Papers by Salvatore Strozza
PubMed, Sep 1, 1995
"The essay presents an overview of the interpretations offered in scientific literature about cau... more "The essay presents an overview of the interpretations offered in scientific literature about causes and effects of non-EC [European Community] immigrants' integration into the Italian labor market....The essay uses the aggregate data of [the] Labor Ministry integrated by local surveys to answer some questions...[concerning] the link between sex, Italian region, place of origin and sector of activity...and the complementarity or competition with [the] Italian labor force." (SUMMARY IN ENG AND FRE)

In recent years many scholars have been more and more interested in exploring the association bet... more In recent years many scholars have been more and more interested in exploring the association between personal networks and social integration processes for immigrants. The availability of social support networks for immigrants in the country of destination is crucial to modulate the impact of first settlement and to foster social integration. Of course, the effects of social support on social integration depend on the different relational patterns on which personal networks are based and on the type and amount of resources that networks can provide. Here, our particular interest is to explore the association between ego-networks characteristics and social and economic integration processes for immigrants. We focus on two ethnic groups, Sri Lankan and Ukrainian, by using data from a more comprehensive survey on living conditions for immigrants living in Naples. First, we aim to describe and explore the structure of social relationships that immigrants activate in order to obtain dif...
Pur in presenza di alcuni segnali di novit\ue0, connessi all\u2019evoluzione pi\uf9 recente dei f... more Pur in presenza di alcuni segnali di novit\ue0, connessi all\u2019evoluzione pi\uf9 recente dei flussi migratori interni di italiani e stranieri lungo l\u2019asse Sud-Nord e dell\u2019emigrazione di meridionali e centro-settentrionali verso l\u2019estero, non c\u2019\ue8 dubbio che l\u2019emorragia migratoria dal Mezzogiorno prosegua e possa restare significativa anche in futuro, in base alle previsioni demografiche dell\u2019Istat. Un\u2019emorragia certamente meno intensa che nel periodo del decollo economico del paese, ma dall\u2019impatto demografico, e probabilmente anche economico, pi\uf9 evidente, poich\ue9 avviene in presenza di un saldo naturale negativo e contribuisce ulteriormente al decremento della popolazione e al suo pi\uf9 rapido invecchiamento
Migration, Health and Survival

L'immigrazione straniera nel casertano è stata oggetto di attenzione degli studiosi fin dai p... more L'immigrazione straniera nel casertano è stata oggetto di attenzione degli studiosi fin dai primi anni Ottanta per l'importanza e la peculiarità dei flussi migratori che hanno interessato una realtà locale così particolare per struttura del sistema produttivo e complessità delle relazioni sociali. Il volume intende proporre un aggiornamento e, allo stesso tempo, un approfondimento sul fenomeno migratorio facendo ricorso ai dati ufficiali disponibili, oggi più attendibili e dettagliati, ma soprattutto alla ricchezza informativa derivante da un'indagine campionaria sul livello di integrazione degli immigrati presenti nel casertano, finanziata dall'amministrazione provinciale e realizzata a inizio 2010 su un campione di circa 1.200 cittadini dei paesi meno sviluppati e dell'Europa centro-orientale (compresi i neo-comunitari). L'obiettivo è fare luce su caratteristiche e condizioni di vita delle comunità straniere presenti nella provincia e su alcuni aspetti capa...
This is a comprehensive study of immigrants in Italy. The authors begin by placing immigration to... more This is a comprehensive study of immigrants in Italy. The authors begin by placing immigration to Italy in the context of global demographic and economic developments. A second chapter addresses various interdisciplinary aspects of immigration. Subsequent chapters deal with the problems involved in defining and measuring immigration. Estimates of legal and clandestine immigration to Italy are presented and the labor force participation of immigrants is discussed. There are several chapters on integration and a final chapter on human and capital flows. (ANNOTATION)
The information and views set out in this publication are those of the authors and do not reflect... more The information and views set out in this publication are those of the authors and do not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained herein.

Quality & Quantity
Despite the relevance of the gender dimension of immigration, political engagement of migrant wom... more Despite the relevance of the gender dimension of immigration, political engagement of migrant women has rarely been the focus of scholarly research. This article tries to fill this gap. Using secondary data from the “Condizione e integrazione sociale dei cittadini stranieri” [Social Condition and Integration of Foreign Citizens] survey carried out by the National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) in 2011–2012, we analysed the factors that at an individual level spur or inhibit migrants’ political engagement in Italy in terms of gender differences. We decided to use political interest and political participation separately as dependent dichotomous variables in logistic models that consider structural, situational, migratory, and group-related variables as independent factors. From our analysis, some relevant differences emerged both in terms of gender and in terms of political attitudes and behaviours. Our results confirm the existence of a gender gap in political engagement among migr...
50 Riunione scientifica della Società Italiana di Statsitica SIS2020, Università di Pisa, 2020

International Migration
Immigration flows and social inequalities reflect increased social and multi‐ethnic segregation i... more Immigration flows and social inequalities reflect increased social and multi‐ethnic segregation in contemporary urban Europe. For a better understanding of these processes, the present study investigates the main strengths of the multi‐group residential indices, testing sensitivity and reliability under different metropolitan contexts in five European countries. These indices focus on different research dimensions and approach multi‐group residential segregation conceptually and mathematically in a different way. A multivariate exploratory data analysis was adopted to classify the observed segregation patterns into a few homogeneous types and to delineate the multivariate relationship between the indices. The results of principal component analysis demonstrate that the indices assessing uniformity and disproportionality of the social groups analysed (H and D) contribute largely to the diversification in today's multi‐ethnic communities, clarifying the importance of the dimension...
Papers by Salvatore Strozza