medical and Dental Sciences, 2015
INTRODUCTION: Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goo... more INTRODUCTION: Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goods and services. It is measured as an annual percentage increase. As inflation rises, every rupee you own buys a smaller percentage of a good or service. Inflation for the first hits the common man because inflation indicates hike in the price of general commodities what a common man have to use in his day-to-day life. AIMS & OBJECTIVE: To get an overview of the effect of inflation on general population and to measure the impact of inflation on general population in terms of their use of public transport, restaurants and multiplex cinema. METHODOLOGY: A crosssectional observational study was carried out over 200 randomly selected people of different localities of Indore for duration of four months. Inclusion criteriaPeople more than 20 years of age. People less than 20 years of age and those not willing to take part in study were excluded from this study. Study was carried out using a pr...
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2016
One woman dies of cervical cancer every 8 minutes in India. 1 About 500,000 women are diagnosed w... more One woman dies of cervical cancer every 8 minutes in India. 1 About 500,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer contributing to around 270,000 deaths, across the globe every year. Out of these, the burden of 230,000 (85%) deaths is owned by developing countries, with bare minimal resources to cope with the situation. 2 ABSTRACT Background: Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide and in India, it is the number one killer cancer among women. About 500,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer contributing to around 270,000 deaths, across the globe every year. Out of these, the burden of 230,000 (85%) deaths is owned by developing countries, with bare minimal resources to cope with the situation. In India alone there are an estimated 132,000 new cases and 74,000 deaths each year. The discovery that human papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible for virtually all cervical cancers opens exciting new possibilities for controlling this disease. Methods: Randomly 300 girls were selected from private and government schools of central India aged between 16-18 years a semi structured questionnaire was provided to asses' knowledge of cervical cancer and awareness, knowledge and vaccine acceptance HPV vaccine among the school girls. Results: Total 85% of the students are aware about cervical cancer overall. (80% of Government school students and 90% of the private school students) but only 43% of the students have heard about HPV overall,53% of the students know that cervical cancer is preventable, and 54% of Pvt. School students know that it is preventable. 50% of the students are aware that there are screening methods for cervical cancer, only 3% of the students are aware of all the modes of transmission and 72% are aware about Sexual intercourse is mode of transmission. 39.3% are aware that multiple sexual partners are a risk factor for HPV infection and 38.2% are aware that unprotected sexual intercourse is a risk factor. Only 8.9% are aware that first intercourse at young age is a risk factor and only 13.45% are aware that other STDs are also a risk factor for HPV infection, 55% of the students was aware about availability of vaccine against HPV. 54% of the students are not aware that the vaccine is available in India. Conclusions: The low level of knowledge indicates that the larger population of less educated women is in greater lack of awareness. During this survey we accessed a population that has not been widely studied and our observations leads to conclude that the absence of an active national cervical screening and awareness program has resulted in the lack of basic knowledge about important risk factors for cervix cancer even among the literate population of school girls.
Background: Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) is newly launched programme under NRHM, under... more Background: Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) is newly launched programme under NRHM, under which screening of 0 to 18 yr children is done and The DEIC promptly responds and manages all issues related 4Ds. Objective: To evaluate the functioning and infrastructure of DEIC, and client satisfaction. Materials and Methods: Observational Check List according to norms used for assessment of facilities, staffing pattern, and Semi structured questionnaire used for client satisfaction.. Result: DEIC of Indore and Ujjain district were deficient in staff and infrastructure. Among all referred cases to various facility 10.24% were referred to DEIC Indore while in Ujjain 20.1% were referred to DEIC among all the referred cases only 5.2% and 6.01% reached the DEIC Indore and Ujjain respectively, among which birth defect were found 0.7% and 0.8% , deficiency disease cases were 0% and 0.2% respectively in Indore and Ujjain district, childhood disease were 1.49% and 3.48% respectively in Indore and Ujjain district and developmental delays and disease were 3.46% and 1.62% respectively in Indore and Ujjain district. 76.92% beneficiaries were dissatisfied with the referral service and DEIC Staff (Behavior and Availability) in Indore while in Ujjain 65.3% were dissatisfied. Beneficiaries remained dissatisfied with regard to expenses, 71.1% in Indore and 63.4% in Ujjain. Conclusion: There was a deficiency of staff and infrastructure in DEICs of both Indore and Ujjain, There was lack of proper referral system between MHTs and DEICs in both the districts thus affecting the rendition of services to beneficiaries under RBSK program. The beneficiaries were dissatisfied with the Referral services and Availability and Behavior of DEIC Staff.
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2016
Background: Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) is newly launched programme under NRHM, under... more Background: Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) is newly launched programme under NRHM, under which screening of 6 month to 18 year children done by AYUSH doctors. The objective was to evaluate the infrastructure and staff available with mobile health teams (MHTs), knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of AYUSH doctors regarding 4Ds and client satisfaction for screening done by AYUSH doctors. Methods: Two blocks from each Indore and Ujjain district were randomly selected and observational check list made according to norms of RBSK was used for assessment of staffing pattern, availability of equipment's with mobile health team. A pretested questionnaire is used to evaluate KAP of AYUSH doctors and client satisfaction. Results: According to the norms of Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram all the mobile health teams were deficient in terms of human resources and equipments. All the doctors under study were graduate in AYURVEDA, most of them were trained for RBSK and having good knowledge regarding the 4Ds, a significant difference was observed in their attitude and practice with regards to referrals and examination of children. Most of the beneficiaries were satisfied with the screening services. Conclusions: All Mobile Health Teams were deficient in paramedical staff and tool kit for screening where the used tools were replaced only once a year. And there is difference in attitude and practice of MHT doctors.
Introduction: "Fasting is primarily a willing abstinence from food, drink or both for a period of... more Introduction: "Fasting is primarily a willing abstinence from food, drink or both for a period of time". As we know our country is a land of different religions and in every religion, fasting is practiced in one way or the other. From religious point of view-It inculcates in man the spirit of abstinence from sins and cultivation of virtues. From scientific point of view-Fasting is said to occur as long as fat and carbohydrates are used as energy source. The 3 scientifically proved advantages being-it promotes detoxification, enhances healing process, and increases life expectancy.
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2015
Background: Intelligence is the ability to see meaningful relationships between things that inclu... more Background: Intelligence is the ability to see meaningful relationships between things that includes perceiving, knowing, reasoning and remembering. The study was done to know the duration of preparation, self study hours, academic performance and its association with IQ level of medical students, to state how to shorten the duration of completing MBBS degree. Methods: A cross sectional study done on 300 medical students using structured questionnaire derived from I Q Data collection and appropriate statistical test were applied considering p value ≤ 0.05 as significant. Results: Most of the medical students had near average intelligence (88.3%) , they undergone one to two years preparation for medical entrance exams and devoted much time (>6 hrs) in studies. 10% of the students had higher IQ, spare less time in their self study but were sincere in the classes. Conclusion: Students with near average IQ work hard in their studies and their academic performance was similar to students with higher IQ. So IQ can`t be made the basis for medical entrance; instead giving weight-age to secondary school results and limiting the number of attempts may shorten the time duration for entry and completion of MBBS degree.
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, 2021
BACKGROUND Adolescence is the period between the onset of puberty and the cessation of physical g... more BACKGROUND Adolescence is the period between the onset of puberty and the cessation of physical growth roughly from 11 to 19 years of age. Adolescence vacillates between being children and being an adult. They are adjusting to the physiologic changes their bodies are undergoing and are working to establish sexual identification and use these changes for their benefit as well as that of the society. The objectives of the study were to assess the socio-demographic characteristics of boys, various adolescent health problems, explore the nutritional status of children through B.M.I and psycho-social behaviour and suicidal tendencies among adolescent boys. METHODS The parent study was done in Govt. Boys school which is a multistage sampling. Firstly from DOE, a list of Govt. Boys school, Gwalior was taken, and from that list the schools were randomly selected. A predesigned, pretested, structured and validated questionnaire in Hindi was given to the student returned questionnaire. RESULT...
Background- The mental health of students has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemi... more Background- The mental health of students has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to keep an eye on and supervise students' mental health during emergencies like pandemics. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the results of previous investigations into the incidence of stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms among medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Objective Analysis of Impact of COVID-19 on stress, anxiety and depression among 1st & 2nd MBBS medical students in central India : A cross sectional study" Materials and Methods: Methodology- This online cross-sectional survey-based study was conducted on undergraduate medical students after it was given permission by the institution's ethics committee. For the collection of baseline socio-demographic information, a structured pre-validated questionnaire was used, and a standard DASS 21 (twenty one items) questionnaire was used for the measurement ...
The caesarean rate is substantially greater in India as compared to other regions of the world. T... more The caesarean rate is substantially greater in India as compared to other regions of the world. The rising caesarean rate has contributed in greater socioeconomic strain on health care and also increased maternal morbidity. Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil nadu have been enjoying tremendous growth in institutional delivery between 1992-93 and 2007-08. Except Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, all these states provide the evidence of significant rise in caesarean section births. In 2008, the Maternal mortality (MMR) and the infant mortality rate (IMR/9 in these states were likewise highly high (Register General, India, 2011 and office of the Registrar General, India, 2016). (Register General, India, 2011 and office of the Registrar General, India, 2016). So, it can be stated that these states suffer from lack of health facilities to address surgical obstetric needs which totally explains increased mortality and ill health of mot...
The aim of the study to to evaluate and analyse ADRs in type II diabetic patients and to determin... more The aim of the study to to evaluate and analyse ADRs in type II diabetic patients and to determine the causality and safety profile of all the prescribed medicationsMethods: A prospective study was carried out in diabetic patients visiting the Diabetic OPD and those fulfilling inclusion criteria were included in study. ADR observed were obtained from their Diabetic Diary and were recorded in the Case Record Form to evaluate the incidence,frequency, severity and causalityResults: A total of 81 ADRs were reported from206 patients. The class of drug responsible for causing more ADRs was found to be biguanides. The mostcommonly affected organ system was GI System. The suspected ADRs were assessed for their causality,it wasrevealed that 26 were probable and 55 were possible as per WHO Scale. Conclusions: The present study helps to understand importance of ADR reporting to ensure maximum benefits of drugtherapy. As the cases of new onset diabetes is also increasing in Indian scenario as...
Etomidate and propofol are two common anaesthetic drugs. Etomidate can be used in patients with l... more Etomidate and propofol are two common anaesthetic drugs. Etomidate can be used in patients with little hemodynamic reserve, whereas Propofol can result in more hemodynamic instability, according to prior research. During the induction of anaesthesia with Etomidate or, as a comparison, Propofol in elective surgeries, the cardiovascular response was examined in this study. Patients who were admitted for elective surgeries and ranged in age from 18 to 60 were included in this cross-sectional observational study. The cardiovascular responses of 50 (47) patients were assessed prior to induction, after the induction of anaesthesia with drugs, and at 1, 3, 5, and 10 minutes following the laryngoscopy. These measurements included systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), and O2 saturation (O2 sat). In terms of patient gender, age, and weight, there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups. At dif...
Background- The mental health of students has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemi... more Background- The mental health of students has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to keep an eye on and supervise students' mental health during emergencies like pandemics. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the results of previous investigations into the incidence of stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms among medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Objective Analysis of Impact of COVID-19 on stress, anxiety and depression among 1st & 2nd MBBS medical students in central India : A cross sectional study" Materials and Methods: Methodology- This online cross-sectional survey-based study was conducted on undergraduate medical students after it was given permission by the institution's ethics committee. For the collection of baseline socio-demographic information, a structured pre-validated questionnaire was used, and a standard DASS 21 (twenty one items) questionnaire was used for the measurement ...
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, 2021
BACKGROUND Stem cells are pluripotent cells that continuously divide, have the ability of selfren... more BACKGROUND Stem cells are pluripotent cells that continuously divide, have the ability of selfrenewal, and can generate complex tissues and organs. Globally there are almost 20 lakh stem cell centres, whereas in India we don’t have such a good network of stem cell registries. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) study says that if you have 10 lakh stem registries with you, you will be able to serve at least 40 % of the demand, but when we have 20 lakh of the global registry we are not able to meet the demand because of genetic variation. We wanted to spread awareness on stem cells from various levels like NGO’s, government, health sectors and everybody should take the initiative. The objective of the study was to assess knowledge and awareness of stem cells among eligible beneficiaries (ANC mothers and eligible couples) METHODS A cross-sectional educational interventional study was done in the Gwalior region for 2 months. A total of 100 eligible beneficiaries (ANC mothers a...
International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 2021
Background: Human race has witnessed enormous technological advancements especially in last few d... more Background: Human race has witnessed enormous technological advancements especially in last few decades. Electronic gadgets are part of everyday lives of all individuals in all age groups. On one side they make our lives easier and convenient and on the other side their excessive usage is harmful. These gadgets effect physical as well as mental health. Present study was conducted to see the effects of electronic gadgets on physical and mental health of medical students.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among MBBS students of Central India. Students who were present on the time of data collection were included in the study. For the study, data collection tool was a pre-designed, semi structured questionnaire, collected data was compiled in excel sheet and relevant analysis was done.Results: About 70% have habit of waking up between 6 to 8 AM. 95.5% of subjects were using smartphones, 61.5% of subjects using laptop/computer. 58% were spending time with gadgets less than 4...
International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 2021
Background: Substance abuse is a pandemic among adults. We carried out this study to know the pre... more Background: Substance abuse is a pandemic among adults. We carried out this study to know the prevalence of tobacco and alcohol use among II prof MBBS students. The objective was to know the prevalence of tobacco and alcohol use among II prof MBBS students.Methods: An observational study aimed find out the prevalence of alcohol and tobacco abuse. During the period of January 2015 to October 2015 and 100 student from 2nd professional of a medical college from Central India were interviewed using semi structured interview schedules for students.Results: Total students in our study that ever tried alcohol smoking was 62%, among which 47% continued and 53% discontinued. Among 100 participants 55 were male and 45 were female. Out of 100 student 62 were tried alcohol/smoking once in their life time. 13 students were exposed to substance abuse at during their school life, 7 were started during preparation of medical entrance and 42 were started it after coming to college. 12 participants w...
Journal of Evolution of medical and Dental Sciences, 2015
INTRODUCTION: Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goo... more INTRODUCTION: Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goods and services. It is measured as an annual percentage increase. As inflation rises, every rupee you own buys a smaller percentage of a good or service. Inflation for the first hits the common man because inflation indicates hike in the price of general commodities what a common man have to use in his day-to-day life. AIMS & OBJECTIVE: To get an overview of the effect of inflation on general population and to measure the impact of inflation on general population in terms of their use of public transport, restaurants and multiplex cinema. METHODOLOGY: A crosssectional observational study was carried out over 200 randomly selected people of different localities of Indore for duration of four months. Inclusion criteriaPeople more than 20 years of age. People less than 20 years of age and those not willing to take part in study were excluded from this study. Study was carried out using a pr...
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2016
One woman dies of cervical cancer every 8 minutes in India. 1 About 500,000 women are diagnosed w... more One woman dies of cervical cancer every 8 minutes in India. 1 About 500,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer contributing to around 270,000 deaths, across the globe every year. Out of these, the burden of 230,000 (85%) deaths is owned by developing countries, with bare minimal resources to cope with the situation. 2 ABSTRACT Background: Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide and in India, it is the number one killer cancer among women. About 500,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer contributing to around 270,000 deaths, across the globe every year. Out of these, the burden of 230,000 (85%) deaths is owned by developing countries, with bare minimal resources to cope with the situation. In India alone there are an estimated 132,000 new cases and 74,000 deaths each year. The discovery that human papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible for virtually all cervical cancers opens exciting new possibilities for controlling this disease. Methods: Randomly 300 girls were selected from private and government schools of central India aged between 16-18 years a semi structured questionnaire was provided to asses' knowledge of cervical cancer and awareness, knowledge and vaccine acceptance HPV vaccine among the school girls. Results: Total 85% of the students are aware about cervical cancer overall. (80% of Government school students and 90% of the private school students) but only 43% of the students have heard about HPV overall,53% of the students know that cervical cancer is preventable, and 54% of Pvt. School students know that it is preventable. 50% of the students are aware that there are screening methods for cervical cancer, only 3% of the students are aware of all the modes of transmission and 72% are aware about Sexual intercourse is mode of transmission. 39.3% are aware that multiple sexual partners are a risk factor for HPV infection and 38.2% are aware that unprotected sexual intercourse is a risk factor. Only 8.9% are aware that first intercourse at young age is a risk factor and only 13.45% are aware that other STDs are also a risk factor for HPV infection, 55% of the students was aware about availability of vaccine against HPV. 54% of the students are not aware that the vaccine is available in India. Conclusions: The low level of knowledge indicates that the larger population of less educated women is in greater lack of awareness. During this survey we accessed a population that has not been widely studied and our observations leads to conclude that the absence of an active national cervical screening and awareness program has resulted in the lack of basic knowledge about important risk factors for cervix cancer even among the literate population of school girls.
Background: Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) is newly launched programme under NRHM, under... more Background: Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) is newly launched programme under NRHM, under which screening of 0 to 18 yr children is done and The DEIC promptly responds and manages all issues related 4Ds. Objective: To evaluate the functioning and infrastructure of DEIC, and client satisfaction. Materials and Methods: Observational Check List according to norms used for assessment of facilities, staffing pattern, and Semi structured questionnaire used for client satisfaction.. Result: DEIC of Indore and Ujjain district were deficient in staff and infrastructure. Among all referred cases to various facility 10.24% were referred to DEIC Indore while in Ujjain 20.1% were referred to DEIC among all the referred cases only 5.2% and 6.01% reached the DEIC Indore and Ujjain respectively, among which birth defect were found 0.7% and 0.8% , deficiency disease cases were 0% and 0.2% respectively in Indore and Ujjain district, childhood disease were 1.49% and 3.48% respectively in Indore and Ujjain district and developmental delays and disease were 3.46% and 1.62% respectively in Indore and Ujjain district. 76.92% beneficiaries were dissatisfied with the referral service and DEIC Staff (Behavior and Availability) in Indore while in Ujjain 65.3% were dissatisfied. Beneficiaries remained dissatisfied with regard to expenses, 71.1% in Indore and 63.4% in Ujjain. Conclusion: There was a deficiency of staff and infrastructure in DEICs of both Indore and Ujjain, There was lack of proper referral system between MHTs and DEICs in both the districts thus affecting the rendition of services to beneficiaries under RBSK program. The beneficiaries were dissatisfied with the Referral services and Availability and Behavior of DEIC Staff.
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2016
Background: Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) is newly launched programme under NRHM, under... more Background: Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) is newly launched programme under NRHM, under which screening of 6 month to 18 year children done by AYUSH doctors. The objective was to evaluate the infrastructure and staff available with mobile health teams (MHTs), knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of AYUSH doctors regarding 4Ds and client satisfaction for screening done by AYUSH doctors. Methods: Two blocks from each Indore and Ujjain district were randomly selected and observational check list made according to norms of RBSK was used for assessment of staffing pattern, availability of equipment's with mobile health team. A pretested questionnaire is used to evaluate KAP of AYUSH doctors and client satisfaction. Results: According to the norms of Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram all the mobile health teams were deficient in terms of human resources and equipments. All the doctors under study were graduate in AYURVEDA, most of them were trained for RBSK and having good knowledge regarding the 4Ds, a significant difference was observed in their attitude and practice with regards to referrals and examination of children. Most of the beneficiaries were satisfied with the screening services. Conclusions: All Mobile Health Teams were deficient in paramedical staff and tool kit for screening where the used tools were replaced only once a year. And there is difference in attitude and practice of MHT doctors.
Introduction: "Fasting is primarily a willing abstinence from food, drink or both for a period of... more Introduction: "Fasting is primarily a willing abstinence from food, drink or both for a period of time". As we know our country is a land of different religions and in every religion, fasting is practiced in one way or the other. From religious point of view-It inculcates in man the spirit of abstinence from sins and cultivation of virtues. From scientific point of view-Fasting is said to occur as long as fat and carbohydrates are used as energy source. The 3 scientifically proved advantages being-it promotes detoxification, enhances healing process, and increases life expectancy.
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2015
Background: Intelligence is the ability to see meaningful relationships between things that inclu... more Background: Intelligence is the ability to see meaningful relationships between things that includes perceiving, knowing, reasoning and remembering. The study was done to know the duration of preparation, self study hours, academic performance and its association with IQ level of medical students, to state how to shorten the duration of completing MBBS degree. Methods: A cross sectional study done on 300 medical students using structured questionnaire derived from I Q Data collection and appropriate statistical test were applied considering p value ≤ 0.05 as significant. Results: Most of the medical students had near average intelligence (88.3%) , they undergone one to two years preparation for medical entrance exams and devoted much time (>6 hrs) in studies. 10% of the students had higher IQ, spare less time in their self study but were sincere in the classes. Conclusion: Students with near average IQ work hard in their studies and their academic performance was similar to students with higher IQ. So IQ can`t be made the basis for medical entrance; instead giving weight-age to secondary school results and limiting the number of attempts may shorten the time duration for entry and completion of MBBS degree.
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, 2021
BACKGROUND Adolescence is the period between the onset of puberty and the cessation of physical g... more BACKGROUND Adolescence is the period between the onset of puberty and the cessation of physical growth roughly from 11 to 19 years of age. Adolescence vacillates between being children and being an adult. They are adjusting to the physiologic changes their bodies are undergoing and are working to establish sexual identification and use these changes for their benefit as well as that of the society. The objectives of the study were to assess the socio-demographic characteristics of boys, various adolescent health problems, explore the nutritional status of children through B.M.I and psycho-social behaviour and suicidal tendencies among adolescent boys. METHODS The parent study was done in Govt. Boys school which is a multistage sampling. Firstly from DOE, a list of Govt. Boys school, Gwalior was taken, and from that list the schools were randomly selected. A predesigned, pretested, structured and validated questionnaire in Hindi was given to the student returned questionnaire. RESULT...
Background- The mental health of students has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemi... more Background- The mental health of students has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to keep an eye on and supervise students' mental health during emergencies like pandemics. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the results of previous investigations into the incidence of stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms among medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Objective Analysis of Impact of COVID-19 on stress, anxiety and depression among 1st & 2nd MBBS medical students in central India : A cross sectional study" Materials and Methods: Methodology- This online cross-sectional survey-based study was conducted on undergraduate medical students after it was given permission by the institution's ethics committee. For the collection of baseline socio-demographic information, a structured pre-validated questionnaire was used, and a standard DASS 21 (twenty one items) questionnaire was used for the measurement ...
Papers by Sachin Parmar