Papers by Siti Soekiswati

Kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh sendi untuk melakukan gerakan secara maksimal sesuai dengan kemampua... more Kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh sendi untuk melakukan gerakan secara maksimal sesuai dengan kemampuanya dalam full ROM dinamakan fleksibilitas. Fleksibilitas salah satu faktor penting dalam mendukung kegiatan sehari-hari. Salah satu latihan yang dapat meningkatkan fleksibilitas adalah pilates. Pilates adalah mind-body exercise yang berfokus pada fleksibilitas, stabilitas,control otot, postur dan pernapasan. Latihan dapat dengan mat-based atau peralatan khusus.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh senam pilates terhadap fleksibilitas lumbal pada anggota Hizbul Wathan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta angkatan 2016-2018.Manfaat yang dapat diambil dari penelitian ini adalah dapat meningkatkan fleksibilitas lumbal sehingga dapat memaksimalkan kegiatan seharihari khususnya pada kegiatan Hizbul Wathan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Metode yang digunakan quasi ekperimental kemudian menggunakan pre-test and post-test design with control. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan adalah 20, teknik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling sesuai kriteria. Setelah itu sampel dibagi dua kelompok yaitu kontrol dan perlakuan. Penelitian dilakukan 2 kali setiap minggunya selama 4 minggu. Alat ukur yang digunakan sit and reach test. Terdapat pengaruh senam pilates terhadap fleksibilitas lumbal pada anggota

Background: young adults need the power of a good handheld to support daily activities because th... more Background: young adults need the power of a good handheld to support daily activities because the hand is a vital organ that functions cannot be avoided, both fine motor or motor function. Young adult is the age in which the maximum strength of muscles is achieved before eventually decline. Decreased muscle strength indicating the presence of health disorders on an individual. To support this, the various techniques of intervention given as isometric handgrip exercise and the stimulation of the skin with kinesiotaping. Objectives: to know the difference between the influence of addition of isometric handgrip exercise on kinesiotaping with only isometric handgrip exercise to increased the strength of the handgrip. Methods: quantitative data types with a quasi experimental approach. The research design used Pre test and Post test-Two Group Design with the total sample overall 16 people. Dinamometer Handgrip is a measuring instrument used in this research. Data analysis techniques usi...

PROGRAM STUDY OF S1 PHYSIOTHERAPY FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH SURAKARTA ... more PROGRAM STUDY OF S1 PHYSIOTHERAPY FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH SURAKARTA PIPIT KURNIAWATI / J120181140 "THE EFFECT OF TRANSCUTANEOUS ELECTRICAL NERVE STIMULATION (TENS) AND KINESIO TAPING ON DECREASING PAIN IN GENU OSTEOARTHRITISIN INDRAMAYU HOSPITAL" Background: Osteoarhtritis (OA) is a degenerative problem that connects cartilages, joint layers, ligaments and bones so that it can cause stiffness in the joints. The onset of the disease is slow, but cause severe joint pain to disability of failure joint movement. The characteristics that arise of joint pain, especially when increasing the activities and decreases at rest, stiffness joints in the morning. Objective: To determine the effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and kinesio taping on pain reduction in genu Osteoarthritis. Research Methods: This type of research is a quasy-experimental research design using two groups of pre-test and post-test with control group to deter...

Background: Badminton is a sport played on a net using a racket, directing the shuttlecock to the... more Background: Badminton is a sport played on a net using a racket, directing the shuttlecock to the opponent's field with tactile and movement techniques that range from slow to fast and deceptive. In badminton there is no time limit in the game so it requires physical fitness from the players, one element of physical fitness is cardiorespiratory endurance. To determine the level of cardiorespiratory endurance can be measured by aerobic capacity, VO2max. Vo2max is the highest value a person can consume oxygen during exercise. VO2max is considered the best estimate of a person's cardiorespiratory fitness or aerobic strength. There are various training methods designed to increase VO2max, including the rope skipping method. Rope skipping is a simple sport consisting of jumping and landing. Rope skipping has many techniques and variations. The purpose: to determine the effect of rope skipping training on the increase in VO2max in members of the Badminton University of Muhammadiya...

Objective : (1) to determine the effect of static stretching to the explosive power of the leg mu... more Objective : (1) to determine the effect of static stretching to the explosive power of the leg muscles, (2) to determine the effect of dynamic stretching to the explosive power of the leg muscles, (3) to determine the differential effect 2 between static stretching and dynamic stretching to the explosive power of the leg muscles, (4) to ditermine the most effective between static stretching and dynamic stretching to the explosive power of the leg muscles. Background: decreased student activity leads to decreased physical fitness one of the components is power. Research design : two groups pre test and post test design without randomisasi. Subject : RSAU dr Efram Harsana employee with 28 people divided into two groups. The first group of static stretches as many as 14 people and the second group dynamic stretching as many as 14 people with income 25-30 years and meet the criteria of inclusion. Treatment : the first group was given 5-minute jogging, 2-minute walking and static stretch...

Background : Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a nervous emphasis medianus of the wrist causing pai... more Background : Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a nervous emphasis medianus of the wrist causing pain, paresthesia, numbness, and weakness. Neuropathy on CTS were caused by entrapment neuropaty on carpal tunnel area, bounded by the carpal bones and also transverse carpal ligaments Objective : To know the influence of the treatment modalities by TENS, Ultra Sound and neural mobilization against a decrease in pain, increased the scope of the motion of joints (LGS) and muscle strength in case of CTS. Results : After therapy 4 times obtained results soreness silent T1: 1 be T4: 1, pain press T1: 3 into T4: 2, T1: 4 motion pain into T4: 3, there hasn't been an increase in muscle strength the wrist flexor T1 to T4: 4, wrist extensor T1 to T4: 4, ulnar wrist deviator T1 to T4: 5, radial deviator T1 to T4: 5, the increase in the scope of the motion of joints (wrist): T1: S = 450-00-650 into T4: S = 550-00-750, f: T1: 250-00-400 be a T4: = 350-00-450. Conclusion : modalities of TENS, ultra ...

Background: In human life as time passes must have old age. An elderly person is a person who has... more Background: In human life as time passes must have old age. An elderly person is a person who has undergone a physiological change in his body. One of the changes that occur is the elderly decreased elasticity of blood vessels. Decreased elasticity of these blood vessels will result in an increase in blood pressure automatically known as hypertension. Hypertension itself is a disease that is suffered by many elderly people around the world, not least Indonesia. Objective: This study aims to be able to determine the effect of acupuncture baihui point and hegu point of elderly patients with hypertension. Methods: This research uses quasi experimental design method with two pretest-posttest with control group design. The study was divided into two experimental groups, namely the treatment group and the control group. Technique of sampling is purposive sampling. Number of population 23 elderly and the sample include the inclusion criteria amounted to 14 elderly. The results were analyze...

Urinary incontinence is uncontrolled or undesirable urine loss redardless of the frequency or amo... more Urinary incontinence is uncontrolled or undesirable urine loss redardless of the frequency or amount of urine lost, that the patient feels it to be a social or hygienic problem. Surveys conducted in Asian countries found 38% presentation experienced by women and 19% experienced by men. The prevalence of urinary incontinence that occurs in many elderly living in the orphanage. Efforts that can be made to reduce the frequency of urinary incontinence are kegel exercises. This study aims to determine the effect of giving kegel exercises to the frequency of urinary incontinence in elderly women in Panti Wreda Dharma Bakti Surakarta. The method of research used in this study was quasy experiment with non-randomized two group pre-test and post-test design. Sampling technique by purposive sampling is chosen based on certain characteristics that is inclusion and exclusion criteria. The sample in this research is 13 elderly woman. The sample was divided into two group, the treatment group and...

Wseas Transactions On Environment And Development, Jan 14, 2024
Waste management is a serious problem in Indonesia. The government is unable to handle around 36%... more Waste management is a serious problem in Indonesia. The government is unable to handle around 36% of waste problems. These problems demand serious public attention. The concrete form of the public's serious concern is the emergence of ethical environmental behavior in waste management. This research aims to explore the impact of religious observance activities on waste management and its comparison with the behavior of the public. This research used a sociological descriptive qualitative approach with an ethnographic method. This research compared the waste management behaviors of two respondent groups. The first group consists of women who have received mentoring and training in waste management with economic value. The comparison group is women who are members of the Jamaah Ummahat Islamic organization of Qur'an recitation in a mosque. The results show that there is consistency and continuity in forming an understanding of environmental ethics in their teachings that is capable of changing environmentally ethical behavior in waste management. The religious sermon material is delivered with effective communication that is easily understood by the Jamaah Ummahat members.

Herb-Medicine Journal: Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah Herbal, Kedokteran dan Kesehatan
Impaired cognitive function is an individual's inability to perform daily functions and limit... more Impaired cognitive function is an individual's inability to perform daily functions and limits the quality of life. The prevalence of cognitive dysfunction in people in China, Spain, America, and Canada is 12.6%, 22.2%, and 16.8%. The prevalence of cognitive impairment that often occurs in Indonesia, namely dementia, is 10%. Insulin resistance causes inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction. The state of hyperglycemia occurs activation of pro-inflammatory cytokines that cause cognitive impairment. This study aims to determine the relationship between body mass index and blood glucose on cognitive function in patients with diabetes mellitus at the Gatak Sukoharjo Health Center, consisting of 36 patients. Research using observational analytics with Pearson test. The sample selection technique is purposive sampling. Based on the results of the study with the Pearson test (p = 0.043), it means that there is a significant relationship. Furthermore, obtained (p = 0.578) means that t...

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Medika
ABSTRAK Pengelolaan sampah di desa Jetis merupakan masalah yang perlu diperhatikan, karena berbag... more ABSTRAK Pengelolaan sampah di desa Jetis merupakan masalah yang perlu diperhatikan, karena berbagai alasan. Sungai Daleman yang bersebelahan dengan Pasar tradisional Daleman, dijadikan tempat pembuangan sampah secara sembarangan oleh masyarakat yang beraktifitas di sekitar pasar. Timbunan sampah di pinggiran sungai menimbulkan pendangkalan sungai. Sampah plastik berserakan di beberapa ruas jalan desa menjadi pemandangan yang kurang sedap. Tujuan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah perubahan perilaku masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sampah, melalui pembinaan terhadap tokoh-tokoh penggerak PKK. Manfaat kegiatan ini bagi masyarakat desa adalah merubah perilaku dalam pengelolaan sampah dan terwujudnya lingkungan hidup yang bersih dan sehat. Pengelolaan sampah menjadi produk bernilai ekonomis dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat. Bagi tim dosen dan mahasiswa, kegiatan ini merupakan bagian pembelajaran empiris dalam Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Etika terhadap Lingkungan (bagian d...

Majalah Ilmiah Fisioterapi Indonesia
Pendahuluan: Kondisi pandemi COVID-19 yang telah melanda dunia memiliki dampak yang signifikan te... more Pendahuluan: Kondisi pandemi COVID-19 yang telah melanda dunia memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap semua aspek kehidupan. Salah satu kegiatan yang terdampak adalah bidang olahraga sepak bola di kepelatihan Sport Academy Honggonilo. Pandemi COVID-19 menyebabkan frekuensi dan intensitas latihan dari para pemain/atlet berkurang. Kondisi pandemi mewajibkan atlet di Junior Sport Academy Honggonilo juga harus melakukan latihan rutin dengan mentaati protokol kesehatan yang berlaku. Kondisi ini terntunya mempengaruhi bentuk dan pola latihan yang diberikan pelatih kepada atlet. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kondisi pandemi COVID-19 terhadap perubahan pola latihan atlet sepak bola di Junior Sport Academy Honggonilo. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross-sectional study dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat ukur kepada sampel yang berjumlah 27 orang pemain/atlet dari populasi yang berjumlah 35 orang. Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil uji korela...

Jurnal Health Sains
Keseimbangan merupakan kemampuan seseorang untuk mengontrol posisi tubuhnya terhadap dasar pijaka... more Keseimbangan merupakan kemampuan seseorang untuk mengontrol posisi tubuhnya terhadap dasar pijakan. Keseimbangan merupakan interaksi yang kompleks dan interaksi sistem sensorik (vestibular, visual, dan somatosensoris termasuk propioseptor) dan musculoskeletal (otot, sendi, dan jaringan lunak lain) yang diatur dalam otak (kontrol motorik, sensorik, basal ganglia, cerebellum dan area asosiasi). Berkurangnya kemampuan untuk mempertahankan keseimbangan mengakibatkan peningkatan resiko jatuh. Latihan ankle strategy ini digunakan untuk melatih keseimbangan pada atlet tenis lapangan. Penyuluhan ini bertujuan untuk menambah pengetahuan kepada pelatih dan atlet tentang keseimbangan dan latihan yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan keseimbangan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan penyuluhan ini, dilakukan dengan metode presentasi dan diskusi. Ada 2 metode yang diberikan yaitu metode presentasi menjelaskan tentang isi materi penyuluhan dan metode demonstrasi untuk memberikan contoh latihan yang sudah dijelaskan...

Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada
Pendahuluan: Stunting merupakan suatu permasalahan gizi yang sampai waktu ini tengah menjadi aten... more Pendahuluan: Stunting merupakan suatu permasalahan gizi yang sampai waktu ini tengah menjadi atensi dan persoalan yang belum mampu teratasi. Asupan ASI eksklusif diprediksi mampu meminimalkan risiko stunting karena dalam ASI eksklusif terkandung komponen imun antibodi dan kalsium serta nutrisi yang dibutuhkan oleh bayi. Tujuan: Menganalisis pengaruh pemberian ASI eksklusif terhadap kejadian stunting pada anak usia 24-59 bulan. Metode: Literatur review dengan menggunakan PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) untuk ekstraksi data. Database yang digunakan meliputi Google Scholar, Science direct, Pubmed. Dan Sage Journals dengan menggunakan kata kunci (“Exclusive Breastfeeding” OR Breastfeeding OR “Breast fed”) AND (Stunting OR “Growth Disorder” OR “Stunted Growth”) AND Toddler. Hasil: Eksktraksi diperoleh 16 artikel yang dianalisis. Kesimpulan: Pemberian ASI eksklusif pada balita 24-59 bulan dapat menjadi faktor protektif terhadap stunting sedangka...

Permainan tenis merupakan salah satu olahraga yang sangat populer dan banyak digemari oleh semua ... more Permainan tenis merupakan salah satu olahraga yang sangat populer dan banyak digemari oleh semua lapisan masyarakat. Prestasi yang maksimal dalam olahraga sangat ditentukan dengan performa atlet saat kompetisi, 80% dipengaruhi oleh faktor psikologis dan 20% dipengaruhi oleh faktor kemampuan fisik hingga teknik.Salah satu masalah yang paling sering dialami atlet pada saat pertandingan ialah kecemasan. Kecemasan dalam olahraga yang paling umum di lingkungan olahraga juga bisa disebut stres kompetitif. Teknik relaksasi merupakan salah satu strategi koping yang digunakan atlet, koping strategi menggunakan teknik relaksasi. Manfaat dari relaksasi menambah kepercayaan diri dan menurunkan kecemasan, relaksasi dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara baik secara individu maupun kelompok. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memberikan edukasi pada atlet akan pentingnya relaksasi otot progresif untuk menurunkan kecemasan. Metode kegiatan penyuluhan ini dengan memberikan edukasi di komunitas tenis Blora ...
Effects of McKenzie and stabilization exercises in reducing pain intensity and functional disabil... more Effects of McKenzie and stabilization exercises in reducing pain intensity and functional disability in individuals with nonspecific chronic low back pain: a systematic review.

FISIO MU: Physiotherapy Evidences, 2021
ABSTRAKLatar Belakang : Tenaga medis dan kesehatan mempunyai peran krusial dalam menghadapi pande... more ABSTRAKLatar Belakang : Tenaga medis dan kesehatan mempunyai peran krusial dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19 secara langsung menangani pasien yang terjangkit virus Covid-19. Telah banyak kejadian menyebutkan bahwa ketidakadilan berupa tindakan maupun perkataan yang dialami tenaga medis dan kesehatan. Melihat dari ketetapan perundang–undangan sebagai dasar hukum, maka hak atas perlindungan hukum bagi tenaga medis dan kesehatan harusnya sangat diperhatikan untuk kesejahteraan pelayan kesehatan lebih khususnya di masa krisis pandemi Covid-19 seperti ini. Namun dalam praktiknya di lapangan ketidakadilan masih sering terjadi dan dianggap terjadi kesalahpahaman yang berujung mediasi, walaupun begitu dalam kasus–kasus tertentu yang sangat merugikan hal tersebut dapat menyebabkan kejadian terulang kembali karena tidak ada ketegasan hukum yang mengawal dan sanksi yang membuat pelaku tidak mendapat efek jera. Tujuan : Mengetahui regulasi yang ada sebagai upaya perlindungan hukum bagi tenaga m...

Background: Maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) is the maximum amount of oxygen that can be consu... more Background: Maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) is the maximum amount of oxygen that can be consumed during intense physical activity until eventually fatigue occurs. VO2max values can be affected by genetics, gender, age and activity (exercise). One physical exercise that is known to improve endurance or physical fitness is jogging. Jogging in the middle age range is highly recommended so it can produce exercise effects on the cardiovascular system and can improve physical fitness (ability to perform more activities with certain heartbeats). Objective: To know the maximum amount of oxygen used by each person aged 45-59 years old during jogging activity with VO2max measurement. Research Method: This type of research is experimental, using pre test and post test design without comparison group aiming to know the effect of jogging on VO2max improvement in middle age (45-59 years). Results: The result of research after test of influence by using Paired Sample T-Test before and after gi...

The Elderly is undergoing an aging process characterized by a decrease in psychological, physical... more The Elderly is undergoing an aging process characterized by a decrease in psychological, physical and social conditions. Sleep change is one of the physical changes in the elderly. Sleep changes can lead to serious and chronic sleep disorders when not treated promptly. Sleep disturbance can be reduced by the use of sleeping pills and nonpharmacological ways of sleep regimen therapy, relaxation therapy, and psychological therapy. Relaxation therapy can be done one of them with music therapy. There are various types of music therapy, including spiritual (murattal) and non-spiritual, murattal music chosen by Ar-Rahman's letter, and non-spiritual music chosen is keroncong music. The objective of the research is to know the difference of 2 the effect of giving the murattal of Al-Qur'an letter Ar-Rahman and keroncong music to the improvement of quality of elderly sleep. The research was a quasi experiment with two group pre test and post test design. The sample of this study were ...
Papers by Siti Soekiswati