Papers by Sylvia Yanagisako
Duke University Press eBooks, 2018
Routledge eBooks, Aug 28, 2020
This chapter explores the relationship between law and sentiment in the dynamics of succession am... more This chapter explores the relationship between law and sentiment in the dynamics of succession among wealthy, industrial capitalist families in northern Italy. Through the analysis of managerial succession and inheritance among family firms in the Italian silk industry, I demonstrate that law and sentiment operate in more complex ways than has been configured in anthropological models of kinship. Prevailing models of kinship succession represent law as the basis of the structural continuity o..
Stanford University Press eBooks, 1987
... which throughout the 1970's provided feminist scholars in anthropology and relat... more ... which throughout the 1970's provided feminist scholars in anthropology and related disciplines with a comparative framework for analyzing the position of women. In the same period during which her conceptual scheme was being widely diffused in gender studies, Shelly ...
Princeton University Press eBooks, Dec 31, 2003
Journal of Anthropological Research, Oct 1, 1975
Two processes of change in Japanese-American kinship are analyzed using a theoretical framework w... more Two processes of change in Japanese-American kinship are analyzed using a theoretical framework which differentiates the cultural structure of kinship (kinship as a system of symbols and meanings) from the social structure of kinship (the patterning of actual interaction between kinsmen). The first process, which follows Parsons's model of structural differentiation, entails a normative reorganization that leaves higher order values and the symbolic system intact. The second process, however, goes beyond the limits of Parsons's model and demonstrates one manner in which fundamental change can occur in an ideological system. Comparison of the two simultaneous processes of change leads to several findings relevant to the question of the interdependence of kinship behavior and kinship ideology.

Social Anthropology, Aug 1, 2020
Situating ascriptions of independence and dependence in Italian family capitalism Recent anthropo... more Situating ascriptions of independence and dependence in Italian family capitalism Recent anthropological studies of Italy have presented vivid and compelling accounts of the anxieties about precarity and economic dependence that have emerged as both state protections of employment and social welfare provisions have weakened. This essay, in contrast, argues that for a substantial sector of the Italian populace, work relations have been governed less by a state-regulated regime of labour than by kinship ideologies and relations. Since the beginning of industrial manufacturing in the mid-19th century and continuing into the 21st century, family firms have been the dominant employer in Italy. By following the changes in the silk industry and its allied clothing manufacturing sector in the 25 years from 1985 to 2010, this essay shows how aspirations and ascriptions of economic independence and dependence among firm owners, their children and hired managers are shaped by kinship relations and class trajectories.

Elsevier eBooks, 2001
The term household has been used loosely by anthropologists to refer to a residential group whose... more The term household has been used loosely by anthropologists to refer to a residential group whose members cooperate in activities of production, consumption, or childrearing. While anthropologists have distinguished the household from the family by defining the former as a residential unit and the latter as a kinship unit, in actual usage they generally attach the term household only to groups that satisfy both kinship and residential criteria. Attempts to explain variations among households over time and space have classified households on the basis of the genealogical links between its members, assuming that groups with the same genealogical configuration will have the same social configuration. Households, however, are more than the sum of their genealogical links. They are the negotiated and transitory products of the dynamic, culturally-meaningful relations of their members. Attempts to account for the variations among households within and between societies have focused on demographic, economic, and social stratification determinants. Adaptationist approaches to households have been challenged by new theoretical approaches, including feminist theories of gender and power. This has led to a critical rethinking of the notion of ‘household strategy,’ which made an analytic construct into a social actor and obscured the meaningful social processes through which people negotiate the relations that constitute households.
Journal of Latin American Anthropology, Jun 28, 2008
Duke University Press eBooks, May 5, 2005
Duke University Press eBooks, Dec 31, 2020
Page 1. BOOK REVIEW Anna Cento Bull University of Bath SJ Yanagisako. 2002. Producing Culture and... more Page 1. BOOK REVIEW Anna Cento Bull University of Bath SJ Yanagisako. 2002. Producing Culture and Capital: Family Firms in Italy. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. This is a welcome and refreshing addition ...
Stanford University Press eBooks, Mar 1, 1992
Collaborative Anthropology Today, 2021
This chapter explains how China has become the most promising market for Italian fashion brands, ... more This chapter explains how China has become the most promising market for Italian fashion brands, which led to the development of a variety of forms of collaboration between Italian and Chinese firms and entrepreneurs. It discusses the collaborative ethnography of the transnational capitalism that was forged by the Italians and Chinese engaged in textile and garment production and distribution in China. It also talks about the co-authored monograph, Fabricating Transnational Capitalism: A Collaborative Ethnography of Italian–Chinese Global Fashion. The chapter explains how the Chinese and Italians engaged in transnational relations of production that reformulate their ideas and practices of capitalist enterprise, including investment and management strategies, labor, value, and inequality.
Papers by Sylvia Yanagisako